Share Increases, Stock Decreases, Production Rates, Cyber Updates, Lawsuits (04.03.23)
发布时间 2023-04-04 00:38:43 来源
➤ Reactions to Tesla’s Q1 delivery and production report ➤ Giga Texas hits new production milestone ➤ Giga Berlin shift updates ➤ Giga Berlin tour: ➤ Tesla unveils Cybervault ➤ Cybertruck updates ➤ New lawsuit rulings ➤ Q1 delivery results around the auto industry ➤ JB Straubel presentation: Shareloft: Twitter: Patreon: Tesla Referral: Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Music by Evan Schaeffer Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Robbauer here and today we're going to be talking a little bit more about Tesla's Q1 delivery and production report yesterday. We'll take a look at how other automakers are coming in, comparisons with BYD, etc. We also have news on Gigabrah Lynn, Gigatexis, a couple of things on Cybertruck and more.
So we've now got our answer on how Tesla's stock is going to react to the delivery report. Also down 6.1% today closing at $194.77 while the NASDAQ was down 3% of a day. The Dow up 1% and S&P up 4% of a% oftentimes reflects a more difficult market for growth type stocks and the NASDAQ was down more significantly earlier in the day so not an easy way to start the day for Tesla but nevertheless a negative reaction at least initially to the delivery and production report but kind of just pushing the stock back to where it was on Friday.
From what I've read so far, an honest reaction seemed to be relatively neutral, we're not going to go through all of those but pretty neutral which shouldn't be too surprising given the numbers coming in pretty close to you analyst expectations. If there is a little bit more of a negative reaction, ironically I think that's probably due to Tesla's production number and the degree of difference between the two.
We talked about inventory, it's increased from 13 days up to about 16 days now following Q1. But even with all of the headwinds that are a part of the first quarter I think it would've gone a long way to inspire confidence and continued demand growth. If inventory had declined this quarter following price cuts. Now we've got relatively short backlogs, we've got inventory growth which are not necessarily bad or unhealthy things and in fact could be a very healthy thing for the business in general we've talked about unwinding the wave but it does leave those demand questions lingering and I think that is the biggest question for Tesla right now in combination with Tesla's gross margin which of course we still have to wait a couple of weeks to learn more about.
So those are just my thoughts on how the report is being perceived right now with a day to think about it, the reality and the importance or unimportance of certain factors that's going to be different from perception but the latter is always going to be what's driving the stock over short periods of time. To better understand the reality we'll look forward to that information again from the earnings report.
By the way I did update my Tesla financial model with the information that we got yesterday that is up on shareloft. Alright let's take a quick look at the week ahead before we get into the news. It should be a relatively quieter week this week for macro economic reports but remember on Friday the NASDAQ is closed.
For Tesla specifically overnight tonight we should get the final week of insured vehicle numbers for Tesla in China. Obviously we have the global numbers already but that'll give us some insight on how the quarter came in obviously in China specifically and how big of a record it will end up being for Tesla this quarter because this is the last week of the quarter I would expect this to decline significantly week over week and we'll talk more about that tomorrow.
Alright getting into the news we'll talk a little bit more about Q1 industry performance later on but I want to start off with an update on Gigatex's Tesla on Twitter sharing that Gigatex has now achieved a 4000 vehicle production week. Obviously last week we heard for the first time Gigabullin had achieved a 5000 vehicle week they hit 4000 back on February 26th so Gigatex is 35 days or 5 weeks behind that pace for Berlin.
Hopefully that means that later this month or early in May we see Tesla hitting that 5000 vehicle week milestone for Gigatex's as well. As we know though the ramps can be a little bit bumpy remember from December we heard from Tesla that Gigatex has hit 3000 per week 3 days before Gigabullin had then a really great ramp for Berlin throughout the quarter and a little bit slower progress for Texas but hopefully they've gotten through some of those things that were impeding that ramp and hopefully this means good progress on drivetter electrodes on 4680s but of course Tesla could just be increasing 2170 vehicle production at Gigatex as well.
If Tesla can even maintain a 4000 vehicle weekly production rate at Gigatex's throughout Q2 that would be ahead of my current production expectations and as you may have seen on Twitter the numbers that we got yesterday implied that Tesla produced about 170,000 vehicles in March that annualizes already to 2 million vehicles per year. That's before this type of a run rate at Gigatex's so if this happens if Shanghai continues which is really the big question mark but if that can continue to hit the peak monthly production rates that we know it can hit then that would pace Tesla pretty easily for their first half a million vehicle production quarter in the second quarter.
Now it's a long quarter, a lot can happen there could be downtime, there could be updates with hardware 4, project highland we don't know but those are the sort of rates Tesla is achieving.
On a similar note we've got an update on Gigabullin this is from RBB24, first they've confirmed with a managing director for an employment agency that Tesla does indeed have its third shift in place at Gigabullin no surprise on that given the production rate progress that we have seen but interestingly they also report that quote however it is assumed that there will soon be a fourth shift for which workers are being sought again.
With translation I'm not really sure if that means that workers are already being sought or they would anticipate to be sought again soon. I think it's more of the latter sought again soon and it's not exactly clear to me who this is being assumed by I don't know if that's coming from the employment agency but if this does happen relatively soon I think that would give us continued confidence in how Gigabullin ramps up throughout the rest of the year.
We talked a little bit about okay is this a step change going from 35000 because of this additional shift with that allowing the ramp to progress a little bit more quickly than the prior milestones maybe would have implied. If so it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect that progress to level off a little bit but if there are these plans for a fourth shift that might just keep on rolling. So we'll be on the lookout for any more updates on that and then just a quick thing on Gigabullin there was a sort of Gigabullin cinematic toer published by a youtuber in Germany nothing really new out of that but it does give some nice context for what is happening there at the factory so I will put that link down in the description.
Next up we've got a handful of cyber updates first with the cyber vault we talked about this on Friday Tesla put out that teaser image we've now got the full details this is available in Tesla shop in China maybe not quite what we would have expected it or hoped it to be based on the teaser but this is a charging product for $800 and it's basically a housing unit for a walk connector or mobile connector that can keep that connector secure it does have lock functionality on it so if you're in a shared garage you can lock that up you don't have to worry about someone taking your connector or taking your power definitely a nice option for some people to have.
I don't know if a product like this warranted a tease ahead of announcement but obviously we as a Tesla community can get a little bit overhyped sometimes partially on us but Tesla's also got to kind of expect that to be the case with something like this. Anyway elsewhere in the cyber world we've got a couple of cyber truck updates Elon over the weekend tweeting that he did walk the entire cyber truck production line at Kegatexus for several hours earlier that day saying it's going to be awesome and feels like the future so it's good I guess that it's taking several hours to walk the production line means there's something there to walk things continue to feel like they are finally pretty much on track this time around also over the weekend Tesla tweeted out a sort of an April fools teaser video of the cyber truck doing its crash test but not actually showing the crash instead just a painfully infinite loop of the anticipation of that moment very reminiscent of the unsatisfying meme of a truck about to crash in a pillar that just never happens.
我不知道像这样的产品是否值得在发布前做一个小插曲,但是很显然,我们作为特斯拉社区有时会有点狂热,这部分归因于我们自己,但特斯拉也必须预计到,像这样的情况可能会发生。在网络世界的其他地方,我们得到了一些关于cyber truck的更新,伊隆周末发推文说他在Kegatexus看了整个cyber truck生产线,时间长达数小时,称这将是很棒的,感觉像未来。我觉得好的一面是,走生产线需要几个小时,这意味着有可走之处。这次似乎一切都很顺利,也在周末,特斯拉发布了一个愚人节的cyber truck撞击测试预告视频,但事实上没有展示实际的撞击,而只是一个令人痛苦的无限循环,预热那一刻令人想到一个卡车即将撞向柱子但却始终没有发生的不尽人意的冷笑话。
So hopefully at some point Tesla will show us that footage but as far as an April fools thing goes I think this was really well executed this has 70 million views on Twitter at least the tweet itself does 13 million views for the video but the 70 million for the tweet that is at least the most views on any tweet from Tesla this year I don't know if it's the most all time not going to look back through all their tweets historically but clearly Tesla did a nice job with this tweet and I think it also highlights the immense amount of interest in the cyber truck in general.
希望特斯拉能够在某个时候向我们展示那段录像,但就愚人节的事情而言,我认为特斯拉做得非常出色。这条推文至少在 Twitter 上有 7000 万次的浏览量,视频本身有 1300 万次的浏览量,但是这个推文获得了至少 7000 万次的浏览量,这至少是特斯拉今年推文中浏览量最高的。我不知道是否是特斯拉历史上浏览量最高的推文,不会对他们历史上的所有推文进行查找,但显然特斯拉在这个推文中做得非常好,我认为这也突显了人们对 Cybertruck 的浓厚兴趣。
And then one final thing on cyber truck caliber 197 on YouTube has posted a drone flyer video of the Fremont test track with the cyber truck out testing so we've seen this before but in this case I think probably the most interesting thing is that there are a couple of places in the video where you can recognize that the rear wheel steering is engaged on this vehicle. It's a little bit subtle but you can definitely see different angles on the rear wheels both when turning left and turning right.
最后要说的关于Cybertruck的事情是,YouTube上的Caliber 197发布了一段无人机录制的弗里蒙特测试赛道与Cybertruck测试的视频,我们以前看过类似的,但这次最有趣的一点可能是有几个地方在视频中你可以认出这辆车启用了后轮转向。这有点微妙,但你绝对可以看到后轮在向左或向右转弯时有不同的角度。
Alright, moving on we've got a couple of lawsuit updates today for Tesla. First, on a labor relations lawsuit. This isn't new; we've seen articles on this dating back to 2021, maybe even before that, but this isn't pure regarding a complaint from the U.I.W. for, among other things, a tweet from Elon Musk back in 2018 that they claim is a violation of labor laws. In that tweet, Elon said there was nothing stopping the Tesla team from unionizing if they wanted to could do so tomorrow, but why pay union dues and give up stock options for nothing.
So in 2021, it was ruled that Elon would have to delete this tweet as it could be perceived as threatening. Tesla argued against this because, as Elon also tweeted at the time, the U.A.W. does not have any individual stock ownership as a part of their compensation at any other company, so that would seem to be a pretty reasonable assumption for that type of an outcome. Nevertheless, the appeal was denied, so no change in the ruling. Elon will still have to delete this tweet, which, as far as I can tell, seems to be the only thing that needs to be done. There were no changes in any other parts of this case either, but maybe this type of a ruling would have repercussions for other things down the road.
This is probably the final ruling on this one. This is the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Next would be the Supreme Court, so Tesla could appeal, but it would be unlikely, I think, that the Supreme Court would take this case. So probably the end of this one, and then we also have an update on the racial discrimination lawsuit that we've talked about on a number of different occasions.
This was once a $137 million award given, to the point if we've spent plenty of time on this, so I'm not going to go through all the details again, but that previously had been reduced to a $15 million award, and now a federal jury has reduced that to a $3.2 million award. I'm not sure on the exact status of this if there will be another go-around or if this will wrap this one up as well.
Alright, let's move on to some first-quarter numbers from other automakers. These reports are still coming in, so we'll continue to keep an eye on these, but we'll start off with BYD. We've been following this through the China insured vehicle numbers throughout the quarter pretty closely, but from CNEV post, we now have full-quarter data to compare with Tesla.
好的,让我们开始看一些其他汽车制造商的第一季度数字。这些报告仍在陆续发布中,所以我们将继续关注这些情况,但我们首先会看毕马威的数据。在第一季度,我们一直在密切关注中国投保车辆的数字,但现在我们从中国电动汽车新闻网站(CNEV post)获得了与特斯拉进行比较的全部季度数据。
So the first one here, this is total BYD, including plug and hybrids, including EVs, BYD in green, Tesla in red. You can see a pretty big drop quarter over quarter for BYD while Tesla obviously a small gain quarter over quarter. That total number for BYD was about 550,000, so that was up 93% year over year but down 19% quarter over quarter.
For just fully electric vehicles, the numbers are similar, but of course, that takes a lot of the volume away from BYD that puts their number down to 265,000, 4K1. The year-over-year increased there was lower than their total, up 85% year over year and down 20% quarter over quarter. Now, obviously, just like with Tesla, there are headwinds for BYD and Q1 with EV incentives with Chinese New Year, since BYD is predominantly in China that's obviously especially important for them, but also highlights the strength of Tesla's number under those conditions.
Since we've been talking about this, hopefully, this number isn't too surprising, but I think it's very interesting to now see this from a full-quarter perspective, and we'll continue to watch this very closely as Q2 unfolds. As for the US specifically, we're starting to get some reports from automakers. We can see a recap here from Automotive News on the year-over-year comparisons. I think this sequential is a little bit more interesting. Unfortunately, those numbers aren't in this table, but we'll take a quick look at a couple of them.
So GM, they reported 603,000 vehicle sales in the first quarter that was down 3% quarter over quarter, and again, that's US only, but helps to provide some context for where Tesla is at. And as far as EV's go, this was actually a record for GM but just over 20,000 sold. They say they expect 50,000 for the first half of the year and then doubling that in the second half. So we'll see but expecting pretty big growth this year.
If we look at the model breakdown, it's mostly Bolt and Bolt EUV that was about 19,700. There were 968 Lear exold, and just two Hummer pickups sold this quarter. Quick look at Toyota, they sold about 470,000 vehicles in North America that was down 8.8% year over year, down 13% quarter over quarter. We've also heard from Rivian. They announced production in the first quarter of about 9,400 vehicles’ deliveries just below 8,000.
如果我们看一下这个销售模型的细节,大多数销售的车型是Bolt和Bolt EUV,数量约为19,700辆。Lear exold销售了968辆,而Hummer Pickup只售出了2辆。再看看丰田,他们在北美卖了约 47 万辆车,同比下降了8.8%,季度环比下降了13%。我们也听到了来自 Rivian 的消息,他们宣布在第一季度生产了约 9,400 辆车,交付量略低于 8,000 辆。
That was actually down sequentially for both metrics, about 700 fewer vehicles produced than Q4 and 100 fewer vehicles delivered. So some pretty interesting numbers. We'll probably come back to this as Ford is expected to report tomorrow. I'd also be curious about Lucid, not sure when we'll get their numbers.
Alright, last item for today just a quick note that there is a new video with JB Strable, of course, former CTO and co-founder of Tesla, and now the founder of Redwood Materials, just talking about some of the history of Tesla, what got it to where it is today, and JB's decision to leave that to start Redwood and some of what they are working on.
好的,今天最后一件事情,就是想提醒大家,有一段新的视频,讲的是JB Strable。他曾经是特斯拉的首席技术官和联合创始人,现在则是红木材料公司的创始人。视频主要谈到了特斯拉的历史以及它是如何发展到今天的。JB决定离开特斯拉开始创业,创立红木材料,并介绍了他们正在研发的一些项目。
So I thought it was pretty interesting I'll put a link for that down in the description if you want to watch that it's only about 45 minutes with the intros which actually were pretty interesting as well. So that link will be there if you want to check that out.
Alright, that'll wrap it up for today then as always thank you for listening make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications you can also find me on twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Tuesday April 4th episode of Tesla Daily.
好的,今天的节目就到这儿结束了。感谢各位的收听,别忘了订阅并开启推送通知。如果想了解更多,也可以在Twitter上找到我,我的用户名是“Tesla podcast”。明天我们将为您带来4月4日星期二的《特斯拉每日新闻》节目。
Thank you.