Tesla Preps Cybertruck Launch Team, Semi Hits Mileage Record, EEOC Lawsuit
发布时间 2023-09-29 00:18:26 来源
➤ Tesla begins prepping “Launch Team” for Cybertruck
➤ Cybertruck and Rivian R1S spotted side by side
➤ Tesla Semi hits daily mileage record
➤ Highland Model 3 updates
➤ Piper Sandler note
➤ Tesla breaks ground on diner
➤ EEOC sues Tesla: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/28/eeoc-sues-tesla-alleging-widespread-racist-harassment-of-black-workers.html
➤ X approaching profitability
➤ Honda shares more details on new EV
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Maurer here and today we've got a couple of nice updates on the Tesla Cybertruck and the Tesla Semi. We've also got a new note from Piper Sandler, Alex Potter and a new lawsuit against Tesla of the other items as well.
大家好,我是Rob Maurer,今天我将为大家带来关于特斯拉Cybertruck和特斯拉Semi的一些新进展。此外,Piper Sandler的Alex Potter还给我们写了一份新的笔记,并且还有一项针对特斯拉的新诉讼和其他重要消息。
Alright, looking at the stock, we've got another one of those days where Google seems to be wrong, so Google saying Tesla closed around $242. Nasdaq.com and Yahoo Finance both saying Tesla actually closed at $246.38, so we'll go with that number up 2.4% while the Nasdaq on the day closing up 8 cents per percent. So pretty nice outperformance for Tesla today.
Another Mac or news item that we had mentioned to keep an eye out for was new comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell today. Turned out to not really actually be that important, sorry for not realizing that earlier, but just a town hall with educators, so nothing to point in in terms of financial policy or anything like that. So no major impact from that. Of course, we will still have the PCE report tomorrow morning.
Alright getting into the Tesla news, we've got an exciting update shared by Drive Tesla Canada on X here. This is I think coming from Facebook initially, but apparently Tesla staff has started to be delivered at least in some cases. Some new merchandise that specifically calls out a cyber truck launch team. So this is obviously a very exciting update. We don't know exactly how relevant this might be or how meaningful rather this might be in terms of when a delivery event would be scheduled and cyber truck deliveries would start, but presumably this is a good sign for things being pretty imminent. We have seen also as we talked about I think a week ago, maybe let's see the date on this. Yeah, a little bit more than a week ago, Tesla service center starting to get new paperwork, new check in slips that have the cyber truck listed. So between that between the launch team here between Tesla originally saying it would be Q3. Now I think obviously that slipped a bit, but hopefully a lot of science here pointing towards a delivery event happening really soon. So you know, I think kind of worst case we'll hear more about this in three weeks or so, a little bit more than three weeks when Tesla has the Q3 earnings call, but I wouldn't be surprised if we do hear more about it before then. So exciting to see that as one little caveat, we have seen some, you know, Tesla merchandise go out for the cyber truck in the past. So this was back from July on the cyber truck owners club forum. You can see a nice jacket, kind of like similar hat as well, but obviously the distinguishing feature here being the launch team denoted as well. So exciting to see that and we'll keep an eye out for any more signs like this or maybe even other launch team merchandise. If you do happen to know anything about that, definitely let me know.
好的,我们来了解一下特斯拉的最新消息。我们从Drive Tesla Canada的X上得到了一个令人兴奋的更新。最初应该是来自Facebook的消息,但很显然特斯拉员工已经开始进行交付,至少在某些情况下是如此。他们发布了一些新的商品,特别提到了“Cyber Truck Launch Team”(翻译:疯狂卡车发布团队)。所以这显然是一个非常令人兴奋的消息。我们不确定这对于交付活动的安排和Cyber Truck的交付何时开始有多大的意义,但可以推测这对于事情即将发生是一个好兆头。正如我们在一周之前谈到的那样,特斯拉服务中心开始获得一些新文件和新的签收单,上面列出了Cyber Truck的内容。因此,在这个团队发布之间,在特斯拉最初表示会在第三季度发布之间,现在看来显然有点推迟,但希望这一切迹象都很可能指向交付活动即将发生。 所以,我认为最坏的情况是我们将在三个多星期后,也就是特斯拉进行Q3财报电话会议时听到更多关于这方面的消息,但在那之前,如果我们在那之前有更多的消息,我也是不会感到惊讶的。所以,很高兴看到这个消息,并将继续关注是否有其他类似的迹象,甚至是其他发布团队的商品。如果您确实知道任何相关信息,请务必告诉我。
Alright, the other cyber truck update. This is from Tesla and her Silicon Valley on X kind of a short video here of the cyber trucks spotted next to a Rivian RMS. So I don't think that we have seen this before. I'll just play the clip, but we can see just kind of a not the highest resolution, not the not the best shot of it, but a little bit of a comparison between the two vehicles driving side by side, which is fun to see. And I think exciting for when we do actually start to see the rollout, a lot more of this type of testing and comparison type of things that will be done. So we'll look out for more of that after the delivery event does happen.
好的,另一个 Cybertruck 的更新。这是来自特斯拉和她位于硅谷的一家名为X的短视频,其中有一些Cybertruck被发现停在一辆Rivian RMS旁边。所以我认为我们以前还没有看到过这个。我来播放一下这个视频,虽然分辨率不是很高,也不是最好的镜头,但我们能够看到两辆车并排行驶,这很有趣。我认为当我们真正开始看到交付活动之后,将会有更多这样的测试和比较进行。所以在交付活动之后,我们将会关注更多相关内容。
Alright, moving on to the Tesla semi as we've been kind of following the run on less data over the last couple of weeks, looks like the event is now coming to a conclusion. And I think with that Tesla kind of set out to set the single day record for the entire day, you know, the entire period here. So for the, you know, Tesla truck number three on the second to last day, they actually ran it for 24 hours straight.
And they accumulated almost 1100 miles over that single day on the Tesla semi. Now, obviously that's not all on one charge by any means. It looks like there were three charging cycles here by my math. It was just a little bit less than 240% of battery capacity, including all of the recharges that were left for these 10th out or for these 1076 miles to be completed.
So exciting to see this data. I think it shows what the semi is capable of. I think, you know, a lot of we actually did here, you know, in the years past that things like this could not be achieved. And now Tesla is proving it out there with with third party data. So very exciting to see. And hopefully over time, this number can actually be improved because as we have talked about, it does seem like there is further opportunity to increase the charge rates towards the bottom of the charge cycle curve. So I will see, but I think over time, the Tesla will be able to even further optimize this if they do want to. But even still, this is an incredibly impressive number already. So exciting to see that.
And then also exciting. We do see courtesy of WUWA more Highland Model 3 spotted at the port in Shanghai. So you can, this is kind of a good view. I believe all of these sections here, not right here, but kind of from this road north, or at least from the orientation of this video, I think all of these are Highland Model 3's at least as best as I can tell. So again, we start to see these in pretty significant numbers. It's hard to know exactly what the count would be for a picture like this unless someone wants to take the time to do that. Let me know. But exciting to see this. And you know, we should start to see a little bit more information first with the production numbers that will get shortly after the end of the quarter, probably around October 10th. And then hopefully we'll start seeing more of the weekly data for China sales, specifically when those start as well. But right now, obviously, it seems like all of them being exported to Europe.
然后也很令人兴奋。我们可以通过WUWA看到更多在上海港口发现的Highland Model 3。所以你可以看到,这是一个很好的景象。我相信,除了这个地方,至少从这个视频的方向,这些都是Highland Model 3,至少根据我所能看到的。所以我们开始看到这些以相当大的数量出现。除非有人愿意花时间来计算,否则很难准确知道这样一张照片里有多少量。让我知道如果有人愿意。但很高兴能看到这些。你知道,我们应该首先看到一些更多的信息,包括生产数量,这将在季度结束后不久,大约在10月10日左右获得。然后,希望我们能开始看到更多关于中国销售的每周数据,尤其是当它们开始出现时。但目前,显然所有的都被出口到欧洲。
And then also on Highland, we got an update, another update like we had yesterday from another Tesla VP. This time from VP of Vehicle Software, David Lau. Again, stuff that we've kind of talked about or heard about previously, but just interesting to hear from their perspective, their thoughts on the updated Model 3 and some of the decisions that went into it. Again, like we had talked about with Lars yesterday, David also crediting the Shanghai engineering team, specifically for software in this case, as that's more of his discipline for their contributions to the updates. So again, interesting to hear that. You can find that on XFU. You know, want to check out Kelvin's profile. He's got it posted there.
然后,在海兰德街上,我们获得了一份更新,类似于昨天来自特斯拉的另一位副总裁的更新。这次来自车辆软件副总裁David Lau。虽然这些内容我们之前已经谈论或听说过了,但从他们的角度来听他们对更新后的Model 3以及其中所做决策的看法还是很有趣的。与昨天我们与Lars的交谈类似,David也认可了上海工程团队的贡献,尤其是在软件方面,因为这是他所擅长的领域。所以再次听到这些观点非常有趣。你可以在XFU上找到这篇文章。你可以查看Kelvin的资料,他在那里发布了这篇文章。
Next we've got an update from Alex Potter, Piper Sandler. So always curious to hear his thoughts. As we head into the end of the quarter, I'll probably do my forecast tomorrow. But we're hearing from analysts as we talked about mostly lowering their expectations just based on the shutdowns that we've heard about for Gigatexis and obviously the updates now for the downtime in Shanghai with the Model 3. So he is cutting his estimate for Q3 from 515,000 plus previously, now to 445,000 units. I think much more realistic given that downtime, which he is crediting for the adjustment here. But saying, you know, plant shutdowns probably drove lower volume versus Q2, but that is not bearish.
接下来我们来看看Piper Sandler的Alex Potter的最新消息。一直很好奇听听他的想法。随着本季的结束,我可能会在明天做出我的预测。但是我们听到分析师们大多降低了他们的预期,因为我们听说了Gigatexis的停工以及上海Model 3的停产更新。因此,他将他对第三季度的估计从之前的超过515,000辆削减到445,000辆。我认为这个数字更加现实,考虑到停产,他将这个调整归功于这个原因。但他说,虽然工厂停产可能导致销量低于第二季度,但这并不是悲观的。
So I feel similarly, and when we do go through the forecast, we're probably not going to go in as much detail because with these forecasts for me, it's always, or, you know, the forecast and the delivery numbers, it's always about what that means for the future. And in this particular quarter, since we've got another quarter where we've had significant downtime, what this is going to tell us about future run rates or where Tesla's, you know, production capacity is as grown or not grown, it's not going to tell us a whole lot because of those impacts. So the ability for us to take much away from this quarter, I think, is limited and therefore not probably worth as much time as we would normally, you know, consider it or spend talking about it. But nevertheless, we'll go through some of those expectations tomorrow.
Alright. So this is an update on a project that we've talked about a number of times. This is Tesla's drive-in diner theater, supercharger combo in LA. Looks like they have broken ground on this. So this is reported by Automate on a sub stack and got a couple of photos here that they had shared on their, on their sub stack of construction beginning for this project. So kind of an exciting milestone for that. I'm sure they'll keep an eye and probably others will keep an eye on the progress at that location, but exciting update for Tesla there.
So this exciting Tesla is being sued by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for claims of racial discrimination and potential retaliation for, you know, racial harassment. So we've actually talked about this, I think, on a number of different occasions because this was previously disclosed in Tesla's 10Qs. The EEOC had been working with Tesla through the conciliation process, which they say was not successful leading to the lawsuit. So that's basically can the company work out sort of a settlement for lack of a better word, conciliation with the EEOC. But they have not said the EEOC moving forward with the suit. We won't spend a ton of time on this because, again, we've talked about it, but basically the claims here are that beginning back in 2015, there's, you know, a history of slurs and salts graffiti misconduct relating to racial discrimination. So if you do want to read about this, you can, you know, find the details of the lawsuit on a link that I included in the description today from the CNBC article. So you can read through that. Feel free to come to your own conclusion. I think from my perspective, you know, the claims that are made here in terms of some of the slurs, the insults, things like that, I think are pretty well documented. The retaliation claims, I think, are more difficult and seem a little bit more circumstantial, so probably a little bit less convincing. Obviously, you never want to see stuff like this, but ultimately, you know, I think the question at least as early as to Tesla here is, you know, the responsibility, how much of that falls on that individual to not be doing things like that, how much of that falls in the company to be able to, you know, guide the organization in the right direction. And from the lawsuit, at least, you know, I think it's difficult to make those conclusions, especially when you're kind of just hearing one side of the story here, not Tesla's defense of it. So we'll keep an eye on it. Let's see what comes of that in the future.
Alright. Next up, we just got quick update on X. So Lindy Acarino at an interview with Fox Media yesterday said that Twitter is getting closer to profitability could be profitable as, or sorry, not Twitter, formerly Twitter, but X could be profitable in early 2024, which I think would be very exciting. The more financial strength that that has, obviously, the less liability there is that Elon would need to continue to sell Tesla shares to kind of support that. So always good news to hear about about that. And then she also mentioned that 90% of the top 100 advertisers have returned to X, which is obviously helping work towards that figure. And that in the past 12 weeks alone, or about three months, about 1500 different advertisers have returned. So good to hear a couple of those updates.
好的。接下来,我们有一些关于 X 的快速更新。Lindy Acarino在昨天接受福克斯传媒采访时表示,Twitter即将实现盈利,可能在2024年初就会盈利。我认为这非常令人兴奋。财务实力越强,显然,Elon就越不需要继续出售特斯拉股份来支持X的发展。所以听到这些消息总是好事。她还提到,排名前100的广告商中已有90%回到了X,这显然有助于实现盈利目标。仅仅过去的12周,也就是大约三个月,已经有大约1500个不同的广告商回到了X。听到这些更新消息真是好消息。
And then finally for today, Honda has shared a little bit more information on their upcoming electric vehicle, the Honda prologue. So this is one of those vehicles that is sort of done in partnership to an extent with GM. So it's on the Altium platform. We don't have a whole lot of new details or information, but this is going to be coming in early 2024. They say that the EPA range is expected to be somewhere around 300 miles. And they say that the pricing is expected to start in the upper 40,000. And I'm sure there will be different trims that then run higher. So again, there's some more detailed features or some more detailed information on different features of the vehicle. But outside of that, not a whole lot new. We've already seen photos of the vehicle. So really just the pricing and the range, I think the big updates today.
然后最后一件事,本田汽车公司在他们即将推出的电动车——Honda prologue上分享了一些新的信息。所以这是一辆与通用汽车有一定程度合作的车辆,它使用的是Altium平台。我们并没有很多新的细节或信息,但它将在2024年初上市。据他们说,EPA(美国环境保护署)的续航里程预计约为300英里。他们表示价格预计会在4万美元以上起,相信还会有不同配置的价格更高。总之,车辆的一些更详细的功能或信息已经公布。但除此之外,并没有太多新的东西。我们已经看过这辆车的照片,所以今天的重要更新只是价格和续航里程。
Alright, that war up it up for today though. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, September 29th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.