BMW: Tesla Has It Right / Tesla Ahead of Schedule / GM Caves ⚡️
发布时间 2023-10-09 23:19:51 来源
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Rystad Study:
Treasury Guidance:
00:00 - Tesla Cuts Prices
1:56 - Tesla Ahead of Schedule
3:46 - Treasury Guidance
6:55 - V4 Rollout in USA
8:40 - Tesla China Wholesale Sep
9:50 - Cybertruck Castings
11:09 - Better Camera Quality
11:26 - Tesla Expands in Shanghai
11:56 - Coolest Thing Made in CA
12:15 - New Pilot Plant in NV
13:36 - Low VIN CT
13:43 - Cybertruck Livestream
15:00 - Tesla Leading Brand Loyalty
15:33 - Another Bookmark EV Study
16:10 - Edmunds Director on CT
16:51 - Tesla's Net Interest Income
17:38 - BMW's Turn to Copy Tesla
19:00 - IGM Launches Berlin Campaign
19:43 - Mack Workers Reject Deal
20:14 - GM Caves
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslaNews #Cybertruck #CybertruckUpdate
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron Renee Elle. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
Last week on Thursday night Tesla cut the prices of the Model 3 and the Model Y in the United States by between $1,500 and $2,000. So here you can see the updated current pricing and the green highlighted cells are eligible for the IRA tax credit. And from the beginning of 2023, just about 10 months ago, the Model 3 on average is down about 18%, the Model Y down roughly 25%, and the Model SNX down about 30 or 35%.
上周的星期四晚上,特斯拉在美国将Model 3和Model Y的价格下调了1500到2000美元。在这里,您可以看到更新的现行价格,而绿色高亮的单元格有资格享受个体退休账户税收抵免。从2023年初算起,大约过去10个月,Model 3的平均价格下降了约18%,Model Y下降了大约25%,而Model SNX下降了约30%至35%。
And look, we don't need to have the debate every time Tesla cuts prices, they've already told us what their strategy is they're going to keep adjusting the pricing so they can ensure they continue to hit their growth targets. Whatever that means for margins, if they have to go all the way down and approach zero, that's what they're going to do.
But the real question will be what type of cost of goods sold improvement can Tesla pull off in Q3 and Q4, meaning what percentage of these price discounts that Tesla is offering can they offset with lower cost of goods sold. We will partially find out when Tesla releases their Q3 financials on October 18th, but remember these most recent price cuts won't hit the financials until quarter four and beyond. In quarter one of this year, Tesla's auto gross margins were 21.1% and then in Q2, they went down to 19.2%. Now the question becomes what will they be in quarter three? Can Tesla find a way to hold them above 15% given all of the price cuts? Time will tell.
It should be noted though, there are some other locations globally where Tesla has actually just increased the price of the Model Y. Just a reminder, we now have the entry level Model 3 and the entry level Model Y, both below the average new car sale price as of March this year, that sat at $48,000. We had a local news source giving us an update on Tesla's lithium refinery. Tesla's senior manager of operations at the refinery, Jason Bevaughn, said things are moving along quickly. We'll begin commissioning the assets roughly the first of next year, 2024, and that will continue in earnest over the first half of next year. Then they'll start ramping up production the latter half of next year. Once it's up and running, there's also going to be a lot of room to expand. We have property that is well suited for a future expansion beyond these first two trains, so I think there's ample opportunity for further economic impact beyond just those direct employees that we hire. So perhaps the wildest news of all, with this one, Tesla may actually be ahead of schedule.
但需要注意的是,在全球其他一些地区,特斯拉实际上刚刚提高了Model Y的价格。仅作提醒,我们现在有入门级的Model 3和入门级的Model Y,它们的价格低于今年三月份的新车平均销售价格,该价格为48,000美元。我们有一家本地新闻来源向我们更新了特斯拉的锂矿厂。特斯拉锂矿厂的高级运营经理杰森·贝沃恩表示,事情进展迅速。我们将于明年2024年初开始投产,然后在明年上半年全面推进。然后他们将在明年下半年开始增加产量。一旦投产运行,还将有很大扩展的空间。我们拥有的土地非常适合未来扩展,超出这两个工厂的范围,所以我认为除了雇佣直接员工之外,还有很多机会产生进一步的经济影响。所以也许最疯狂的消息是,特斯拉可能实际上比原计划提前。
You may recall it was only May 8th of this year when Tesla actually broke ground on this lithium refinery in Corpus Christi. Over time, with Tesla refining its own supply, they'll be able to cut out many of those middlemen that do the work and thus actually take some of the profits. So Tesla will be able to capture a lot of that and bring it in house pair that with what's going on with the spot lithium prices in China and in 2024. If these trends continue, that could also be another benefit to Tesla's cost of goods sold driving that number lower. Speaking of lithium, a broker has said everybody has a lot of inventory and Chinese traders have been very bearish and they just keep selling. Currently, lithium carbonate futures are down about 37% from where they were over the summer. That works out to about a 35% discount to lithium hydroxide futures in the United States, meaning lithium is currently cheaper in China. These numbers can fluctuate up and down on a moment's notice, but Citigroup has said that lithium carbonate and hydroxide could drop another 15 to 20% in the near term on the back of weaker demand high inventories and improved supply.
Last week, we did get somewhat of an update when it comes to how the IRA credits are going to work heading into 2024. That said, before we talk about this at all, my recommendation would be if you're considering taking advantage of this, actually work with a CPA someone who knows your financial situation because the last thing you want to happen is to next year, you go to a dealer or you go to Tesla and you get that $7,500 discount, but come tax time, it turns out you didn't actually qualify. Additionally, I would like to point out we're still waiting for these updated guidelines when it comes to the foreign entities of concern that has not been clarified. So come 2024, certain vehicles that may qualify now may not qualify starting next year.
上周,在2024年经理退休账户 (IRA) 学分如何运作方面,我们确实获得了一些更新。话虽如此,在我们完全讨论此事之前,我建议如果您考虑利用此项福利,实际上与一位了解您的财务状况的注册会计师合作,因为您最不希望的是明年您去经销商或特斯拉购车时,获得了7500美元的折扣,但在报税时却发现您实际上并不符合条件。此外,我还要指出,我们仍在等待有关外国关注实体的更新准则,这一点尚未明确解释。因此,到了2024年,现在可能符合条件的某些车辆明年可能不再符合条件。
And third, there's a chance this updated guidance is actually challenged and ultimately changes before next year. So while it seems like it's all set in stone, the way I'm reading these documents, I would say that it's actually not with those disclaimers out of the way they're now saying dealers will register via an IRS website to offer the credits starting in January dealers can submit vehicle sale to the IRS and receive payment for tax credits within 72 hours credit transfers and advanced payments would typically not affect dealers tax liability and dealer payments would not be part of a consumers gross income.
All I'm really comfortable saying for now is that starting next year as a consumer, you can transfer your credit to the dealer. So that way the dealer can offer let's say that $7,500 off the vehicle at the time of purchase. And then after three days, the dealer or Tesla due to the wording, yes, they of course qualify will actually be reimbursed for giving the consumer that discount when they buy the vehicle. And the language does make it seem like you may not actually need to have tax liability to take advantage of this full $7,500 credit when it's moved to a point of sale. And if that's indeed true, this would open up to a lot of lower income families that may have not had tax liabilities high enough to actually take advantage of the credit in the first place.
As we've assumed all year, this is going to lower the cars purchase price by providing consumers an upfront down payment on their vehicle at point of sale, rather than having to wait to clean that credit on their tax return. Much of this updated guidance really has to do with how things will work for the dealers. They're going to be submitting time of sale reports, which will actually confirm a certain vehicle's eligibility for a credit, whether or not the buyer chooses to transfer the credit to the dealer. However, as the Treasury is saying, there are certain circumstances where taxpayers may have to pay back some of the transferred credit if you transfer it to the dealer. One of the main reasons consumers might have to pay back part of the rebate if they exceed the applicable modified adjusted gross income limitation.
As I said though, right now we're not going to spend too much time trying to dive into all of the details because of this line. The Treasury and the IRS will carefully consider public comments and feedback before issuing final rules. For now though, I will have this below if you want to check it out.
Late last week, a member of the Tesla Motors Club Forum posted this photo of some V4 Tesla stalls in Wilsonville, Oregon, which yes would make this the first site in the United States to have a V4 location. Looks like there's going to be eight stalls in total and make shift happen on X also shared these images of the site as well. However, three major questions still remain. Are these going to be paired with V3 or V4 cabinets because so far in Europe, they've been paired with V3 cabinets, which means the real world charging speeds have not been any faster yet. The rumor has been that the V4 cabinets are not yet ready.
上周末,特斯拉汽车俱乐部论坛的一名成员发布了这张位于俄勒冈州威尔逊维尔的一组V4特斯拉充电桩的照片,这意味着这是美国第一个拥有V4充电桩的地点。看起来总共会有八个充电桩,Make Shift Happen on X也分享了这个地点的照片。然而,仍然存在三个重要问题。这些充电桩是否会与V3或V4机柜配对,因为到目前为止在欧洲,它们都与V3机柜配对,这意味着实际的充电速度还没有提高。传言是V4机柜尚未准备好。
Two, will any of these V4 stalls actually have the magic dot capability for CCS vehicles? And three, will any of these V4 locations in the United States have the payment terminal that some have had in Europe. Also on Thursday, we had this account on X sharing this image of some V4 stalls in Sparks, Nevada, somebody there said they'll be up next week. So finally, the V4 rollout in the United States begins. This will be on an 800 to 1000 volt architecture. But again, it's really going to be dependent upon those V3 or V4 cabinets, which I've yet to see confirmed for these locations. But given that Tesla has rolled out multiple V4 locations with V3 cabinets, maybe there's a software update, maybe the exchange for V4 isn't overly complicated. For now, questions remain, but I know in the weeks ahead, we'll get a lot more information. And yes, if you've seen the cyber truck charging on V3 stalls and you've thought to yourself, man, those cables are a little short. The cables are three feet longer with V4.
From car news China, the Tesla wholesale figure for September came in at 74,073. We should get the official breakdown for domestic deliveries and exports in the days ahead, as well as production. I feel so monotonous saying this, but even if there's one new person here watching this video with Tesla switching over to the refreshed Model 3, they told us on the Q2 call, Q3 numbers will be down given factory shutdowns and upgrades. Pair that with the fact that even when Tesla started making the new Model 3, they couldn't sell them in China because they were awaiting approval. So they had to export a lot of those vehicles, which were on ships at the end of quarter three, which is setting us up well for quarter four.
根据中国汽车新闻报道,特斯拉九月份的批发销量为74,073辆。我们在未来几天内将获得国内交付和出口的官方细分数据,以及生产情况。我知道这已经很单调了,但即使只有一个新的观众在看这个关于特斯拉更新款Model 3的视频,他们在第二季度电话会议上告诉我们,由于工厂停产和升级,第三季度的数字将会下降。再加上特斯拉开始生产新款Model 3时,由于等待批准,他们无法在中国销售这些车辆。所以他们不得不大量出口这些车辆,在第三季度末这些车辆还在船上,这为我们的第四季度做好了准备。
So yes, the wholesale number for this September was about 9,000 units lower than last September, but again, we've known this was coming through the first nine months of this year, Tesla China has sold just under 700,000 units, which means once we get through Q4, given that the highest quarterly rate from Tesla China has been 247,000 looks like Tesla China for 2023 will contribute just less than 1 million vehicles for the year.
In a recent Joe Tett Meyer drone flyover of Gigatexas, as you can see, he showed us hundreds of Cybertruck castings, both front and rear. If you're wondering why are these outside, it's really due to space as you can see these take up a fair amount of room, so it's just easier to save space inside, leaving these outside. Naturally, because of this video, we have a bunch of people geared up that these Cybertruck deliveries are going to start entering mass volume production sometime soon. But once again, I have to pour some cold water on that thesis. We saw Model Y castings at Gigatexas in September 2021, and then it was seven months later when we actually had the cyber rodeo delivery event. There was also someone claiming to be a contractor over on Reddit saying that there are still multiple parts of Cybertruck production that are going to be automated that are not set up already yet. My point here is that even if we do get the first few deliveries and that delivery event in November, it does not mean right after that we're going to see some massive ramp up in production. It's probably going to take a few quarters for Tesla to work out the kinks and actually get to some level of volume production. So of course, this is great to see and it's a great development, but let's just keep our expectations in check.
最近乔·特特迈尔(Joe Tett Meyer)的无人机在Gigatexas上空飞行,并向我们展示了数百个Cybertruck铸件,前后两种。如果你想知道为什么它们放在外面,其实是因为空间有限,你可以看到它们占用了相当大的空间,所以将它们放在室外更容易节省空间。当然,由于这段视频,我们有很多人期待这些Cybertruck的交付很快就会开始大规模生产。但是我必须对这一观点进行些许冷静的评估。我们在2021年9月在Gigatexas看到了Model Y的铸件,然后在七个月后我们才看到了Cybertruck的交付活动。还有人声称在Reddit上曾经是一名承包商,说Cybertruck的多个生产环节仍然需要自动化处理,尚未设立好。我的观点是,即使我们在11月份得到了最初几辆车的交付,这并不意味着交付后我们会迅速看到生产规模的大幅提升。特斯拉可能需要几个季度来解决问题,并真正实现量产。所以当然,这是很好的进展,但让我们保持一定的期望值。
Tesla shared a post on X saying that with software update dot 32 dot four, it will bring improved camera quality rolling out with an OTA update. Yes, this is just one anecdote, but even still, that's a pretty impressive update for software only.
From writers, Tesla has signed a leasing contract to open a massive sales and service center in Shanghai. It'll be 861,000 square feet and it'll open in the middle of 2024. Tesla also plans to put more emphasis on stores in less costly suburban locations that can provide repairs as the company works to meet Elon's goal of improving service for customers. And given the real estate debacle in China right now, you would imagine that Tesla got a pretty good deal on this lease.
The California manufacturers and technology association crowned the Model Y as the coolest thing made in California. The public voted for the products in this competition and another one, the James Webb telescope. But the Model Y was announced the winner by the California Lieutenant Governor at a CMTA conference.
加利福尼亚制造商和技术协会将Model Y评为加利福尼亚制造的最酷的东西。公众在这场比赛中投票选择了最佳产品,还有另一个获奖者,詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜。但是,在加利福尼亚制造商和技术协会会议上,加州副州长宣布Model Y为获奖者。
And what do we have here? Four positions on Tesla's career page, Recycling Associate, Cell Recycling Operator, Cell Recycling Equipment Tech, and Cell Recycling Operator all at Gig and Nevada. The Cell Recycling Operator will be responsible for equipment operation and overall production output of the Cell Recycling Pilot Plant. I believe this is the first public mention we've heard of this new plant for Tesla. For the equipment tech, what they'll do, day-to-day coverage of cell recycling equipment including material shredders, conveyors, exhaust and scrubber systems, water and wastewater systems, and separation equipment. With a night shift included, so now we have a new Recycling Pilot Plant for Tesla at Gig and Nevada. All along, we've known that something like this was coming, it was just a matter of time. So this could be an indication that Tesla thinks there's enough and life batteries now available to make this pilot line economically feasible. I say it all the time, I know a lot of people think battery recycling is kind of a stale topic, but when you think about 20 years from now having a closed-loop supply chain where you just literally recycle these car batteries through and through without any mining, it's going to be awesome for the cost of EVs and awesome for the planet, so really not that boring in my opinion.
In case you were wondering that low-vend Cybertruck went for $400,000 at that Peterson auction. Over the weekend, Tesla held a livestream of two Cybertruck release candidate vehicles doing some off-road testing in Baja. It was cool to see, we really didn't learn a ton of new information other than the only problem they said they had was two flat tires, but that doesn't have anything to do with the Cybertruck itself. Just so you know, this track, the Baja 1000 is an internationally known event. Here's this course plotted out on a map and it consists of about 1200 miles.
万一你想知道的话,那辆低配版Cybertruck在彼得森拍卖会上以40万美元的价格成交。上周末,特斯拉在Baja进行了两辆Cybertruck发布候选车辆的户外测试,并通过直播展示了出来。看起来很酷,但实际上我们并没有得到太多新的信息,除了他们说唯一的问题是两只爆胎,但这与Cybertruck本身无关。你需要知道的是,这个赛道,Baja 1000是一个国际知名的活动。以下是这个赛道在地图上的路径,大约有1200英里。
As Gregor truck pointed out, the Cybertruck was spotted driving through Cabo with some light accessories and a light bar, and these vehicles were supported by a caravan for this journey. The Cybertruck relied exclusively on destination charging and gas generators to drive 1200 miles from the US-Mexico border to Cabo. Those two Cybertrucks are now stationed in Cabo for durability testing and to send data back to the mothership. And here are some cool images shared by the Cybertruck Owners Club.
正如Gregor truck指出的那样,Cybertruck被发现在卡波(Cabo)驶过,装有一些轻型附件和灯光条,并且这些车辆在旅途中有一个支持的车队。Cybertruck完全依赖于目的地充电和汽油发电机,从美墨边境行驶1200英里到达卡波。这两辆Cybertruck现在驻扎在卡波进行耐久性测试,并将数据发送回总部。以下是Cybertruck车主俱乐部分享的一些酷炫照片。
From S&P Global, among individual brands, Tesla remains the leader with a loyalty rate of 68.4% for the first half of 2023. Tesla has proven it has a strong connection with its customers despite increasing competition in the BEV market. Calculated price drops and timely incentive offerings have helped to boost interest and keep the brands positive momentum going. We've talked about this numerous times in the past, but with Tesla currently over 68% loyalty rate, the industry's brand loyalty rate is only 50.6%.
Ristad Energy did a fairly comprehensive study of ICE vehicles vs. electric, and it's just another data point something for you to bookmark if you want to, when a friend or family member brings up the whole EVs aren't better for the world argument. In the United States, when it comes to vehicle life cycle emissions, including body and white and powertrain, vehicle maintenance, tank to wheel, and electricity consumption, BEVs came out with 58% less emissions than comparable ICE vehicles. Many of us already know this, but I do like to have these sources bookmark so if you do too, it'll be below.
Ristad Energy进行了一项相当全面的冰动力车辆与电动车辆的研究,这只是另一个数据点,如果你想要的话可以加星收藏,当一个朋友或家人提出EV对世界来说并不更好的论点时可以拿出来参考。在美国,当涉及到车辆生命周期排放时,包括车身和白色部件、动力系统、车辆维护、油箱至车轮、以及电力消耗,纯电动车辆的排放量比同类冰动力车辆减少了58%。我们中的许多人已经知道这一点,但我喜欢将这些来源加星收藏,所以如果你也愿意,下面就有相关信息。
You know how publicly RJ said he didn't think there'd be a ton of overlap between Rivian R1 customers and Cybertruck? Well, the director of insights at Edmunds disagrees. Speaking of RJ's comments, he said that sentiment might hold true for now, but mostly would be due to Cybertruck being out of sight out of mind for consumers at the moment due to delays. He added the Model Y is currently the second most cross-shopped vehicle against the R1C and R1S on Edmunds. If you remove inter-brand shopping, and he said that vehicle is technically in a very different class than either of Rivian's offerings, it's far more reasonable to assume the Cybertruck will become the number one cross-shot vehicle on Edmunds once it launches.
你知道RJ公开表示他认为Rivian R1客户和Cybertruck之间不会有太多重叠吗?嗯,Edmunds的洞察主管对此持不同意见。谈到RJ的评论,他表示这种观点可能目前还有一定道理,但主要是因为由于延迟,消费者眼下对Cybertruck并没有太多关注。他补充说,Model Y目前是在Edmunds上与R1C和R1S进行最多交叉比较的第二名车型。如果不考虑跨品牌购物,他表示那辆车在技术上与Rivian的任何一款车型都属于完全不同的级别,因此可以合理推断一旦Cybertruck上市,它将成为Edmunds上第一名的交叉购物车型。
You may remember I pointed this out when going over Tesla's 10K last year, but Meyer put it into chart form and wanted to share. Tesla's net interest income, the money it's generating from its cash balance, continues to compound exponentially thanks to the Fed's rapid rate heights. It now stands at $210 million per quarter and it should be much higher in Q3S. Tesla continues to invest more of its cash into these short-term securities. It's likely Tesla's net interest income surpasses their income from regulatory credits in Q3 for the first time in company history. And yes, I know you can argue that Tesla doing a share buyback could have a better IRR than investing cash, but we're not having that debate right now. Just remember, Tesla's cash balance is not just sitting idle.
We had talked about this last year BMW has plans to copy the Tesla Direct Sales Model. Now we get an update they'll gradually introduce the Direct Sales Model for the mini brand in 2024 for BMW, the step is planned for 2026. The way it works today is that if you go down to the dealers at the end of the quarter you get a better price because the dealer wants to sell. With the agency model or the direct model we offer customers consistent pricing online and across all segments.
But I wanted to share this because Alex touched on Tesla having its own custom enterprise resource planning software. That's the warp drive project that we talked about a while back. That's really a huge part of Tesla's secret sauce when it comes to its pricing decisions. It has all of this real-time data that Tesla then uses to make decisions when nothing like that is available off the shelf.
And as Alex said, he's been in the ERP business for 20 years and SAP accompany many of these legacy companies go to still can't do certain things that Tesla can do. Mercedes is trying it, VW is trying it, Ford has tried it and has already failed at trying. We just talked about that last week. So clearly the industry is waking up to Tesla has the right model. Now everybody else is trying to figure out how to do it. So far no one has figured out how to do it.
Alex also said today, he gave it all the German industry and auto union is launching a new campaign at Gigabrelin to advertise Tesla's entry into an agreement like the one from VW and other OEMs. Last year this group opened a small office at Gigabrelin and tried to convince workers to join with moderate success. Alex also said he has firsthand info that E-Game at all is trying to contact Tesla community members and influencers in an attempt to spin the narrative and try to win some new members from Gigabrelin. As far as I can tell Gigabrelin already has a works council that represents the workers there but that is entirely separate from the E-Game at all union. Not sure anything will come of this but something to watch.
Alex也说,他将全力支持德国工业和汽车工会在Gigabrelin展开一项新的活动,以宣传特斯拉与大众和其他原始设备制造商签订的协议。去年,这个组织在Gigabrelin开设了一个小办公室,试图说服工人加入,但取得了一定的成功。Alex还说,他有第一手的信息,称E-Game at all正试图与特斯拉社群成员和影响者联系,试图扭转叙事,并争取一些Gigabrelin的新成员。据我了解,Gigabrelin已经有一个代表工人的工会,但与E-Game at all工会完全独立。不确定会有什么结果,但值得关注。
Remember how we said the UAW and the MAC truck group came to an agreement? Well the workers didn't go for it and they rejected that deal. Now they're on strike. 73% of the workers voted against the deal that had a 19% pay raise. Not only that but a $3,500 ratification bonus, better retirement benefits, additional vacation and a reduction in the time needed to get top pay. Some MAC workers complained the raise was not big enough to address the impact of inflation.
And in a huge move that will have major implications when it comes to the UAW and the big 3, GM has now agreed to put EV battery production under the terms of this national contract. It's still unclear whether battery plant workers if unionized would receive the same pay and benefits as assembly and powertrain plant workers. But their contracts would be subject to the same protections in bargaining patterns as the automakers other hourly employees.
Before the UAW was set to expand the strike last Friday, Fane said they had a major breakthrough that has not only dramatically changed negotiations but it's going to change the future of our union and the future of our industry. As they were about to shut down GM's largest money maker in Texas. So GM, under the threat of a major financial hit, they leapfrogged the pack meaning Ford and Stellantis in terms of a just transition. Our strike is working but we're not there yet. On wages GM and Stellantis are still at 20% Ford is at 23%. So maybe the worst is behind us but still no deal to be had.
And tonight GM's deal with Unifor in Canada is set to expire if there's no deal reached today. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.