Musk Comments on Next Gen Tesla, Cybertruck + China Sales Spring Ahead

发布时间 2023-12-06 01:41:58    来源


Munro interviews Musk: ➤ New comments on next-gen vehicles, Cybertruck ➤ EPA publishes ...



Hey everybody Rob Merr here and today we are going to be talking about a new interview from Elon Musk in which he shares some comments on Tesla's next generation vehicle plans, also some comments on the Cybertruck, we've got a bit of news on the Cybertruck battery, Model 3, and China sales. Quick look at the stock, a little bit of volatility today but Tesla still ending up in a nice spot up 1.3% on the day to $238.72, with Nasdaq up about 3.10% of a percent.
大家好,我是罗布·默尔,今天我们要谈谈埃隆·马斯克的新一次采访。在这次采访中,他分享了一些关于特斯拉下一代车型计划的评论,还提到了Cybertruck,我们还有一些关于Cybertruck电池、Model 3以及中国销售的新闻。我们先来快速看一下股票情况,今天有些波动,但特斯拉最终以1.3%的涨幅收盘,报238.72美元,而纳斯达克指数上涨了约3.10%。

Alright so first up today we've got a new Elon Musk interview to discuss this was from St. Cenem and Rome and RealLive, I'll link to this down in the description, but I think this happened the day after the Cybertruck event so of course some discussion on the Cybertruck we'll talk a little bit about that.
好的,今天首先我们要讨论的是一次新的埃隆·马斯克采访。这次采访来自St. Cenem and Rome和RealLive,我会在描述中放上链接。我想这是在Cybertruck事件的第二天进行的,所以当然会讨论一下Cybertruck。我们会稍微谈谈这个。

But perhaps most interestingly Elon did share some comments on Tesla's next generation vehicle. He noted that he couldn't say a whole lot about it with Tesla being a public company, forward looking statements and all of those sort of good disclaimers, but he did share a little bit, said quote, we are working on a low cost electric vehicle that will be made in very high volume, we're quite far advanced in that work.

I review the production line plans for that every week and I think the revolution in manufacturing that will be represented by that car will blow people's minds. It is not like any car production line that anyone has ever seen. So this backs up comments we had previously heard from Walter Isaacson relating to the Elon Musk biography in terms of reviewing production planning each week and to hear Elon describe it as quite far advanced is both exciting and encouraging.

He did also confirm something that we had previously heard also from the biography that the first production line for the next generation vehicle is going to be at Gigatexus, said Gigamexico would be the second place and that quote, it would take too long to complete the factory in Mexico and quote, referencing the possibility of having the first line there instead.

Now you could interpret that and some people are interpreting that to mean that the next generation vehicle so far along that they just had to pull it into Gigatexus because it was happening so quickly. And I suppose that's possible but I think it was more so pulled into Gigatexus so that it can happen as quickly as possible rather than that being an indication of being ahead of any particular schedule.

Also watching the full interaction to me it kind of seemed like the Mexico comment from Elon was kind of thrown in there to address a comment that Sandia had made about Mexico and although Elon didn't explicitly say Mexico would take too long at this point that was more so my interpretation of what he was trying to say.

Regardless Gigatexus confirmed Walter Isaacson had previously said that one of the main drivers of that decision was just co-locating with Tesla's engineering team which of course makes a lot of sense.

The other comment Elon had on the next generation vehicle was quote, the thing that's most interesting about this is its production system. It's a level of production technology that is far in advance of any automotive plant on Earth. This is also very exciting but we do have to remember that with revolutionary new technology sometimes comes challenges.

We've seen that consistently in Tesla's history from the Model 3 and the over automation of the production line during that phase. Elon's of course talked about it a lot recently with the Cybertruck, the Model X ramp for those that remember that. All challenges that Tesla overcomes and leave Tesla in a great spot but just worth keeping in mind relative to expectations particularly around timing.
我们从特斯拉的历史中一直看到这一点,从Model 3以及该阶段生产线的过度自动化。埃隆最近当然也经常谈论这个问题,包括Cybertruck和Model X的上市。这些都是特斯拉克服的挑战,让特斯拉处于一个很好的位置,但在预期方面特别是时间方面值得我们注意。

Speaking of timing one of the things that Monroe asked Elon about was what are the biggest challenges in actually getting this vehicle now to market and I think reference the amount of time that it's been which kind of led Elon down that direction and he said really during that period it was a relevant for Tesla to bring another car to market because they didn't have enough parts to build.

The other cars that they were already producing at that time, the Model 3, the Model Y. The unveiling event was late 2019. The earliest ever target for deliveries was late 2021 and of course right between there you had COVID and then you had huge supply chain disruptions and Tesla managed through all of that incredibly well I think but they were obviously constrained and that was reflected in the margins that we were seeing at the time and I think that's really clear in hindsight now so given those constraints and Elon was saying this throughout that period why shift resources away from that production for a new vehicle that doesn't even grow the total amount of vehicles you can sell and actually probably reduces it due to the increased complexity.
当时他们已经生产的其他车型有Model 3和Model Y。揭幕活动是在2019年末。最早的交付目标是在2021年末,当然在这期间还遇到了COVID和庞大供应链中断的问题,我认为特斯拉在所有这些问题中表现得非常出色,但显然他们受到了限制,这在当时的利润率中也得到了体现,我现在觉得这一点很清楚。鉴于这些限制,埃隆当时一直在说这句话,为什么要将资源从本已有的生产转移到一款新车上,这款新车甚至不会增加你可以销售的总汽车数量,实际上由于复杂性的增加,很可能会减少销售数量。

So yeah that can sound like a bit of an excuse but I think now that we're finally at Cybertruck deliveries it's important to look back and reflect on those things and I think it does make a lot of sense. It doesn't mean that they could have just done the Cybertruck earlier if they wanted to but if those constraints are at all accurate then I think Tesla very much made the right call during that period.

As for timing going forward in terms of how things ramp up from here, Monroe asked Elon has said what he said before it's you know difficult to forecast how things hit on an S curve during the ramp. It hinges on the least lucky part of over 10,000 parts and processes that go into building a vehicle so nothing too new there he said it's probably not going to be material to the financials in 2024 but that it will probably be material in 2025. I don't take too much from that that doesn't mean it's going to be completely irrelevant or insignificant in 2024 but relative to the scale of Model 3 and Model Y even at full production capacity for the Cybertruck its impact on the financials are generally going to be a little bit limited especially during a ramping period.
关于从现在开始逐渐提升的时间安排,Monroe问Elon是否和以前所说的一样,很难预测在提升期间,事物如何遵循S型曲线。这取决于构建一辆车所需的10000多个零部件和工艺中最不幸运的部分,因此对于2024年的财务状况来说,可能不会有太大影响,但很可能在2025年会有显著的影响。我从中不会得出太多结论,这并不意味着2024年完全无关紧要或不重要,但相对于Model 3和Model Y的规模,即使在Cybertruck实现全产能时,其对财务状况的影响也会在提升期间相对有限。

Beyond that on the Cybertruck they talked about some of the technical details that we've already covered like the 48 volt architecture and the big step forward that that represents. Elon said a lot of these things are just pretty obvious things higher voltage, higher data rate system in the vehicle really just trying to bring car electronics into 2023. It's reminiscent of what they tried to do with the Model S in you know 2012-2013 catching automotive technology up to other consumer products at that time. Cybertruck definitely represents another big step in that regard. They also touched on steer by wire Elon said that he didn't spend much time on it in the presentation because it's difficult to really understand the value of it from someone telling you but once you drive it it's something that you immediately understand and that's something that we heard about from their reviewers as well. I wish they would have talked a little bit more about the production implications for that system but I don't think we got any new details there. Those were kind of the big notes for me.
此外,在Cybertruck上,他们谈到了一些我们已经讨论过的技术细节,例如48伏特的架构以及它所代表的重大进步。埃隆说,很多这些东西都是很明显的事情,如更高的电压、更高的数据传输速率系统,就是试图将汽车电子技术带入到2023年。这让人想起他们在2012-2013年试图通过Model S来赶上当时其他消费品的汽车技术。从这个角度来看,Cybertruck无疑代表了另一次重大的进步。他们还谈到了电子驱动转向系统,埃隆说他在演示中没有花太多时间讲这个,因为从别人的口头介绍很难理解它的价值,但一旦你亲自驾驶,你就会立刻明白它的价值,这也是我们从他们的评论者那里听到的。我希望他们能多谈谈这个系统对生产的影响,但我想我们没有得到任何新的细节。这对我来说是最重要的要点。

Sandy also mentioned that he was really really delighted with the back seat and the amount of space that was back there so I know a lot of people still curious about that. Good to hear that from Sandy as well.

Also on the Cybertruck the EPA has published their certification report for the vehicle and as a part of this we get some details on the battery. I think Troy tracked this down first and I always like to do anything battery related get Jordan's take from the limiting factor. He shared his thoughts on X so in general we're looking at a battery pack size 122.4 kilowatt hours roughly 170 watt hours per kilogram in terms of energy density. A few things make that a little bit difficult to compare 100% apples to apples but as Jordan says here it's maybe a little bit shy of being on par with the best 2170s or 18650s in terms of pack level energy density but getting closer and certainly an improvement over the first 4680 model Y packs that we saw out of Giga Texas. So this is the version 2 quote unquote cyber cell that Drew has talked about on the last couple of conference calls. Hopefully on the earnings call in January we'll continue to hear a little bit more about the progress there.

Alright next we've got updated China insured vehicle numbers for the week of November 27th through December 3rd and we're seeing another really strong week another sequential increase in these numbers with 17,400 vehicles being insured during the week up from 16.7,000 the week before. This is the best individual week since March and the second best week so far this year. Quarter to date through the first 9 weeks of the quarter Tesla for Q4 is now sitting just over 104,000 insured vehicles and that pushes it ahead of Q3 for the quarter to date number which it had been trailing behind previously now up about 3.5% over that quarter to date period and up 10% over Q2 and 47% over Q1 for those same periods. This was done with again a pretty small number of model 3s only 3300 in this number so depending on what Tesla does with allocation and all that sort of stuff there would be room for this to increase. It'll take about 160,000 for the quarter to beat Q2's record we've got 4 weeks left so about 14,000 a week would do it.
好的,接下来我们将介绍11月27日至12月3日的中国车辆保险更新数量。我们看到另一个非常强劲的一周,这些数字继续增长,上周投保的车辆数量为17,400辆,而上周为16,700辆。这是自3月以来最好的一周,也是今年迄今为止第二好的一周。截至本季度的前9周,特斯拉第四季度已经投保了超过104,000辆车,这使得它在本季度累计数量上超过了之前落后的第三季度,增幅约为3.5%,而相较于第二季度增长了10%,相较于第一季度增长了47%。这些数据中,Model 3的数量仅为3300辆,因此根据特斯拉在分配等方面的决策,这个数字还有增长的余地。要打破第二季度的记录,本季度需要大约160,000辆车,我们还有4周的时间,每周约需14,000辆即可实现。

Alright last item for today quick update on the EV tax credit relating to the model 3 Tesla a few days ago changed the description explaining the tax credit on the model 3 order page it now says that the $7,500 tax credit will reduce to $37.50 for model 3 real wheel drive and model 3 long range on January 1st 2024.
今天最后一个事项,关于特斯拉 Model 3 的电动汽车税收抵免的一个快速更新。几天前,特斯拉在 Model 3 的订购页面上更改了关于税收抵免的说明,现在说明中说,对于 2024 年1月1日之后购买的 Model 3 后驱和长续航版车型,7500美元的税收抵免将减少到37.50美元。

Previously the language here was a little bit less specific I think it said that credit may be reduced and I don't know if it specified exactly for which trims so it seems like Tesla has gotten more guidance or clarification on how exactly requirements will apply beginning in the new year.

As we have seen those things could still change but that seems to be the case for now.

This will likely be mitigated to an extent by the transition over to the Highland model 3 in the US at some point but still worth noting.

Alright that'll wrap it up for today then as always thank you for listening make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications and also find me on the X at Tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Wednesday December 6th episode of Tesla daily.

Thank you.