Cybertruck “Very Safe”, FSD Coming Soon Says Ellison + Fed Bumps Rate Outlook

发布时间 2023-09-21 01:46:40    来源


➤ Oracle’s Larry Ellison comments on Cybertruck project and FSD timeline ➤ FOMC holds rates but increases forecast ➤ Tesla adds new referral program reward ➤ Service centers prep for Cybertruck ➤ Lawyers ask for hundreds of millions in settlement ➤ Tesla partners with bank to provide low rate financing in Australia ➤ New Starlink dish approved by FCC 0:00 Intro 0:13 TSLA stock 1:07 FOMC meeting 3:57 Ellison on Cybertruck / FSD 8:38 Referral updates 10:10 Cybertruck service update 10:51 Board lawsuit 12:27 Australia financing 13:11 Starlink Shareloft: Twitter: Patreon: Tesla Referral: #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Maye we're here and today we've got some interesting new comments from Larry Ellison of Oracle on FSD and on the Cyber Truck. We'll take a look at that in a second. We also have updates on the FOMC meeting today of course and a few other items as well.
大家好,Rob Maye在这里。今天,我们从甲骨文的拉里·埃里森那里收到了一些关于FSD和Cyber Truck的有趣新评论。我们稍后会详细了解一下。当然,我们还会对FOMC会议的最新进展以及其他几个项目进行更新。

By looking at the stock Tesla today down one and a half percent, kind of an interesting day with the FOMC meeting midday, the NASDAQ also down one and a half percent. I pulled up the charts for both so you can kind of see the comparison that happened throughout the day. That day Tesla did spike before the FOMC meeting, I'm not really sure exactly what happened there. It did seem to be Tesla specific though as we don't see a similar spike in the NASDAQ during that period of time. I did read some comments that maybe it was relating to a Morgan Stanley conference that was happening at that point.

So I haven't found details on that yet if you do have more details on that pass it along. That could be what drove that spike earlier today. But we'll try to figure that out but in the meantime after that Tesla did decline after the FOMC meeting and during the press conference from Fred Jair Jerome Powell alongside the market although with a bigger beta for Tesla and ultimately ending in pretty much the exact same spot as the NASDAQ.
所以我还没有找到关于那个的详细信息,如果你有更多关于那个的细节,请传递给我。那可能是导致今天早些时候股价飙升的原因。但在此期间,在FOMC会议和弗雷德·杰尔·鲍威尔(Fred Jair Jerome Powell)的新闻发布会期间,特斯拉的股价下降,并与市场一起下跌,尽管特斯拉的贝塔值较高,但最终与纳斯达克基本上处于相同的水平。

So getting into the FOMC meeting we'll go through this pretty quick. There wasn't a whole lot here in my opinion as the expectation indicated rates were expected to be held. That was the case and you can see from the difference checker here in the previous statement back in July I believe versus now the updated statement. Not many changes. You can see they changed the wording on economic activity expanding at a solid pace versus moderate pace. Job gains have slowed in recent months but remain strong versus job gains have been robust in recent months and then just maintaining rates down there. So not really anything too different in the statement just a little bit there on jobs.

And then if we get into there's a statement there. The bigger change is to the summary of economic projections or SAP. So here I've got the dot plot as it's called. So this is each member of the FOMC their expectation for where interest rates go over the next couple of years. So this is the one from July or I think rather from June in this case. And this is the one from today updated for the September meeting. You can see that they did add a year so just when we flip back and forth between these keep that in mind. But in general interest rate expectations across the FOMC did increase.

So if we look at 2025 previously, you know, you can put the median here somewhere around three and a half percent. Now the median rising up to about four percent just roughly speaking. So basically seeing a Fed participants seeing interest rates staying higher for longer. I think a lot of that due to stronger economic activity that we've been seeing. So they did increase their GDP expectations by, you know, a few basis points or a few tens of basis points for 2023 and 2024 held it for 2025. But I think that is part of what's driving the expectation now for higher interest rates for longer. So that's kind of what we've moved to. There is still the expectation for maybe one more increase later this year. So we'll see on that. If we look at the FOMC or sorry, the Fed tracker or the care. I remember we'll take all this the Fed watch tool from the from CME group.

It looks like interest rate expectations largely unchanged for the November meeting. As compared to yesterday, sometimes this tool is a little bit wonky. I'm just going to refresh this just to see if there's any changes. It's a little bit wonky of the day of the update, but largely speaking, no major changes in expectations for for November. If we flip to December, you can see also pretty similar to to what we had seen before, maybe a little bit higher for 25 to 50 basis point increases across that period of time. Nevertheless, the market reacting negatively, at least during the FOMC conference. I did listen to that, but nothing too noteworthy there that I think we need to talk about. Obviously, the chair Jerome Powell just continued to say that they'll see how things come in and adjust from there. I think that's largely the takeaway.

All right. So getting into the Tesla news, again, we don't have a whole lot today, but we do have some interesting comments from Oracle's Larry Ellison. I'm just going to play this quick clip here, pretty short. Let me make sure that the audio is set up, but he did talk about Cybershark and FSD. So I just want to play that one second here, and we'll get that rolling.

Our next generation police car is coming out very soon. It's my favorite police car. It's my favorite car, actually. It's Elon's favorite car. It's incredible. I know too much about it. Some of it's still to be disposed. But among other things, it's very safe, very fast. It's got a stainless steel body. We don't have to add a screen to it because we don't have to add cameras to it because we actually used our existing cameras and their existing screen to put our application, our application up for people in the Tesla vehicles.

All right. So a couple of pretty interesting comments there. Obviously, just seeing the Cybershark there is pretty exciting as well. But his comments about the vehicle being very fast. I think we all knew that that was going to be the case. Very safe, no surprise with Tesla vehicles, but that's kind of been a question, especially with this new sort of design or significantly new design departure for a pickup truck, how that would come through in the safety tests. We saw Tesla tease that video, I think, back in April of the Cybershark crash testing. Larry Ellison may have some insight on how that whole crash testing has gone. And hopefully, his comment here might be a little bit more informed that this vehicle is going to ultimately be very safe in terms of those performance results. So excited to hear that comment.

And then also interesting to hear him talk about how they would be integrating their software for police vehicles with Tesla's camera feeds with the screen in the Tesla vehicles, you know, natively versus having to, I think, a lot of the police vehicles that we've seen that have incorporated Tesla so far, they've sort of still had to have a little laptop mounted there and things like that. And maybe they still would in this case too. But the more that that can be integrated, the better experience that that is going to be for police and the more likely they are to then adopt this vehicle for their fleet. So I think that's exciting that Oracle is working on this. Obviously, Elon and Larry Ellison are quite close. So not very surprising, I wouldn't say. But if that can be something that helps drive fleet sales to police, obviously that's going to be a win for the Cybershark.

Plus, I think, you know, most police would probably really like to be in a vehicle like this that, you know, as Tesla demonstrated, should have bulletproof panels, should have the armored glass, even with the, you know, the snafu of the release of the, you know, introduction of the prototype back in 2019 with the windows breaking or cracking. But there should be, you know, maybe that's what Larry Ellison's very safe comments are referring to. But this should be, you know, a vehicle that should already have high adoption amongst police. And if there's even smoother seamless integration of Tesla's camera feeds and software like this, I think that is very exciting.
此外,我认为大多数警察可能真的很想坐在这样的车辆里,就像特斯拉展示的那样,它应该配备防弹板和装甲玻璃,尽管在2019年原型车发布时出现了窗玻璃破裂的问题。或许这就是拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)所谈到的非常安全的评论所指的,但这款车本应已经在警察中得到广泛采用。而且,如果特斯拉的摄像头和软件能够更顺畅地集成到这样的车辆中,我认为这非常令人兴奋。

Now the other comment that Larry Ellison had on the, on FSD, this was a little bit earlier in his presentation today. He was talking about just general artificial intelligence, generative AI right now and how that is, you know, probably going to be one of the biggest changes in technology ever and could be the single biggest change in technology ever. And as a part of that, he brought up Tesla and self-driving cars saying that, as, you know, among the changes that we were going to see, saying, quote, coming soon, very soon, in the next 12 months complete self-driving cars from Tesla, end quote. So again, Larry, you know, he's going to be updated on Elon's thinking on this. Obviously we know Elon's thoughts that that is going to be the case and Larry Ellison could just be parroting that. But, you know, he's going to be pretty well informed about Tesla's strategy with, with FSD 12 and obviously seems to be a believer in that from this comment. It wasn't necessarily the focal point of the presentation, just adding to his points about how disruptive generative AI and AI in general are going to be, how much investment is going after it billions and billions of dollars pouring into AI right now. But nice to have a little bit of a mention there from Larry on that. And again, hopefully builds well for, you know, his expectation or interpretation of how Tesla will progress from here. So so fun to see those couple of comments.
现在是Larry Ellison在今天的演讲中对FSD的另一个评论。他正谈论普遍的人工智能,即生成式人工智能,以及它可能是有史以来最大的技术变革之一并且可能是单一最大技术变革。作为其中的一部分,他提到了特斯拉和自动驾驶汽车,并说,引用,“在不久的将来,特斯拉会在接下来的12个月内推出完全自动驾驶汽车”。所以可以看出,Larry对特斯拉的战略,特别是FSD 12非常了解并且似乎相信这一点。这并不是演讲的重点,只是对潜力深度学习AI和AI的扰乱性的评论的补充。目前已经有数以十亿计的美元投入到AI中。这是非常好的,能够从Larry这里听到这个提及。再次希望这对于他对特斯拉未来的预期和解读有所好处。所以从这些评论中看到是挺有趣的。

We did have a couple of updates to the referral program today from Tesla. They have added a new referral prize. And this is a model three performance. So you can now enter to win this, or you will be automatically entered to win this.
今天特斯拉在转介计划方面进行了几项更新。他们增加了一个新的转介奖品,即Model 3 Performance。因此,您现在可以参与抽奖,有机会赢得这个奖品,或者您将自动参与抽奖。

If you refer someone between yesterday and the end of the quarter, they have to take delivery of the vehicle by the end of the quarter. If they do that, you're automatically entered for a chance to win a model three performance. This has also been added to the referral program in the app for 1000 credits. You can enter into a raffle for this, which apparently will be selected on October 6th. So pretty quick turnaround from, you know, the beginning of the raffle here to win this prize will be awarded just kind of in the first week of Q4.
如果你在昨天和本季度结束之间向某人推荐购买特斯拉汽车,他们必须在本季度结束之前交付该车辆。如果他们成功交付,你将自动有机会赢得一辆Model 3 Performance型号。这项奖励还被添加到了应用程序的推荐计划中,可获得1000积分。你可以参加一个抽奖,抽奖结果将于10月6日公布。从抽奖开始到赢得奖品的颁发,整个过程非常迅速,将在Q4的第一周进行。

I would imagine that we'll continue to see stuff like this. We've actually seen Tesla run programs like this a few years ago, where they had, I think, each quarter they were kind of giving away a model wire, something of that nature. So I wouldn't be too surprised if we see more of these types of promotions as we head into Q4. We've obviously seen Tesla and implement some entry pretty interesting and unique prizes like the factory tour. Another one is the cyber trucks sweepstakes. So this is allowing people to enter again a similar raffle for the cyber truck. One of the first ones off the line. This used to be 500 credits. So with the change here for the performance model three sweepstakes, Tesla's actually also updated the cyber trucks sweepstakes to 1000 credits from 500 before. But still interesting to see that and hopefully, you know, maybe we'll have an audience member when that and look forward to hearing the results of it.
我想我们将会继续看到类似的事情。实际上,几年前我们就见过特斯拉推出类似的计划,他们每个季度都会赠送一个模型车或类似的东西。所以如果我们在第四季度看到更多这类的促销活动,我也不会感到太惊讶。我们当然也看到特斯拉实施了一些非常有趣和独特的奖品,比如参观工厂之旅。另一个是Cybertruck的抽奖活动。所以这允许人们再次参加类似的抽奖活动,赢取Cybertruck中最早生产的一辆。之前这个活动需要500个积分。但是现在特斯拉已经将性能版Model 3的抽奖活动积分提升到了1000个,并且对Cybertruck的抽奖活动也进行了更新。但是看到这个仍然很有趣,希望我们会有一个观众参与其中,并期待听到结果。

All right, quick update also on the cyber truck. Tesla owners East Bay and Fremont has noted that the sort of check in sheet, I believe this is for Tesla service is now indicating or is now including a spot for the cyber truck to, you know, to be indicated for service. So just a little administrative thing, but nice to see some of the groundwork being laid for the eventual delivery and inevitable service that cyber truck will need. You know, exciting to see some of those steps being taken as hopefully we are now. I don't want to say we're like a month away, but could be even within the next month that we start seeing those cyber trucks being delivered.

All right, last couple of items here. So quick update on a story that we had previously covered a couple of times, which is the lawsuit that had ended with a settlement that resulted in the board agreeing to return about $700 million worth of compensation to Tesla for over compensation claims from 2017 to 2020. So the lawyers that worked on this case, they are now asking as a part of the settlement to be paid $229 million in fees. I would assume that that would come out of the portion that would be returned from the compensation. I'm not 100% sure on that. Maybe it would come on top, but presumably would come from that, which would be a pretty significant chunk of that compensation. Um, registered the math here that nets out to almost $11,000 per hour. Apparently, usually these cases are closer to $2,000 per hour. This wouldn't be the largest per hour fee ever settled. There are there is some precedent for hire, but obviously this is a pretty significant chunk of, um, let's see, of the, of the total compensation. And now I'm actually seeing here the total settlement was valued at $919 million. So 25% of that would be the fee that they're, uh, they're seeking here. So as we had previously mentioned that this is going to the, the center settlement agreements and this compensation would be put in front of the judge in October. So we'll see what the outcome of that is. I think, um, there is opportunity for arguments to be made, you know, still from, I think from the public or from shareholders up until that point, uh, when this is heard by the judge. So, uh, we'll keep an eye on that and should know more on that, uh, the results of that pretty soon.

And then also from Reuters, they've got a report that Tesla has partnered with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. I believe this is the largest bank in Australia to offer loans for vehicles at a rate of 5.49%. I don't know exactly what interest rates are in Australia right now, but I know in the U S that interest rates are, um, or at least auto loan interest rates from Tesla are a little bit higher than this. So obviously still a decently high rate, but more affordable than likely alternatives would be, uh, which is nice to see and should help keep obviously payments lower for customers in Australia, uh, maybe not the biggest bank, but they say biggest lender here. So, um, nice to see that partnership and hopefully that'll again help keep payments a little bit lower for Tesla in Australia.

And then lastly here, just a quick update on Starlink and SpaceX. The FCC has approved two new Starlink dishes for SpaceX. Does SpaceX can now begin offering these? We haven't seen to my knowledge. We haven't seen photos of these, but there are two devices here.

One is about half the surface area, a little bit less than half of the surface area actually of the current Starlink dish. So a very significant reduction in size for this version. And then there is a second larger version that is pretty close to the same size as the current dish, but apparently has higher performance.

So usually when these approvals happen, we do see the product released from SpaceX pretty shortly thereafter. We'll keep an eye out on this for the next couple of weeks. And hopefully we'll see it in that window, but nice to see that approval from the FCC.

It does also sound like SpaceX had later added on to this request, the, um, permission from the FCC to make this something that is offered for mobile. So maybe you could, I think you could probably already do this, but you know, with approval, be able to add this to a vehicle or something like that. And they're still waiting for the FCC to rule specifically on that. So we'll see on that one.
好像 SpaceX 后来又增加了一个请求,嗯,即从美国联邦通讯委员会获得这个服务可以用于移动设备的许可。所以也许你已经可以这样做了,但是需要获得批准,才能将其添加到车辆或其他设备上。他们仍在等待美国联邦通讯委员会对此作出具体规定。所以我们拭目以待吧。

But that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday, September 21st episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.