Giga Berlin Updates, Cybertruck Tested by Top Gear, Cruise Details

发布时间 2023-11-03 23:22:12    来源


Elon Musk talks with employees at Giga Berlin ➤ Top Gear spotted testing Cybertruck in California ➤ EPA holds EV promo ...



Hey everybody Rob and we're here, happy Friday, today we have some new updates on Giga Berlin, we also have some new test videos of the Cyber Truck, a little bit of new insight on GM's crews and the situation that they're in right now, and a couple other items as well.
大家好,我是罗布,我们在这里。周五快乐!今天我们有一些有关Giga Berlin的新消息,还有一些Cyber Truck的最新测试视频,对通用汽车的团队以及他们目前的情况有一些新的洞察力,还有一些其他的话题。

Overall though, pretty quiet news day should be another pretty quick one today.

Tesla up 2 thirds of a percent on the day to close the week at $219.96, while the NASDAQ was up 1.4% on the day today. So a bit of an underperformance for Tesla and really a strong run here for the NASDAQ, actually the best 5 day streak, so best week for the NASDAQ since January.

So it follows a couple of periods last week where we had a couple of poor 2 day stretches for the NASDAQ, but it has rebounded quite strongly.

So the trend that we've seen for Tesla over the last few days, I think mostly macro driven as much as I would love that it was driven more by Tesla, that seems to be the case.

Now getting into the updates on Gageberlin, Elon posted on X that he's at Gageberlin today to congratulate the team on their excellent progress. The factory looks amazing. We're going to cover all the concrete with art. So we've seen a little bit of that already at Gageberlin, but more interestingly, we also got a report from GF4 Tesla on X that Elon at the visit today announced that Gageberlin will be building a 25,000 euro, roughly $26,000 Tesla at Gageberlin.
现在关于Gageberlin的最新消息,埃隆在X上发布消息说他今天在Gageberlin,为团队的出色进展表示祝贺。工厂看起来棒极了。我们打算在所有的混凝土表面上涂上艺术涂料。我们在Gageberlin已经看到了一点这样的情况,但更有趣的是,我们还从GF4 Tesla在X上收到了一份报告,埃隆在今天的参观中宣布Gageberlin将在那里制造一辆价值约25,000欧元(大约26,000美元)的特斯拉。

So this is just being reported by this account, we don't know if this is verified or not. There are a lot of outlets picking this up today, but most of it seems to come back to this Seoul post. So worth keeping that in mind, that being said, I don't find this surprising at all, I always assume that this would be the case.

If we look at where Gageberlin is at right now, Tesla seems to be holding it around 250,000 per year capacity for the Model Y, but at the same time they're filing expansion plans to grow that capacity up to a million, there have been reports in the past during the initial stages of Gageberlin planning that that would eventually scale up to 2 million vehicles per year.
如果我们看一下Gageberlin当前的状况,特斯拉似乎将其Model Y的年产能控制在25万辆左右,但与此同时,他们也在提交扩建计划,将产能增加到100万辆,过去在Gageberlin计划的初期阶段,曾有报道称最终年产能会扩大到200万辆。

You're not going to get to 2 million a year with the current generation of vehicles. You're going to have to go down market a little bit. So not surprising to see Tesla move in that direction. I think that's probably been part of the plans for a long time.

Nevertheless, if Elon is talking to factory workers about that, that's probably a positive step forward. And then RBB24 today reporting that while Elon was here, they also raised wages for employees by about 4%. This had been previously reported, I think, by Reuters that this was coming, so no surprise there.

But it sounds like they're also then going to be increasing annual salaries in February by another 2500 euros. So over the course of one and a half years, it would result in roughly 18% increase in wages.

Obviously, as we've seen UAW action, there's been pressure from IG Metal. We've seen some possible strikes happening in Sweden. I think these wage pressures are pretty consistent worldwide in Tesla responding here.

Although not necessarily responding, they actually said that the assertions that there is a connection between Tesla salary adjustments and trade union activities are devoid of any truth, according to RBB. So we've talked about this before, whether or not this is a response or whether the unions are just timing it up in terms of their efforts to make it look more like a response, or it's just all coincidental with the calendar.

Either way, wage increases, and I think we'll continue to be some pressure on that as a result of the UAW contracts and inflation as well.

So nevertheless, update on that for Gigapirlen today.

The other Tesla news is there was a cyber truck that was spotted out in the Hermosa Beach area in California. One of the people here that's talking with these bystanders is actually a top gear person. So top gear had the cyber truck out. They did some testing on it. Looks like they did a little bit of reviewing of it, actually as well.
另一条特斯拉的新闻是在加利福尼亚州的海莫萨海滩地区发现了一辆电动皮卡车。其中有一位与旁观者交谈的人其实是《Top Gear》的成员。所以《Top Gear》对这款电动皮卡进行了测试,并且似乎还进行了一些评论。

So probably preparing for that for, I would assume, an embargoed release that will happen around the time of the cyber truck delivery event. So I would imagine if top gear's got this, I'm sure others like Motor Trend would have similar access as well prior to that event.
所以我推测,为了那个即将举行的密码发布活动做准备。我认为这个活动将会在电动皮卡交付活动期间举行。我想,如果Top Gear已经拥有了这个消息,那么像Motor Trend这样的媒体也肯定会在那个活动之前获得类似的信息。

So hopefully that means we'll sync that up with a lot of media coverage. There would of course be a ton of that anyway, but if there can be these initial reviews as well, that should be pretty exciting.

And then they did also use the front trunk here. So you can see that in action, we had seen a little bit lower quality video of this, but the powered nature of that, although we don't get to see it close, you can see it raise a little bit. So always fun to see it more on the cyber truck. That was kind of it for Tesla specific stuff.

But an update here, the EPA last week launched a competition for anybody to create a video promoting electric vehicles, as well as a couple other categories, personal mobility, electric buses with top prizes of up to $3,000 for first place. These videos, I think need to be one to two minutes long. Really just with the intent of promoting these things. So not too dissimilar from what we've seen from Tesla before with Project Love Day, if any of you guys remember that. But the EPA says that video winners might be featured on the agency's website and social media channels. I would assume that that would kind of be the intent of it. I don't think the EPA is going to run like a national advertising commercial or anything like that. But nevertheless, kind of an interesting contest there. And we'll see what comes out of that when that contest wraps up. I'm not sure of the date of that if that's disclosed here.

Early 2024.

And then the next thing is an update, or I guess a report on the status for crews. Of course, we've talked before about the suspension for, you know, from the DMV in San Francisco. About half of Cruz's vehicles were there. They have then suspended operations for the remaining half of the fleet, subsequently following that. So we've got a report from the New York Times talking about a company or a Cruz company update from their CEO that haven't earlier this week. And according to these employees, he said that they did not know when they could start operations. Again, layoffs for crews could be coming according to two employees at that meeting. So no surprise there that they don't know. And of course, if the business stays stalled for a long time, although as we talked about before, the revenue is not actually all that significant in terms of the overall business performance, since they're losing so much more money beyond just the revenue. When the business is paused, of course, that's going to just put some pressure on it, even if it is just from shareholders and things of that nature for GM. So we'll see what happens there.

And then actually a couple of other interesting insights from this. According to sources, so we don't know how verifiable or accurate this information is, but according to sources, each Cruz vehicle costs about $150 to $200,000 a piece. They've got about $400 to those. So that's $80 million. Obviously their losses each quarter are well, well beyond that. So this is just talking about the cost of the hardware, I believe, which obviously those would be quite expensive relative to a Tesla vehicle, which although capabilities would be a little bit different, Tesla's costs much, much closer to $30,000 for a vehicle that has potentially similar functionality. So that's an interesting data point. And then they do talk about the remote driver capabilities. They say that these vehicles that they have operating were supported by 1.5 workers per vehicle. Now that could just mean they've got 400 cars, 600 workers in terms of these remote operators. We don't know the exact number of that again, but it is interesting to get a look at that sort of a ratio because obviously the point of these cars is to replace a driver. If you're replacing a driver with one and a half others, the math doesn't really work out on that. Of course that will change over time or presumably would change over time as things scaled. Nevertheless, interesting to see that ratio right now. And then apparently the workers intervened to assist the cruise vehicles every two and a half to five miles. So if you're talking about remote intervention that frequently, that is quite high, probably quite higher than a lot of people would have assumed. I don't know what Tesla's rate would be if we were to just drop Tesla vehicles in this sort of exact same scenario. My guess is it probably wouldn't be super far off of that, but would depend on the driving domain, which is something else to consider. These are limited in terms of what their capabilities are and the things that they're doing and the streets that are going on and things like that. But regardless, if this ratio is accurate, that's a long way to go from being able to improve this type of ratio and make these things more cash sustainable. So a couple of interesting data points there on cruise.

And then the last couple of things, we got an update from Elon on XAI. We had talked earlier this week about a couple of trademarks that had popped up for them. Elon saying that tomorrow, early this morning, tomorrow, X will release XAI will release the first AI to a select group. In some important respects, it is the best that currently exists.

So I don't know what this select group will be. We'll keep an eye out, see if we hear anything more about that, but definitely an interesting milestone there for XAI.

And then lastly, just a quick look at the calendar. Not a whole lot here. We do have a back to back double decor, I guess here for Fed Chair of Endrum Powell speaking on Wednesday and Thursday next week. I'm not sure how what those events are specifically, but we'll keep an eye on that.
然后最后,我们来快速看一下日历。这里没有太多事情。下周我们会有一连串的Fed主席Jerome Powell在周三和周四发表讲话,可能是关于货币政策的。具体是什么活动我不太确定,但我们会密切关注的。

And then just personally, I do have a wedding out of the country on Sunday. So I'm going to be traveling for that. And then likely missing Monday and Tuesday's episodes should be back on Wednesday. So apologies for that.

And then actually the next week, unfortunate timing. I do have a conference the following Monday and Tuesday. So the next two weeks are probably going to be Wednesday through Friday schedules. But we'll see if anything crazy happens during those periods and if needed, maybe you can hop on, hop on quickly. So keep that in mind, but that'll wrap it up for today.

As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see on Wednesday for the November 8th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.