Cybertruck Bed, Tesla China Sales, Megapack Stockpile
发布时间 2023-11-03 00:08:11 来源
New video of Cybertruck bed storage ➤ Musk comments on valuation ➤ Tesla China sales ➤ Tesla expands Puerto Rico VPP ...
Hey everybody Rob, now we're here and I am a little bit under the weather today so I do apologize if I don't quite have the super high energy that I know brings you all to Tesla daily in the first place. But kind of a good day for it, we don't have a ton of news so it should be pretty quick today.
Looking at the stock, really nice day, up 6.25% closing at $218.51, NASDAQ quite strong today as well, up 1.8% on the day. Alright, we'll start off with a tweet from Elon. So yesterday we talked about Ron Beren's comments about Tesla's potential valuation in the future. Elon did comment on this as well late last night saying that we do need to knock the ball out of the park several times to achieve that value, but I think we can't. So nothing too new, nice to hear those comments from Elon, but we've heard him talk before about how he feels like Tesla has the potential to become the most valuable company in the world, which this would place it in that sort of an echilon. So just probably nice to hear the reiteration from Elon on those comments, but again, nothing too new.
Then we also got a little bit of a new detail on the cyber truck today. James Richardson-Furlough, I believe on Facebook shared a video one of his friends came across the cyber truck and got a little brief demo of some of the storage space in the bed of the vehicle. So I'll play that here quickly. Like other Tesla vehicles, there is a little storage compartment in this area. You can see that flip up there. It's kind of hard to tell exactly how big it is since there's obviously some stuff blocking our view. But it looks like at least a nice little storage compartment there for some additional space, not that it's probably going to be super necessary very often with the amount of capacity that the cyber truck will have. But nevertheless, always fun to see those new details a few weeks ahead of the delivery event, which hopefully gives us all of those things.
今天我们对Cybertruck的一些新细节也了解到了一点点。我相信是James Richardson-Furlough在Facebook分享的一个视频,他的朋友在某次偶然的机会下看到了Cybertruck,并对车尾储物空间进行了一个简短的演示。我马上播放一下那段视频。就像其他特斯拉车型一样,这个地方有一个小型储物间。你们可以看到它翻开了。由于显然有一些东西挡住了我们的视野,很难准确判断它的大小。但至少看起来是一个不错的小型储物间,也许在Cybertruck本身拥有如此大储存容量的情况下,这部分额外的空间可能并不经常被使用到。但无论如何,提前几周就能看到这些新细节总是很有趣的,希望这样能满足我们对交付活动的期待。
Then we do have new China wholesale sales figures for October. So unfortunately, we don't have the breakout between retail and export wholesale sales as a combination of both, and then we should get production in about a week or so from now as well. So this table will get filled in, but for now we just have the wholesale sales figure of 72,115 vehicles for October. This is a little bit of a drop month over month. Obviously, things are impacted by Highland right now. If you exclude Model 3 from this number, it would seem very strong. But as a reminder, because this does include export vehicles, it would not be fair to do that. It's actually a pretty significant number of exported Model 3s for the month, I believe, based on the production number that we saw for September, even with the flip to Highland, 18,000 vehicles, 18,000 Model 3s produced in September. So most of those, or a big chunk of those, should be in the export number for Model 3 for this month, which will contribute to the wholesale sales figure. So it's going to be disrupted a little bit, obviously Tesla's production, even for Model 3, and the Y slipped a bit on the month over month there in September. So it'll take some time to bounce back for that. But still a pretty nice number for us to see here that should only be increasing as Highland ramps up. So we'll take a look at those numbers as they get filled in.
然后我们确实有10月份的中国批发销售数据。不幸的是,我们没有将零售和出口批发销售分开列出,目前只有10月份批发销售总量为72,115辆的数据。与上个月相比,这是略微下降的。显然,目前Highland地区的情况对销售产生了影响。如果从这个数字中排除Model 3,销售数据似乎非常强劲。但是值得提醒的是,因为这包括出口车辆,所以这样做是不公平的。根据我们在9月份看到的产量数字,当月出口的Model 3数量是相当可观的,即使考虑到转向Highland的情况,9月份生产了18,000辆Model 3。因此,这些车辆中的大部分或者一部分将计入本月Model 3的出口销售数字。显然,无论是特斯拉整体生产还是Model 3和Y的生产,在9月份同比上都有所下滑。因此,它们需要一些时间来恢复。但仍然是一个相当不错的数字,随着Highland地区的扩大,这个数字只会增加。所以等这些数据填补完整后我们来看一下。
And then we've got a couple of Tesla energy updates today. So Tesla Energy on X shared that they have now sort of expanded or unlocked the virtual power plant program for power walls in Puerto Rico. This is nice to see we've actually talked about this project a couple of times. Drew had said that this was coming so far. They have just been sort of trialing this, but now it looks like they're ready to kind of expand that to all 75,000 power wall owners in Puerto Rico, who can now sign up directly in the Tesla app to be a part of this virtual power plant. That Tesla says could become the largest VPP ever. So nice to see that always good to see more VPP updates and hopefully something that continues to expand for Tesla over time.
And then we've got a megapack update from YouTube channel, Matt got in the wilderness. They occasionally do flyovers of the Lathrop megafactory. And like usual, we're seeing a pretty big number of megapacks in inventory here just kind of waiting to be distributed. So 337 in total was the figure that he counted from his flyover or they counted from their flyover rather. 337. So that's over half a billion dollars in megapacks sitting there at the megafactory ready to be shipped or presumably close to being ready to be shipped and deployed. So it's kind of fun to see that and hopefully we'll contribute to the Q4 numbers if Tesla gets those out.
And then we've got a couple other automaker updates. This one coming yesterday from Toyota, they announced their earnings, which were actually quite strong. I think they had a record revenue profit operating profit net income, pretty much records across the board to the sugar should grin of many people rooting for EVs, I think. But they did also alongside that reduce their estimates for 2023 EVs. So previously they had said that they expected to deliver just over 200,000 EVs this year. They've now cut that pretty significantly, you know, around 40% or so down to just 123,000 as their expectations for the year, which their fiscal year will end in March. So still, you know, almost six months of that left, a little bit less than that. But that's kind of what their gut and sexplication is for now. They are expecting though record operating profits alongside this cut. So like others, we're seeing them reduce their expectations there. It's not a hugely significant number, but the more that that gets reduced, the more that that calls into question, probably their growth rate on EVs going forward.
And then we've also got updated US auto sales. So these are starting to come in for October. So just one month, but always kind of interesting to keep an eye on, especially during the UAW strike period that we're seeing right now. So I believe for the big three, only four it has reported. They actually saw a 5% decline month over month for October sales in the US. Other automakers are seeing increases after coming off of, as we've talked about, a little bit slower of a year last year. So no surprise, but among these six OEMs that are reporting about a 5% increase across the board from these guys, but again, forward down 5%. So it'll be interesting to see also from GM and Stellantis, some of their brands as those reports come in.
And then lastly for today, Elon did participate in the AI summit with the UK Prime Minister. So about a 50 minute long video with some Q&A. Most of us have heard Elon's comments on this. I don't think anything too new for those that have listened, but a pretty enjoyable quick lesson, you can do 2x, it's posted on Elon's account there on X.
Alright, that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And I'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, November 3 episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.
好的,今天就到这里吧。所以像往常一样,谢谢你的收听。记得订阅并打开通知。你还可以在X平台上找到我,我的名称是Tesla podcast。明天,我们将在11月3日星期五发布《Tesla日报》的节目,到时见。谢谢。