Musk Comments on Performance Cybertruck, Giga Texas Growth Plans, UAW Strike Expands
发布时间 2023-09-23 01:48:09 来源
➤ Elon Musk comments on performance version of Tesla Cybertruck
➤ Nasdaq has worst week in six months
➤ Tesla outlines Giga Texas growth plans
➤ Giga Berlin credited for state economic growth
➤ Giga Mexico update
➤ Tesla engineers detail vehicle audio systems
➤ Interesting new Supercharger opening
➤ UAW expands strike, comments leak
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Mayward here, happy Friday today we are going to be talking about some new comments from Elon Musk on the Cyber Truck, we've got updates on Gigatexus and Gigamexico, the UAW has expanded their strike and a few other items as well.
大家好,我是Rob Mayward,今天是星期五,我们将谈论一些关于Cyber Truck的新评论,我们还会更新Gigatexus和Gigamexico的最新情况,UAW(美国汽车工人联合会)扩大了他们的罢工,并且还有一些其他的事项要谈论。
Alright starting off with the stock, Tesla today down 4.2%, not quite 4.20 but 4.2%, closing at $244.88 on the day, significant underperformance, the Nasdaq only down 1.10th of a percent today, but if we look at the stock market for the week, it was actually the worst week for the Nasdaq since March, so about 6 months or so, not a great week, the Nasdaq was down 3.6% for the week, so this is actually the 3rd straight negative week for the Nasdaq. So the market's actually been pretty tough out there, Tesla's been holding up pretty well during that period of time, although the underperformance today, Tesla over the last month, up about 3.3%, the Nasdaq down about 3.7%. So just always good to keep that context in mind as we look at Tesla despite that under performance for today.
Alright I want to start off actually with Gigatexus, we'll talk about Elon's comments on the Cyber Truck here in a second, but we've got an update from the Austin Business Journal on a presentation that was given by Jason Shahin of Gigatexus, Tesla's Director of Manufacturing at Gigatexus.
好的,我首先想提起Gigatexus,然后我们再谈谈埃隆对Cyber Truck的评论。不过,我们现在从奥斯汀商业杂志上得到了一则更新,关于Gigatexus的生产总监杰森·沙欣在Gigatexus进行的一个演讲。
A couple of updates came out of this, not a whole lot of new information, but noted that Tesla now employs 20,000 people at Gigatexus, making it the second largest private employer in the region so far, second to HEB, I believe, which has just over 20,000, so Tesla should be surpassing that to become the largest employer in the Austin area pretty soon. So this count is actually going to continue your eyes, as I mentioned there, it's expected to triple over time as Tesla continues to ramp up production. So we'd be talking about 60,000 employees, and this is up from around 12,000 to begin this year, so they've already added 8,000 so far year to date, and again expecting to continue to grow that all the way up to 60,000.
So this was shared by Shahin at a conference earlier this week. If we look at that in context for where Tesla's total employee count has been historically, we get this in the 2020 Impact Report all the way back to the very early days of Tesla. You can see this would actually exceed, once this is fully ramped up to 60,000 people, this would actually exceed the number of employees that Tesla had to begin the year in 2020, just about three years, almost four years ago at that point. So it really gives a sense of the scale of Gigatexus, obviously it's a massive building, but just from an employee headcount, I think a lot of people would be very surprised that that's already at 20,000 people, and expected to continue to then triple from here. So pretty exciting to hear that, not a whole lot else, again, that was new from this presentation, at least, that has been reported by the Austin Business Journal. However, Shahin did note that the company, Tesla, is doing line upgrades to increase the output of Model Y's at Gigatexus. So we've talked about this a number of times with the production pause at Texas. It looks like that's sort of been confirmed that that is to eventually increase output for Model Y. So good to have kind of a more official comment on what we're seeing at Gigatexus.
这是本周早些时候Shahin在一次会议上分享的。如果我们从历史背景看特斯拉的总员工数量,我们可以在2020年的影响报告中找到所有的信息,甚至可以追溯到特斯拉的早期阶段。你可以看到,一旦这个数字达到60,000人,那么这个数字实际上将超过特斯拉在2020年初的员工人数,几乎是三年前,几乎是四年前的情况。所以这真的让我们感受到吉加特克斯的规模,显然这是一个庞大的建筑,但仅从员工人数来看,我认为很多人会对已经达到20,000人并预计将增加两倍的数字感到非常惊讶。听到这个消息真的很令人兴奋,至少从奥斯汀商业杂志报道的剩余内容来看,这个演讲并没有提供太多新的信息。然而,Shahin指出,特斯拉公司正在进行生产线升级,以增加吉加特克斯工厂Model Y的产量。我们已经多次讨论过德州停产的问题,看来现在已经证实了这个消息,即最终是为了增加Model Y的产量。所以,能够从官方渠道听到对吉加特克斯的看法真的很好。
Speaking of Gigatexus, of course, related to the Cybertruck, Elon did comment on X today that he just drove the performance Cybertruck today, and it kicks ass next level. So pretty exciting to hear Elon talk about this, just from the fact that as Elon is testing these, hopefully that means they're close to being ready for delivery as we wait for the delivery event announcement. And then kind of the other interesting thing here is that he does call it the performance Cybertruck. So I think a lot of people may be wondering if there would be a plaid Cybertruck as we see that as sort of the performance version for the Model S and Model X. But here, Elon just referring to it as the performance vehicle. It doesn't necessarily mean that it wouldn't eventually be called plaid, but maybe Tesla used this as something that kind of falls in the price band between something like a Model 3 and the S and the X, where it's going to only have the sort of performance moniker and keep the plaid exclusive to sort of the top end vehicles, which initially the Cybertruck should come in kind of around the S and the X. But over time, obviously we saw Tesla at the announcement event targeting to get this down to $40,000. Now there's been a lot of inflation since then, and we're going to have to wait for the most recent pricing updates when the delivery event happens. But it does seem like it would occupy sort of a little bit of a middle band between those price points. So we'll keep it out for that, but it's again exciting to hear Elon talk about this. And obviously seems pretty happy with how the performance is so far.
说到Gigatexus,当然与Cybertruck有关,埃隆今天在评论X时确实评论说,他今天刚刚试驾了性能版Cybertruck,并且它真的是厉害到了下一个级别。所以听埃隆谈论这个事情真的很令人兴奋,仅仅从埃隆正在测试这些车辆这一事实来看,希望这意味着它们已经接近交付准备了,我们还在等待交付活动的公告。还有另一个有趣的事情是,他将其称为性能版Cybertruck。所以我想很多人可能会想知道是否会有一款Cybertruck块布艺版,因为我们已经在Model S和Model X上看到了这种性能版本。但是在这里,埃隆只是称它为性能车辆。这并不一定意味着它最终不会被称为块布艺版,而可能特斯拉将其作为在Model 3、S和X之间的价格带中的一种选择,它将只有性能标志,并将块布艺版作为最高端车辆保持独特。最初,Cybertruck应该在S和X的价格范围之间。但随着时间的推移,显然我们在发布会上看到特斯拉的目标是将其定价降到40,000美元。自那时以来,已经有了很多通货膨胀,我们将不得不等待最新的定价更新,直到交付活动发生时。但似乎它将占据这些价格点之间的一个中间价格带。所以我们会继续留意,但是听埃隆谈论这个,确实令人兴奋。而且显然他对性能到目前为止感到非常满意。
All right, next we've got updates on Gigabrelin and Gigat Mexico. The first on giga Berlin here is from RBB 24. They shared that this year in the first six months of the year, the Brandenburg economy for the state increased, the GDP for the state increased 6% after adjusting for inflation, 14% before accounting for that in the first half of the year. So this is a significant outperformance from the rest of the German economy, which I think was down 0.3% in that same period. And this according to York Steinbach, the economic minister for Brandenburg, maybe for the country I can't remember, he noted that this is in large part being driven by the ramp up of production at Tesla and also the supply chain, the battery materials industry that has been brought to the region, largely in part because of Tesla. So kind of cool to see that impact and just highlights the importance of these factories to the regions or the states that end up having them, which should probably be more heavily considered sometimes in some areas.
好的,接下来我们将对Gigabrelin和Gigat Mexico的最新情况进行更新。首先是关于Giga Berlin的消息来自RBB 24。他们分享了今年上半年Brandenburg州经济在考虑通货膨胀后增长了6%,在不考虑通货膨胀的情况下增长了14%。所以这是与德国其他地区相比的显著表现,因为在同一时期,德国经济下降了0.3%。根据Brandenburg州经济部长约克·斯坦巴赫的说法,这在很大程度上是由特斯拉的生产增加以及由于特斯拉而被引入该地区的供应链和电池材料产业推动的。因此,能看到这种影响并且凸显这些工厂对于最终承载它们的地区或州的重要性,这可能在某些地区应该更加重视。
Then moving on to Gigamexico, we've got an update from Adrian CG on X. I believe he does some drone flivers, we've talked about those drone flivers of the Gigamexico location in the past. So he is providing us an update here saying that Tesla has been granted an environmental impact permit by Nuebalyone for at the state level. So not necessarily the federal level and some other comments, he said that the federal approval would still be pending. Sounds like that may be happening in the next few weeks, but at least at the state level, this permit has been granted. I think this is coming from a news report on TV, which here it's saying that that permit has been approved for Tesla for Nuebalyone. So good to see that. Obviously, we've had sort of back and forth reports on Gigamexico here over the last few weeks, but nice to see some progress on permitting happening there.
接下来,关于Gigamexico,我们收到了Adrian CG关于X的最新报道。我相信他的报道涉及一些无人机运输车,我们过去讨论过Gigamexico位置的这些无人机运输车。所以他在这里提供给我们的最新消息是,特斯拉已经获得了Nuebalyone州层面的环境影响许可。并不一定是在联邦层面,他还提到联邦批准可能还在等待中。听起来可能会在接下来的几周内发生,但至少在州层面,该许可已经被批准。我认为这可能是来自电视新闻的报道,报道称特斯拉在Nuebalyone获得了该许可。非常高兴看到这一点。显然,在过去几周里,我们对Gigamexico收到了一些前后矛盾的报告,但很高兴看到在许可方面取得了一些进展。
All right, a couple other things here. Tesla did post a video on X today just kind of detailing some of the audio engineering for the Tesla vehicles. Kind of fun to see some behind the scenes design elements of that and interesting to hear from the engineers on how that's all sort of incorporated into this design process. I think anything Tesla design related is always very interesting. So there's not a whole lot that we can sort of take in there from a news perspective, but I would recommend just checking that video out just quick three minutes on sort of that process. You can kind of see some of the fun tools that they use there with a little bot here that they call Tessie to help with audio and speaking testing. So kind of cool to see that.
And then another fun story today is like a perfect Friday story. Tesla owners UK noting on X that the there's been some new superchargers open in the UK. You may notice that these are V2 superchargers. So these are actually two generations behind now. The reason for that is that this particular location, Tesla has been trying to open this for over six years now. And they finally just got this open. It sounded like there were some massive permitting delays with this location, hence these supercharger posts had been installed a long, long time ago. And that's why the version to you. But very exciting to see that finally come to an end. I think this is the longest project. One of our listeners today, let me know that this is a the longest project or the longest supercharger project that has been happening. So kind of fun fun update there.
And then on the UAW, the UAW has continued with the strike. They have actually expanded their strike today as they had planned kind of interestingly, they've expanded the strike for both GM and Stellantis, but not for Ford. They say that Ford is making a better faith effort in the negotiations. So for the time being, they're sparing Ford from the expanded strike.
But for GM and Stellantis, they're doing this at 38 distribution centers, adding about 5600 workers to the strikes. That brings the total striking worker count up to about 18,000 now. And it sounds like they are, you know, going to kind of continue with this strategy, there were some pretty interesting leaked messages, actually from XDM's that the Detroit news had reported on kind of late yesterday.
So these are comments from this, I believe, UAW group conversation that were written by the communications director for the UAW saying about the negotiations that they are that the major three automakers are quote recurring reputations, damage and operational or sorry, they're using the UAW is using negotiations to inflict recurring reputations, damage and operational chaos, and if we can keep them wounded for months, they don't know what to do. The beauty is we've laid it all out in the public and they're still helpless to stop it.
So again, we continue to hear pretty aggressive comments from the UAW relating to their negotiating tactics and just the strike in general. And I would expand that to their thoughts on the automakers in general. I think it's really tough to have a successful business if this is how your employees are viewing the employer. Obviously doesn't make for a great working relationship. So these sort of comments date back, you know, a few months when we kind of first talked about this, this looming strike from Sean Fane when we talked about sort of the, the vitriol that he had in some of his comments at that point in time.
So again, these were sort of leaked messages and interesting to see some of that dialogue come out. And then lastly for today, as we head into next week, looks like this will be the last full week of the quarter for Q three. And then we'll head into Q four already kind of crazy, but should be a couple of interesting things next week in addition to the normal economic reports that we'd be seeing.
We will get the final GDP report for Q two on Thursday. Fed chair Jerome Powell is also speaking on Thursday, which is always important to keep an eye out for market macro market movement wise. And then Friday we'll get the PC report for August. So that'll be an important one as well. But that are up it up for today and for the weeks. And as always, thank you for listening, make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications and also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you on Monday for the September 25th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.