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You're Being Lied to About Tesla & EV's / Toyota's Record Profits / Ford's EV Acquisition ⚡️

发布时间 2023-11-01 22:54:49    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patrons, Jim Kay, that ESF, Craig Kay and Darryl, thank you for choosing to support the channel. It is so good to be back in, just a quick reminder if you're ever wondering why there wasn't an upload, always be sure to check my community tab, that's where I'll post any updates.

And to everyone that reached out with concern and or well wishes, just wanted to say thank you.

From the star, Tesla and Starlink have been allowed to operate in Malaysia as 100% foreign owned companies after taking into account the benefits they could bring to the nation. This is the exact same allowance or exemption that Tesla received in China becoming a wholly owned foreign subsidiary, one of the only foreign companies to be granted that exemption. Malaysia does not have a central regulatory authority, so policies on foreign investment participation in Malaysia are actually sector specific, meaning they're regulated by the authorities supervising each sector. Generally speaking, across sectors there are usually restrictions on equity ownership of foreign investors by way of mandating minimum or majority equity ownership to be held by local Malaysians and or a requirement for a local Malaysian to be appointed to the board of directors, but both of these stipulations have been waived for Tesla and Starlink.

Sawyer shared a chart from KBB so this is US data only, but it showed Tesla sold 10 times as many EVs as any other car maker during the first 3 quarters of this year. Presumably referring to the competition, Elon said room for improvement, I suppose. The new headlines about EV demand slowing should more accurately say demand for legacy OEM EVs is slowing. It's driven by a lack of compelling EVs offered by companies not named Tesla, BYD, Rivian, and maybe even Hyundai and Kia. As legacy OEMs pull back EV production, this will just make things even easier for Tesla and over the next 24 months they will most likely now continue to gain EV market share not lose it. So while the media will oversimplify and paint this as EV demand down, this is bad for Tesla, the real outcome will most likely be Tesla sales up, legacy OEM EV sales down.

Tesla has increased the cost of the black paint on just the Model Y from $1500 to 2000. Pair that with the Model X price increase, the Model Y price increase, Tesla looking to dial in some gross margin numbers for quarter 4. Just a few years ago, I believe it was around 2018-2019 black was a free paint color option. For now, black remains a $1500 option for the Model 3.
特斯拉仅针对Model Y车型将黑色油漆的价格从1500美元调高到2000美元。再加上Model X的价格上涨、Model Y的价格上涨、特斯拉试图在第四季度调整一些毛利率数据。就在几年前,我记得大约是在2018-2019年,黑色是免费的油漆颜色选择。目前,Model 3车型仍然需要支付1500美元才能选择黑色。

This morning, Drew Baglino responded to Jordan at the limiting factor on X, saying another challenge is solid state electrolytes and separators typically contain much more lithium than those in non-solid state batteries in order to achieve lithium conductivity, i.e. reasonable charge and discharge rates. This drives higher fundamental materials cost per kilowatt, yes he means kilowatt, not kilowatt hours, irrespective of the cost of production. Polymer separators don't contain any lithium at all. Kilowatt, not kilowatt hour, is referring to power, so 1 kilowatt delivered for 1 hour would give you 1 kilowatt hour. Another way of saying this, solid state batteries in the electrolyte actually require more lithium to get similar charge and discharge rates, which drives up the materials cost if you completely remove the cost of actual production. Even simpler, Tesla is still not at a point where it's concerned about being leap-frogged by a solid state breakthrough.

I think we can all agree between clickbait for views and the mainstream media turning into a propaganda machine, it's more critical than ever that we filter through the noise. To help me do this, I've been using Ground News, the sponsor of this video, a company that I'm being told many of you have tried out and have really been enjoying.
我认为我们都可以达成共识,点击率导向的标题党和主流媒体转变为宣传机器之间的问题变得比以往更加关键,因此我们需要筛选噪音。为了帮助我做到这一点,我一直在使用这个视频的赞助商Ground News,据说你们中的很多人已经尝试并且非常喜欢。

Ground News combines thousands of local and international news sources in one place so we can compare coverage, check the factuality of the sources, and be alerted to media bias. This one for example, Elon recently had some choice words for Scotland's first minister, but with Ground News you can actually see a quick synopsis of all of the aggregated sources for left leaning sources, center, right, and then you can actually get a comparison to see exactly what the media bias is and what each side is actually focusing on. With this one, we can see that 40% of the sources reporting on this are left leaning, and you can actually get a lot more information on the ownership of each source that's reporting a certain news story.
Ground News将成千上万的本地和国际新闻来源集合于一个地方,让我们可以比较新闻报道,检查信息源的准确性,并警惕媒体偏见。例如,最近埃隆对苏格兰首席部长发表了一些挑衅言论,但是有了Ground News,你可以看到所有聚合来源的简要摘要,左翼、中立、右翼都可以,然后你可以进行比较,准确了解媒体偏见所在以及各方关注的焦点。通过这个例子,我们可以看到40%的报道来源是左翼倾向的,而且你还可以获得更多关于每个报道特定新闻的来源所有权的信息。

Ground News aggregates all of the sources in one place right here so I can quickly find the original source and read more efficiently. I still think everyone should be using the blind spot feature to steal manual arguments and see what stories are being reported on disproportionately by either side. And you can use Ground News on the web or on their mobile app, they also have a browser extension as well to keep you informed anywhere on the web. I really believe this is a mission worth supporting especially in this day and age, and if you agree, you can go to ground.news slash electrified and subscribe through my link for as little as $1 a month or you can get 30% off unlimited access for just $5. And thank you to ground news for creating this service, the world really needs this tool to cut through the nonsense.
Ground News将所有来源聚集到一个地方,使我能够快速找到原始来源并更高效地阅读。我仍然认为每个人都应该使用盲点功能来实现手动论证,并查看哪些故事在双方不成比例地报道。而且,你可以在网页上或他们的移动应用上使用Ground News,他们还有一个浏览器扩展,让你随时了解网上的最新信息。我真的认为这是一个值得支持的使命,尤其是在这个时代。如果你同意,你可以访问ground.news slash electrified,并通过我的链接订阅,每月仅需1美元,或者你可以享受无限访问的30%折扣,仅需5美元。感谢Ground News创建这项服务,世界真的需要这个工具来摆脱无聊的言论。

Today we got a Subaru press release that they have finally got on board and they're adopting the next. This agreement will be for charge ports of its BEVs in North America starting in 2025. This should come as no surprise given that so far Subaru really only has the Solterra EV which in all actuality is just a Toyota BZ4X rebranded as a Solterra and we just recently got the announcement Toyota has adopted the next. They did say however that this will be for certain Subaru BEVs implying not all of them. They'll provide access to an adapter enabling Nax charging from 2025 whereas some other companies were offering an adapter as soon as 2024. Subaru also mentioned access to 15,000 Tesla superchargers while many others listed 12,000. Now that we have Subaru on board the remaining major player holdouts VW, Stellantis, Lucid and Mazda.
今天我们收到了一份Subaru的新闻稿,他们终于加入并采用了新的标准。该协议将于2025年开始用于Subaru在北美地区的电动汽车充电端口。这并不令人意外,因为迄今为止,Subaru实际上只有Solterra EV,实质上只是将丰田BZ4X重塑为Solterra,而我们最近刚刚得知丰田也采用了这一标准。不过,他们确实表示这仅适用于特定的Subaru电动汽车,并非全部车型。他们将提供一个适配器,从2025年起可以使用Nax充电,而其他一些公司则计划在2024年提供适配器。Subaru还提到可以使用15000个特斯拉超级充电桩,而其他许多公司列出的数字是12000。现在我们已经有了Subaru,剩下的主要参与者中还有VW、Stellantis、Lucid和Mazda。

The Verge put out a pretty long article of an all hands meeting but it was really focused on Elon and X. However in that we did learn that Tesla's latest V12 FSD is actually called a rodeo made up entirely of neural nets. So this is just a fun fact for now but Dr. Know It All, John recently did a video about a potential limitation of an entirely neural net version of FSD and his point was solving for edge cases with an entirely neural net based approach may be more difficult. With C++ or the human code you just take that weird event and then write specifically what you want the car to do in that event. Whereas with a neural net based approach you actually have to find real world examples where that one thing happened so pulling that very very specific data may actually be more challenging than it would have been using C++ code.
The Verge发表了一篇相当长的全体会议文章,但它确实专注于埃隆和X。 然而,在那篇文章中,我们确实了解到特斯拉最新的V12 FSD实际上是一个由神经网络完全组成的罗迪奥。 所以现在这只是一个有趣的事实,但全知全能的约翰最近制作了一个关于完全基于神经网络的FSD潜在限制的视频,他指出用完全神经网络的方法来解决边缘情况可能更困难。 使用C ++或人类代码,您只需采取那个奇怪的事件,然后在该事件中明确写下您希望汽车做的事情。 而基于神经网络的方法,实际上您必须找到发生这件事的真实世界例子,所以获取那些非常具体的数据可能比使用C ++代码更具挑战性。

And as much as we all want to know how much the Cybertruck will cost and how many Tesla thinks they're going to make these are the type of questions I would love to see on the say questions for Tesla quarterly calls because Cybertruck questions we'll get answers to in time but questions like John brought up we may not get unless someone specifically asks Elon.

Energy storage news shared this chart from Wood Mackenzie showing us 2022 global battery energy storage system deployments. The number one company globally in terms of market share at 16% was Sungro tied for 2022 global best market share we have Fluence and Tesla both at 14%. So as I said earlier on X to all of the Tesla critics that like to argue Tesla's battery energy storage division is a minor player in the global market the data says otherwise. The top 5 for 2022 is then rounded out by Huawei and BYD each with a 9% global share. This is a great data point to have if you ever see somebody make that argument that Tesla's battery storage market just isn't that big in terms of global players. When in reality last year it was actually tied for the second biggest market share. That with the fact Tesla only has one megapack factory that's not even at full capacity with margins for the megapack likely already over 25% and we should be getting Tesla's second megapack factory in Shanghai coming online with production sometime in quarter to 2024.
能源储存新闻分享了这张来自伍德·麦肯齐(Wood Mackenzie)的图表,显示2022年全球电池储能系统的部署情况。就市场份额而言,全球最大的公司是中储能源(Sungro),占据了16%的份额;紧随其后的是Fluence和特斯拉(Tesla),它们的市场份额均为14%。所以正如我之前说的,对于那些喜欢争论特斯拉电池储能部门在全球市场上的地位并不重要的批评家们,数据表明情况并非如此。2022年的前五名还包括华为和比亚迪,它们在全球市场上的份额均为9%。这是一个很好的数据点,如果你看到有人提出特斯拉的电池储能市场在全球玩家中并不大,你就可以拿出这个数据来反驳。实际上,去年特斯拉已经与第二大市场份额持平。此外,特斯拉只有一个兆瓦级储能工厂,且尚未达到全产能,兆瓦级储能的利润率可能已经超过25%;而我们预计特斯拉的第二个兆瓦级储能工厂将于2024年第二季度开始投产。

At the same time we also have clean energy associates saying that US made battery storage systems will become cost competitive with those from China in 2025 thanks to the IRA. This article is just going on general industry averages by country however when it comes to the investment tax credits and the production tax credits this narrative that China is way more cost competitive in the battery storage market than the US may not stay that way for too much longer.

Even drilling further down for more nuance when it comes to Tesla specific costs as they continue to scale their production and drive more manufacturing efficiencies they'll also drive their costs down even further. And they'll be making them in China as soon as next year reportedly for export to the European market.

A quick note on that back from Wednesday last week I did an earnings per share calculation of Tesla's deferred revenue for their energy storage but I accidentally left off the last step of converting that 55 cents in earnings per share down to actual profitability which would be in the neighborhood of about 25%. I was under the impression that Tesla was recognizing the cost for the megapack at time of production meaning a lot of that deferred revenue would actually flow to the bottom line as true earnings.

But I did go ahead and check with Tony the accountant and there really isn't enough clarity or transparency in the documents to figure out Tesla's timing for production costs of megapack. So to be conservative like I always tried to be the best thing to do would be to take that 55 cents in earnings per share and then multiply that by about.25 to get Tesla's potential earnings per share boost when they actually recognize that megapack deferred revenue. I did mention this one the other day Tesla won that trial for a crash that involved a fatality and the claim was that autopilot caused it.

I just want to drive this point home how big of a deal this really is going forward. Had this trial gone the other way this would have opened up a major can of worms for all future accidents for people to then claim that hey it was actually Tesla's fault. So for the future and establishing precedence this is a major major victory now you're also going to have some people say well the driver was drinking so that's kind of a smoking gun for Tesla making this a much easier case. And sure I would agree with that but I would add that Tesla has always maintained that no matter what's going on with autopilot and FSD the driver is still responsible.

So if there's an accident right now with Tesla at level 2 the driver is still ultimately responsible regarding that case Elon replied to Sawyer saying the irony is that if autopilot had been turned on here it would almost certainly have saved the driver.

So Tesla got a major win in the US market and at the same time Tesla gets a major win in the Chinese market. A social media influencer had claimed that a malfunctioning Model Y caused an accident that led to two fatalities and three other injuries. But forensics investigations ruled out the possibility that the accident was caused by defects in the steering or braking system.
特斯拉在美国市场取得了重大胜利,同时也在中国市场获得了重大胜利。一位社交媒体影响者声称一辆故障的Model Y导致了一起事故,造成两人死亡和三人受伤。但法医调查排除了事故是由于转向或刹车系统的缺陷引起的可能性。

So the social media influencer was forced to issue a public apology and pay Tesla $4100. Obviously this is not a big deal for financial damages but again for precedence going forward in terms of Tesla accidents the more cases like this that Tesla wins the lower the chances become that Tesla actually sees more cases like this. And further when Tesla does unfortunately inevitably see more cases like this they actually have precedence on their side.

Just a quick public service announcement if you're in Illinois today the new EV rebate program is going live. This program does however have a cap that may be met fairly quickly so if this applies to you you may want to apply as soon as possible. I'll have this article linked below where you can get up to a $4,000 rebate which would be in addition to the $7,500 tax credit.

I'm sure many of you already saw Elon on the Joe Rogan podcast and the Cybertruck taking a shot from Joe Rogan's arrow. And now if we look at the Cybertruck search volume for the past 7 days you'll see that this may not have been technically advertising but Tesla is spreading the word in ways other than just traditional ads. This is a microcosm of that halo effect that Gary Black keeps talking about when it comes to the Cybertruck so even if they don't sell $500,000 a year in the first few years the few that are on the road are going to cause people to say what is that oh it's from Tesla what else is Tesla doing.
我相信你们中的很多人已经在Joe Rogan的播客中看到了埃隆以及Cybertruck承受Joe Rogan箭击的一幕。现在,如果我们看一下过去7天Cybertruck的搜索量,你会发现这可能并不是技术上的广告,但特斯拉以其他方式传播了这一消息,而不仅仅是传统广告。这是Gary Black一直在谈论的Cybertruck的典型表现,所以即使在最初几年内年销售额不达到50万辆,那些上路的少量Cybertruck也会引起人们的兴趣,他们会问这是什么,哦,它来自特斯拉,特斯拉还在做什么其他的事情呢。

And that right there is something you cannot quantify you can't put it into a spreadsheet and thus Wall Street cannot model for it.

We continue to work on our research in this company all the time. Virtually every week we're talking to someone there.

I was out in Palo Alto a week ago and I was there for an afternoon and I met with two executives who were the people who were in charge of autonomous driving and also in charge of a compute of when a video does the chips.

Well we're always doing trying to understand how business operates and what's special about it and why other people can't do the same thing and in the case of Tesla we are convinced that people cannot do what they're doing and that ultimately it's not just going to be a car company it's not just going to be a battery company but ultimately all the other car companies which 50 years ago elected to become much more profitable and outsource supplies and compute to other people we're going to be like Intel was inside of computers is going to be Tesla inside of course all the cars are going to be used in Tesla autonomous driving no one else can possibly compete.

Today the Treasury has confirmed that the IRS has opened registration for car dealers to receive their direct tax credit payments.

Effectively it's this portal that's going to allow the point of sale tax credits in 2024 so consumers can actually transfer them to the dealers and then the dealers can give them that $7,500 discount at the point of sale.

The biggest hesitation of this entire program for the dealers has been how long it'll take the IRS to actually reimburse the dealers for them giving the customers these upfront payment discounts. The good news the IRS is saying it expects to issue advanced payments within 72 hours.

A quick fun fact from the Department of Energy, manufacturers have announced over $500 million in more than 40 American made EV charger plants.

Looking at the map here's where those manufacturing facilities are set to be.

This does include fast charging and level 2 as well.

And yes, two of these will be for wireless charging.

With this one I think it's going to serve as a good reminder if you're somebody that's rooting for the demise of ice makers, it may be a few more years before that demise actually comes.

It's now as clear as ever that many legacy OEMs are giving up their striving for becoming an EV leader and they're really just going to focus on making as much money as possible from their profitable ice vehicles.

Today Toyota raised its forecast for net profit for the current fiscal year to an all time high, $26.1 billion is the expectation which would be up 61% over last year.

They also raised expectations for operating profit of 1.5 trillion yen however, 1.18 trillion yen of that figure will actually come from the impact of foreign currency rates.

The easiest way to think about this with the yen weakening for Toyota all of its overseas earnings when they actually take that currency and convert it back to the yen they're going to end up with more yen. And if the yen starts strengthening which it actually might in case the bank of Japan steps in, that adds more uncertainty.

Their CFO did add there are still lots of concerns and in China the market behavior is changing.

In China in the first half of its fiscal year so far Toyota has sold the same number of vehicles compared to last year.

That sales in China and Toyota has lowered its projection for annual global EV sales to 123,000 down 39% from its previous forecast of 202,000.

So look, I know many people out there are pretty excited to see legacy OEM profits decline, sales decline, because that'll really be the nail in the coffin of ice vehicles and the true takeover of electric.

With everything we've seen over the past month it definitely feels like that time is going to be delayed.

It could be another one year, it could be another three to five years.

Either way though, during that time with other automakers focusing more on their ice vehicles, focusing more on hybrids where you don't have all of this cost competition, it's literally just going to open up the door even wider for Tesla to continually gain more EV market share.

The truth is none of these legacy CEOs want to be at the helm when their company is the one hemorrhaging billions of dollars trying to transition to EVs.

And now they're all saying, well the customer is not showing demand for electric vehicles, the problem with that they're not showing demand for the EVs that they're making.

The demand for compelling EVs is there, just look at what Tesla is doing.

The reality is these companies could not compete with Tesla if they were just focusing on EVs, but now that they're shifting their focus back to ice vehicles, things are somehow only going to become easier for Tesla.

Just the data point where the yen has been trading as of late, it's just shy of a 33 year low.

Toyota has also raised the hourly wages for US manufacturing, distribution center and logistics employees for the third time this year, historically it's usually only twice per year. The top hourly wage will go up to $34.80 and they cut the number of years to reach that wage from 8 down to 4.

This latest increase will go into effect January 1st and it's actually a $2.94 raise or a 9.2% increase for top tier hourly employees. For skilled trades employees they got a raise of $3.70 up to $43.20 per hour.

As if we needed another anecdote to drive home the point, VW putting off a gigafactory due to sluggish EV demand. Oliver Bloom said based on market conditions including the sluggish ramp up of BEV market in Europe, there is for the time being no business rationale for deciding on further sites.

In fairness they do have three other sites in the works that combined should make 200 gigawatt hours of batteries per year but as we've seen all of these promises from legacy OEMs should be taken with a grain of salt.

The wait time for the Model X all wheel drive that does now qualify for the tax credits has now been pushed back one month, now sits at January to February of next year before it was December to January.
现在,不符合税收抵免资格的Model X全轮驱动的等待时间已被推迟一个月,现在在明年一月到二月之间,之前是在十二月到一月之间。

This article was making its rounds if you scroll down you see the headline we send out broken cars according to a Tesla employee, this has to do with the strike that is seemingly taking place over in Sweden when it comes to certain mechanic shops.

They're saying Tesla mechanics don't have enough time to complete certain tasks and that the system rewards those who do a bad job because then you get better productivity on paper. With one employee saying we have received a direct order from the manager to send cars out before they are ready otherwise we can't reach the productivity goals.

However if you do a little digging we find something pretty interesting about this Doggens Arbit. I know that's probably not how it's pronounced but either way Doggens Arbit is one of the biggest Swedish trade union magazines.
然而,如果你稍微进行一些调查,我们会发现一些关于这个Doggens Arbit相当有趣的事情。我知道这可能不是它的正确发音方式,但不管怎样,Doggens Arbit是瑞典最大的工会杂志之一。

AKA the company organizing this strike in Sweden which we're getting mixed reporting on some saying workers are striking, others saying no workers are striking.

As with everything context is king so if you saw this personally I would not be putting too much stock into this.

A quick nod to my Canadians the Quebec government just approved a 7 gigawatt hour energy storage manufacturing plant. This for a tech company R.A.Q. The first phase will be 7 gigawatt hours and eventually that arrives to 20 gigawatt hours about half of Tesla's Megapack factory.

Martin Vieja said the Cybertruck Lottery has the highest attendee sign up rate ever. Not really a big surprise.
Martin Vieja表示,Cybertruck彩票的参与者注册率空前高。这并不是什么大惊小怪的事情。

Ford is buying automotive power or AMP a smaller energy based company for their tech and talent. Ford declined to say how much it's spent all we really learn is that they have around 149 employees. Of which Ford will bring on the majority of.

The founder of AMP actually previously worked on Tesla's engineering team.

All we really learn is that Ford is focused on accelerating EV adoption and improving charging experiences.

Don't forget check out ground news linked below to get advantage of those discounts with my code if you're interested. Thank you in advance if you do.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day.

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