Cybertruck Week! + FSD 12, Inventory Discounts, xAI
发布时间 2023-11-28 01:54:24 来源
Cybertruck deliveries finally begin this week ➤ FSD v12 starts to roll out to Tesla employees ➤ Reports regarding FSD in China ...
Hey everybody RobMower here, welcome back to Tesla Daily and welcome into Cyber Truck week as we are now just a few days away from those first deliveries. Today we'll talk a little bit about Cyber Truck, we've also got FSD news, pricing updates, a possible new investment candidate for Tesla and a few other items as well.
大家好,这里是RobMower,欢迎回到《特斯拉日报》,也欢迎进入Cyber Truck周,因为我们离首批交付只剩下几天了。今天我们会谈一点关于Cyber Truck的事情,我们还有一些关于全自动驾驶的新闻、价格更新、特斯拉可能的新投资候选人以及其他一些事项。
Quick look at the stock, we're not too far from where we left things last week, Tesla today closing at $236.08 up about 3.5% on the day compared to the Nasdaq which was down about a tenth of a percent.
Alright so as we head into the first Cyber Truck deliveries on Thursday over the last few days Tesla has expanded the store count which has Cyber Truck vehicles on display. A better theater dot com has been tracking those stores, it looks like we are now up to 15 different stores with Cyber Truck's on display and many more rumored to be coming soon. And as words started to spread about the Cyber Truck hitting stores more and more people making the trips out to those stores to see the Cyber Truck, actually many many reports of pretty long lines building up just to see the Cyber Truck, not even be able to go in it yet, but just to see it from the outside. Some of these lines were pretty reminiscent of the Model 3 order lines ahead of the Model 3 unveiling many years ago which at the time was one of the most eye-opening signs for where Tesla was heading and yet was a sign that was ignored by many for a long time. So hopefully this is a great sign for the Cyber Truck just like it was back then for the Model 3 and for Tesla.
好的,所以我们迎来了星期四首批Cyber Truck交付之际,在过去几天里,特斯拉增加了展示Cyber Truck车辆的店铺数量。一个名为A Better Theater的网站一直追踪这些店铺,目前似乎已经有15家不同的店铺展示了Cyber Truck,同时还有很多传言称会有更多店铺很快加入。随着有关Cyber Truck上市的消息传开,越来越多的人开始前往这些店铺观看Cyber Truck,实际上有很多报告表示长长的排队队伍开始出现,人们只是为了从外面看看Cyber Truck而已,甚至还不能进去。其中一些排队队伍让人联想到几年前Model 3发布之前的订购队伍,它当时是特斯拉发展方向最引人注目的迹象之一,然而很长一段时间内却被许多人忽视了。所以希望这对于Cyber Truck来说是一个很好的迹象,就像当时对于Model 3和特斯拉来说一样。
And remember this isn't a line where there's any benefit to placing an order sooner or anything like that like there was for the Model 3, this is just to get a glimpse of the Cyber Truck in person. So very exciting and that excitement should extend through this week and hopefully that extends to other Tesla vehicles as well beyond just the Cyber Truck. It sounds like Tesla's doing a good job of getting people's information while they do wait in line to see the Cyber Truck. So name and email and then Tesla can follow up and give them more information about vehicles from Tesla that they could order today. A lot of these people probably very familiar with that but some aren't going to be and that effect from Cyber Truck is something that can last a long time and introduce a lot of new people to Tesla that maybe otherwise wouldn't have had any interest at all. So despite what Jeffries was saying last week about maybe it being a good idea for Tesla to just cancel the Cyber Truck at this point, I think this is giving us a lot of indication that well maybe this is a product that is worth doing.
记住,这条线不是为了尽早下订单或者其他类似的好处,就像对Model 3那样,这只是为了亲眼目睹Cyber Truck。非常令人兴奋,这种兴奋应该贯穿整个这一周,希望这种兴奋也能延伸到其他特斯拉车型,而不仅仅是Cyber Truck。听起来特斯拉在等待亲眼见到Cyber Truck时做了很好的工作,他们能够获取人们的信息。所以他们需要提供姓名和电子邮件,这样特斯拉就可以跟进,向他们提供更多关于特斯拉车型的信息,而这些信息他们今天就可以下订单。很多人可能对此非常熟悉,但也有些人可能根本不感兴趣,而Cyber Truck使得他们对特斯拉产生了兴趣。所以尽管Jeffries上周说特斯拉现在或许该考虑取消Cyber Truck,我认为这给我们提供了很多迹象,或许这是一个值得做的产品。
A couple of the quick details on the Cyber Truck we've got a short video from OMG Tesla on X which appears to show the wake-up sequence for the lights on the Cyber Truck and also the adjustable suspension increasing in height, maybe happening automatically which could be done to make it easier to get in and out of.
我们从OMG Tesla上收到了一段简短的视频,显示了Cyber Truck的灯光启动顺序和可调节的悬挂系统增加高度的情况。或许这些操作可以自动完成,以便更容易进出车辆。
Alright next we've got a couple updates on FSD. Not a Tesla app had reported that FSD version 12 had started to roll out to some Tesla employees. Elon commented on a report on this on X saying yes. He also replied to a whole Mars post which said FSD 12 this could be the moment the moment that changes everything or it could suck even worse than V11 with quote unquote it feels human. So this is a big milestone we've talked before about how important FSD version 12 is the changes in the underlying architecture that hopefully enable faster progress in the future with the end-to-end neural network approach especially as Tesla ramps up their compute capability so significantly even in the last six months but in the next six months from now again.
好的,接下来我们有关于FSD的一些更新。Not a Tesla app 报道称FSD 12版本已经开始向一些特斯拉员工推出。埃隆在X上对此报道发表了评论,他说是的。他还回复了一篇有关火星的帖子,上面写着:“FSD 12可能会成为改变一切的时刻,但也可能比V11更糟糕,这就像人类一样。”所以这是一个重要的里程碑,我们之前已经讨论过FSD 12的重要性,它在底层结构上的改变有望为未来的快速进展提供支持,特别是随着特斯拉在过去六个月中大幅提升计算能力,而在接下来的六个月中也会继续提升。
Now that we're seeing this go to employees hopefully that's a good sign that we start to see it in the hands of customers relatively soon hopefully this year. When we do see that nobody should expect this to be perfect if it was perfect it probably would have been released in a non-perfect form a while ago. There's still going to need to be a lot of training that happens but hopefully this is the architecture that raises the asymptote raises the bar in terms of where Tesla can get to which it very much should and as always it's going to be extremely interesting to follow that progress.
So I'm glad to hear that and then the other update on FSD we had a few reports that Tesla was getting close to releasing FSD in China. Sometimes those reports can be a little bit misleading people maybe take things out of context or get more excited than they should for the stage that it's at.
I think CNEV posts covered it well though they said that the report was that work to bring FSD to China is indeed moving forward at the moment local media outlet China Fund news said citing a report from the US EV maker. So looking at that closely work to bring FSD to China that's something that we should all have been expecting is underway. It doesn't really give us much of an update on when exactly that would be.
我认为CNEV的帖子已经很好地涵盖了这一点,尽管他们说报道是中国当地媒体China Fund News援引美国电动车制造商的报告所称,目前将全自动驾驶(FSD)引入中国的工作确实正在进行中。因此,仔细看来,我们应该都预料到将全自动驾驶引入中国已经在进行中。但这并没有提供给我们具体的更新,究竟何时完成。
Definitely seems like there's progress being made but CNEV post also says Tesla is indeed moving forward with making FSD available in China but there's no exact information as to when that will happen the report said citing a company insider. So I don't see these reports as being about something that's going to happen immediately but we sure seem to have been seeing a lot of rumors about this over the last couple of weeks so hopefully soon enough.
Okay next we've got some pricing updates we had talked before about how when Tesla had lowered prices on the Model 3 and the Model Y back in the beginning of Q4 or in early October they had removed the inventory discounts from those vehicles. That was the case for about a month and then a couple weeks ago Tesla started adding inventory discounts to the Model 3.
好的,接下来我们有一些定价更新。我们之前谈到过,特斯拉在Q4初或十月初降低了Model 3和Model Y的价格,并且取消了这些车辆的库存折扣。这种情况持续了大约一个月,然后几周前特斯拉开始为Model 3添加库存折扣。
No big surprise there as we know a lot of people probably waiting on the Model 3 specifically for the Highland update which we expect sometime early next year in the US. Tesla though has now started to add back those inventory discounts to the Model Y as well. Nothing on the S and the X yet but as we know from the Panasonic earnings report it seems like Tesla has cut production on the S and the X but for the Model Y we're now seeing inventory discounts in the US that are in some cases up to around three thousand dollars.
并不意外,因为我们知道很多人可能在特别期待于下一年初美国发布的高地更新的Model 3。然而,特斯拉现在也开始给Model Y加回库存折扣了。目前S和X还没有任何动向,但正如我们从松下的财报所知,特斯拉似乎减少了S和X的产量,而对于Model Y,在美国现在看到的库存折扣有些情况下高达约三千美元。
So we've seen pretty positive from a gross margin perspective pricing actions in China recently however seems to be moving a little bit the other direction now in the United States as we head into the final month of the quarter. I do think these discounts are a pretty big deal something will continue to monitor there's always going to be influencing factors like the EV tax credit switching over to point of sale at the beginning of next year but there's also things like seasonality and historically Q4 pretty strong quarter for vehicle sales so more price cuts whether it's on new vehicles or through inventory not something you want to see in terms of a demand signal but hopefully things like the cyber truck a little bit of advertising that Tesla is doing and further progress on costs will help.
最近我们从毛利率的角度看到了中国市场的积极变化,然而,随着我们进入季度的最后一个月,美国市场的定价行动似乎正在朝相反的方向发展。我认为这些折扣是非常重要的事情,我们将继续关注。总会有一些影响因素,比如明年年初电动车税收抵免政策转为销售点抵免,同时还有季节性和历史上汽车销售的强劲表现,因此无论是对新车的价格削减还是通过库存来进行折扣,在需求信号方面都不是一个好现象。但希望特斯拉所推出的cyber truck以及一些广告宣传和成本进一步降低的进展能起到一些积极作用。
All right next up a pretty interesting one here relating to Tesla and XAI. Davily on X had suggested a possibility that Tesla should invest in XAI saying that Tesla provides a monetary investment in XAI as well as dojo compute resources going forward and XAI gives Tesla some equity and access to GRAK AI going forward. Elon replied to another post about this saying that he will discuss it with the Tesla board.
好的,接下来是关于特斯拉和XAI的一个相当有趣的问题。Davily在X上提出了一个可能性,认为特斯拉应该投资于XAI,并提供货币投资和电脑资源供应,同时XAI将为特斯拉提供一些股权和对GRAK AI的使用权。埃隆回复了另一篇关于这个问题的帖子,表示他将与特斯拉董事会进行讨论。
From the beginning of XAI it's been clear that there will be some sort of connection between XAI and Tesla says on their about page that we are a separate company from X Corp but we'll work closely with X or Twitter Tesla and other companies to make progress towards our mission.
Then last week Elon posted that X Corp investors will own 25% of XAI. The relationship there has been a little bit more apparent so far with GRAK having trained and continuing most likely to train on Twitter or X data but not as much as been apparent with Tesla as of yet of course it's still very early stage for XAI. You can imagine the use cases for GRAK in a Tesla vehicle.
然后上周,埃隆发布了X公司投资者将拥有XAI 25%的股权。到目前为止,GRAK已经在Twitter或X数据上进行了训练,并且很可能还会继续训练,这种关系已经有些明显了,但对于特斯拉来说,这种关系还没有那么明显,当然,对于XAI来说,现阶段仍然处于非常早期。你可以想象在特斯拉车辆中使用GRAK的应用场景。
We've talked a bit about that especially in a robo taxi type of future or an optimist type of future so the prospect is definitely interesting and again there's likely to be a relationship one way or the other. I think this relates more to how that relationship is structured financially and how to maximize the mutual benefit to both companies.
Alright next up we've got some pretty interesting news on Tesla situation in Sweden. We've talked about this a couple of times where initially there was talk of a strike for unionization of Tesla in Sweden. It didn't seem like many employees actually ended up participating in that but then outside of Tesla it seemed like the unions were going to sort of conspire and stop working with Tesla in whatever capacity they could to add pressure to Tesla. So one of the undertakings was to stop the delivery of license plates for new vehicles from Tesla which obviously would create a number of problems.
Because of this Tesla had filed a lawsuit today actually against the Sweden transport agency and perhaps the most shocking development at least for me in the United States is that a district court in Sweden has already ruled on this and they have granted Tesla's request. Ruling that the Swedish transport agency must give consent for Tesla to be able to pick up license plates from the plate manufacturer to be able to provide them with their new vehicle sales. Certainly a win for Tesla in Sweden but also highlights the kind of issues that Tesla may have to continue to deal with as unions continue to push to unionize Tesla.
Somewhat relatedly I suppose in the United States Reuters is today reporting that the National Labor Relations Board has dismissed claims that Tesla illegally fired employees working on autopilot software at Gigafactory New York to stop unionization efforts. We talked about this a lot at the time there was a lot of media reporting about it a lot of media that jumped to the conclusion that now the NLRB isn't even agreeing with so nice for Tesla to have that dismissed but the labor board did say that they found merit to two separate claims that Tesla maintained an unlawful rule on the acceptable use of technology in the workplace and solicited grievances from workers in an attempt to thwart support for the union. So we'll have to await more details on that part of it but just as a reminder it's not like the NLRB is the final arbiter of any of this. It was just a couple of months ago that we had a US appeals court overturn a NLRB ruling so that's something that can happen even if something like this moves forward with the NLRB.
有点相关的是,美国的路透社今天报道称,美国国家劳工关系委员会(National Labor Relations Board)驳回了特斯拉非法解雇在纽约Gigafactory工厂从事自动驾驶软件开发的员工的指控,以阻止工会化行动。我们当时对此谈论颇多,媒体也纷纷报道了此事,很多媒体还提前下结论,而现在即便是国家劳工关系委员会也没有与之持相同意见,这对特斯拉来说是好事,但劳工委员会确实表示他们发现了两个独立指控的证据,即特斯拉在工作场所对技术的可接受使用保持了非法规定,并试图通过征集员工抱怨来破坏工会的支持。所以我们还需要待更多细节披露,不过仅仅提醒一下,国家劳工关系委员会并不是这个问题的最终仲裁者。就在几个月前,美国上诉法院推翻了国家劳工关系委员会的裁决,所以即使像这样的案件继续进展,国家劳工关系委员会的裁决仍有可能改变。
All right last couple of Tesla things we've got a report from car that the Model 3 performance version the updated Highland version will be available in early 2024 they say that Tesla says that the new version will be quote unquote pretty special and arrive sometime in the first half of 2024. So they're saying Tesla said this they don't really link to anything so presumably they were told this directly perhaps just by an employee and there's not a whole lot of other detail in this report so it's not something that I'm putting a ton of weight in now of course this timeline would not be unexpected and despite the lack of other information it's still probably worth noting.
好的,关于特斯拉的最新消息,我们从car得到了一份报告,报告称Model 3的性能版和更新版本将于2024年初推出。他们说特斯拉表示,新版本将会是“相当特别”的,并且在2024年上半年的某个时候推出。所以他们说特斯拉说了这个,他们并没有提供具体链接,因此很可能是直接被告知,也许只是来自一位员工,并且这份报告中没有太多其他细节,所以我并不是非常相信这个消息。当然,这个时间表并不出人意料,尽管缺乏其他信息,但仍然值得注意。
And then Berenstein today published an updated note on Tesla analyst Tony Sakinagi is keeping his $150 price target and underperform rating on the stock and primarily questioning the differences in valuation between Tesla and BYD pointing to BYD's recent growth versus Tesla's.
Of course this is something we've talked a lot about over the last year I think BYD has made really impressive progress in that period of time and there's merit to a very long conversation about this but I think just kind of looking at both companies and looking at their growth rates or their current financials or whatever which Tesla's are still superior in terms of bottom line things like that income but BYD is certainly catching up closing the gap but you've also got to put that growth in context a lot of that for BYD has happened in China they're now at a place where they probably have to seek expansion outside of China to continue growing it anywhere near those type of growth rates and they're certainly starting to do that and I don't want to discount their efforts or their potential there but it is very important context to have in mind similarly it's important to understand that BYD already has offerings in lower price point segments than Tesla does which on one hand is a very positive thing assigned that they've moved very quickly to be able to offer that but on the other hand a lot of the growth has been driven by the vehicles in those segments and if you can no longer continue to go even lower in your segment that's also something that makes growth more difficult so again it's a very long conversation lots of points to be made on both sides but it's also not as simple as just saying hey look this company is growing faster why aren't they worth the same amount as this other company which seems to be growing a little bit slower as we know a lot more to it than that
all right last couple of things we've got updates from Volkswagen and from Hyundai Hyundai saying that they plan to halt production at their factory in Asan South Korea for construction of an EV plant in early 2024 I don't know exactly how those correlate but just in general another sign that we're seeing continued EV efforts more outsized EV efforts I would say from Hyundai than some of the changes in strategy that we seem to have seen from some other automakers recently and then for Volkswagen Reuters is reporting it that they are implementing around an $11 billion cost cutting plan which will include headcount reductions and Reuters also reports that the CEO of the Volkswagen brand so not the parent company but the brand told staff that quote with many of our pre-existing structures processes and high costs we are no longer competitive as the Volkswagen brand end quote not all that dissimilar from previous reports we've had about Volkswagen over the last couple of years
all right lastly for today quick look at the calendar busy week for Elon busy week for all of us Elon today visiting Israel and then of course later this week handing over the first ever cyber trucks that'll be on Thursday Tesla saying that that will happen at 2 p.m. central time noon Pacific and then as far as the economic calendar goes on Thursday we'll also get the PCE report in the morning personal consumption expenditures for October and Wednesday we'll keep an eye on updated GDP for the third quarter that is the second release so just a revision of the first release about a month ago as for my schedule bear with me as I am traveling down to Austin this week I am going to do my best to have an episode tomorrow and then we'll just kind of have to see how things develop through the rest of the week that'll wrap it up for today though so as always thank you for listening make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications and also find me on X at Tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Tuesday November 28th episode of Tesla Daily thank you.