Volkswagen EV Orders Below Target, Cybertruck Details, Tesla Merch

发布时间 2023-10-13 23:27:05    来源


VW comments on EV orders, targets ➤ Kia EV day ➤ 4680 battery storage video ➤ Cybertruck measurement ➤ Tesla Semi event ...



Hey everybody Rob Man, we're here, happy Friday. Today we've got a pretty quiet Tesla news day, so it should be a pretty quick episode, but we do have some interesting updates from Volkswagen. Talk a little bit more about Kia's EV day that we mentioned earlier this week. Got some details on the Cybertruck, the Semi, and a few other items as well.

All right, looking at the stock, not the best day for Tesla today, down 3% to close the week at $251.12, also a tougher day for the NASDAQ down 1.2%. You may have noticed that there was some disagreement between Yahoo and Google on the closing price, but it looks like they've got that sorted out. If you saw it down a little bit less, unfortunately it did end at $251, so I just wanted to clear that up in case you did see that as well.

But let's hop into the news from Volkswagen here. So Bloomberg article headline, VW's new electric vehicle orders missed target. We can see here that they've got a quote on their EV orders. Volkswagen's new orders for EVs failed to meet the company's targets in the third quarter, with the quote being, our order intake is below our ambitious targets due to lower than expected overall market trend.

So interesting update here from Volkswagen. They've actually seen, if we look at a little bit more context, they've actually seen growth on their EV business. Let me get this centered here. They did increase EVs to about 210,000 sales in the third quarter. That's actually a 41% increase year over year.

And I do want to actually pull in a little bit more context because although Bloomberg kind of chopped this quote out, it was part of a longer update for Volkswagen, which said that quote, despite the current general general reluctance in the European market to buy battery powered vehicles, we gained a market share and remained market leader in this segment. However, our order intake is below our ambitious targets due to the lower than expected overall market trend end quote. So it does sound to me like they're maybe referencing specifically in Europe, their order intake as that kind of follows the update on the European market here.

So I do think that's important context, but Europe has actually been pretty much their strongest market for EVs. They've really struggled in China year to date their EV growth there, I believe is only up in the single digit percent range. So for them to then talk about having potential order issues in Europe as well. I think is a pretty strong signal for the business probably starting to, you know, get to that point where we've talked about where maybe these EV makers are going to plateau a bit. I mean, that's exactly what we're seeing here for Volkswagen in China.

Obviously, they had some pretty good growth years there early on, but now with that growth leveling out, this sort of an update where order intake is below their targets. Obviously, that makes growth much more difficult than when you're very early in the growth curve and you're just kind of growing up to those 100,000 to 200,000 unit levels.

So very interesting to see this update with Volkswagen and is going to lead to an interesting period here because Volkswagen still has, like they say here, ambitious targets, a nice graph from Bloomberg here of what their announced targets are in terms of their EV penetration to their total business. So it looks like for 2025, they're, you know, had previously mentioned targeting about 20% to their overall business growing to EVs and then up to about 50% by 2030.

But right now, their 2023 target, that was supposed to be 11%. They've actually dropped that target down to somewhere between eight and nine percent of total sales for this year. So tracking a little bit behind their targets. And if, you know, they're starting to plateau with orders, we could see that continue to miss and, you know, revised adjustments or, you know, revised numbers and targets going forward.

So for this quarter, it looks like it was about nine percent. So I do think they'll probably meet this for the year. But still, I think it's starting to get tougher and tougher. And I think the comment here from Volkswagen is somewhat of evidence of what we talked about a couple of weeks ago with those targets, you know, becoming tougher for automakers to hit. So you know, Volkswagen, obviously, we've seen a little bit of a shift in strategy for them to sense Herbert Dees left. And I think they're kind of writing the plans that Dees put into effect right now, which has gotten to them, them to this point. But to continue to grow beyond that is going to take again, tremendous effort, which I don't know that they're currently lined up to do.

So we'll continue to keep an eye on their trend in coming quarters as they start to come off against these, you know, higher numbers in 2024.

All right, quick update on Kia as we wrap up with other automakers kind of reverse order today with the lack of Tesla news. But Kia did hold their EV day as we had previously talked about.

So they introduced concepts for both the Kia EV 3 and Kia EV 4. I believe this is the EV 4 here. So that'll be EV Sedan. And then the EV 3, that is going to be more of a compact SUV sort of in the style or this, you know, form factor of the Kia EV 9, but downsized a little bit.
所以他们提出了Kia EV 3和Kia EV 4的概念。我相信这就是EV 4。所以它是一款电动轿车。然后,EV 3将更多地成为一款紧凑型SUV,类似于Kia EV 9的风格或外形,但稍微缩小了一些。

I didn't see at least in the press release any dates for those, but we'll keep an eye out for more information as that comes out from Kia. Basically they're pretty quick with turning around these vehicles.

And then the rest of EV day, just kind of talking about their EV plans in general. One thing I did note that was kind of interesting. They did say that in the first half of 2024, they have the Kia app scheduled for release. So that's obviously one area where we see Tesla have a pretty big advantage right now to say the least. And it'll be interesting to see what Kia, what they're offering looks like for their app early next year.

All right, getting into the Tesla news again, just a couple of quick things today. So we've got a video that was posted on X by Nick Cruise, a patain, I think that would be said.
好的,再次来看一下特斯拉的消息,今天只有几件事情。我们在X上找到了一个由Nick Cruise发布的视频,一个帕坦(patain)的东西,我想这样说。

So it looks like this is a video from inside gigatexis where Tesla's producing 4680s and some of the storage facilities that they've got there for that battery production.

So not a whole lot. I think that we could probably take away from here other than obviously there's looks like there's, you know, racks of cell storage here, which is nice to see kind of all in one place. And, you know, no surprise when Tesla's now produced 20 million of these things that they've got significant storage for it, but still an interesting kind of look behind the scenes at that 4680 facility.

So kind of cool to see that. This person did also respond to a question on how old this video was and said that they didn't ask, but fairly recent they thought. They did ask if the majority of these were for Cybertruck and kind of interestingly, the response was that most of them are going into 4680 model wise.

But right now, obviously we've seen the 4680 model Y at least to the best of our knowledge, discontinued or at least not in the design studio. So a little bit perplexing on that. Maybe that comes back at some point. Maybe Tesla's got other plans or maybe it was an old video and at the time these were going into the 4680s or into the model wise, the 4680 version of the model Y.
但是目前来看,显然我们已经知道的最新消息是,4680版的Model Y至少已经停产或者至少不再出现在设计工作室中。所以这有点让人困惑。也许未来还会有新动向。也许特斯拉有其他计划,或者这只是一段旧视频,在当时提到的正是4680版的Model Y。

And then one other quick update on the Cybertruck today from This person did come across, so day one reservation holder just kind of a new account here, but they did come across a Cybertruck out in the wild and they did get a little bit of measurements here.

It's not the most official measurement from the pavement, but they found that the width of the Cybertruck, according to their measurements, was around, I believe, 78 inches. So I think they said the rear bumper was around 72, but then total width around 78. And then obviously they put their watermark on here.

Hopefully that's not referring to Tesla daily as we would always credit the Cybertruckowners club and have many times in the past. But for those that were curious, you know, we get a little bit of a look there at what the dimensions might be. I think I read that that's a little bit narrower than the F-150 would be, but I would need to confirm that. And again, obviously this is just kind of a loose gauge from the pavement again. Nevertheless, interesting to see that.

And then we've got a little bit more information on the Tesla Semi from the run on less event. This is from Automotive News. They said that the company, I believe this would be PepsiCo is the company they'd be referring to here.
然后,我们从"run on less"活动中获得了关于特斯拉半挂车的更多信息。这是来自《汽车新闻》的报道。他们说,我相信他们指的是百事公司。

Obviously operating the semis said that 60% of the miles driven over that run on less event were driven with a gross vehicle weight, which includes the freight, obviously, of over 70,000 pounds. So the limit for that for EVs is 82,000 pounds for non-EV trucks. It's 80,000 pounds. EVs get a little bit extra.

But nearly a full load there. And that's a weight that's pretty typical apparently in the logistics industry. So that was something that we had wondered about when we were looking at that data if these were fully occupied vehicles up to kind of the weight capacity. And it looks for a lot of it, a lot of the miles that were driven that was pretty full load.

So nice to have a little bit more insight on that. I don't know if we have any additional data that's broken that down further. I'll take a look at that, but it's nice to see an indication there that at least the majority of the miles were pretty close to full weight. And obviously as we've already talked about with the results, I think very strong there, very supportive of the Tesla Semi and what it can do for the trucking industry.

And then just a couple of other quick things here. So drive test Canada on X noting that the referral program has a new price, a potential prize awarded. So this is a long range, Model Y sweepstakes. This will end in January. So we had previously talked about the sweepstakes for the Model 3 performance version, very similar update here with Tesla offering a sweepstakes for the Model Y, which will end at the end of early end at the end of this quarter and be sort of delivered in early 2024. So the Model 3 that ended, I believe actually might have ended last week, but looks like now, you know, another new prize for the upcoming quarter. And we'll see if Tesla continues to kind of swap those out quarter by quarter.
然后还有几件其他的小事。所以加拿大驾驶测试中心注意到推荐计划有一个新的价格,可能会奖励一项潜在奖品。这是一个长程的Model Y抽奖活动。该活动将在一月份结束。我们之前已经提到过Model 3高性能版本的抽奖活动,这次特斯拉提供了一个Model Y的抽奖活动,将在本季度末结束,并在2024年初交付。我相信Model 3的抽奖活动可能已经在上周结束了,但现在看起来,下一个季度新的奖品已经出现了。我们将看看特斯拉是否会继续每季度更换这些奖品。

And then just an update on a kind of an old story here. There was a many years ago, a Model X, I believe that was found in the middle of a frozen lake and it had become on fire somehow. It had burned down somehow. And there was a lot of reporting on it at that point in time. It has now been concluded that this was arson, the person, or I guess insurance fraud, maybe not arson, but the owner set it on fire left in the middle of the lake. So you know, there was obviously reporting and questioning at the time if that was something that the Tesla vehicle started on fire, if it was manmade, we now have that confirmation. This is actually an update on an older report that actually gave us this confirmation already. So we have talked about this, but it's making the news again. But it was determined back in 2021 that this was the case that it was started by the owner. Anyway, the owner has now been sentenced. So that's why it's appearing in the news today. Again, if you did happen to see that, so just wanted to provide a little bit of context on that, but always nice to get a little bit more information on some of those older mysteries, which seemed pretty clear at the time, but still remain a little bit mysterious.
然后,只是对一个旧故事的更新。很多年前,我相信是在一个冰冻的湖中发现了一辆Model X,它以某种方式着火了。它在某种程度上被烧毁了。当时对此有很多报道。现在已经得出了结论,这是一起纵火案,可能是保险欺诈,而不仅仅是纵火,但车主将其点燃并留在湖中央。所以,当时有报道和质疑,是否是特斯拉汽车自燃,是否是人为纵火,现在我们已经得到了确认。这实际上是对一个早期报告的更新,这个报告已经给我们带来了这个确认。所以我们已经谈论过这个问题,但它再次成为新闻。但早在2021年就已经确定了这个情况,它是由车主引起的。无论如何,车主现在已经被判刑。所以今天它再次出现在新闻中。如果你确实看到了这个,我只是想为此提供一点背景信息,但总是很高兴可以获得一些关于那些旧的看似相当明确但仍然有点神秘的案件的更多信息。

And then last few things outside of Tesla. So we've got an update from WUWA on the CATL Shanghai plant. So this is very close to Gika Shanghai. The production capacity for this is supposed to be around 80 gigawatt hours per year. And as you can see from the WUWA video here, it's getting pretty close to finish. I don't know if it's actually quite there yet. As you can see, there's a little bit of a question mark here in WUWA's title about Shanghai plant opens, but he also interestingly noticed this vehicle that was out there driving around testing.

We can see in the test slot here. He said that it kind of looked like a Tesla, but not close enough that he thinks it's a Tesla, he thinks it's something else, but wasn't quite sure what it was. So kind of interesting. Obviously, a lot of people expect most of, or at least a significant portion of the production here from CATL to go to Giga Shanghai as it's so closely co-located, but other automakers or maybe even CATL themselves have plans to use those batteries as well. So we'll try to keep an eye out for that as we get more information on kind of the ramp for the CATL factory there.

And then just real quick, Tesla merch. So if you didn't see it yesterday, Tesla has added a couple new items to the shop, the cyber beer and cyberstein limited edition set, although it's limited edition still in stock. And then the cyber opener to kind of go along with that, which I think is out of stock, had a little indicator there before. Yeah, let's see. So cyber opener out of stock right now. I wouldn't be too surprised if Tesla added that back seems like a pretty easy to produce one. But if you are interested in those, you can find those on the Tesla shop, at least in the US, obviously the cyber beer, probably very similar to the giga beer that Tesla had introduced in Germany a while back.

And then yeah, last couple of things.

So SpaceX today, just a couple of quick updates. We had to push the stream a little bit today because SpaceX actually just completed a launch of 22 Starlink on Falcon 9. But not the only activity for SpaceX today as this morning, they launched Falcon Heavy again.
SpaceX今天有几个简短的更新。我们不得不稍微推迟视频直播,因为SpaceX实际上刚刚完成了Falcon 9运载火箭将22颗Starlink卫星送入轨道。但这还不是SpaceX今天唯一的活动,因为今早他们还重新发射了猎鹰重型火箭。

So those are always particularly exciting.

This one is a very interesting mission. So it's the psych mission. This is going to be, you know, the launch was for for psych and they're going to be now voyaging for six years out to this asteroid to, you know, do some reconnaissance and research on that asteroid, the psych asteroid, which is going to be very interesting.

So we'll have to wait a long time for an update on that, but always exciting to see if Falcon Heavy mission, first of all, and then this one is particularly unique. So again, a while from now, but it will be fun to, you know, get the results of that many years from now.

And then just a quick look at the calendar as we go in the next week. So we will have kind of the normal economic reports. And then Fed Chairman Jerome Howell is speaking on Thursday. It sounds like that'll be his last update before the FOMC meeting in November.

They go into a blackout period right before that. This one will actually be more important than the last time we talked about Fed Chair Powell speaking. That was kind of just a teacher's Q and A.

This one is at the Economic Club of New York. So probably worth keeping an eye on the impact of that next week.

All right, that'll wrap it up for today. And for the week, so as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast.

And we'll see on Monday for the October 16th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
下周一我们会见面,一起观看Tesla Daily的10月16日节目。谢谢。