Cybertruck Reaction After Deliveries
发布时间 2023-12-01 00:46:10 来源
Rob Maurer shares his initial thoughts after the first Cybertruck deliveries X: Shareloft: ...
Hey everybody Rob Maurer here. I just got back from the Cyber Truck Delivery event a little bit ago and I wanted to do a quick episode here and go through initial thoughts on what we have learned today with the first Cyber Truck deliveries and all or most of the specs being posted online after that.
大家好,我是罗布·莫尔,刚刚从Cyber Truck交付活动回来不久。我想在这里快速做个节目,就今天我们从首批Cyber Truck交付以及之后发布的大部分规格上线所了解到的初步想法进行讨论。
So we're going to go through it. This is not meant to be all inclusive. This is really just, you know, initial first thoughts. It's going to take many days to absorb this for all of us. We're going to, as we have seen since the, since the event, we're going to continue to learn new information about it. So we're going to take time to make sure that all that's communicated and understood as we process what, what is the Cyber Truck and everything that comes along with it.
所以我们要逐步进行。这不意味着包罗万象。这只是我们的初步思考。我们需要花很多时间来吸收这一切。正如我们自事件发生以来所看到的,我们将继续了解有关此事的新信息。因此,我们需要时间来确保在我们处理Cyber Truck和相关一切时,所有信息都得到传达和理解。
So first thing, you know, first reaction, this is a heck of a product, right? There is so much new technology in here that Tesla has incorporated. I think that was very clear from the presentation today. I didn't, you know, I was at the event so I didn't see the live stream. I know there's a lot of new details that have been posted online since the live stream. So if you only watched the live stream, make sure to go and, you know, review the Cyber Truck page that now has a lot of new details on it.
首先,你知道的,第一反应就是这是一个非常厉害的产品,对吧?特斯拉在这里融入了很多新技术。我认为今天的发布会非常清楚地表明了这一点。我没有看现场直播,因为我在现场参加了活动。我知道自从现场直播以来,有很多新的细节已经在网上发布了。所以如果你只看了现场直播,请务必去查看一下Cyber Truck页面,它现在有很多新的细节。
But I think what was clear is that there is, again, so much new technology in here, just walking through the production line. This was very much on display. So here we have a nice shot of the cast pieces of the vehicle. You know, we've seen some of these things before, but just to highlight again, a lot of the stuff that Tesla is putting in here. Of course, this is the outcome of the 9,000 ton giga casting machine. So here we can see the rear casting and, you know, we've seen those before. And then here we see the front cast pieces as well, which, you know, I believe these are cast looking at them, but we can get confirmation on that. But just seeing this and seeing just the frame of the vehicle and how Tesla is building this car is pretty wild. So very exciting from that perspective.
Tons of new technology again, outside of things that we even knew about before. One thing that has come out since the event is a new product from Tesla called PowerShare. So we've got PowerWall, we set PowerPack. Now we've got PowerShare, which is bidirectional charging, as we can see from the Cybertruck. So it was rumored that this would be coming. We now have that confirmation. Tesla gives us some specifications here on the PowerShare page, which is just slash PowerShare. Right now the Cybertruck, of course, is going to be the only vehicle capable of this, but presumably over time, this will extend to other vehicles. The max continuous power is 11 and a half kilowatts. So a pretty significant power there. And of course, the battery capacity would be much more significant than a product like a PowerWall because you're leveraging these Cybertrucks 100 plus kilowatt hour pack. So a significant amount of energy there with plenty of power.
And one thing that Tesla has done here that maybe a lot of people don't realize this is actually incorporated to work with the universal wall connector. So Tesla released that product a few months ago. We talked about it. Tesla does have the adapter built in, kind of the magic dock system. In addition to that, Tesla also built in the capability of using that connector for the spy directional power transfer. So powering vehicle to home is as simple as plugging in and charging your vehicle and no other cables necessary there in terms of creating that connection. You will still need some other equipment, of course.
So the Tesla Gateway and backup switch will also be required. If you do have a PowerWall setup, of course, you're going to have some of these things already installed. In which case, if you've already got a PowerWall, you've already got the universal wall connector, it should theoretically just be pretty much plug and play, which would be pretty exciting for those customers that are in that situation. So this is something a lot of people have been asking for for Tesla for a long time. I think Elon has said he maybe doesn't really feel like it's necessary or there's always concerns too with cycle life and things like that for battery cells. But Tesla now finally at the point where they feel like they can do that and initially offering it here on the cyber truck. So very exciting.
Of course, there's tons of onboard power, including a 240 volt outlet. So we talked about the rumors of that. We've got that confirmation now. So it should be great for powering tools, any equipment that's needed on site. And with this power share option, you can even charge other vehicles if you need to. If somebody is stranded on the side of the road or something like that, nice to have vehicles out there that over time there's going to be more and more of them that can help you out if you do get kind of in a bind like that. So hopefully nothing that ever happens. But just having that peace of mind, I think is something that is nice, nice to and that will increase over time.
So in addition to that, Elon mentioned that they do have the 800 volt powertrain architecture here. So that's from around 400 volts from sort of previous generation test of vehicles. So that's a big change in the powertrain. They mentioned the 48 volt electronics architecture. So that was something that was covered at investor day. That's going to be able to reduce. It's a significant change. Everything has been 12 volt forever in the automotive industry. So Tesla taking that pretty big leap forward, that's going to help save weight, save costs. But it is a big change and requires a lot of supply chain movement to come along with that. So exciting to see Tesla push that forward and that will benefit them in future vehicles as well, which I think is sort of a commonality with what we're seeing here that is sort of this technological marvel that is the Cybertruck product.
Steer by wire. This is another huge one. I don't have a screen pulled up for this, but this is something that Tesla's actually been working on. I heard today for six years. So steer by wire is a very complex system, simple in terms of understanding it. And they explained, you know, steering differential and how that will change based on speed for the vehicle for turning. So I don't know in terms of how in terms of production or cost, how this will look over the long term, a complex system though, that could be something that is even simpler to produce. I would love to hear Tesla talk a little bit more about that. But again, something that Tesla's put a lot of time, a lot of effort into that we're now finally seeing appear in a product for the first time. I think there may be a couple other vehicles on the market that have steer by wire. But as far as I know, Cybertruck's planned production level is going to be the highest volume steer by wire vehicle on the market. So we can confirm that again, this is all initial stuff and we'll do more research and figure all this stuff out. But it's exciting to see such a big change in, you know, fundamentally how vehicle works, being brought to market here with the Cybertruck.
“Steer by wire”是另一个非常重要的技术。我现在没有屏幕,但特斯拉实际上一直在研发这项技术,我今天听说已经研发了六年。Steer by wire是一个非常复杂的系统,但从理解的角度来说很简单。他们解释了如何根据车速改变车辆转弯时的转向差异。所以我不知道从生产或成本的角度来看,长远来看这会是什么样子,但这是一个复杂的系统,可能会更容易生产。我很想听特斯拉多说一点关于这个的内容。但是再次强调,特斯拉在这方面投入了很多时间和精力,现在我们终于看到它首次出现在产品中。我想还有其他几款车型市场上也采用了steer by wire技术。但据我所知,Cybertruck计划生产的数量将是市场上steer by wire车型中最多的。所以我们可以再次确认,这些都是初始的信息,我们将进行更多的研究,搞清楚所有这些问题。但是能够看到这样一个对汽车的基本工作方式有如此重大改变的新产品上市,真是令人兴奋。
And of course, rear steering, which we have talked about many times, Tesla's confirmed that to be the case. They showed a number of demo videos where it was navigating around the job site very easily. Elon said the turning radius actually better than a Model S, which is pretty crazy for a vehicle of this size. We talked about bidirectional on board power, but just in general, a whole lot of new technology here in the Cybertruck, which I think is making that, you know, in addition to just being the crazy vehicle that it is, some of the underlying stuff is very exciting too.
当然了,后轮转向,这是我们多次谈到的,特斯拉已经证实了这一点。他们展示了一些演示视频,车辆在工地上轻松驾驶。埃隆说转弯半径实际上比Model S更好,考虑到这款车的尺寸,这真的很疯狂。我们谈到了双向车载电源,总的来说,Cybertruck在技术上引入了许多新技术,我认为这不仅是一辆疯狂的车辆,底层技术也非常令人兴奋。
So that brings us into the pricing. So we now finally have it. We've got pricing. We've got range details. We've got the in the order screen now Cybertruck single motor rear wheel drive. I guess it maybe doesn't specify exactly if it's single motor, but presumably single motor rear wheel drive available 2025 at the earliest. Obviously that'll, that'll depend on the other configurations and how Tesla works through them, but starting at 60,990 in 2025, 250 mile range estimated. So these specs are all pretty close to the unveiling with the obvious outlier of pricing. Usually a vehicle of this sort was supposed to be around 39.9. Of course, there's been a lot of inflation since then, but even including that, this would be sort of outside of that target.
这就让我们开始讨论定价。所以现在我们终于有了。我们有了定价。我们也有了续航细节。在订单屏幕上列出了 Cybertruck 单电机后驱型。我猜可能没有明确指定是单电机,但可以假设是单电机后驱,最早在 2025 年可供选择。显然这个时间会取决于其他配置以及特斯拉如何解决它们,但起价为 60,990 美元,续航里程预计为 250 英里。所以这些规格与首次公开发布非常接近,只是定价是个明显的异常值。一般来说,这类车辆的价格应该在 39,900 美元左右。当然,之后通胀很严重,但即便考虑到这一点,它也高于目标值。
Elon did prepare us for that in a number of different ways. First of all, he said outright that the pricing is going to be higher than what was targeted initially. And then secondarily, we see Tesla's production volume plans, right? They, Elon has said 250,000 sort of in that ballpark, they'll see and adjust from there.
It'll be based on a couple things. It'll be based on, based on demand for these configurations that Tesla's offering right now. And it'll be based on how much cost progress Tesla can make. Like I said, a ton of new technology in here, which is, I think, a part of why we are seeing pricing where it is. I think Tesla also just in a situation where 4680s have taken a little bit longer than they had initially hoped back in 2019, of course. And the Cybertruck itself, I think, has become a more complex product with, again, some of these things that Tesla's implemented over time.
So we had a couple of hints, Elon, saying it, and then also just the sort of lower production volume target, then maybe what we would have initially hoped or expected based off of the price points that were pretty significantly lower. Now the other thing, of course, we'll talk about the other configurations here, but just pricing in general, you've got the EV tax credit, that's going to boost things. So $7,500, Tesla's going to try to take advantage of that, most likely in terms of how they're pricing the vehicle. That was obviously not existing or not relevant for Tesla at that point as they had burned through it back in 2019 at that 200,000 vehicle cap, which then caused it to expire for manufacturers. Now with that back, that's going to affect pricing. And then also, I lost my train of thought on that one as I was explaining the tax credit situation, but I'll try to remember what I was saying there.
As I try to do that, we'll go through the other configurations here. So the all-wheel drive, this is the initial version. I'm not sure if they're delivering the tri-motor, which is the cyber beast, but as we look at these two, we've got the all-wheel drive at $7,999, delivering in 2024, as I say here, of course, some vehicles delivered today, but for an order screen like this, you're going to say at the earliest 2024, 340 miles of range. This is one of the positive surprises, I think. So we had seen sort of the post from Marquez Brownlee, MKBHD yesterday. I know we didn't have an episode yesterday, but hopefully many people saw that. That showed 265 miles of range. It looked like it was 90% charged. So that kind of extrapolated to right around 300. For us to see 340, I think that's a nice number. And this actually does outpace what Tesla had said to expect for the dual motor back in 2019. Of course, the price is again significantly higher. But I think that's a pretty nice range number for a vehicle here that is coming in just under the $80,000 cap for trucks for the EV credit.
当我努力去做的时候,我们将浏览其他配置。所以四轮驱动是最初版。我不确定他们是否会推出三电机版本,也就是所谓的“疯狂野兽”,但是当我们看这两个版本时,四轮驱动的价格是$79,999,在2024年交付。当然,有一些车辆今天就可以交付,但是对于像这样的订单页面,你所能选择的最早交付日期是2024年,续航里程为340英里。我认为这是一个积极的惊喜。昨天我们看到了Marquez Brownlee, MKBHD的帖子。虽然我们昨天没有发布节目,但希望很多人看到了。那个帖子显示续航里程为265英里,看起来电量充得差不多了90%。所以我们可以推测这个车的续航里程差不多300英里。但是实际上达到了340英里,我认为这个数字还是很不错的。实际上,这个数字超过了特斯拉在2019年提到的双电机车型的预期续航里程。当然,价格也显著高一些。但是对一辆价格刚好低于8万美元的卡车来说,这个续航里程还是相当不错的,可以享受到电动车税收优惠。
And for all the benefits and capability and utility that the cyber truck is offering, which of course, Tesla highlighted, we're not going to go through all the fun examples that they showed, but quite a few things highlighting the capability of the cyber truck. So I think if you're able to kind of remove the anchor of the pricing and the range specs and things that we heard about in 2019, which fair or not, you can argue both sides of that, if we just look at this in isolation and we pretend we didn't know anything about it before, I think this is a very compelling sort of vehicle. And for now, price point, hopefully Tesla can make progress on that over time and bring it down. That's historically what we've seen in pretty much every case for Tesla. So that's our vehicle lineup. So we'll hope for that.
The other thing now that I remember, so you've got the EV tax credit and of course you've also got initial ramp up phase, right? So production is going to be very limited. Your early people in the line are going to be willing to pay a premium to have one of those first vehicles while production is slower. So for Tesla, they can price things a little bit higher if they want to. They don't always, you know, quite take advantage of those types of things. But if they want to, cyber trucks can be expensive initially, capture some of that additional cost to get sold back through higher prices and then bring those down over time. We have no way of knowing that. If that'll happen, a counterpoint to that is that their real wheel drive version does say available in 2025 and they're giving a price point for it right now, obviously an estimate. But, you know, we shouldn't expect any huge drops that early. Maybe as we go forward, go forward into the latter part of the decade, we do see that, but, you know, we'll have to, we'll have to wait and see.
So that's the all wheel drive version 4.1 seconds here to 60. Again, that was a little bit better than what Tesla had sort of targeted. Obviously, price big caveat there. 11,000 pound, 11,000 pound towing capacity, 2500 pound payload. So we've talked about those things before.
And then the cyber beast version. So this is the one that beats a Porsche 911 while hauling a Porsche 911. So that was a fun, really fun demo to see 2.6 seconds here to 60, pretty crazy, 320 miles of range. So presumably the same pack here, but with a significant or an additional motor, presumably it doesn't specify it, but presumably, I think Tesla actually talked about it, three motors here. So pretty crazy performance on this version. And of course, that's in the just under $100,000.
Now this order screen is more of a reservation screen at this point rather than a full design studio. So I think people asking about like FSD and maybe other options for the vehicle. This is more of a reservation screen right now. So I assume over time as Tesla ramps up production, as they're configuring more vehicles, they'll, you know, unlock that full sort of design studio that we're used to, where you can presumably select from some more options. But right now kind of just which trim do you want? And you know, $250 order, which is a little bit more than it was before.
And then one of the most interesting things here, see if I've got, well, one quick thing. I did happen to notice the consumption on one of these pages. Tesla says 42.9 kilowatt hours per 100 miles for this all wheel drive version. So multiply that by 3.4 because you've got the 340 mile range in this vehicle. That should mean 145 kilowatt hour pack. So we had heard 122. So that's a little bit different. We'll have to kind of get to the bottom of that. I'm not going to read too much into it, but that would also obviously suggest 429 watt hours per mile from that efficiency number. Now that's a little bit small for most people on here.
Alright. So getting into some of the other specs, one of the most interesting things, Tesla didn't talk about this at all in the presentation. There's a range extender, range extender, always cracked a little bit there. But we can see here on the cyber beast version, that'll take the range up to 440 miles. The all wheel drive version actually will get all the way up to 470 miles with the range extender. So there is a photo of this on the cyber truck page. So we can see this is just an additional battery that will sit in the bed of the truck. Sort of like you might have a toolbox or something like that. You may have seen toolboxes like that in trucks before kind of taking up where that space might be. Now we don't know a whole lot about it at this point. Again, Tesla didn't really talk about it at all.
好的。所以让我们来了解一些其他规格,其中最有趣的事情是,特斯拉在演示中根本没有提及。设计了一个续航器,续航器,在那里开了个小口子。但是我们可以在Cyber Beast版本上看到,它可以将续航里程延长到440英里。四驱版本实际上可以搭载续航器,将续航里程延长到470英里。所以在Cyber Truck的网页上有一张它的照片。我们可以看到它只是一个额外的电池,将放置在卡车底座上。就像你可能有一个工具箱之类的东西。你可能以前在卡车上看到过这样的工具箱,它们占用了原本的空间。现在,在这一点上我们对它了解不多。再说一遍,特斯拉根本没有提及过它。
There's something in the code that suggested that maybe this is going to be $16,000. And obviously, if we look at the range, in this case, you're extending the range by 130 plus miles with this. So whatever size battery that would be, we'll have to kind of do the math on. But interesting, obviously, this is completely new. Something that we have not seen from Tesla before. So as a concept, I don't know, there's a lot to think about for those people that are more wanting more range versus critical for them to have completely flat and full bed storage. What is the overlap between those two? Maybe not a whole lot. So maybe this could be a good solution for Tesla for those that really feel like they do need that additional range.
And as we talk about the initial specs and what Tesla delivered on, what they didn't deliver on from those initial targets, obviously not delivering on price. And range, you could also put into that category a little bit, depending on how you're looking at things. But the range extender does get it very close to that initial target of having a vehicle that could go 500 miles. So again, I don't know that Tesla, when they announced those things, this is probably not the vision that they had in mind for it at that point in time. But for them to figure out a solution and be able to offer it, I think, although it would be awesome if it was just a trim that was available with a battery pack under the floor, this could be a good solution for some people. So I don't, I haven't quite fully wrapped my head around it yet, but it is going to be interesting and we'll kind of get, see what people's feedback and reception to that feature is.
And then as we saw going into it from the Tesla app, some of those leaks that we had talked about, there are a number of accessories here. So Tesla's updated the shop page. And there's a whole, whole page here of Cybertruck accessories that are available, including that base camp tent. They did have this on display at the event. So I got a little video of that. I'm sure there's a bunch of that on social media already though.
They do have the colored paint film wrap. So this would be very similar to what we talked about with the Model 3 and the Model Y, basically a P.P.F. or paint protective film wrap. So high quality and although it is expensive at $6,500, this is something that Tesla seems to be trying out. This is still only available in a couple stores in California and it's something that's done after delivery, so not in the design studio. But right now they are offering a couple of configurations of it, the satin black and satin white. So we'll see. I think that's going to be a huge option at that price point, but Tesla kind of trying it out and maybe over time something that they can also bring down.
他们确实有彩色涂料薄膜包装。所以这与我们之前谈论的Model 3和Model Y非常相似,基本上是一种P.P.F.或者涂料保护薄膜包装。因此,尽管价格昂贵,达到了6500美元,这是特斯拉似乎在尝试的一种东西。目前,这仅在加利福尼亚州的一些商店提供,并且是在交付后进行的,而不是在设计工作室。但是现在他们正在提供一些不同的配置,包括哑光黑和哑光白。所以我们将拭目以待。我认为这将是一个重要的选项,因为它的价格点很高,但特斯拉会尝试并逐渐降低价格。
So here's the base camp tent. Honestly I'm not a tent shopper often, but it doesn't seem too bad of a price. All things considered, especially since this is presumably pretty custom tailored for the Cybertruck. So pretty exciting to see some of this accessory development from Tesla. They've also got just general truck accessories like a divider here for the cargo bed and things like that. They do have the light bar. The light bar is not in the shop yet, but they do show the light bar here on the Cybertruck page. They do say that that installation is required. So it does look like that's an accessory, not an accessory that is available in the shop yet. And of course one thing here, the OMFG decal for those that want to remember the infamous moment from the unveiling event. I don't remember if I had anything here.
This is just the sort of wrap up. So I do want to take a quick look at the comments here. Again, this is just going to be initial thoughts. We're going to have to take a lot more time to really fully digest the Cybertruck and all the news that we heard here, pricing, range, you know, how those compare to Tesla's production level targets and things like that. It's going to be interesting. You know, this is a very unique product. Tesla is going to have a limited feel for what the market is going to be until it's out there and they're producing it. So I think Tesla has said, you know, they're going to start slow, see how it goes. And I think that's both on the demand side and the cost side. And hopefully both of those things go well. And this is a product that can, you know, do bigger volume in the future.
So again, I think if you went into it and you kind of anchored it around like the 2019 targets, it's going to be. You're going to need some disappointments here, right? And certainly it's fair to be critical of maybe not living up to those initial targets. If you come into it though, with the point of view of just evaluating it in isolation, not relative to those targets, which a new vehicle buyer, that's really all that matters, right, is what is this product? What can it do for me today? What's the price, et cetera? I think if you look at it from that perspective, it's a very compelling product. It does kind of fit right now in terms of pricing in between the three and the Y and the S and the X. I think if you compare it to the S and the X, you're looking at, you know, a really strong product here that compares very well. If you compare to the three and the Y, if you're talking about those price points and that was kind of how Tesla had positioned it a little bit initially, then maybe it doesn't, you know, compare quite as favorably. But it'll be interesting and I think it kind of will fall somewhere in the middle of those two and of course a completely different category as well.
All right, so I'm just going to take a quick look at the comments. I say a couple of super chats in here. Quang, thank you so much. Appreciate that. And John always appreciate those as well. It does mean a lot. So I haven't had a chance to really look at the market. I don't know what the reaction has been. I think I saw I was down like one and a half percent. We'll see. You know, I think it's very common that after Tesla events, there's sort of a sell the news type of situation, but it's again, it's going to take me time to process this. It's going to take the market time to process this as well.
All right. So let's just bear with me as I read through a couple comments. I don't have a ton of time. I wish I had a little bit more. I do have to head to another event here actually already quite late for, I think, but Nick asking any word on the solar bed cover. I didn't. I haven't heard anything about it. It's certainly possible that still something that Tesla's working on or maybe not, but nothing that I've heard on it. So I see a few people saying, you know, people that had reservations are going to back out. Certainly there's going to be some of that. That's kind of what I was just saying with if you're anchored on those things and that's kind of what you were hoping for expecting.
If you're you were expecting a vehicle that was going to come in at 39.9 or maybe even a little bit above that, you know, $61,000 base price. That's a lot, right? That's high. I think it compares pretty well with the other EV trucks that are on the market, but at that price point, it's also not the truck that's going to destroy the F-150, not the lightning, just the F-150 in general, right? So relative to that, there are some disappointing elements to it relative to technological progress and what this does for Tesla in terms of being a testing ground and a development ground for new technology that is going to go into Tesla's future lineup and benefit the whole line, you know, for the rest of the existence of the company. There's a lot of good things there too.
So sure, certain reservation holders are going to be disappointed. You know, there are aspects of this that I'm disappointed into. I've been trying to tell my dad to get a cyber truck for a long time. I'm sure he's watching. Hi, dad. But I've been trying to get him to get a cyber truck for a long time and range is a big thing too, just from, you know, his specific use cases that he needs it for. We'll see if the range extender works. I don't know how he'll feel about that, but, you know, same thing for other reservation holders too. And then price, of course, that's a huge thing. If you look in, you're thinking $70,000, which was that initial, you know, try motor price, 500 miles a range, we're now looking at, I don't know, I guess, $96,000 or, yeah, probably $96,000 if that $16,000 range extender is a correct price. Again, we don't know that for sure. If that's the price and you're adding that on the dual motor configuration, first of all, you've got obviously to deal with that, it affects the bed and then pretty significantly a higher price than initially expected. So there's certainly going to be drop off in reservation holders. I don't think Tesla's blind to that. I think they certainly expect that too.
So that doesn't mean at the same time, though, that this can't be a great product that's very successful for Tesla generates, you know, $15, $20 billion a year in revenue. Those are possibilities with this product for sure. Michael here asking, will reservations go by trim or just reservation number going in order? I selected try, but would switch to dual motor now with price and spec. Yeah, I don't think we've gotten the information on this. I don't know that we'll ever really get perfect information on that. I think it's a really good question. You know, maybe Tesla will clarify some of those things. I would imagine it's going to be a little bit of both. It'll be, you know, based on what Tesla's producing. I would, I would expect they kind of do things and runs. So they probably won't be constantly switching back between configurations. And they'll probably just kind of go in order of people that had those orders. Maybe they'll give people an option to switch. We'll just kind of have to see how Tesla manages, but not really an information at this point. Joey asking is V2G vehicle to grid confirmed? Vehicle to home. Yes, vehicle to grid is a little bit different, but vehicle to home. Yes is confirmed. Right. Again, just bear with me. I'm trying to read through the comments and pick out some, some ones that maybe are on lots of people's minds. Keep the initial 7K FSD price. So Tesla with those reservations did say that that would lock in FSD price. As far as I know, that's still going to be the case. Again, we don't see the design studios. That's why we don't see what, you know, FSD is or any other interior options or things like that or the range extender. That's probably Tesla. Something Tesla does just on a case by case basis right now with these early deliveries. At a certain point, when they get to volume production or close to it, they'll open that up. We'll get to see more of those details and presumably those, hopefully those reservations will still keep that initial promise.
So Cybertruck pricing is competitive with similar vehicles. That is all that matters. 2019 has gone move on folks.
So yeah, I think relative to other EV trucks, and again, this isn't meant to be a comprehensive review or anything. We'll look at those things later on. I think if you compare it to a rear VN, compare it to Ford F-150 Lightning, there's going to be some differences and maybe not everyone will go for the Cybertruck, especially based on looks, but I think it compares quite favorably to those other vehicles from a price value perspective.
So again, we'll look more closer at that, but should be favorable. Any music about the extended tailgate ramp, there is actually an accessory if I can get back to the right page that has that. I don't think it's something that's built in. Maybe the actual page gives us a little bit more detail on it if I can find it successfully. So they do have an accessory here. I'm not sure if we can see anything on storage or not. Probably something in the description there. I won't spend the time to read that at this moment, but we'll see.
So I think I'll probably wrap it up there. Again, I've got to get going. We'll have plenty more time to talk about the Cybertruck and how all this stacks up in the future. But definitely let me know what your thoughts are in the comments. I'm interested in hearing something a little bit beyond, oh, they didn't hit this target or that target. We kind of know that right. We kind of knew that going in. We got more clarification on how different it is at this point. But again, Elon said a long time ago, it's going to be more expensive. We had good reason to believe that that would be the case. How much more expensive? That's a more interesting conversation than just a comment like, oh, they didn't hit X, X, Y, or Z target. It's important to acknowledge, and I think we've done that for sure. And it's fair to be critical. But at this point, we got to evaluate what the product is separately from that, I think. Hope that doesn't sound like defensive because again, it's totally fair. But just in terms of what is interesting going forward, I think some of those other things are more.
So that are wrapping up for today. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, December 1st episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.