Ron Baron Teases $25k Tesla, Shows Off Cybertruck, China Supercharging Partnership

发布时间 2023-11-11 03:58:15    来源


Ron Baron discusses $25k Tesla timeline, shows off Cybertruck at conference ➤ Tesla completes Cybertruck event drawing ...



Hey everybody RobMower here, happy Friday. Today we've got updates from Ron Barron on Tesla's next generation vehicle or comments rather from Ron Barron on that vehicle. Got a few updates on the Tesla Cybertruck, some news on Tesla in China and a few other items as well.
大家好,这里是RobMower,祝大家周五快乐。今天我们将听到Ron Barron关于特斯拉下一代车型的更新,或者说是他对该车型的评论。我们还将获取一些关于特斯拉Cybertruck的更新,以及关于特斯拉在中国的一些消息和一些其他内容。

Alright, looking at the stock, Tesla today up 2.2%, closing at $214.65 for the week on the back of a strong macro environment, NASDAQ today up just over 2%. So probably mostly driving the Tesla movement for today.

However, we did this morning, before market open, have comments from Ron Barron on CNBC. As usual, Ron Barron pretty positive continues to be positive bullish on Tesla. The headline here we can see from CNBC relates to comments that Ron Barron made on the next generation vehicle or the $25,000 car that is coming from Tesla. So the exact quote from Ron Barron was quote, wait till you see what's going to happen when all of a sudden they start selling cars instead of $40,000 a piece for $25,000 a piece, which is going to happen in about a year or a year and a half. So obviously the last part of that probably the most exciting part, not that Ron Barron necessarily has inside information but he is a huge investor in Tesla from time to time they may be able to pick up a little bit more details than what other people may be able to pick up. So for him to make a comment about that, we don't know for sure that that would be a timeline necessarily but it is exciting to hear that comment and it does kind of pair with what we have seen going on at Gigataxis from Jotag Myers Flyover videos where we've seemed to have some equipment coming in.
然而,早上我们在市场开盘前通过CNBC得到了Ron Barron的评论。像往常一样,Ron Barron非常乐观,对特斯拉持续保持看涨的态度。这里CNBC报道的标题与Ron Barron对特斯拉即将推出的下一代车型或售价25000美元的汽车有关。Ron Barron的确切说法是:“等你看到他们开始以25000美元一辆而不是40000美元一辆的价格出售汽车时,你会发现会发生什么,这将在一年或一年半内发生。”很显然,这段话的最后部分可能是最令人兴奋的部分,虽然Ron Barron本身可能并没有内幕消息,但作为特斯拉的大股东,他有时可能会得到一些比其他人多一些的详细信息。所以他对此发表评论,我们并不能确定这一定是一个时间表,但听到这样的评论确实令人兴奋,并且与我们在吉加塔克斯看到的情况相吻合,Jotag Myers的航拍视频中我们看到一些设备正在运进。

If you do remember back to the Walter Isaacson interview that was on this channel, Walter did mention that they have design meetings there two to three times a week to work on essentially that manufacturing line and he did also mention which was overlooked by a lot of people that vehicle kind of coming out in a year. Now that doesn't mean his comment related to actual sales or even production of that vehicle but could just relate to maybe displaying the prototype or the concept of that but with this vehicle I don't expect Tesla to show it off a long time before they actually start production of it. Obviously the OZ warning effect could be pretty significant if this vehicle is quite compelling for the Model 3 and the Model Y. So it's interesting to hear this timeline, exciting to hear this timeline from Ron Beren and just always good to hear his comments as well.
在这个频道上回顾一下沃尔特·艾萨克森的采访,他确实提到他们每周有两到三次的设计会议,主要是为了工作在那条生产线上。他也提到了一个被很多人忽视了的细节,就是那辆车大概会在一年内发布。当然,这并不意味着他的评论与该车的实际销售或生产有关,可能只是与展示原型或概念有关,但我不指望特斯拉在实际开始生产之前会早早地展示它。显然,如果这辆车对Model 3和Model Y非常有吸引力,澳洲警告效应可能会非常显著。所以听到Ron Beren提到这个时间表非常有趣,也很激动,同时也很高兴听到他的评论。

Now what's going on today is the Beren Funds Conference or what's going on today was the Beren Funds Conference and as a part of that looks like Tesla hooked Ron Beren up with a Cybertruck, Jack Lipstone on X posting a really nice video here showing a little bit of a walk around of the vehicle in New York. So definitely got a lot of visibility today. This looks like a really nice unit, you know sometimes with these pre-production vehicles we see questionable fit and finish that's to be expected with those early vehicles but in this case as you can see the fit and finish looks tremendous on this vehicle hard to spot even looking very closely anything that's out of place or misaligned things like that. So that builds well. Now Tesla sending this vehicle off as a display vehicle is obviously going to probably put a little bit of extra 10 or 11 care on it but nevertheless exciting to see that and just really good shots in general.
今天发生的事情是Beren基金会会议,作为其中的一部分,似乎特斯拉给Ron Beren赠送了一辆Cybertruck。Jack Lipstone在X上发布了一个非常好的视频,展示了这辆车在纽约的一些细节。所以今天肯定有很多曝光。这辆车看起来非常棒,我们有时在这些预生产车辆上会看到一些质疑的贴合度和做工,这是可以预料的,但是在这种情况下,你可以看到这辆车的贴合度和做工看起来非常好,即使仔细观察,也很难发现任何不对或者不对齐的地方。所以这方面表现得很好。现在特斯拉将这辆车作为展示车辆发送出去,显然可能会更加注重护理,但无论如何,能看到这一点仍然令人兴奋,并且整体上拍摄效果非常好。

Some here from Rhea on X as well. So I'll just cycle through those but again you can just see how strong the fit and finish looks across this vehicle. Hopefully we'll see more of that at the delivery event in a little bit less than three weeks. You can see here as well the front camera. I always like to take a look at these newer prototypes and just make sure that they do have that since we've had a little bit of confusion on that with the Highland Model 3 and with the S and the X. So we're going to see that.
一些来自Rhea的信息也是关于X车型的。所以我会浏览一下这些信息,但你可以看到整个车辆的配合和完工程度非常高。希望在接下来不到三周的交付活动上能看到更多这样的表现。你也可以在这里看到前置摄像头。我总是喜欢查看这些新车原型并确保它们有摄像头,因为我们对Model 3、S和X车型有一点疑惑。所以我们将看到这一点。

And then Tesla's Head of IR Martin Viega today posted on X saying that the random drawing for the Cyberchuck event has been completed. They haven't actually sent the invites out. He says that that will happen soon-ish so I don't think we've seen too many or I don't think we've seen anyone that's received those invites yet. That should happen and then remember people will also be getting invites from the referral program and it does mention that people will be able to have plus ones here as well. So we'll keep an eye out for that. Definitely exciting for those that get to attend that event.
然后,特斯拉的投资者关系总监Martin Viega今天在X上发表了一篇帖子,称Cybertruck活动的随机抽签已经完成。他们实际上还没有发送邀请。他表示很快就会发出邀请,所以我认为我们还没有看到太多或者任何人收到邀请。这将会发生,还有人们将会收到推荐计划的邀请,并且还提到人们可以邀请一位伴侣。所以我们会密切关注。对于那些有幸参加活动的人们来说,肯定会非常令人兴奋。

And we got an update from Joe Tegmeyer as well. A lot of new Cyberchuck spotted today. He said 14 in total that he saw outside. Nice image here. Probably the most I think that we've seen in at least one frame at Gigataxis with 10 all side by side here. Always fun to see those as those numbers seem to increase ahead of the delivery event.

Now perhaps related to that spotted model on X who I think has given us some early insight into some things that have happened before is saying that Tesla is currently lending out some Cyberchucks to YouTube and other influencers with the agreement to not share details ahead of the November 30th event. Basically to prepare the reviews have those ready to go same day as the Cyberchuck delivery event happens. I think that would be a good move. I think that there's obviously going to be a lot of attention around those. And I think this is probably more likely than not accurate because remember we did see that top gear, the top gear crew with the Cyberchuck out in California testing that out which seemed to be doing a very similar thing to what we're talking about here. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see these show up on some major automotive channels. And hopefully in some that are a little bit more truck focused and things like that. So we'll see on that but exciting if that is the case. And if there are a lot of these going out, although people are obviously not supposed to disclose details could make it a little bit more likely that we start to see some of those things a little bit more before the event.

All right, moving on. Next today we've got an update from CNEV Post. They were reporting that SAIC GM has partnered with Tesla to essentially integrate the supercharging network or partner with the supercharging network for their electric vehicles in China. Now it's a little bit different than what we've been talking about the North American charging standard and ACS connectors. Those types of partnerships that we've seen here in the US. Obviously Tesla not using those connectors in China. So although this wouldn't be based off of the specific type of connector, it would be based off of access and in particular integration into things like mobile apps and likely navigation specifically within the vehicles, allowing them to seamlessly connect in a way that is Tesla vehicle what. So that type of integration obviously that will make things a lot easier. Probably make those superchargers more frequently visited by these other types of vehicles. And I would guess that this is kind of the tip of the iceberg for further partnerships like this from other automakers in China, which could be quite significant over time. So we're keeping an eye out for more on that other than that, the release doesn't give us a whole lot of information. But I'm sure that we'll eventually learn a little bit more about that.
好的,接着说。今天我们来看一下CNEV Post上的最新消息。他们报道说,SAIC GM已与特斯拉达成合作伙伴关系,以在中国为他们的电动汽车整合超级充电网络或与超级充电网络合作。现在与我们在美国讨论的北美充电标准和ACS连接器有些不同。很明显,特斯拉在中国不使用这些连接器。因此,虽然这不是基于特定类型的连接器,但基于接入以及特别是在移动应用程序和车辆内部导航方面的整合,使得特斯拉车辆能够无缝连接。这种类型的整合显然会让事情变得更容易。可能会导致其他类型的车辆更频繁地使用这些超级充电桩。我猜这只是冰山一角,未来其他中国的汽车制造商也将进行类似的合作伙伴关系,这可能会带来相当大的影响。所以我们将继续关注更多相关信息。除此之外,发布的内容并没有提供太多信息。但我相信我们最终会了解更多相关情况。

Right next we've got a report from automotive news. They are talking about new data from Experian for EV market share in the United States and registration data in the US from the January to September period. For that period they are saying that EV share in the US has risen to 7.4% of the market.

That is up from 7.1% specifically in January. So that's a year to date number versus a specific month number. But you can see that the growth hasn't really been all that significant so far this year. From where it was prior, you know, earlier this year at least year over year. However, it has increased, EV registrations have increased 61%. So you can put those two things together.

You can kind of see it tapering a little bit, which is probably no surprise given what we have heard in the market. And obviously Tesla being a big part of the growth and that potentially tapering off here in more recent quarters, especially this last quarter with some production down time and things like that.

So when we talk about market share, obviously Tesla gets compared to other EVs as though 57.4% is somehow a bad number. If that's a number that is declining from where it was previously, which was around 66% last year, that gets highlighted as Tesla losing market share. But we've walked through this before. It's pretty simple exercise if EV registrations are growing at 61% and Tesla's only growing at 40% or something like that, then by, you know, just by map. That results in Tesla losing market share.

But when you're above 50% market share, that also means that you're outselling every other EV company combined in the United States. And that is still the case here for Tesla year to date. So it's a lot easier to grow, as we know, from a lower base. You know, you're talking about companies that have maybe a tenth of the amount of volume that Tesla has. It's a lot easier for them to grow above 61% than it would be for Tesla at, you know, more than half the market. So I would anticipate we continue to see that for quite a long period of time. Although we do seem to have, you know, lower growth investments from these other companies.

Now, specifically for Tesla, they say registration to grew. Experian data says registration grew 41% year to date for Tesla in that period. Again, this is going back to September. So it's a little bit dated now, but for September specifically, they say that growth was 8% year over year for that month. And they highlighted a 12% drop in Model 3 registrations, which of course we could, you know, attribute at least a little bit to the updates that we were made aware of, actually on September 1st from the sort of international announcement.
现在,就特斯拉而言,他们说注册数量增加了。Experian的数据显示,截至目前,特斯拉的注册数量同比增长了41%。再次强调一下,这是追溯到九月份的数据。所以现在已经有点过时了,但是就九月份而言,他们称这个月的增长率与去年同期相比增长了8%。他们还强调了Model 3的注册数量下降了12%,当然我们可以把这归因于我们在9月1日从国际公告中获悉的更新。

So, you know, likely as we have talked about, that's going to have an effect on Model 3. But hopefully, Tesla can stymie that a little bit, maybe reduce production a little bit. And things we have seen so far with pricing and things like that. Hopefully, Highland will reverse that trend, but could be in that situation in Q4 as well. We will see.
所以,你知道,像我们之前谈论过的那样,这将对Model 3产生影响。但希望特斯拉能稍微抑制一下,可能会稍微减少产量。而且至今我们所见到的定价等方面的情况也是这样。希望Highland能扭转这个趋势,但第四季度可能也会出现这种情况。我们拭目以待。

Right next, we do have a quick update to the referral program, potentially relevant to what we just talked about there. Tesla is adding six months of free supercharging to the referral program for the Model 3 and the Model Y. You'll still get three months of full self-driving capability, but the six months of free supercharging being added to the referral program there through the end of the year. So you have to take delivery before December 31st for that.
接下来,我们有一个关于推荐计划的快速更新,可能与我们刚才讨论的内容相关。特斯拉将为Model 3和Model Y的推荐计划增加六个月的免费超级充电。您仍然可以享受三个月的完整自动驾驶功能,但这个六个月的免费超级充电是在年底之前添加到推荐计划中的。因此,您必须在12月31日之前提车才能享受这个优惠。

And then Tesla did also post an update on their Gigafactory's handle on X, just a quick sort of nice little preview video or a little bit of a cinematic video of the new lobby at Gigabirlin. So kind of fun to see that and some of the just design aesthetics that Tesla is just in there. As we've seen before, they're, you know, trying to make that a pretty artistic factory and really bring that in. And I think that reflects in the lobby as well. So just kind of a cool video. I'll let that play here for a second so we can see it all and you can see the quick silver Model Y as well.
然后,特斯拉还发布了Gigafactory的最新动态,这是一个快速而又精美的预览视频,展示了Gigabirlin的新大堂。很有趣地看到特斯拉在那里展现了一些设计美学。正如我们以前所见,他们试图将其打造成一个具有艺术氛围的工厂,这在大堂中也得到了体现。所以这只是一个很酷的视频。让我们让它播放一会儿,这样我们就可以看到所有的内容,还可以看到那辆闪亮的银色Model Y。

I guess not all of it, but you can again find it at Gigafactory's on X. Then another YouTube or another video today was posted by LK Machinery. So this is actually part of the parent company that owns EDRO. This is an Asian company. They posted this video of their 16,000 ton Gigapress. So we've actually talked about these before. We don't necessarily know who the customer for this Gigapress is yet. If they, I'm, you know, I would assume that they would have a customer in the automotive segment for this vehicle or for this casting machine. But we don't know.
我猜并不是全部的内容,但你可以在Gigafactory的X上再次找到它。然后,LK Machinery又发布了另一个YouTube视频。所以实际上这是EDRO的母公司的一部分。这是一家亚洲公司。他们发布了一个他们的16000吨Gigapress的视频。我们之前已经讨论过这个。我们不确定这个Gigapress的客户是谁。如果他们有,我猜他们可能是为这款车或者这个铸造机器在汽车领域找到了客户。但是我们不确定。

We don't have confirmation that that would be Tesla. Now we have had Reuters reports that Tesla is working on sort of next level Gig casting for the next generation vehicle. That could be related to what we're seeing here. But regardless of whether it's Tesla or not, interesting to see this scale up, obviously in a very significant way from the 9,000 ton Gigapress, which was already a step up from the 6,000 ton presses that Tesla is using in, you know, current production vehicles with the Model Y 9,000 ton soon to be with production vehicles for the cyber truck. So we'll keep an eye on that and see if we hear any more about it. But kind of exciting progress there.
我们没有证实那会是特斯拉。现在有路透社报道说,特斯拉正在为下一代车型开发某种更高级的大型压铸生产技术。这可能与我们在这里看到的东西有关。但无论是不是特斯拉,这种规模的扩大都非常有趣。显然,9000吨的Gigapress已经是大幅进步,相比之下特斯拉目前使用的6000吨压铸机在Model Y上已经是一个进步,很快就要被用在Cybertruck的生产上了。因此我们会继续关注并看是否会听到更多相关消息。这是一个进展令人兴奋的事情。

All right, last few things. Quick one on Elon here. So there is, we've got a variety as a source probably for the first time on Tesla daily. They are confirming or reporting that there is a biopic of Elon Musk that is in development based off of the Isaacson biography. And Darren Arnowski is going to be directing this. So director of the whale, Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan, quite a few very famous movies is going to be directing this. So interesting. It was apparently pretty heavily a lot of competition for the rights to the book for this film. I don't know what the timeline will be, but obviously it will be pretty interesting to see when that comes out. Hopefully it'll do a good job of being fair. Elon seems to like the choice. Said glad Darren is doing it. He is one of the best. So sure, we'll have more news on that in the future.

And just a couple updates here on UAW. So as we've talked about, the agreements were tentatively reached for UAW contracts. However, although that might seem like it's done, it's not actually quite done. So workers at GM's Flint assembly plant, they actually voted against ratifying this. And it sounds like some other GM factories have also voted against it. Now, I don't know what the total tally is for all GM, you know, union workers. But it sounds like they among the three are having the most difficulty or at least in early votes are having the most difficulty passing this through. So it might not be such a foregone conclusion that this passes for them. It'll be interesting. I would still expect that it does, but still kind of interesting to see that in some cases workers are voting against it. So somebody keep an eye on there as we go forward.

And then Sean Fane again commenting today, just relating to union aspirations of expanding to other automakers. Obviously Tesla would be a focus of that, just saying that that will give them a lot more negotiating leverage in 2028 with new contracts if they're able to, you know, expand to other automakers. So that continues to be a point of topic or a point, a talking point for Fane. And I would expect that that will be the case for quite some time.

All right. And then looking to the calendar for next week, just a quick reminder, as I mentioned last week, I am unfortunately going to be off on Monday and Tuesday just for a conference that I'm going to. So should be back on Wednesday, we will get CPI and PPI reports next week. Those will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. So we'll keep it on that and how that might affect interest rate expectations. And then hopefully, hopefully big item next week, we could see a Starship second test flight SpaceX posting on next day that they are preparing to launch as early as November 17th pending final regulatory approval. So we talked yesterday about them setting up the flight termination system as a pretty strong sign that this was likely coming soon. Although they do say pending final regulatory approval, I would guess that SpaceX has a pretty good idea of when that is happening based on this. And as you can see here, nice little bonus in the release video of Cyber Truck driving around telling a Raptor engine there. So we'll keep an eye out for that exciting times at SpaceX.
好的。然后看看下周的日历,只是个快速提醒,就像我上周提到的,很遗憾我星期一和星期二将要请个会,因为有个会议要参加。所以应该星期三回来,我们会在下周看到CPI和PPI报告。这些将分别在星期二和星期三发布。所以我们将密切关注这些报告以及它们对利率预期的影响。还有希望下周我们能看到大新闻,SpaceX可能会发布第二次Starship测试飞行的消息,他们在随后的一天发布了消息,称他们正在准备最早于11月17日发射,前提是获得最终的监管批准。所以我们昨天讨论了他们正在建立飞行终止系统,这是一个相当明确的迹象,预示着这可能即将到来。尽管他们说需要最终的监管批准,但我想SpaceX对这个发射的时间应该有个相当清楚的概念。如你所见,他们在发布的视频中还加了个额外彩蛋,Cyber Truck在周围开着,里面有个Raptor发动机。所以我们将密切关注这个令人兴奋的时刻。SpaceX真是令人激动。

All right, that are up and up for today. And for the week, as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications and also find me on the X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you next Wednesday for the November 15th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.