Tesla's Coming Lithium Crunch // How Long Can Tesla Continue Growing Battery Consumption @ 50% CAGR?
发布时间 2023-10-11 13:59:23 来源
This is the final video of the Global Lithium Supply Chain video where I attempt to answer the question: How long can Tesla continue growing battery cell consumption @ 50% per year?
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00:00 Introduction
00:37 Thanks, Credits, and Sources
04:07 When will Tesla Face a Battery Shortage?
09:00 OEM Li Bonanza // Is Tesla Getting Left Behind?
09:49 Why Tesla Should Get into Li Mining & Refining
12:07 Three Ways for Tesla to “Get into Li Mining”
13:03 Why is Tesla Avoiding Lithium Mining?
15:03 What about other Chemistries?
16:02 Next Video
16:45 Credits
Intro Music by Dyalla: Homer Said
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geisigee, and this is The Limiting Factor. This video is the fifth section of a full two-hour long video on the Global Lithium Supply Chain that's currently available for paid supporters on Patreon, YouTube, and X.
In the last video, I walked you through my Global Battery Supply forecast for both Lithium and Sodium ion batteries, and today, after two months and four videos, we're finally going to take a look at what all the information we've covered means for Tesla specifically.
Before we begin, a raft of credits and thanks are in order. Feel free to skip this part of the video and move to the next time stamp if you watched the previous video. I'm including the thanks and credits on each video in the series for the people who haven't seen the other videos. That's because it's not just a thanks, it lets viewers know the quality of my sources and peer review.
First, Viva's Kumar reviewed the draft script. Viva's was directly involved with Tesla's Battery Supply Chain for nearly three years, where he negotiated billions of dollars of material spent and also did strategic analysis and forecasting for battery materials. After that, he worked for Benchmark Mineral Intelligence for nearly three years. He's now co-founder and CEO of Mitra Kim. If you'd like to know more about that, check out my interview with Viva's Anchiro.
首先,Viva's Kumar对草稿剧本进行了审查。Viva's在特斯拉电池供应链工作了将近三年时间,期间他进行了数十亿美元的物料采购谈判,并为电池材料进行了战略分析和预测工作。之后,他在Benchmark Mineral Intelligence工作了近三年。他现在是Mitra Kim的联合创始人兼首席执行官。如果您想了解更多信息,请查看我与Viva's Anchiro的采访。
Next, my sources. Rodney and Howard of ArcAequity, a Lithium Analysis and Advisory Firm, spent several hours and long email threads answering detailed questions about mine development. If you're interested in their work, you can connect with them on Twitter with the details on screen or follow the Rockstock channel on YouTube. Cameron Perks of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence walked me through how Lithium supply and demand is evolving over time. I recommend following Benchmark Mineral Intelligence and their CEO Simon Moore's on Twitter to keep up to date with the Lithium industry. Lars Lee's doll provided key data for this video around Lithium Refining Capacity vs Production, and beyond that, I've used a number of graphs from Ristad Energy over the years. You can also follow Lars on Twitter. Austin Devaney helped me put a finer point on a few topics around hard rock lithium mining. Austin was an executive at Alba Morrow and Rockwood Lithium for nearly 10 years, which is one of Tesla's largest lithium suppliers, and now has been at Piedmont Lithium for the past three years, which has an agreement for future supply to Tesla. Bradford Ferguson and Matt Smith of RebellionAir.com reviewed the final release candidate of the video from an investor lens. RebellionAir specializes in helping investors manage concentrated positions. They can help with covered calls, risk management, and creating a financial master plan from your first principles. Bear in mind, this video is not investment advice, and always do your own research.
接下来,我将提到我的信息来源。ArcAequity的Rodney和Howard是一家锂分析和咨询公司的负责人,他们花了几个小时和长篇的电子邮件解答了关于矿山开发的详细问题。如果你对他们的工作感兴趣,你可以在屏幕上找到他们的详细联系方式,在Twitter上与他们联系,或者关注Rockstock频道的YouTube频道。Benchmark Mineral Intelligence的Cameron Perks向我介绍了锂供应和需求的演变趋势。我推荐关注Benchmark Mineral Intelligence和他们的首席执行官Simon Moore的Twitter账号,以及及时了解锂行业的最新动态。Lars Lee提供了关于锂精炼能力与产量方面的关键数据,并且我还使用了Ristad Energy多年来的一些图表。你也可以在Twitter上关注Lars。Austin Devaney在硬岩锂矿开采方面帮助我更加深入地了解了一些话题。Austin曾在Alba Morrow和Rockwood Lithium担任高管近10年,这两家公司都是特斯拉最大的锂供应商之一。现在,他已经在Piedmont Lithium工作了三年,该公司与特斯拉签署了未来供应协议。RebellionAir.com的Bradford Ferguson和Matt Smith从投资者的角度审查了这个视频的最终版本。RebellionAir专注于帮助投资者管理集中持仓。他们可以提供备兑认购、风险管理和从头开始创建金融计划等服务。请记住,这个视频不构成投资建议,请始终进行自己的研究。
Finally, despite all the input I received from some of the leading experts and information sources in the Lithium industry, all the opinions in this video are my own. There are differing views and forecasts within the Lithium industry that I had to reconcile and combine with my own insights and expectations. With regards to the peer review, it was for factual accuracy and a sanity check, rather than for crafting the tone and conclusions of the video.
Overall, my goal was to create the most comprehensive resource out there on how global lithium supply and battery supply will evolve this decade and how that relates to Tesla. So if you feel like I've hit the mark and get value from the video or my content in general, toss a coin to your witcher.
Making a video like this takes months and generally, analysis like this would be packaged up by an analyst house and put in a report that costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Generally, I make about $2 to $600 per video in YouTube ad revenues. That is, it's the direct support that I get from less than 1% of subscribers through Patreon, YouTube, and Twitter that makes the channel possible. The details for support are in the description.
Picking up where we left off in the last video, now that we've established a forecast for battery supply for the rest of the decade at a global level, let's specifically look at Tesla. What share of global battery supply can Tesla scoop up? And if they do face a crunch, when could that happen? Bear in mind, the goal here isn't to be highly precise because we're already dealing with so many unknowns, but to get a strategic view of the challenge that Tesla's facing and how they could respond to that challenge.
To kick things off, I expect that Tesla will use between 150 to 200 gigawatt hours of battery cells this year from all sources for all products. Tesla stated that, on average, their goal is to grow 50% per year until 2030. If they hit that target in 2030, they'll be consuming 3 terawatt hours of battery cells per year. 3 terawatt hours is also the number that Tesla gave at battery day, so Tesla set firm expectations for a 3 terawatt hour consumption rate in 2030.
If we take the cell supply data points for each year and divide them by the cell consumption data points for each year from Tesla's expected battery consumption, the result is the graph on screen. What we're seeing is Tesla's battery demand as a share of global battery supply for each year from now until 2030. It grows from 16% this year to 47% in 2030.
One big caveat with this graph is that it's backstop by one overriding assumption, which is that Tesla will continue to have the highest margin of any EV and grid storage company. That in turn will allow them to pay the highest price for batteries and battery materials and gain greater access to battery supply than their competitors.
On that note, Tesla's battery supply is often viewed as black and white. That is, there's enough batteries or there isn't. But the reality is a bit more nuanced. Supply is somewhat variable to price. The more Tesla is willing or able to pay for batteries and lithium, the more they'll have access to. I say somewhat variable to price because most battery cell manufacturers prefer to diversify who they do business with and because it's dependent on how well Tesla's planned out their battery supply for each product, which each have different requirements.
To say the quiet part out loud, if Tesla does manage to secure greater cell supply through greater buying power, it necessarily involves putting some competitors out of business that are already struggling to turn a profit. I'm not saying I want that to happen just that it's the most logical outcome. So if Tesla can afford to pay the most and therefore buy all the batteries and battery materials they need, the sky is the limit until they're consuming all the batteries in the world, right?
No. In my view, at some point in the latter half of the decade, Tesla will start bumping up against government pushback and or the market share displaced by other automakers and energy storage manufacturers that have successfully made the transition to renewable energy. For example, Tesla and BYD are currently the only major auto manufacturers that can turn a profit on EVs and their neck and neck in growth and sales volume. If that continued, even if no other companies survived, Tesla would end up with a 50% market share in a best case scenario. But more than half a dozen auto manufacturers will likely survive. That is, it'll be difficult for Tesla to consume more than a third of global battery supply, which will happen by around 2028 if they hit their growth targets.
If you disagree with the 33% estimate and believe Tesla will max out at consuming, for example, 20 or 50% of global battery supply, you can run your finger along the X-axis to get an idea of when Tesla could start facing challenges. As a side note, earlier, I said that my battery supply forecast was aggressive and on the bullish side. If we take that into account and assume a less bullish battery supply of 5TWh instead of 6.4T, Tesla would be consuming 33% of global battery supply a year earlier in 2027. Bear in mind that 5TWh is still 43% above Benchmark's 2030 supply forecast, so it's still bullish against the baseline.
After taking all that into account, if Tesla doesn't take a more active role in lithium mining, they'll start facing a lithium crunch as early as 2026 if there's fierce competition. But no later than 2028 if most of the competition goes bankrupt. We'll say 2027 as a base case. After 2027, Tesla might see their rate of battery consumption growth dropped from 50% in 2027 to, for example, 42% in 2028, 29% in 2029, and 22% in 2030. Again, that's if they don't take an active role. We'll talk more about what Tesla can do in a moment.
On a related note, I've seen people concerned that Tesla's being out-competed by companies like Ford and GM, which seem to be on a lithium-sourcing bonanza. Here's my view on that.
Tesla tends to sign with the largest lithium producers in the world, but just doesn't advertise it. Tesla's never shared much about their lithium supply because there was no reason to, and so its business as usual. That is, the absence of information isn't necessarily a cause for concern. In fact, the argument could be flipped on its head. It could be that GM and Ford investors are concerned about competition from Tesla, and so GM and Ford are making announcements about locking in lithium supply to put investors at ease.
I'm not saying that is the case, but rather, we don't know the minds of the people involved and their strategy. And because we don't know, it becomes an exercise and imagination. Getting back on track, if Tesla's 50% growth rate is in jeopardy later in the decade and the primary cause is a shortage of mind-lithium, what can they do about it?
If Tesla took a more active role in the lithium mining industry now, with lead times of 4-7 years for a new mining project, there's still an opportunity to make an impact by the end of the decade. I'd be surprised if they could bring enough new mind-lithium supply online to fully cover the supply gap, but even an increase of 10% would be enough for another 2 million vehicles per year by 2030. But in my view, even if they weren't successful at increasing the supply of mind-lithium, it would still be worth their time to become more active in the industry.
Why? First, as I said earlier, Tesla's paying large amounts to both lithium miners and refiners, not four years from now, but today. Those margin costs could be running over a billion dollars per year. Furthermore, the better the battery industry gets at manufacturing batteries, the greater the proportional cost of the raw materials. That is, the best way to reduce the cost of lithium-ion batteries is now to reduce the materials bill. And the best way to do that is to cut out the third-party margins. The second reason it would be worth Tesla's time to become more active in lithium mining is that the industry doesn't always share Tesla's goals. Tesla wants as much lithium as possible at the lowest cost to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy. Lithium miners are looking to maximize profits and minimize risk because lithium mining is a capital-intensive risky business. That means what's best for miners is to increase lithium supply, but not so much that it exceeds demand and creates thin or non-existent margins.
So overall, if Tesla wants to be the master of their own destiny, rather than be held captive by third parties, and one form or another, they may need to take a more active role in lithium mining. The logic here is the same logic that Tesla used for vertically integrating into battery cell manufacturing, cathode production, and lithium refining. Vertical integration can accelerate the speed that they scale, reduce margins paid to third parties, and de-risk the business. To be clear, I'm not suggesting Tesla necessarily has to vertically integrate into mining, but that they may need to take the supplier relationship one step further to form partnerships.
On that note, if Tesla does decide to take a more active role in lithium mining, what are their options? First, they can finance or partner on mining projects that might be struggling for capital, or need money to accelerate development or increase production. This is the best option in my view because it allows Tesla to keep some distance from some of the negative sentiment around mining. Second, Tesla could buy one of the major mining companies. Besides hitting the accelerator on the speed of extraction, Tesla could let the lithium contracts of their competitors expire, and redirect that lithium supply to themselves. That is, a buyout would be the nuclear option, and Tesla might come under fire for being monopolistic. Third, and finally, Tesla could become a miner themselves by buying, exploring for, and or developing mines. This is the worst option in my view because it carries the most technical and reputational risk without much additional benefit.
If there's so many reasons for Tesla to get into lithium mining, and so many ways to structure that, the question then becomes, why is Tesla said that they'll only get into lithium mining if they have to? I see five reasons, which aren't mutually exclusive.
First, because lithium mining creates a lot of social and environmental headaches, and Tesla's trying to avoid associating themselves with those issues. Second, on more than one occasion, Ford's CEO Jim Farley has said that their securing lithium supply three years in advance. By this, I'm assuming he means confirming lithium production volumes and costs and signing the contracts. It could be that Tesla's looking three years down the road at lithium supply, and it still looks pretty good up until 2026. That is, a shortage of mined lithium hasn't hit their radar yet, and it's still a theoretical risk.
Third, it could be that Tesla intends to buy a mining company, and they're downplaying mining because they don't want to inflate the price of lithium mining stocks before making a purchase. Fourth, as Elon said, it could be that they're avoiding vertically integrating into mining, because vertical integration diverts resources. That is, building or running a lithium mine could slow Tesla down on other projects like building vehicle factories. Fifth, and finally, it could be that Elon is being over-optimistic about lithium mining because it doesn't appear to be a technical challenge. That is, he may be underestimating the array of other non-technical challenges involved in lithium mining.
With all that said, despite all the reasons Tesla may not be considering or may not want to get into lithium mining, I think they eventually will. That's because, although Elon tends to be over-optimistic, he's usually good at course correcting when reality makes itself apparent. If Tesla's locking down lithium supply three years into the future, like most companies are, and the assumptions in this video are correct, we might expect more aggressive action from Tesla in the next few years.
Before I close out the video, it's worth addressing the dozens of other potential battery chemistries beyond lithium and sodium ion. There are a lot of promising technologies out there such as vanadium flow batteries and liquid metal batteries. However, in my view, they won't scale quickly enough to make a big impact by the end of the decade. Sodium ion batteries are evidence of that. They're ready for commercialization, comparatively easy to scale, and the materials are abundant, but even with all those things in their favor, they're unlikely to take more than a third of the market by the end of the decade, and likely much less.
Beyond that, every battery chemistry has strengths and weaknesses. The implication of that is that each chemistry has specs and economics that lend those chemistries to specific use cases. Those use cases might have no overlap with lithium or sodium ion batteries, or the use case could be so narrow that the market of the chemistry is 5 to 10% of the total battery market.
Now that we've covered the major sections of the global lithium supply chain video, next month I'll release the full video that contains about 15 minutes of extra content at the beginning and end of the video. The introduction contains a too long didn't watch that provides a quick summary of the video. That's useful if you're looking to share the key themes of the video with someone that may not have time to watch the full video. If that piques their interest, the video is fully time stamped if they want to explore further. The summary reiterates the key points of the video as well as addresses the frequently made but poor comparison between lithium shortages and the peak oil hysteria from 15 years ago.
That's all for today. As I said at the beginning of the video, if you can, toss a coin to your witcher. The information I've provided today is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive video on lithium supply out there. Other reports that are available on the market can cost thousands of dollars, and by comparison, if this video does well, I expect it to make less than a thousand dollars from YouTube ad revenues. It's the supporters who contribute directly that make the channel possible. On that note, a special thanks to Bert Laman for your generous support of the channel, my YouTube members, ex-subscribers, and all the patrons listed in the credits. I appreciate all your support, and thanks for tuning in.
今天就到这里吧。就像我在视频一开始所说的,如果你愿意的话,请投币给你的猎魔人。根据我所知,我今天提供的信息是目前有关锂供应最全面的视频。市面上其他可获得的报告可能要花费数千美元,而与之相比,如果这个视频表现不错,我预计从YouTube广告收入中获得的利润将不到一千美元。正是直接支持者的贡献使得这个频道得以存在。在这一点上,特别感谢Bert Laman对频道的慷慨支持,还有我的YouTube会员、曾经的订阅者以及所有在片尾字幕中列出的资助人。我感谢你们的支持,谢谢你们收看。