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Chamath on Tesla's Slept on Advantage / Tesla Strikes Back / VW's Alarming Admission ⚡️

发布时间 2023-11-28 07:42:24    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host still in Loomis happy Cybertruck week. It's only been about four years now in the making. Also, for those interested, at the end of this episode, I am going to comment on the sponsorship and advertising situation as of late as I've seen some of you have commented on that.

First up today, the negotiations between Tesla and India are still underway. This is all still subject to change. But Tesla could invest up to 500 million dollars if they get the import tariffs reduced to 15% for up to 12,000 cars. Then Tesla could invest up to two billion dollars if the lower duty is approved for up to 30,000 vehicles. According to a person in the know, the model 3 and the model y are likely to be priced at 45 to 51,000 US dollars in India if the concessional import duty is granted. So this is the latest proposal we have from Tesla. But the word is that the Indian government is actually trying to lower the number of cars that would actually be eligible for these lower import duties.
今天首先要讲的是特斯拉与印度之间的谈判仍在进行中。这一切仍有可能发生变化。但如果特斯拉成功将进口关税降低到15%,最多可投资5亿美元用于购买多达12,000辆汽车。如果这一较低的关税得到批准,特斯拉最多可投资20亿美元购买多达30,000辆汽车。知情人士称,如果获得特许进口关税,特斯拉Model 3和Model Y在印度的售价可能为45,000至51,000美元。这是特斯拉目前提出的最新建议。但有传闻称,印度政府实际上试图降低有资格享受这些较低进口关税的汽车数量。

Over the weekend, Elon did confirm that FSD 12 is indeed rolling out to Tesla employees. Elon did clarify that not all Tesla employees automatically get free access to Tesla's FSD. He said that's not accurate. You have to be on Tesla's quality assurance team. And commenting on FSD 12, Elon did say it feels human now. Yes, there are many terrible human drivers. But of course, the nature of this comment would lead you to believe it feels smooth like a human because remember FSD 12 and to end neural net is trained on other human drivers, the best of the best. A big question remains, will Tesla actually remove the beta labeling from FSD 12 as Elon said they were going to do in the past? Then a question would arise, would this affect how Tesla recognizes that deferred revenue when it comes to FSD? That is once this version is available to all customers.
在周末,埃隆确认了全自动驾驶(FSD)12版本正向特斯拉员工推出。埃隆澄清了并不是所有特斯拉员工都可以自动获得免费使用特斯拉FSD的权限。他说这是不准确的。只有特斯拉的质量保证团队的成员才有资格。谈到FSD 12,埃隆表示现在它感觉就像人类开车一样。是的,有很多糟糕的人类驾驶员。但当然,这个评论的本质会让你相信它感觉平稳如同人类驾驶者,因为记住FSD 12以及最终神经网络是以其他最顶尖的人类驾驶者为训练对象。一个重要问题留待解答,特斯拉是否会按照埃隆之前所说将FSD 12的测试版本标签去除?而且这是否会影响特斯拉在FSD获得推广时如何确认递延收入?也就是说一旦这个版本对所有客户开放。

So it's looking like Elon's prediction of two weeks may have been in actual two weeks. Now I would assume that this is only going to go to vehicles with hardware 3 as in the past Elon has said that hardware 4 would lag by about six months when it comes to FSD 12. However, the truth is this situation is evolving hour by hour. So really anything is possible. Given that Cybertruck is expected to have hardware 4, that would lead me to believe Cybertruck will be rolled out with a variant of FSD 11, but again anything here is possible.
看起来埃隆的两周预测可能就是实际的两周。现在我猜想这只会适用于硬件版本3的车辆,因为过去埃隆曾表示硬件版本4在FSD 12方面会滞后六个月。然而,事实是这个情况正在每小时变化中。所以实际上一切皆有可能。考虑到Cybertruck预计会有硬件版本4,这让我相信Cybertruck将会推出FSD 11的某个变体,但同样这里一切都有可能。

I think it's worth a reminder given the magnitude of this update. There's a chance this stays with only employees for a few months before actually rolling out to real customers. I have no special source on that one. I just don't want us getting over our skis here. We also had Ray for Tesla sharing a Chinese source that said the prep work for rolling out FSD beta in China is currently underway. Translating that image, it says Tesla's FSD is considered to be entering the countdown stage in China on November 23. Tesla China also responded to reporters on this issue saying it is indeed being pushed forward. I would add this is indeed very vague. My biggest question here, whenever Tesla does get around to launching FSD in China, will it be version 12 or will they stick with version 11?
考虑到这次更新的重要性,我认为提醒一下是值得的。有可能在实际向真正的客户推出之前,这个更新只保留给员工使用几个月的时间。对于这一点,我没有特别的消息来源。我只是不希望我们在这个问题上操之过急。此外,我们还有来自特斯拉的雷(Ray for Tesla)分享了一个中国消息源,称特斯拉在中国推出FSD beta的准备工作正在进行中。翻译该图片显示,据悉特斯拉的FSD将于11月23日进入中国的倒计时阶段。特斯拉中国还对记者回应表示它确实正在推进。我要补充的是,这确实非常模糊。我最大的问题是,特斯拉何时在中国推出FSD时,会是版本12还是继续使用版本11?

Tesla has also applied for a patent that deals with training vision-based vehicles with both real-world and simulated data. It's important to note once a patent has been applied for it can then go through a series of iterations and changes. Oftentimes becoming more narrow in scope. While Tesla may indeed be looking to have exclusive access to a technique like this, Tesla also may just be preemptively stopping any other automaker from applying for a similar patent that in the future could actually hinder Tesla's ability to continue doing what it was already doing. I'm no expert but the idea of supplementing vision-based system training with simulated content is indeed very broad.

Lastly, I think it's worth noting over the years Tesla has indeed filed other patents that were more defensive in nature. Rather than trying to get some sort of monopoly over a system or product.

I did want that to serve as a segue for something very interesting that was happening over the weekend. This was shared by an open AI employee. They said, "I've trained a lot of generative models, more than anyone really has any right to train. As I've spent these hours observing the effects of tweaking various model configurations and hyperparameters. One thing that has struck me is the similarities between all the training runs. In other words, how they actually adjust the weights of the neural nets doesn't make that much of a difference in the end. They said trained on the same dataset for long enough, pretty much every model with enough weights and training time converges to the same point. It implies that model behavior is not determined by architecture, hyperparameters, or optimizer choices, it is determined by your dataset and nothing else.

Then when you refer to lambda chat GPT bard or clod, it's not the model weights that you're referring to, it's the" data set replying to this Elon said data is the spice There are many different rabbit holes we could dive into but my one main takeaway here is that over the long term It really is going to be the companies with the access to the best data sets that have the best chance of success Elon also shared a link to this article. It's called the bitter lesson definitely worth a read if you have not already But the simple takeaway the only thing that matters in the long run is the leveraging of computation Basically after decades of AI research We've had these researchers trying to inject their own human knowledge into these models whether it's adjusting the weights or the parameters But at the end of the day real advancement in this field boils down to compute power This bitter lesson can be summarized by breakthrough progress eventually arrives by an opposing approach based on scaling Computation by search and learning and that these researchers trying to inject that knowledge or that human input into the models May help in the short-term but in the long run it plateaus and even inhibits further progress
当你提到lambda chat GPT bard或者clod时,你所指的不是模型的权重,而是"回答这个问题的数据集"。埃隆表示数据就是调味品。我们可以深入探讨许多不同的问题,但其中一个主要的观点是,从长远来看,成功的机会最大的公司将是那些拥有最好的数据集的公司。埃隆还分享了一篇文章的链接,这篇文章叫做"The Bitter Lesson",如果你还没有读过的话,绝对值得一读。其实这篇文章的简单结论就是,在长期来看,唯一重要的是利用计算能力。基本上经过几十年的AI研究,我们的研究人员一直试图将他们自己的人类知识注入到这些模型中,无论是调整权重还是参数。但归根结底,这个领域的真正进步归结为计算能力。这个"苦涩的教训"可以总结为,通过基于规模化的计算、搜索和学习的相反方法取得突破性进展,并且那些试图将知识或人类输入注入模型的研究人员,可能在短期内有所帮助,但从长远来看,会进入瓶颈甚至抑制进一步的进展。

So now we're staring at two massive advantages that Tesla has one when it comes to real world data if the data set is indeed the actual spice and to the compute power in terms of actually leveraging that data on this topic Chymoth said it's pretty clear now This is a race to own data that is valuable in fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback You should expect foundational models to be largely commoditized and largely free largely soon This part of course is certainly speculative then he said non-obvious data sets of huge value in this end state Tesla's real-world environment data one area I'll be studying in the weeks ahead is how synthetic data or simulated data is going to be compared to real-world data We've known that the competition can't copy Tesla's real-world data because Tesla has a fleet of five million vehicles Constantly gathering that real-world data So then comparatively how difficult would it be for the competition to start coming up with their own synthetic data? What are the challenges involved and then hypothetically if they were to have a comparable amount of synthetic data to Tesla's real-world data What would the pros and cons be and what would the differences be and when you loop in a possible partnership between Tesla and X AI? Which brings grok into the equation that is trained on X's real-world live data Which is in a sense the real-time consciousness of all of those humans that are actually using X that becomes a massively valuable Data set I just find it comical we still have so many Analysts splitting hairs over a couple thousand deliveries here and there and the timing of that when the real conversation should be around Tesla's real-world data paired with its computational advantage when it comes to dojo and all of the billions of dollars It's spending on buying compute hardware from Nvidia compare that Tesla package to what Ford? GM Toyota have in terms of real-world data or compute power and I know I know it hasn't really played out Yet in terms of Tesla's revenue or profitability, but over the next five to ten years Where do people think this is headed just to set the stage on what's going on with Tesla in Sweden?
现在我们正在看着特斯拉在两个巨大优势面前的情况。首先是实际世界的数据,如果数据集确实是真实的话,这对于优化和强化学习是非常重要的。其次是计算能力,也就是如何有效利用那些数据。Chymoth在这方面很明确,这是一场争夺有价值的数据,用于优化和从人类反馈中进行强化学习。你应该预期,基础模型很快会基本变成商品化和免费的。当然,这部分是纯粹的推测。然后他说,在这个最后的状态中,非显而易见的数据集具有巨大的价值,而特斯拉的真实环境数据是其中之一。在接下来的几周里,我将研究合成数据或模拟数据与真实数据的比较。我们知道竞争对手无法复制特斯拉的真实世界数据,因为特斯拉拥有500万辆车不断收集真实世界的数据。因此,相对而言,竞争对手自己创造合成数据会有多大困难?涉及到哪些挑战?如果他们能够拥有与特斯拉的真实世界数据相媲美的合成数据,利弊会是什么,区别在哪里?当你将特斯拉和X AI之间的合作引入其中,X AI集成了X的实时真实世界数据,这实际上就是所有使用X的人类的实时意识,那将成为一个非常宝贵的数据集。我只是觉得有趣,我们仍然有这么多分析师在琢磨有关特斯拉交付量的细节以及交付的时间,而真正的问题应该围绕特斯拉的实际世界数据及其在计算能力上的优势展开。比较一下特斯拉与Ford、GM、Toyota在实际世界数据或计算能力上的差异。我知道,目前特斯拉的收入或盈利能力还没有真正展现出来,但在未来五到十年中,人们认为这将会发展到什么地步?这只是为了对正在瑞典发生的特斯拉情况有一个背景了解。

Nicholas could not share the source on this, but he said an IF metall employee has been threatening Tesla's staff saying things like You must strike or you'll never work at a unionized workshop again It's for your own good if you want a job in the future Which if true would certainly confirm the notion that these unions in Sweden have mafia-like tendencies I think that'll make this news even sweeter
尼古拉斯无法透露消息来源,但他说IF工会的一名员工一直在威胁特斯拉的员工,声称诸如“如果你不罢工,你将再也无法在工会化的车间工作了”,“如果你想在未来有工作,这是为你自己好。” 如果这是真的,无疑会证实瑞典的工会具有黑手党式的倾向,我认为这将使这则新闻更加令人愉悦。

Tesla filed a lawsuit today against the Swedish Transport Agency over a worker strike That has effectively blocked the delivery of license plates This agency had turned down Tesla's request to pick up the license plates itself and also declined to send them via distribution channels other than post-nord against whom Tesla actually filed a second separate lawsuit spoiler alert on the same day

We have Tesla already now allowed to collect its license plates from the manufacturer Scandinavian Motor Center Further if the transport agency does not comply within seven days a fine of about 94,000 US dollars awaits the agency when it comes to the lawsuit that was filed against the transport agency already There has been a decision in which they approved Tesla's lawsuit at least for now in the separate lawsuit against post-nord There has not been a decision made yet However in response to the Tesla victory that they can now collect their own license plates Elon did say thank you Sweden
现在特斯拉已获准从制造商Scandinavian Motor Center领取车牌。如果交通机构在七天内不遵守规定,他们将面临约94,000美元的罚款。关于对交通机构已提起的诉讼,已经做出了一项决定,批准了特斯拉的诉讼,至少目前是这样的。而对于针对邮政公司的单独诉讼,尚未作出决定。然而,在特斯拉获得他们现在可以领取自己的车牌的胜利后,埃隆表示了感谢瑞典。

Here we have some data from Cox Automotive showing us October days of supply for inventory by brand The inventory average days of supply in the green 67 compared to Tesla down at 16 How many times have we seen articles written about Tesla's major inventory problem? Toyota with the lowest reading of 33 days of supply is still double where Tesla sits at 16 Reminder Tesla does not have an inventory problem
在这里,我们有一些来自Cox Automotive的数据,显示了各个品牌的库存天数供应情况。平均库存天数的绿色部分为67天,而特斯拉只有16天。我们有多少次看到关于特斯拉的重大库存问题的文章呢?虽然丰田的库存天数供应最低,只有33天,但仍然是特斯拉的两倍,特斯拉没有库存问题的提醒。

a new battery storage project in Queensland has been registered and Officially connected with work on commissioning to begin soon in Queensland This project includes 80 Tesla megapacks and is set to be fully operational in early 2024 This project was part of the state's response to an explosion at a coal-fired generator Which convinced the country's most cold dependent state to accelerate its switch to renewables and storage?

This video is getting a ton of attention over the weekend So I just wanted to add some clarity here The Model Y was going up this ramp on one tire showing the rigidity of a Tesla vehicle and potentially a structural battery pack Then they showed what was happening with this Toyota pickup truck a lot of folks were just blindly using this vehicle to say how much better A Model Y is compared to that Toyota pickup for whatever reason, but this ramp is actually a real test It's the RTI or the ramp travel index It's a way of measuring a vehicle's suspension articulation abilities and usually this is used in an off-roading context the more it can actually articulate the better it can handle off-road Scenarios keeping more wheels on the ground for longer the actual test measures how far up the ramp a car can go before the back Driver side wheel actually lifts off the ground you then divide that number by the wheelbase to get the RTI score
这个视频在周末引起了大量关注,所以我想在这里澄清一下。这辆Model Y正在一侧车轮上爬坡,展示了特斯拉车辆的刚性和潜在的结构性电池组。然后他们展示了这辆丰田皮卡车的情况,很多人只是盲目地使用这辆车来证明Model Y相对于那辆丰田皮卡有多么好,出于某种原因。但实际上,这坡道是一项真正的测试,即RTI(坡道行程指数)。这是一种用来衡量车辆悬挂系统的能力的指标,通常在越野环境中使用,它能更好地应对越野场景,保持更多车轮接触地面的时间更长。实际测试是测量车辆能够在爬坡之前后座副驾驶侧车轮真正离地的距离,然后将该数值除以轴距得到RTI分数。

There's a lot more we could talk about here, but I saw plenty of different interpretations of this video So thought that that context might help a little bit

a reddit user shared some images of giga Berlin slowly transitioning into a hangout spot Now that we have v4 superchargers the lobby now open to the public and these images of giga Berlin with some christmas decor Not only do they have trees and lights right outside of the entrance They also have some curling sheets set up right outside the factory
一个Reddit用户分享了一些图片,展示Giga Berlin正在逐渐转变为一个聚会场所。现在我们有了v4超级充电器,大厅现在对公众开放,这些图片显示了一些圣诞装饰挂在Giga Berlin。不仅仅是在入口外有树和彩灯,他们还在工厂外面设置了一些冰壶场地。

fully charged posted on x saying tesla has won five of the 15 categories for the fully charged This was the first year for this award show and the nominees were selected after a large scale survey of the fully charged show audience tesla took home the award for the best ev charging network The best innovative ev manufacturer best energy efficient ev and the best ev under certain price thresholds for the model y and model 3 Only five out of 15 though tesla needs to do better
完全充电的帖子中说,特斯拉在完全充电的15个类别中获得了五个奖项。这是首届颁奖盛典,入围名单是根据完全充电节目观众的大规模调查选出的。特斯拉赢得了最佳电动汽车充电网络、最佳创新型电动汽车制造商、最佳能效电动汽车以及Model Y和Model 3在特定价格阈值下的最佳电动汽车奖项。虽然只有15个奖项中的五个,但特斯拉需要做得更好。

Green the only said software update dot 44 dot one will bring us the front camera getting a washer too And a button to activate it. This is what the button may look like He also said apple podcast may be added to media playback with different playback speeds available He also said tesla's cabin camera could now be used to enable or disable h o v lane use on that camera washer It remains to be seen how it's implemented but in the past we have seen this image on a tesla cyber truck And bmw has already implemented a feature like this where it has the logo pop out to shoot out some soapy water
翻译成中文: Green说唯一的软件更新版本44.1将为我们带来前置摄像头,还有一个按钮可以激活它。这是按钮可能的外观。他还说苹果播客可能会添加到媒体播放中,并提供不同的播放速度。他还说特斯拉的驾驶舱摄像头现在可以用来启用或禁用HOV车道的使用,该摄像头还可以用作洗涤器。目前还不清楚它是如何实现的,但在过去,我们已经在特斯拉Cybertruck上看到这种形象。而且宝马已经实施了类似的功能,其中徽标会弹出并喷出一些肥皂水。

We had this Norwegian source motor naming the Tesla Model 3 the best car purchase of the year. I thought this was funny. They said the expert said just wait when beginning to bet on electric cars, saying Tesla is going to die. But the experts die first adding Tesla's position is stronger than ever. We won't go into the details because most of it was them speaking highly of the refreshed Model 3. But I will include this below if you want to read more.
我们有一家挪威媒体将特斯拉Model 3评为今年最佳购车选择。我觉得这有点有趣。他们说专家们在电动车领域开始押注时,称特斯拉会倒闭。但事实是专家们最先离世,而特斯拉的地位却比以往更强大。我们不会详细展开,因为他们大多对更新的Model 3赞口不绝。但如果你想了解更多,我会在下面附上相关内容。

Tesla China analyst on x said Tesla charging will make a major announcement tomorrow. So could this be a new partnership where another automaker uses Tesla supercharger network in China? Hopefully we find out in the next 24 hours.

Over the weekend if you totally checked out and you didn't see all of the lines around the country where Cybertruck was at Tesla showrooms and the people that were lining up taking pictures and videos. Now, yes, it was Black Friday weekend, a lot of these shopping centers are naturally going to have more people than they otherwise would. However, this is a perfect indication of the halo effect that the Cybertruck should have for Tesla's brand to all of us. This is like the oldest news around when it comes to the Cybertruck. But we have to remember how many millions of people still don't even know that the Cybertruck exists. Let's not forget when it comes to vehicles a lot of people just want something different. Yes, of course utility comes into the mix as does pricing. But having something that the rest of the crowd doesn't is a very attractive proposition, and the Cybertruck is going to be exactly that.
如果你在周末完全放松下来,没有看到特斯拉展厅周围的人潮和排队拍照录视频的人群,那么你可能没能看到全国各地Cybertruck的情况。当然,那是黑色星期五的周末,这期间购物中心的人会比平时多一些。然而,这正是Cybertruck对特斯拉品牌具有的光环效应的完美体现。 这在Cybertruck的相关新闻中早已司空见惯了。但我们要记住,仍有数百万人甚至不知道Cybertruck的存在。在选购车辆时,很多人只是想要与众不同的东西。当然,实用性和价格也是考虑因素。但拥有其他人没有的东西是非常有吸引力的,而Cybertruck将正是如此。

OMG Tesla also posted this video showing us two new Cybertruck features. You may have missed the first one, but it was the Cybertruck wake up light sequence. So here it is again. Pretty cool. This video also shows the Cybertruck suspension raising right when the person got in the car. I'm not sure if it was a setting that they had pressed or if it happened automatically for their personal profile. Either way, though, hopefully on Thursday, we learn about even more unknown Cybertruck features.

Here we have potentially an even more exciting patent that Tesla has applied for. This one has a lot to do with the interior cabin camera and its ultimate functionality. It would be to use the passenger's positioning and facial expressions to do certain tasks. Example, let's say the driver is unresponsive. The vehicle would be able to call 911 and or drive you to the nearest hospital. Or on a lighter note, how about things like greeting you by name, automatically knowing what your personal profile is, adjusting the HVAC controls to target certain parts of your body, mark an unrecognized occupant as a new user and generate the request to set a new profile on display Infotainment head unit. We don't need to go through all of the use cases here. But I think you get the idea, this has many, many different applications.

Last week we heard the word out of Tylen was that Elon and Tesla were going to put their tie plans on hold. Fast forward to today, we have Ty financial media saying Tesla's willingness to establish a new factory in Tylen is there, and they plan to invest at least five billion dollars. This from a recent interview with Ty's prime minister Sveta Tawasun. The only tangible data here we got was that Tesla's senior management will visit Tylen this week to discuss potential site selection for a new factory.
上周我们听说关于泰伦(Tylen)方面传出言论,即埃隆(Elon)和特斯拉(Tesla)将暂停他们的合作计划。快进到今天,我们有泰伦金融媒体报道称,特斯拉正在考虑在泰伦建立一家新工厂,并计划至少投资50亿美元。这些信息来自泰伦总理斯韦塔·塔瓦桑(Sveta Tawasun)最近的一次采访。这里我们唯一确切的数据是特斯拉高级管理层将在本周访问泰伦,讨论可能的新工厂选址。

We have Auto News Europe saying it's safe to crown the Model Y as Europe's top seller for 2023, even though there's still two months to go. Implying that the lead is insurmountable. They said the Model Y finished January through October with a 15,000 unit sale lead over the second place Dasya Sandero. The Model Y would be the first electric car to finish the year as Europe's number one seller. It would also be the first midsize car, the first premium car, and the first non-European car in the modern VW's brand era to do the same. It's not a done deal yet, but this would be a major accomplishment.
我们有欧洲汽车新闻报道称,尽管还有两个月的时间,但可安全地将Model Y冠以2023年欧洲最畅销的称号。这意味着Model Y的领先优势是无法逾越的。据报道,Model Y在一月至十月期间的销量领先第二名的达西亚桑德罗15000辆。如果成为欧洲年度销量冠军,Model Y将成为首款电动汽车、首款中型车、首款高端车以及大众汽车品牌时代的首款非欧洲车型。尽管还没有确定,但这将是一项重大成就。

And I would add the dasya sandero costs about 15 000 us dollars
我想再补充一点,Dacia Sandero的价格大约为15,000美元。

How about this one vw's brand chief is now confirming what most of us have already known Volkswagen's original brand is no longer competitive owing to high costs and low productivity With many of our pre-existing structures processes in high costs were no longer competitive as the vox wagon brand They said their 10.9 billion dollar savings program will include staff reductions Of which the full detail should be known by the end of the year And they said we need to finally be brave and honest enough to throw things overboard that are being duplicated within the company Or are simply ballast we don't need for good results It's one thing to have retail tesla shareholders say something like this now for months if not years But it's an entirely different thing to have vw's own brand chief saying the same thing publicly

Bloomberg nef saying battery pack prices have resumed their long-term trend of coming down after their increase. last year According to an industry survey the average pack price fell to 139 per kilowatt hour this year down 14 percent from 2022

We also have the cn tv post saying that the supply and demand balance point for lithium is expected to occur by the end of 2024 or 2025 the simple takeaway especially in china right now There is still actually oversupply as if four didn't have enough headaches

We now have 404 dealers that have dropped out of the model e certified program since the initial enrollment numbers It turns out Ford also now wants its dealers to carry very little eevee inventory on their lots in illegal battle in Illinois the state's motor vehicle board determined for to broke the law by requiring dealers to make big investments and return for the ability to sell eevees In response ford has reduced the number of chargers it requires at dealers It's pushed back the deadlines for those chargers and they've slashed training costs in half Now it's not just ford but a non trivial percentage of its dealer network that is also backing further away from eevees
自从初始入会人数以来,我们现在有404家经销商退出了Model E认证计划。事实证明,福特现在也希望其经销商在伊利诺伊州的非法斗争中持有非常少的EEVEE库存。该州的机动车委员会认定福特违反了法律,要求经销商进行巨额投资,并以此换取销售EEVEE的权利。作为回应,福特减少了对经销商所需的充电器数量。他们推迟了充电器的截止日期,并将培训费用减少了一半。现在,不仅福特,而且其经销商网络中相当一部分也在进一步远离EEVEE。

We're not going to get political here. So no worries just so you know though today elon has been in israel visiting the prime minister

A quick anecdote from stellantis they said they may have to change their strategy if political and public opinion tends toward fewer eevees Another example of legacy oem plans changing like the winds the official cyber truck account on x just posted this year at cyber thursday 2pm central time presumably the beginning of the event rivian is now offering leasing for the r1t in four states California, New York florida in texas they did say the $7,500 tax credit would be applied to the lease payments a u.s. Labor board has dismissed claims that tesla illegally fired employees Working on autopilot software at gig in new york to put an end to union organizing the nlrb tossed out a complaint that was filed back in February by the union workers united
一个关于Stellantis的小轶事,他们表示如果政治和公众舆论倾向于减少电动汽车,他们可能不得不改变他们的策略。这是又一个传统OEM计划随风变动的例子。Cyber Truck在X上的官方账号刚刚发布了今年的Cyber星期四活动时间为中部时间下午2点,可以推测是该活动的开端。Rivian现在在加利福尼亚、纽约、佛罗里达和得克萨斯州提供R1T的租赁服务,他们表示7500美元的税收抵免将用于租赁款项。美国劳工委员会驳回了特斯拉违法解雇在纽约Gig工作的员工的指控,以结束工会组织的行动。NLRB驳回了工会工人联合会今年2月提出的投诉。

A quick word on advertising and sponsors as of late. So in November, YouTube completely changed their program when it comes to ads that are placed in YouTube videos. Before, creators had the ability to manually pick where we wanted to place ads. In November, we were still supposed to have that option, however each time when I place manual ads for the last few weeks, YouTube has automatically been overriding my selection. I've gone back and forth with their customer service now for weeks. Nobody seems to have any idea what's going on, despite videos and screenshots showing the exact problem. This has also resulted in me making about 25% of what I'm used to making, and look, I'm not at all complaining. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm grateful to be able to do this. I know that signing up for this type of work results in up and down income. That's all fine. But I'm sharing all of this just so you guys know a little bit more about what's going on behind the scenes.

And look, I'm not at all trying to replace any of that income with more sponsors. It just happens to be holiday season, and the truth is, Electrified probably wouldn't exist the way it does today without the help of sponsors. Over the years, some of these companies have been great to me. I do try to give them spots around the holidays because they always ask for them. Just know, this busier sponsor season won't last, and to all of you that are not interested in supporting the channel in this way, remember there are always timestamps below. I make it as easy as possible to skip ahead, and to everybody else that knows and accepts that this is just part of the social media game, and especially to those of you that do interact with the sponsors, I cannot thank you enough.

I'm telling you, I'm not looking for a pat on the back here. I'm just letting you know I have said no to hundreds of quality sponsors over the years because I am always weighing the pros and cons of providing for my family and providing a great viewing experience. For now, I really don't know how the YouTube ad placement is going to go moving forward. I am hoping that I have the ability to place the ads manually again, but as I said, for now, they're all being overridden right when I upload the video.

Anyway, I hope that provides at least a little bit of context, and just know I'm always listening to what you guys are saying. I appreciate all of the feedback, good and bad. Just know I'm always doing my best to balance things, and after the next few weeks, once we get through the holiday season, sponsored videos should return to normal. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. You can find me on X linked below. Please like the video if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.