All-In Summit: MrBeast on his journey, business model, and the future
发布时间 2023-09-19 06:18:08 来源
This talk was recorded live at the All-In Summit 2023 at Royce Hall on UCLA's campus in Los Angeles.
(0:00) Besties welcome Jimmy Donaldson to AIS!
(2:24) Jimmy's story and elements of success
(8:21) The mission
(12:10) MrBeast as a new kind of studio
(15:06) Beast Philanthropy
(15:48) The business model
(26:17) The content creator community
(30:48) Audience Q&A
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Let's bring him out. Jimmy Donaldson, Mr. Beast.
Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww.
让我们把他带出来吧。吉米·唐纳森,也就是Mr. Beast。
What's up, everybody? What's up, everybody? What's up, everybody? What your winter ride?
Aww. A rainman, David Satt. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. And it's said we open-source it to the fans, and they've discovered the reason why we love you guys.
Nice queen of kinwah.
Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww.
Look at the phone! Wow! Wow. Guys, no selfies. No selfies. I mean, everybody's sending it to their kids. They're like the same. Yeah.
Are your fans have like a name, like Beasties or something?
No. Beasties? That's Beasties. That's Taylor Swift. Beasties is pretty good.
So, I think everybody, all of you guys know Jimmy, but let me just tell you the quick story. I hate when people describe me in front of me, but go for it. Jimmy started YouTube being when he was 13 years old, and this is an incredible example. I mean, Jimmy's basically an athlete. So if you take a guy who basically spends 10,000 hours at something, and he, you know, there's a Steph Curry outcome, there's a LeBron James outcome, and there's a Jimmy Donald's an outcome. So, what does this one look like? He starts posting videos online. He starts iterating, iterating, iterating at 16. I think he had like, I don't know, 2016 or so. He had like 30,000 followers, some nominal number, kept tweaking, putting in the thousands and thousands of hours, stumbled into college for two weeks, stumbled out. And then fast forward now, a decade since he started this, he's basically the most followed human on Earth after Messi and Chris Janola Ronaldo, although in terms of content creation, he's basically the top two or three most followed people on YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, sorry, not Twitter. X. Yes. Yes. Um, billions of views, event-based viewing. So you know, when he launches videos, noon, Eastern time on Saturdays every two weeks, if you're not watching them, probably people you know, definitely, you know, your kids, their friends, it's just a spectacle. And so that's how, you know, you've become mute.
所以,我想大家都认识Jimmy,但让我简单给你们讲一下他的故事。我讨厌别人在我面前描述我,但你们可以继续。Jimmy在13岁时就开始了YouTube的创作,这是一个令人难以置信的例子。我是说,Jimmy基本上是一个运动员。所以,如果一个人投入了1万个小时在某个领域,他可能会取得像Stephen Curry或者LeBron James那样的成就,而Jimmy Donald就是其中之一。那么,他是什么样的一个人呢?他开始在网上发布视频。他在16岁的时候开始不断改进、创新。我记得他16岁的时候,他有大约3万名粉丝左右,只是一个名不见经传的数字。但他一直不断改进,投入了成千上万个小时的努力,他在大学待了两周后退学了。然后快进到现在,十年过去了,他基本上是继梅西和克里斯· 郑乐诺·罗纳尔多之后最受关注的人,尽管在创意内容创作方面,他基本上是YouTube、推特和抖音(抖音的名字暂时不出现在这里)上最受关注的两三个人。有数十亿的观看量,活动观看率非常高。你知道,他发布视频的时间是每两周的周六东部时间中午,如果你没有观看他的视频,你可能认识的人,尤其是你的孩子和他们的朋友都肯定会在看。这简直就是一场盛宴。因此,这就是你成为哑巴的原因。
So let's start at the beginning. How did your mom react? Because, you know, because Sue seems like, oh, she's like a, and she works for Jimmy. She's like a head of compliance, okay? She just makes sure no one steals money. It's a nice fun run. So what, what happened when you showed up and you're like, hey, mom, I've been streaming secretly and I have these followers. Yeah.
Well, you know what's interesting actually is you should encourage your kids to have hobbies and want to do these things. My mom thought it was crazy that I was talking to people on the internet. So I ended up just lying, like, oh, this is a joke. I just have a friend I'm talking to every night online or on Skype or whatever. And then once I hit 10,000 subscribers, I told her, yeah, that was, I was a lie. I don't have any friends. I just make new videos. And she just didn't understand it. She was just like, what does this mean?
Yeah. Where did the idea for all these spectacles originate from? Like how, how did that, the first few that really broke through? How did you guys come up with them or how did you come up with them?
Yeah, the, well, the thing is like for people, if you want to get like, hypothetically, a hundred million views on a video, the easiest way is to like do something cool. No one's done before. And one of the first ones was I saw no one had ever counted to 100,000 in a row. So I was just like, I'll just count to 100,000. I watched that video for about five minutes. Yeah. But more than normal, it's 40 hours long, but there were tensions two minutes. So, and you look like, how long did you have that 15 years old? I was like 18. Yeah. It's hilarious. Yeah. So I just started, because I didn't have money. So I just started with-
How many views does that have? I think that one's like 30 million. Yeah. Just me counting. But it's like, it's funny because it's like, look at this idiot. He counted to 100,000. How much money has it made? That one? I don't know. Ballpark. What do you think? I mean, most videos probably have like five dollar RPMs. So 150 grand. Okay. Yeah.
So you launched this thing and then it starts to go and then how do you scale the ideas because it does become a bit of a hamster wheel. Like, how do I one up myself and do you always feel this pressure to have to one up yourself from the last video? Literally?
Yeah. Well, essentially, obviously I've just been doing this for 14 years. And also you said 10,000 hours. I think people should change that saying to 10,000 days. And I'm almost at my halfway point to 10,000 days. I think that's how people should start looking at things. Because to be honest, 10,000 hours is pretty easy. What is that? Like 10 hours a day for three years? I'm just a random thing. But yeah, just, I don't know. Maybe we'd get 100,000 views on a video, take the money, do another video, get 150,000. And I've just kind of reinvested the money for 14 years. And even to this day, whatever I make, I just spend it the next month on content. And the videos have just progressively gotten bigger and bigger. And it's gone from me counting to 100,000 to seeing what happens if you put a Lamborghini in the world's largest shredder, you know, just random things. You know.
Well, you also seem to have some pretty good judgment where maybe some of your contemporaries don't. We've seen that need to get the next view lead to people. Doing increasingly dangerous stunts like this. Taking a Model X over some hill. I think Dobrik did that. Some other person was swinging somebody on a crane. Maybe you could talk a little bit about restraint and understanding like, hey, even though this is going to get a lot of views and maybe some of your contemporaries, I won't give the specific names of people. But they've done some really idiotic things and gotten hurt. So how do you know when a conversation, you know, and some of these ideas kind of maybe go over the line?
Well, I mean, the obvious answer is common sense. Right. Okay. Next question. But no, no, no, no. The thing is like, obviously, if there's a lot of things people do that they know will give views because of outrage and it's just easy to do. But, you know, if you're trying to build a long-term brand, you don't want to just constantly piss people off just to get attention. Like, eventually it stops working. So the real answer is you just got to not go, what is the easiest way to give views? What is, you know, what do people actually want to watch that, you know, isn't just going to give views because they're angry, essentially.
嗯,你似乎对判断力也有一些很好的见解,而这些可能是你的一些同龄人所没有的。我们已经看到了这种为了获得更多点击而进行日益危险的特技表演,就像拿Model X过山那样。我想Dobrik做过这种事情。还有其他人在起重机上摆动别人。也许你可以谈谈克制和理解,就像,嘿,尽管这能获得很多点击,也许你的一些同辈们,我不会具体提他们的名字,但他们做过一些非常愚蠢的事情,而且还受伤了。那么当一场谈话进行时,你如何知道一些想法可能会越界?
You have, if you, in Greenville, North Carolina, you basically have your own college campus. Yeah.
You know, it's like buildings, lots, studios, all these young people dynamically running around doing all this stuff. I mean, when I saw it, I was like, this is a tech startup. It felt like Facebook circa 2006, except it's in Greenville. Why did you think you could pull this off there?
Yeah. Well, the thing is, you know, as you scale up, you're not really, especially when you're in your young 20s, you're just kind of doing whatever you got to do to keep up with growing and making the videos. So you just kind of blink and 10 goes to 20 employees to 50 to 100. How do you get people to go there? Like, what is it that you're giving them? Yeah. Where they would leave New York or LA and whatever their job is to try to do this with you? Yeah, that's the hard part. I'm still, still trying to figure it out. Most people, it's like, it's a lot of convincing, to be honest. I would highly recommend you don't build a company in the middle of nowhere, woods in North Carolina, city, like ours. Most people don't want to live there. So usually it's just like people who, you know, their job is kind of their life and they're very passionate about what they do. So it's like, we provide you a cool job where one day you get to bury me alive, the next you get to figure out how to send me to space or whatever. But the real answer is you just got to find people where work is their life and so they don't care. But anyone who does, they hate it.
Well, that's actually a feature in some ways, right?
Yeah. And the Silicon Valley used to work, by the way. This is what I was going to say. How do you recruit for that? And what do you do when you find out that there are people that, you know, want work-life balance and don't want to do the level, aren't willing to commit the way you're willing to commit. Yeah. I mean, I guess that's the part I'm still trying to figure out, to be 100% honest. I think at some point I just got to move out of the middle of nowhere in North Carolina. Don't recommend it. Building a big company in a small city. So your employees, you have now? They're around 250. So you consider maybe moving it to Los Angeles or something to be closer to Hollywood? No, but just like somewhere where it's like a decent-sized city would probably be more optimal. One that has an airport would be nice. Sure. One of the things you say a lot is I'm still trying to figure it out. I think that's the key to your success. Having spoken to you a bunch, I get the sense that you're on this kind of insatiable journey. Like you, I mean, you speak in a very grandiose way about what you're trying to do. There's no friggin' limit. You see it in your videos, but you also see it in how you kind of iterate it. I tell people like, there's no one else on Earth, no entrepreneur in history where you can go track them longitudinally from the first thing they did all the way through to today. If you want to understand this entrepreneur, it's all in the open. Go check it out. And now you'll see the grind and you'll see what it took to get here. And it doesn't stop. Every week you've got some new record-breaking 24-hour video coming out and it's fucking nuts. What's the mission? Where's it all going? And help just frame for the audience, for everyone like, how do you think about what you're doing?
The beauty is there's YouTube that's my main platform. Obviously, if you buy an Android phone, YouTube's free installed and Alphabet owns it. So when you search things on Google, it takes you to YouTube a lot of time. So YouTube is just massive. I mean, billions of people use it on a monthly basis. And so being big on YouTube, we get 100 million views on a video in the first seven days, which up before the last couple of years, that's never been possible in history. So it's definitely a very interesting time where you can get just unfiltered access to basically unlimited people. And then, weirdly enough, it's not why I got into it, but it ended up just working out that way. I spent 14 years of my life just studying how to make the most optimal videos, what type of content people want. And we just kind of mastered the order of going viral. And YouTube just so happens to be such a big platform. And so it's pretty nice because now, like they've been saying, we're getting around a billion views a month, and yeah, we can just. Where do you want to take it?
Well, recently, we started getting into selling. Long term, yeah. Yeah. Well, we started getting into selling some CPG products. So we started with Chocolate. And it's nice because the same people who I would take pictures with in Walmart, when they see our product, they're like, oh, it's the guy from YouTube and they'll buy it. And so just kind of, right now, just anything in retail is great because you just put things on a shelf and people buy it. You know, it's much easier than doing something complicated. Yeah.
I tell people it's almost as if you think your job is to make people happy. Is that a good way to frame? Yeah, of course. Like, you think about your job? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The other thing that I find just extraordinary about your business is you're essentially built Walmart without any of the cost structure. Any brand you decide to build will immediately have the first 10 million customers. Yeah.
The beauty is we don't have, like, essentially, they'll have to do marketing. Zero marketing costs, but also zero distribution cost. That can go one of two ways with the Mr. Beast Burger. Yeah. You learned a lot of lessons there. Maybe went too fast. You didn't expect it to be so popular and you lost control of that. And then with the festivals, stuff, you nailed it. So maybe you could tell us the lessons from each of those projects.
精彩之处在于我们不需要做市场营销。零市场营销成本,同时也没有配送成本。对于Mr. Beast汉堡而言,这可以朝两个方向发展。你在其中学到了很多经验教训,也许有时进展得太快了。你没料到会这么受欢迎,失去了对其的控制。而在音乐节等方面,你做得很成功。也许你可以告诉我们每个项目中的经验教训。
Well, yeah, the beauty of a feastable is, I mean, kind of like I said, you just put on a shelf and people go there and buy it. I mean, it's really more specific. No, but be honest about the insane amount of product development work you personally do and how deeply you care about making it work. I think that's what's missing for a lot of people.
Well, no, and then my point was Mr. Beast Burger, you kind of loaned your name to it and it didn't have the same quality control. Yeah. Well, that one I can't talk about, but yeah. Oh, okay. No problem. Yeah, well, okay. Let's just admit this last few questions were shitty. Let's reset.
嗯,不,我的意思是Mr. Beast Burger,你有点借用了你的名字,但它没有同样的质量控制。是的。嗯,那件事我不能谈论,但是是的。哦,好的。没问题。嗯,好吧。让我们承认这几个问题很糟糕,重新开始吧。
No, I think it's a great question. You just can't talk about it. You just bring it back to the whole audience. Let's go back to the two smarter people here. Okay. We'll start. David, you have a question? I want to ask about, I better go on to a new topic here real quick. The thing I've been really blown away by is just how elaborate your productions are. I mean, some of these videos are incredibly elaborate in the production values and in the storytelling.
The one that comes to mind for me is the Squid Game series, which, I mean, that looked like monumental logistically to pull off in terms of set design in every other way. I mean, I guess tell us more about what goes into that and what I'm kind of hearing from you with the 250 people you have working, you've built this whole town, it sounds like the old studio system, like back in Hollywood, like Warner Brothers back in the 1930s, where they had their own lots, their own actors, their own everything.
It was very different back then. We heard Gwynn is saying that most of her time on a set is waiting around. It doesn't sound like that's what's going on with you. So you're back to the original studio system. Yeah, exactly. Like I said, the beauty is we don't have a studio that tells us what we can or can't do or the distribution or anything. We own it all. We just make whatever videos we think will be viral and obviously we have the direct connection.
The big thing is obviously YouTube, at the moment, you don't make that much from ad revenue. So to do these big multi-million dollar videos, it's just not really possible, which is why doing things like Feastables and other products, the generate revenue on the back end is why we're able to do that and other people aren't. Because it's like, even if you get 100 million views on a video, the RPM is $5, it's only 500 grand.
So it's not that crazy, which is why people aren't able to do these big budget spectacles like we are, because most people don't even get anywhere near that kind of viewership. And so the beauty is creating the model where we turn around and we use that to sell products, sell a couple hundred million of that a year and then we use that to put it back into the content.
Is there pressure to tone down the consumerism or the giving away money? I'm sure there's a faction of people that either find that offensive or they think it's exploitative. No. How do you deal with that? No. To be honest, most people think it's cool because it's kind of fun to watch someone receive $10,000 or Lamborghini or a house. The last thing we did is I ordered pizza and tipped the guy a house and I thought that was cool.
Not bad. I actually ordered two pizzas, one from Domino's and one from Pizza Hut and the guy who got there first got the house. I mean there was. The Domino's guy got it. So ordered Domino's.
I think like, no, but didn't you do something, it was curing blindness? Yeah, there was like 10 Karens who got upset and people were like, but there were people, right? Like 10 Karens got upset. I think as long as I think what I'm doing is good and right and helping people like obviously at the scale of our views, you know, that video got 200 million views, of course some subsection is going to be mad. It's just kind of at the, that number is this inevitable that people get happy?
There's a piece of your business that actually many people probably don't know about outside the commercial part, which is beast philanthropy. Yeah. So, do you know what's the most valuable thing about the size of the food bank you've built and how that works? Sure. So I just, I feel we're talking about it myself, but we essentially just started at charity and then made a YouTube channel where, you know, whatever we do with the money from the charity, we film it so that generates revenue on the back end and obviously those videos go on to raise a lot of money for donations. And so it's just kind of a cycle where we upload a video a week and we were able to build a couple of food banks and feed a couple hundred thousand people. That kind of stuff.
Yeah. You want to talk about the business model in the future? So you have basically this YouTube business. Yeah. And that goal is essentially just maximize growth. Yeah. Just make content people want and get as many views of possible. And as J. Kel said, build distribution and direct it at these old legacy companies. So they're things, but you said you wanted to do things that were just like, it seemed less offline.
是的。你想讨论一下未来的商业模式吗?所以你基本上是做YouTube业务对吧?是的。而你的目标本质上就是最大化增长。是的。只要制作人们想要的内容,并尽可能获得更多的观看量。正如J. Kel所说,建立分销渠道,并将它直接用于这些老旧的传统公司。所以有些事情,但你说你想做的事情似乎比较不像线下业务。
Right? So I'm sure you looked at online things. Yeah. I mean, right now it's just like the reason we started with chocolate is obviously like in the last 50 years there hasn't been any like major chocolate company that has spawned up like Hershey's, Lam Marsh, they're all like 100 years old. And so it's kind of just a sleepy space where they don't really innovate and it's kind of boring and no one really cares. And so obviously eventually we'll do online because it's much easier to get people to download and app the Bibles Local product, but it's just kind of perfect because the shelf space never changed and people want something new. And so, you know, it was easy to take over, you know.
对吗?所以我确定你也看了在网上的一些东西。是的。我的意思是,现在就像我们从巧克力开始是因为在过去的50年里没有出现像赫尔希和兰西这样的主要巧克力公司,它们都已经有100年历史了。所以它只是一个很沉寂的领域,它们没有太多创新,有点无聊而且没人真的在意。显然我们最终会转向线上,因为让人们下载一个Bibles Local产品的应用程序更容易,但现在这样是完美的,因为货架空间从未有所变化,而人们想要新鲜事物。所以,你知道的,接管它是很容易的。
How big is that? How big is that business for you? Can you say? This is our second year. We'll do a couple hundred million. Wow. Okay. Wait. So we just read us guests about the math theory. You said a billion views a month at $5 CPM. So it's $5 million a month for the video. So $6 million a year. And the chocolate bars will do you 200? I mean, we're not really public about it, but it'll do a lot of revenue. I'll figure it out. They'll do something more than a penny.
那有多大?那对你来说是个多大的生意?你能说一下吗?这是我们的第二年。我们将会做几亿。哇。好的。等等。所以我们刚刚读到关于数学理论的消息。你说每个月有十亿次观看,每次观看按CPM 5美元计算。所以视频每月能赚到500万美元,一年达到600万美元。而巧克力棒呢?能给你带来200万吗?我是说,我们对外并不太公开,但能带来很多收入。我会计算出来的。它们会带来不止一分钱的收入。
What do you think about the success of Prime? You know, how do you look at that? Is that sort of- Yeah, they're killing it. I mean, yeah, that's a great case study. It's just, you know. You never look- You never look two years ago you mean revenue, right? Well, I don't know about that, but, or at least I can't say publicly, but I can't say like you never would have thought like, you know, tens of millions of kids or at least millions of kids would be so enthusiastic about a sports streak. You know, I mean, it's crazy the kind of demand they've created. Like, kids literally collect prime bottles and then TikToks go viral showing off their collection of drink bottles that are like $3 or whatever. Is your hand if you got kids that do that?
你对Prime的成功有什么看法?你知道,你是如何看待这个的?这是一种- 是的,他们做得很出色。我的意思是,这是一个很好的案例研究。就是你知道的。你从两年前开始就没有关注过,你是指收入对吧?嗯,我不太清楚,至少我不能公开说,但我可以说,你从来没有想过,你知道,成千上万的孩子,或者至少是数百万的孩子会对一种运动饮料如此热衷。你知道,这是他们所创造的需求是多么疯狂。像,孩子们真的收集Prime的饮料瓶,然后在TikTok上展示他们收集的价值只有3美元或者其他金额的饮料瓶。你如果有孩子这样做的话举手?
Yeah, it's wild. I mean, so prime was great because obviously it's a beverage and the more shelf space you get just naturally, the more sales. But there was more a lifestyle brand they created where just kids felt cool drinking it and to the point where they would buy a 12 pack for like 15 bucks and then sell them for like $6, you know, a bottle at their school, which is like something that happens in almost every school in America. It's crazy still to this day after like a year and a half.
One of the things that I think if you taste prime that it has is a ton of sucralose, right? So it tastes super like bam. Big mouth feel. So here's your thinking on like the line between nutrition versus just taste good for the products you have and the products you want to build.
Yeah. And where do you want to take that? Oh, great. I think that's very important. That's why our chocolate we'll use four ingredients where Hershey's uses nine because obviously since we have this much influence, we don't want to just, you know, make people, whatever we sell needs to be better than what's currently on the shelf or then it's just a net negative, you know what I mean? Better for you, higher quality ingredients, et cetera. So yeah, I mean, in a nutshell, that's kind of how I view it.
And so what are these other areas and that just make maybe obvious sense if you could snap your fingers and just. Yeah, well, I think the simplest thing, the more I like studied chocolate and see it, like we started with, well, funny enough, we started selling dark chocolate, which 65% of kids in America don't even like. So that was kind of dumb, but I didn't know any better. So I mean, the simplest thing is do milk chocolate, which is what we're getting into and, you know, then just going down and maximizing chocolate, like doing Reese's cups and that kind of stuff. So I. Past shop, I haven't really thought about it because that's basically all I'm thinking about for next year.
Okay. Do you think the candy business can be a billion dollar revenue business? Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, look at Hershey's literally doing 12 billion a year, Mars, tens of billions, all. I mean, in America alone, I think people spend $25 billion a year on chocolate. And there's no one in those companies building a Mr. Beast competitor. I mean, from a brand. There's no one in those companies that build the companies. They're like 100 years old. Yeah. So they're all dead. Yeah.
好的。你觉得糖果业务能成为一个年营收十亿美元的企业吗?哦,当然了。看看好时公司吧,一年销售额就达到了120亿美元,而且玛氏公司更是销售额高达数十亿美元。我是说,在仅仅美国内,人们每年在巧克力上花费了250亿美元。而且在这些公司中,没有人在打造一个与Mr. Beast竞争的品牌。我是说,品牌方面没有人来创建这些公司。它们已经有100年的历史了。是的,所以它们都已经过时了。
So, yeah. How do you. You must have a ton of inbound to do things outside of the Mr. Beast realm, Hollywood, et cetera. How do you sort through all the inbound opportunities and then organize? Because you could, I would suspect, be drowning in opportunity at this point with this level of. Yeah. Well, that's why we are where we are. It's because we just laser, like, focus on one thing for essentially my entire life. And so it's pretty easy. I just say no. Everything. And then, yeah, because it's like, you know, obviously. To make the videos of the caliber we need, it's just like, that's been my obsession for the last 14 years, almost every waking hour of the day, just, you know, obsessing over, you know, every little thing. Like, even simple, like, simple things like when you click on a video, the brightness in the video matters. Like, if it's a little too dark, people are more apt to click off and not watch it, you know, because not everyone has their phone screen brightness.
嗯,嗯。你怎么做呢?我猜你除了“Mr. Beast”领域以外还有很多进展事务,比如好莱坞之类的。你是如何筛选出所有的机会然后进行组织的呢?因为我可以想象,在这个层次上,你可能会被机会所淹没。是啊,那就是为什么我们会有今天的成就。因为我们一直以来都专注于同一个目标。所以这件事情还是相当容易的。我拒绝了所有的一切。然后,是的,因为,你知道,显而易见。为了制作出我们需要的视频,这已经成为我过去14年来的迷恋,几乎是每天醒着的小时都在纠结,纠结于每一个小细节。比如,就像你点击一个视频时,视频的亮度是很重要的。如果亮度稍暗,人们更容易关闭视频而不观看,因为并不是每个人的手机屏幕亮度都是一样的。
You did something with your mouth being open or closed in the thumbnail and it changed a lot. It changed a lot. It changed a lot. It changed a lot. And so it changed a lot. So it changed a lot. It changed a lot. But it changed a lot. It changed a lot. It changed a lot. And so it changed a lot. It changed a lot. It changed a lot. It changed a lot. Well, the problem is whatever I do, a bunch of other people do, and I started opening my mouth in my thumbnails, and it's kind of annoying. And then a bunch of other creators did it, and I was like, okay, we're not doing this anymore. So I switched them back. So everyone else is switching back.
What's the budget on each video now? So every two weeks, how much money goes into that video? I don't think it's that crazy, though, because they're getting 100 million views in seven days. So if anything, any other medium outside of social media that got that kind of viewership, their budget would be like 50x. You know what I mean? Absolutely.
You think that you're building a library? Like do you expect that the video that you created, the Olympic Games thing you did a few weeks ago in five years, that will still be, that will have some value 15 years from now? Well, 15, I don't know. But five, yes. Usually, whenever we upload a piece of content, we get a couple million views a month for it. As of right now, forever. But obviously, eventually, it'll probably die off. But they're usually pretty evergreen because right now, because we have the model where we're making money outside of YouTube so I can spend more, it's like, you have this video that's two and a half million dollar budget or like another video that's two and a half thousand dollar budget. And so right now, usually people end up just clicking on the cooler stuff.
And then how do you think about just the axis of going outside the United States? So different languages, different countries. How do you deal with that?
That's the best part. So, as you know, we hired voice actors to dub our videos in every language. I assume a lot of you guys here are content creators and the crazy part is only 10% of the world's speaks English. So if you're content-selling in English, it's pretty hard to obviously reach most of the world. Even sometimes, most people don't prefer it. So if you dub your videos, hire voice actors or whatever, your ship will skyrocket. And so right now, over half of the people that watch my videos don't even speak English, which is pretty crazy.
And I'm talking about the relationship with YouTube and how that's evolved over the years. Because I don't know they anticipated that the footprint of the top creators on YouTube, we get so large. Are they deeply involved in communicating with you? Or are they just like, hey, we're a platform post a video if you like it?
It's that. Yeah. That's extraordinary to me. Yeah. I kind of like it because no one can say there's favoritism or they're helping us in any way. But I agree, even when I was coming up, people were getting 10 million views of video and that was mind-blowing and their life cycle would be a year and they'd fall off.
So it's kind of crazy. I don't really know how we ended up giving this big. Was there ever a thought to tell them I need to make a higher minimum per RPM and I'd like to cut a deal with you to hit these numbers and be treated differently?
Yeah, the problem would be they'd be like, well, then everyone's going to want that. Because if they do it with me, then they would open the floodgates. They would just tell me it's been less money. Got it. That's interesting. Because no one's forcing me to spend this much money is kind of the problem. Technically, most people don't spend hardly any money. But there was a moment in time where Microsoft started stealing away some YouTubers and folks were their Twitch competitor. Did you get those kind of offers and then how did you evaluate them?
Well, the problem is like I said at the start, you know, YouTube's where all the viewers are. So it's like, sure, you can get a little bit of money, but ultimately the real game is if you can get a billion views a month for 10 years, you know, then whatever the amount of brands we could build is, you know, insane. Yeah. It is the great success of YouTube that they've hit this level of skill. Exactly. And the features and stuff on that, like YouTube is the only platform right now where you can upload a video in different languages. So if someone clicks my video in Mexico, I'll speak Spanish. Whereas if you click in an American, I'll speak. That feature is in beta right now.
Yeah. Well, they've rolled it up to other people. But on TikTok, Facebook, no other platform can you do that. So YouTube's the only place right now where you can actually have a global audience.
Do you provide the voiceover person or is that done automatically?
Yes. And working on an automatic version, I was told. Yeah. For the first or the next two years, they'll probably sound terrible. But of course, at some time in the near future, AI dubbing will, you know, we get hit up about that all the time for the all-in-partness. Right now, I've trained a ton of different voice models. They all sound terrible. But it is, you know, obviously getting better.
Can you publish any to see what the viewership looks like?
Yeah. AI me versus like real voice actors? We have. And it's usually like, so if it's a one minute video in the retention with normal voice actors, I've been saying so it'd be like 42, but it'll also be a lot of comments like, why does he sound slightly off? So the retention isn't as bad as you would think, but it's still like, you can tell the quality's course lower. Yeah, exactly. Like to, if the thing is like when you're using dubs, you're already at a disadvantage because they can choose to watch someone in their native language or watch you with a guy speaking over your lips. And so if it's not as good as, like, you're already down here a little bit worse. And then if you say, I dubbing it's even worse, like, so, you know, yeah.
I think video games are six times the revenue for movies today. If you thought about video games, the folks I've got to see them approach to you and how do you think about the video game in this week? Because you're, you have a lot of audience overlap I got to imagine.
Yeah. To be honest, I tried to build one and then like six months in I was like, oh, these things take years. And then I was like, I've got a little chocolate. So, yeah, that was kind of the extent of, I mean, obviously it's a no brainer because it's much easier just to tell people to download it. Just click the link in the description and download. But I've just found that, I don't know, it's like, I just keep going back to it. Making, you know, confectionary products is just so much more fun and, you know, 100 million people are walking along at every month. And if you don't have a product there, there's nothing for them to buy. And so like, I just want to maximize that getting something in every retailer in America first.
Yeah. One of the, one of the things that you've done is you've mentored younger content creators coming up. Who are people that you look at that are creating things that you think are interesting, whether it's formats or. I'm curious. How many of you guys make content out there? Like anything? Okay. I mean, we do. Yeah. That's a little bit. I guess so. I guess we're going to get for us. Yeah. I mean, our, our viewership on YouTube is embarrassingly small. One of the, one of the things he did first was he ripped apart our thumbnails.
Oh yeah. He said our thumbnails were total shit. I mean, remember when we gave that, we gave that to you. Yeah. So, Joe K here was, I mean, how I told you. Why do you guys like, I mean, clearly, it's working. I think that no one cares about you guys. Sometimes I think the big thing is like the value you guys provide and like that it's a. Should we not close our mouths now and thumbnails? Oh, you should. The mouths are open. Yeah, the mouths are open. I would, I would close. I mean, there's something different about each week of conce- Especially for this age group. Definitely close out. Oh no. I mean, there's something distinctly different about what you do. Every week it's something new. It's something original. We're trying to have a conversation, McLachlan group kind of format. So I think some of those tips don't work, but our audience on YouTube, I think now, will exceed what we're doing in podcasting ultimately because it does seem that people like to watch us and put it on in the background. So we're seeing that. I think we have 380,000. You guys are doing great. So, I remember when you first started it and I was like, oh, this is an interesting combo, but it works. And like, whatever something weird in the world happens, I'm like, oh, I'm going to go see what they think of it. It's like, it's cool. Yeah. We met Jimmy at poker, by the way. Do you think we could do this? No, where do you think this is going to be in 20 years? Well, your podcast? You. I mean, we have an idea where this is going. I don't know where this is in the 20 days. Actually, to be honest, the only thing in front of us right now are the daily from the New York Times, a priest reading the Bible and serial killer podcasts. Serial killer podcasts. It's really not much ahead of us. But did all the podcasts or the news? In podcasting, those are the three ahead of us.
And just to build on Jay Kal's question, are you being, do you feel pressure to elongate the content? Or have you feel like you've optimized now the amount of time where you maximize viewership? Well, yeah. I mean, that's actually something we've been focused on a lot recently. I think the problem is people are like, we waited two weeks and it was just 15 minutes of content. They actually get annoyed when it's too short. So we're working on elongating it, but not because of like algorithms or anything. It's just like, people just actually don't like waiting two weeks for just 15 minutes of content. Like they want more or more frequent videos. And the problem is the spectacles are so big, it's much easier just to make it longer than do a whole new one to like upload more. So yeah, they're naturally getting longer and longer right now.
只是对Jay Kal的问题进行补充,您是否感到有压力要延长内容的长度?或者您感到您已经优化了时间长度以实现最大的观看量?是的,这是我们最近非常关注的问题。我认为问题在于人们会说,我们等了两个星期,但只给了15分钟的内容,他们实际上会感到烦恼。当内容太短时,他们会感到恼怒。所以我们正在努力延长内容,但并不是因为算法或其他原因。只是因为人们实际上并不喜欢等两个星期只看15分钟的内容。他们想要更多或更频繁的视频。而问题是眼镜视频内容如此庞大,所以比起上传更多视频来说,将视频变得更长更容易些。所以现在它们自然而然地变得越来越长了。
I wonder if you did a behind the scenes on the off week and just had another group because I was watching the one you did where you were all on a, like a raft. Yeah. And you decided to torture your team. You spent seven days on a raft in the ocean. I mean, it was torture. There's painful, but behind the scenes of that done by another group of video editors on the off week, I bet you would do as many views. Yeah, the thing is though, like the mystery is part of what's cool. Like how does this random YouTuber give a million dollars away to someone on the street or like things like that? So part of it is like them not knowing how it's even possible is why it's so interesting and they click on it. If that makes sense.
Yeah. Can you talk a little bit about the point of view where folks say content creators on YouTube have an audience and that audience ages out and then they lose that audience and how you continue to be able to grow your audience?
Yeah, well, everything is started with. They've gotten older. Yeah, it's just like the problem is like every advice is old. There's no like one size fits all advice. And so like obviously if we're talking to someone who unboxes toys, you know, their audience is going to grow on. There's nothing they can do about it. But you know, for us, we ideally, you know, one day you guys aren't going to be like, oh, my kid loves you. You'll be like, I also like your content. But we try to make content that, you know, no matter what age you are, you'll enjoy it. So usually they don't go. Who you're personally watching piece. Yeah. Oh, more than I would thought. Oh, yeah.
Alright, everybody. Should we be down with it? At the time it's 25 seconds. Oh, we went over. We went over to the next year. We went over to the next year. Well, you can stay up here if you want. We're going to take questions from the audience. I'll take your question from the audience. All right. I flew out here for this. Let's do some work. I got the question. Raise your hand. How do you stay consistent with executing so frequently? I think it's the hardest thing for us. I'll repeat it. I'll repeat it.
Yeah, so we asked, how do you stay so consistent with what? With your execution. So incredible execution. So hard. The spot on all of my data. Yeah. He said, how do you be so consistent with execution, spot on all the time? So the thing is you just have to obviously just train great people because, you know, if you're doing everything yourself, eventually you're going to burn out, get different interests, blah, blah, blah. And so I actually, my top people, I bought a house and we all lived together for years. I just kind of trained them to think like me and see the world like me. And so my top probably 12 people, 95% of the time, if you ask them something and ask me, and different rooms, we'll give the exact same answer. And the other 5% of the time will just be very slightly different.
I was thrown away at video because you were unsatisfied with it. Oh, of course. That happens all the time. Yeah. So out of 10 videos, how many would be the cost? Well, the thing is like, if you want to build viewership over time, if you want to go from 10 million to 20 million views of video to 30 million views of video, you just have to get it where every time they show up, they're happy. They feel like they got value out of it. It's like it was worth their time and investment. So yeah, if something's not good and they click on it, then they're less likely to click on future videos. So you can only, yeah, to grow viewership like that, it has to be. Want to take a second one? Yeah, take one. Go right here.
When I hear you talk, it's amazing. You're very affected. You've also accomplished a lot of it. It's curious how you keep your, how you keep your ego. Yeah. Thank you. You repeat the question. I don't know how to repeat that one. Not as easy as it looks. I'll tell you, don't do it. I'd like to know how you're a normal person and you stay so authentic given this incredible family. Keep your humility. Yeah, how do you keep your humility? The beauty of it is I usually spend 99% of my time in my studio, so I don't really, like the 100 million number on the video just looks like pixels on a screen. Like I don't really experience it that much. So I think that's kind of the best part.
How do you walk through an airport these days or walk, you know, through a city? It is pretty crazy, huh? I was really worried about getting you here. I kept asking them how are we going to get him through LAX? I don't understand. Well, that's the thing is you throw a hood on and wear some glasses. And you're pretty good. And you just don't talk out loud or anything like that. Yeah. Same thing. That would be great.
Keep it up for Jimmy Donaldson. Thank you. It was fun. That was awesome. Please talk to me. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
Brain man, David Saffler. I'm going home. I'm going home. Oh, yeah. And it said we open-sourced it to the fans and they've just got crazy with them. Rob you ask. I'm the queen of K-pop. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. What? What? I'm going home. Besties are all over the city. That's why I got to get a wish in your driveway. Since I expected it all over the city. Oh, man. My half-a-jazz your old meeky ass voice. We should all just get a room and just have one thing you, George, because it all just looks like this like sexual tension. We just need to release that now. What? You're the beek. What? You're the beek. Beek. What? We need to get merges. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.