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Tesla India Plans Revealed / Cybertruck Leak / Polestar's Warning ⚡️

发布时间 2023-11-08 23:56:28    来源


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The EV market is acting very much like what I would say the industry of old, the auto industry of old. With price cuts, rising inventory, increased incentives to kind of juice market demand. And you're seeing the automakers, you know, take a very rational approach that says, listen, we were ahead of the curve here in terms of consumer acceptance. So we're going to push back investments. But from where we stood six months ago, it's going to be a more challenging time for everyone involved in the EV market right now. It's going to take longer than everybody expected. I mean, you know, at the end of the day, you know, you're having the established automakers pushing out these investments to save capital.

But let's face it, General Motors is still sticking to their plan of having a million units of production capacity by the end of 2025. And as they close out 2023, you know, they'll be selling slightly less than 100,000 EVs. So that's a 10 X increase in the next two years. And yes, they're coming out with new products. But at the end of the day, the challenges for consumers are cost. You know, EVs still, even though they've come down significantly this year, about 20, 25%, they're still more costly than ice vehicles. Welcome to electrified. It's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my new or updated patrons, Jane Yes, Michael G and Jim H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
但是让我们面对现实,通用汽车仍然坚持他们在2025年底之前拥有一百万台生产能力的计划。当他们结束2023年时,你知道,他们将销售不到100,000辆电动车。所以在接下来的两年里,这将是一个10倍的增长。是的,他们会推出新产品。但是归根结底,对消费者来说面临的挑战是成本。你知道,尽管今年下降了很多,约20、25%,但电动车仍然比传统汽车更昂贵。欢迎来到《电动化》。我是您的主持人Dylan Loomis。向我的新或更新的赞助者Jane Yes、Michael G和Jim H致以诚挚的感谢。谢谢你选择支持这个频道。

On those comments from Mark, you would think somebody so plugged into the industry would relay the talking point about the total cost of ownership when it comes to electric vehicles. Yes, the upfront sticker price may be higher to comparable ice vehicles. But for anyone that actually wants to support the transition to EVs, we should always be trying to shift the talking point over to the TCO. Plus, when you add the tax credits into the mix, you can go get a Model Y for $36,000 and the average ice transaction price right now hovers up. And the average ice right now hovers around $48,000.
在马克的评论中,你会认为一个如此了解行业的人会谈到电动汽车的总拥有成本。是的,电动汽车的起始售价可能比同类燃油车更高。但对于任何真正想要支持向电动汽车过渡的人来说,我们应该始终试图将讨论焦点转移到总拥有成本上。此外,当你将税收减免纳入考虑时,你可以以36,000美元购买一辆Model Y,而目前燃油车的平均交易价格则高达48,000美元左右。

Rather than just parroting narrative headline talking points, how about looking at the actual data? If we look at global BEV adoption, quarter by quarter, you can see we just set a new record globally at 11.8% for Q3 of this year. Now, there's a chance we do see a slowdown in the growth rate, but people are now acting like this chart would be plummeting down to zero. The conversation really needs to be that legacy auto is pulling back EV investments, which will only make things easier for the likes of your Teslas, Rivians, and even Lucids. Not that things are easy for Lucid right now, but you know what I mean.

Rohan Patel, Tesla's policy advisor, said the number one priority for the legacy auto industry truck-end car is to water down climate standards in almost every jurisdiction, and though the announcements may not be coordinated, you can bet the industry associations are using this line of argument. So every time you see the doomsday EV demand takes, just know that it's very lazy analysis and requires much more nuance to the conversation.
特斯拉的政策顾问Rohan Patel表示,对于传统汽车行业来说,卡车和汽车的首要任务就是在几乎所有的司法管辖区中降低气候标准,虽然它们的宣布可能没有协调一致,但可以肯定的是行业协会正在利用这一论点。因此,每当你看到关于电动汽车需求即将崩溃的言论时,只要明白这是非常肤浅的分析,讨论需要更多细致入微的观点。

Following up on the segment yesterday about AM radio, we talked about Tesla not having analog AM in its vehicles, but Rohan Patel reminded people that Tesla does have many streaming radio stations, and you can actually search your favorite AM station. So you can have access to AM radio without it being analog, and any emergency service still using analog technology, they're the ones that should be forced to update their infrastructure and their operations.
昨天关于AM广播的话题有所延伸,我们谈论到特斯拉车辆上没有模拟AM广播,但Rohan Patel提醒人们,特斯拉实际上有许多流媒体广播电台,并且你可以搜索你喜欢的AM广播电台。这样你就可以在没有模拟信号的情况下收听AM广播,而任何仍在使用模拟技术的紧急服务机构,都应该被迫更新他们的基础设施和运营。

We have a few sources reporting Tesla is going to begin its entry into the Indian market with imports, but only from Gigabrelin, because India is not very keen on Tesla importing from China. To start, this would obviously limit Tesla to Model-I's coming from Gigabrelin since they don't make Model 3's there yet. I can't vouch for the original source money control, but they also said that Tesla plans to launch the $25,000 EV in India.
我们有一些消息来源报道特斯拉将开始通过进口方式进入印度市场,但仅限于从Gigabrelin进口,因为印度不太愿意特斯拉从中国进口。起初,这显然会限制特斯拉只能从Gigabrelin进口Model-I,因为他们目前还没有生产Model 3。关于原始消息来源money control,我无法保证其准确性,但他们还表示特斯拉计划在印度推出价格为25000美元的电动汽车。

Well-informed sources are saying Tesla has been dissuaded by Indian government officials to import any car from Shanghai due to geopolitical tensions between India and China. They added Tesla is currently seeking a customs duty cut on the import of EVs for CBUs completely built vehicles from Gigabrelin. It does sound like this would just be for the initial phase of Tesla's entry into India, and in the future of course they could still build a factory if things go well, and eventually they could start importing the Model 3, maybe from the United States if China is going to be off limits, unless Tesla begins making the Model 3 in Berlin as well. The word is, any customs duty concessions for Tesla are still speculative.
消息来源表示,由于中印之间的地缘政治紧张关系,印度政府官员已经劝阻特斯拉从上海进口任何汽车。他们补充说,特斯拉目前正在寻求对从Gigabrelin进口完全组装的电动车(CBUs)减免关税。听起来,这可能仅适用于特斯拉进入印度的初期阶段,如果事情进展顺利,特斯拉当然可以在未来建厂,并最终可以开始进口Model 3,除非中国被排除在外,否则可能从美国进口,除非特斯拉也开始在柏林生产Model 3。据称,特斯拉获得关税减免的消息尚属推测性质。

This is clearly still an evolving story, and Tesla has not given any indication as to a timeline when any type of entry into the Indian market may begin. But one storyline that's been consistent the past few weeks, it looks like Gigashang High may be off the table when it comes to Tesla imports into India. It sounds like we might get more information on this toward the end of next week, as we have Elon set to meet with Piyush Goyal, the leader of the house in India. Sources are saying the conversation will be around Tesla setting up an Indian factory, manufacturing the $25,000 car, and sourcing more components, and building out the supercharger network. They'll also touch on the import duty, they'll also touch on the import duties for EVs, and here they're saying a tax rate for Tesla as low as 15%.
这显然是一个仍在不断发展的故事,特斯拉没有给出任何关于何时可能进入印度市场的时间线线索。但有一个一直延续了几个星期的情节,似乎Gigashang High可能不再是特斯拉进口到印度的选择。听起来我们可能会在下周末末得到更多关于此事的信息,因为伊隆将会与印度国会领导人皮尤什·戈亚尔会面。消息人士称,对话将围绕特斯拉在印度建厂、制造价值25000美元的汽车、采购更多零部件和扩展超级充电网络展开。他们还将谈到电动汽车进口关税的问题,此处他们称特斯拉可能享受低至15%的税率。

Basically all year, we were expecting to get the next Gigafactory announcement sometime this year, but I won't be surprised if we don't get it until Q1 or Q2 2024. A Reddit user said the first V4 supercharger location in East Point, Georgia is now operational, Magiktok, and payment screens are installed, but they're not yet operational. There are 16 stalls and one trailer only lane.

We have a Swedish source with an update on the Tesla strike situation. More and more unions are now joining in the sympathy strikes. We have a real estate union, transport workers, harbor workers, and electricians as we touched on. Two more unions are looking to join the strike that will begin on November 20th. This time around, it'll be a blockade against the distribution, delivery, and collection of shipments, letters, packages, and palettes. Now we have November 17th and November 20th as the two dates to watch when things will be ratcheted up against Tesla in Sweden.

Back to V4, the superchargers at Gigabrelin are now ready for use. Previously I heard these superchargers were not open to the public, but here we have a Tesla employee saying that these V4s at Gigabrelin are indeed ready for visitors. Let me know if you have any more information, it would make sense to have these open to the public, especially now that the Gigabrelin lobby is up and running and open to the public.

We got the breakdown for Tesla China's October figures. We have 43.4 thousand exports and 28.6 thousand domestic deliveries. We should get production numbers soon, and it'll be interesting to take a look at the Model 3 production for the month. I did go back and check beyond what you can see on the screen right now. This was actually the second highest month for Tesla exports from China ever. The only month that's been better from an export perspective was actually October of last year with 54.5 thousand.
我们得到了特斯拉中国10月份数据的详细情况。我们出口了43.4万辆,国内交付了28.6万辆。我们很快会得到生产数量的数据,看看本月Model 3的生产情况将会很有趣。我确实回顾了一下目前屏幕上看到的数据之外的部分。事实上,这是特斯拉从中国出口的第二高月份。在出口方面,唯一超过的是去年10月份的54.5万辆。

Seems like a fitting time to share this chart from Clean Technica, looking at the top selling plug-in vehicles globally for September this year. Model Y far and away the number one, but look at the rest of the top 14. They are all domestic Chinese EV brands, except the two from Tesla, the Y in the three, and two from VW, the ID4 and the ID3. And yes, I believe it's also true that the Model Y is on track to be the best selling car of any type, not just EV in the world for this year, and in a few months we'll find out for sure.
看起来是个合适的时机分享一下 Clean Technica 的这份表格,它展示了今年九月全球畅销的插电式车辆前十四名。Model Y遥遥领先,但是看看其他十三个名次。除了两辆特斯拉的 Model Y 以及大众的 ID4 和 ID3,剩下的都是中国国内的电动汽车品牌。而且,我相信 Model Y 有望成为今年全球畅销车型,不仅仅是电动汽车,几个月后我们就能得到确定答案了。

Here we get into some Cybertruck news. First, Joe Tettmeyer said the Cybertruck went through some water leak testing at Giggle Austin. He did also mention dozens of revised Cybertruck castings, but not too many things to take away from this image. Certainly a pretty interesting contraption, and Joe did say that he believes customer production of Cybertrucks started last week. I could speculate on these revised castings, but we're so close to the actual event, I'm just going to hold off. We'll find out everything for sure soon enough.
在这里,我们看一下一些Cybertruck的新闻。首先,乔·特特迈尔说Cybertruck在Giggle Austin进行了一些漏水测试。他还提到了几十种修订过的Cybertruck铸件,但从这张图片上并没有太多信息可以得出。这个设备确实很有趣,乔还表示他相信Cybertruck的客户生产上周已经开始了。我可以就这些修订过的铸件进行推测,但因为离实际事件太近了,我想等一等。我们很快就会弄清楚一切。

Joe also mentioned these new colored wheel covers for the Cybertruck. You can see around the edge it does appear to be gray, at least from this angle. Not only do we have the Cybertruck undergoing water testing, but some snow testing up in Alaska as well. We also got this video from TFL-EV on YouTube. They said they had an insider source share some information about the Cybertruck, first of which was this image inside the Cybertruck bed. Port door open showing us two 110 volt outlets and a 220 volt, up to 250 volt NEMA 1450 outlet. In the US we tend to blend it all together 220 up to 250. I'm just going to refer to this as a 240 volt outlet.
乔还提到了这款新款Cybertruck的彩色车轮罩。你可以看到边缘的颜色似乎是灰色的,至少从这个角度看是这样的。我们不仅对Cybertruck进行了水上测试,还在阿拉斯加进行了一些雪地测试。我们还从TFL-EV的YouTube频道得到了这个视频。他们说他们有内部消息人士分享了一些关于Cybertruck的信息,首先是Cybertruck车厢内的这张照片。港口门打开,显示出两个110伏特插座和一个220伏特、最高250伏特的NEMA 1450插座。在美国,我们往往将其全部合并为220伏特至250伏特。我将简称其为240伏特插座。

If you zoom out, you can see this gentleman pointing to a tie down. Some people were asking if that was an air compressor. It looks like that's just a bolt inside that tie down that essentially pops out. So far I have not seen anywhere any confirmation that the Cybertruck will have an air compressor. I know that will be disappointing to some, but nowadays you can just buy mobile air compressors and take them with you. Now if these are the only outlets that Cybertruck has, this will not stack up super favorably with trucks like the Rivian R1T and especially the Ford F-150 Lightning that has over 10 outlets on board at various locations. But again, I'm not drawing any definite conclusions. I'm not going to speculate or get into this too far right now because in about 22 days we're going to know everything for sure. For example, for the NEMA 1450 they said there's a label right here that says 2 kilowatts. Why Tesla would limit the 1452 kilowatts? I don't know, but again, let's just wait and see.
如果你放大一点,就可以看到这位先生指着一个绑带。有些人问这是否是一个空气压缩机。看起来那只是一个绑带内部的螺栓,基本上是弹出来的。到目前为止,我还没有看到任何关于Cybertruck将拥有空气压缩机的确认信息。我知道这对一些人来说会令人失望,但现在你可以购买移动式空气压缩机并携带它们。如果这些是Cybertruck唯一的插座,那它在这方面不会比Rivian R1T和尤其是Ford F-150 Lightning表现得超级好,后者在车上各个位置拥有超过10个插座。但再次强调,我不会下任何确定性的结论。现在我不会推测或深入讨论这个问题,因为在大约22天后我们将对一切有所了解。例如,对于NEMA 1450,他们说这里有一个标签上写着2千瓦。我不知道为什么特斯拉会限制1452千瓦,但再次,让我们等待并观察。

They also shared these unconfirmed specs, first of which, length 18.6 feet. That would make it about 6 inches longer than a Rivian R1T but shorter than an F-150. I do want to say up front, some of these specs, even if they were true, are going to be adjustable. For example, the overall height, with an adjustable suspension, this number is actually going to change. They have a tow rating of 11,000 pounds, but Tesla may also offer different tow ratings for different trims. This figure would put the Cybertruck in line with some industry averages, but a couple years ago Tesla did mention a 14,000 pound tow rating. But again, maybe higher trims have better ratings. When it comes to front volume, they have 7.1 cubic feet. Now, most of the other trucks we have the Rivian R1T, Chevy Silverado, the F-150 Lightning, they're all over 10 cubic feet, and on the high end, the F-150 is around 14 cubic feet. They have the bed length just over 6 feet, and of course the weight capacity of the front comes in at 420 pounds. They also have a 220 pound difference between the dual motor and the tri motor variants, topping out at 6,890 pounds. The curb weight of the Rivian R1T starts at around 7,100 pounds, so the Cybertruck is relatively pretty light, which means, yes, it could be super fast. This sheet did also say no outlets in the front. So again, all of this is unconfirmed. Honestly though, nothing really sticks out as being glaringly wrong, at least in my opinion, let me know what you think.
他们还分享了这些未经证实的规格,首先是长度为18.6英尺。这将使其比Rivian R1T长约6英寸,但比F-150短。我要提前说一下,即使这些规格是真实的,它们也是可以调整的。例如,总高度将随着可调悬挂而改变。它们的拖车载重为11,000磅,但特斯拉可能还会为不同的车型提供不同的拖车载重。这个数字将使Cybertruck与一些行业平均水平保持一致,但几年前特斯拉提到过14,000磅的拖车载重。但同样地,也可能更高级别的车型具有更好的载重能力。至于前部容积,它们为7.1立方英尺。现在,我们其他的卡车,如Rivian R1T,雪佛兰Silverado,F-150 Lightning,它们的容积都超过10立方英尺,而在高端,F-150约为14立方英尺。他们的床长略超过6英尺,当然,前部的重量承载能力为420磅。双电机和三电机版本之间有220磅的差异,最高可达6,890磅。Rivian R1T的整备重量约为7,100磅,所以Cybertruck相对来说比较轻,这意味着它可能非常快。这张表还显示前部没有电源插座。所以,再次强调,这些都是未经证实的。不过,老实说,没有什么特别明显错误的地方,至少在我看来是这样,你认为呢?

They did also share this image they received. They said it was of the rear axle and the dual motor setup, leaving one motor for the front axle on this vehicle. This would be under the Cybertruck bed, so I'm not sure if it's customer accessible or they just had this image from somewhere else. Just remember, we've all waited years, we can wait another 22 days to get the final official specs.

Last night, Tesla Asia posted some photos of the first deliveries of the upgraded Model 3 in Shenzhen, China. Just a quick one, we have Indonesia calling on the United States and Europe to help it develop manufacturing capabilities for EVs and batteries. They said the government could reward businesses that come with the spirit of creating EV ecosystems in Indonesia with incentives. They didn't really list any specifics, but Indonesia is still pushing hard to go beyond just a supplier of nickel.
昨晚,特斯拉亚洲在中国深圳发布了升级版Model 3的首批交付照片。另外,印尼呼吁美国和欧洲帮助其发展电动汽车和电池制造能力。他们表示,政府可以奖励那些带有在印尼创建电动汽车生态系统精神的企业。尽管没有具体列出细节,但印尼仍在努力超越仅仅成为镍供应商的地位。

Chinese automaker Glee has teamed up with Malaysian partner proton holdings, of which Glee owns about 49.9%. They're set to invest $10 billion in both R&D and manufacturing in Malaysia. The Southeast Asian market is heating up when it comes to EVs as we just saw BYD setting up shop in Thailand.
中国汽车制造商格利汽车与马来西亚合作伙伴Proton Holdings达成合作,格利汽车持有Proton Holdings约49.9%的股份。双方计划在马来西亚投资100亿美元用于研发和制造。随着比亚迪刚刚在泰国设立工厂,东南亚市场的电动汽车正在逐渐升温。

I listened to the Rivian Q3 call, the main takeaway, they are laser focused on the R2 platform and they sound very optimistic about how things are going specifically.

When it comes to suppliers for the R2, the bill of material cost reductions we're seeing and these are significant and we're going to see them quarter over quarter. I've described it before, almost like this staircase set of changes quarter over quarter with a big step being that which comes in quarter to next year.

But we've been able to leverage suppliers excitement for R2 to achieve materially lower costs in our bill materials. That will start to layer in along with what comes in Q2, but even beyond that.

R2 is sort of this incredible carrot for suppliers. One of the things that's become very clear, particularly in the last two to three quarters, is just how well the Rivian brand is resonating. And suppliers are recognizing relative to some of the other customers just how much volume we're delivering and how much demand there is for our products.

Relative to a wide variety of established brands and they recognize that that excitement for our brand will also translate to lower price points. And the R2 captures the essence of our brand, but of course, to the smaller package and a much lower price.
相对于各种已建立品牌,他们认识到,对我们品牌的兴奋度也会转化为较低的价格。而且 R2 捕捉到了我们品牌的核心,当然,体积更小、价格更低。

Today we got a new blog post from Cruz. They're issuing a voluntary recall of their AV software after they found collision detection subsystems may cause Cruz AVs to try to pull over out of traffic. Instead of remaining stationary, when a pullover is not the desired course of action.

They've hired a third party engineering firm to perform a technical root cause analysis on the October 2nd pedestrian incident.

CNBC added that the recall will affect 950 Cruz Robotaxes. Cruz is now also looking to hire a chief safety officer. Sounds like a role they should have had in place already. And yes, Cruz has already lost their permits to operate. They have grounded all of their vehicles. Now they're just doing this recall to take a look at the software and make some changes. This really results in more of a formality than anything actually changing with Cruz's current operation since they're not operating at all.

There was an infographic going around today from some Chinese media on Weibo that the Model 3 was now going to finally get the HEPA filter and Bio-weapon defense mode. To date, it's been the only Tesla without those features. The SX and Y all have HEPA and Bio-weapon defense.
今天微博上流传着一张中国媒体发布的信息图,内容是特斯拉Model 3车型即将配备HEPA过滤器和生化武器防御模式。迄今为止,Model 3是唯一没有这些功能的特斯拉车型,而S型和Y型都已经配备了HEPA过滤器和生化武器防御功能。

But I'm not ready to confirm that's the case, nor is Drive Tesla Canada. This was the first image that was shared. It was a Model 3 interior as they talked about the benefits of a HEPA filter. But shortly thereafter, Tesla has changed that image to a Model Y interior. And in the original image, if you translate the image, there was actually no mention specifically of the Model 3.
但是我还没有准备好确认这是否是事实,Drive Tesla Canada也是如此。这是最早分享的一张照片。当他们谈到高效颗粒空气过滤器的好处时,这是一张Model 3的内饰照片。但是之后不久,特斯拉将那张照片改为了Model Y的内饰照片。而在原始照片中,如果你翻译这张照片,实际上并没有明确提到Model 3。

Plus, this would most likely be a feature Tesla would want to market fairly heavily because it would be a pretty big upgrade. Why wouldn't Tesla put a HEPA in the Model 3? Well, the simplest explanation is it still does not fit. So this one is still somewhat up in the air for now, but I'll definitely keep an eye on it.
此外,由于这是一个相当大的升级,很可能特斯拉会非常强调推广这一功能。为什么特斯拉不会在Model 3中加装HEPA过滤器呢?最简单的解释是它仍然不适合。所以现在关于这一点还有些不确定,但我肯定会继续关注这个问题。

On X, the governor of New Avo Leone shared two renderings of how they're preparing for Giga Mexico. They showed a new bridge, the widening of three lanes of the highway, and new access ramps. This will be the entrance to Tesla.

Today, pull start trimmed its 2023 delivery forecast to the lower end of its earlier guidance and halved its gross margin target, amid fears of a slowdown in EV demand and global economic uncertainty. Before they were guiding to 62, 70,000, now they said they're focusing on 60,000. The new gross margin target, 2% down from 4% previously.
今天,pull start削减了其2023年交付预测至较早的指引的下限,并将其毛利率目标减半,原因是担心电动汽车需求放缓和全球经济不确定性。之前他们的指引是62, 70,000,现在他们说他们专注于60,000。新的毛利率目标比先前的4%降低了2%。

Today, GM has entered into a partnership with, they say Wisconsin startup is actually based in Minnesota. It's called Neuron or NIRON Magnetics. This partnership will help GM develop electric motor magnets that can be made without rare earth elements. This is a 60 person company.
今天,通用汽车与一家叫做Neuron或NIRON Magnetics的明尼苏达州初创企业达成了合作伙伴关系,尽管他们声称这家威斯康星初创公司实际上是设在明尼苏达州。这项合作将帮助通用汽车开发可以不使用稀土元素制造的电动机磁体。这家公司目前有60名员工。

They said our teams will co-develop Iron Nitride motor magnet technology. I can't help but thinking back to when GM said it was going to co-develop technology with nickel motors. They didn't share much information or even how much GM invested into this partnership, but they did say the total investment from multiple companies was only $33 million.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day. You can find me on X linked below. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. Thank you.
希望你们今天过得愉快。你们可以在下方链接中找到我。如果你们喜欢这个视频,请点赞。也要特别感谢所有给我提供帮助的 Patre 下的支持者们。谢谢!