Tesla Hits Major Milestone, Dojo Report, Musk Meetings
发布时间 2023-09-18 23:42:26 来源
➤ Tesla produces 5 millionth vehicle just months after hitting 4 million
➤ Goldman Sachs lowers TSLA estimates
➤ Report on Tesla’s Dojo plans
➤ Musk meets with prime minister of Israel and president of Turkey
➤ Tesla and Hertz add app access
➤ Insight from Deutsche Bank note
➤ California sues oil companies
➤ SpaceX countersues DOJ
➤ The Boring Company to host demo day
0:00 Intro / TSLA
0:26 Goldman Sachs
1:14 Tesla milestone
3:15 Dojo report
5:20 Musk meetings
7:52 Tesla / Hertz
9:02 Deutsche Bank
11:16 California lawsuit
12:15 SpaceX lawsuit
13:33 Calendar
13:42 Boring Company
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Manward here, welcome back to Tesla Daily. Today we are talking about various Elon Musk meetings, we've got a report on Project Dojo and a major production milestone for Tesla amongst a few other items.
大家好,我是罗布·曼沃德,在这里欢迎大家回到《特斯拉日报》。今天我们要谈论一些关于埃隆·马斯克的会议,我们有关于“道场计划”(Project Dojo)的报告,以及特斯拉的一个重要生产里程碑,还有其他一些内容。
By looking at the stock, Tesla not quite as strong as the beginning of last week I think was when we had a nice day from the Morgan Stanley increase. This week starting off down 3.3% closing at $265.28. The NASDAQ basically flat on the day today.
We did have a report on the analyst report today as well, or over the weekend from Goldman Sachs. They've kept their price target at $275 kept their neutral rating on the stock, but they did cut their estimates based off of their assessment of average selling prices. Noting the reduction that we've previously talked about on Model S and Model X, they did say that some of that will be offset by Highland, but probably not impactful at least to the third quarter. So anyway, they've cut their full year estimates from $3 of earnings per share to $290 now, $2.90 now, and for next year from $4.25 to $4.15 based off of those lower average selling prices. So nothing too new that we haven't only talked about, but just them chiming in and maybe had an impact on the stock today.
今天我们从高盛公司获得了一份分析报告,亦或是在周末得到的。他们保持了对该股票的中性评级,目标价位为275美元,但基于他们对平均销售价格的评估,他们对其预测做出了调整。他们指出我们之前提到的Model S和Model X的降价,他们表示部分降价将会被Highland的销售抵消,但对第三季度至少不会产生重大影响。因此,他们将今年的盈利预测从每股3美元调低至2.9美元,明年的预测从4.25美元调低至4.15美元,都是基于较低的平均销售价格。所以,没有什么新的信息,只是他们发表了一些意见,可能对股票产生了影响。
Getting into the milestone for Tesla, Tesla has announced over the weekend that they have produced their 5 millionth car in the history of the company. This comes just after just over six months after Tesla produced their 4 millionth vehicle. You can see a photo here of the 5 millionth vehicle looks like the 5 millionth did turn out to be a Highland Model 3, which is nice to see. So like I said, the 4 millionth vehicle that was announced by Tesla to have been produced on March 1st earlier this year. So just over again, six months since that vehicle was produced, which is pretty impressive to see. Obviously that puts Tesla close to a 2 million per year run rate on production. A little bit below that, but obviously we've had some impact probably from the high lens, which over and things of that nature. I just want to reflect on it a bit though, because it was only back in March of 2020, where Tesla announced that they had produced their 1 millionth car. So essentially over a decade to produce that first million vehicles. And now six months after hitting 4 million, we're hitting another million up to 5 million. So incredibly exciting to see this progress.
近日,特斯拉宣布他们生产了公司历史上的第500万辆汽车,这是一个里程碑。令人惊讶的是,在特斯拉生产第400万辆汽车仅过去六个多月后就取得了这一成就。您可以在这里看到第500万辆汽车的照片,这辆车确实是一辆Highland Model 3,这是一个好消息。所以,正如我所说的,特斯拉在今年3月1日宣布他们生产了第400万辆汽车。所以从生产那辆车开始,仅过去了六个多月,这个进展非常令人印象深刻。很明显,这将使特斯拉的年产量接近200万辆,虽然略低于这个数字,但显然我们可能受到了来自高端市场以及其他因素的影响。不过,我想稍微回顾一下,因为在2020年3月,特斯拉宣布他们生产了第100万辆汽车。所以从生产第一百万辆汽车起到现在,仅过去了十年的时间,而在过去的六个月内就生产了100万辆汽车,达到了第500万辆。看到这个进展真是令人振奋。
Obviously whenever we get these updates, I always like to back into what this might mean for production for the quarter. Tesla's made it a little bit trickier this time around, unfortunately for us with that math because they did say this week with the rate of production that Tesla is at this week. Could mean anywhere from September 10 to September 16th. And that gives us, you know, 30 plus 1000 vehicles that sort of arrange for us, which is probably close enough to what we would have forecasted anyway. So unfortunately, it doesn't tell us a whole lot. And this quarter specifically in September, there is a lot of question on what the September production will be specifically because of highland again. So unfortunately, it doesn't give us quite as much as we usually would see. I'd love to run through the math on it, but just probably not worth it with this update with the lack of specificity on the date. Still we'll come back to that and just kind of keep it in mind in our back pocket when we do head into the production and delivery numbers in a couple of weeks.
All right, moving on to the update on project dojo or rather the report on project dojo, at least this is a report out of China that is saying that Tesla is planning to significantly increase their orders for dojo chips from TSMC. So a little bit of, you know, I think confusion on this reporting today. So obviously, sometimes things get lost in translation and that's very much possible in this case.
But reading through this article, it's talking about the D1 chip produced by TSMC using their seven nanometer, seven nanometer facility. They say that next year the volume produced by TSMC for this, for the dojo purposes, have been increased to 10,000 pieces. So they say doubled here and they say that orders will continue to increase from that rate. So I think people, some people have interpreted this as Tesla increasing their previous orders. But I think what this report is saying is that the orders that they have for 2023, 2024 and then 2025 are increasing year over year rather than increasing from the previous levels that Tesla had ordered, just kind of reading through it again, it says, you know, Tesla, according to industry conversation, has ordered nearly 10,000 of these, 10,000 of these for next year.
They say that if it increases to 10,000, it will double its growth. If it continues to expand chip usage in 2025, the volume will continue to increase. They say that Tesla aims to produce about 5,000 of these chips at TSMC this year. So based off of the context, again, translation can be, you know, fudge the message a little bit. But for me, it seems like the report is that they are planning to kind of increase this in a way that's close to doubling here, you know, in 2023 and 2024. So that is still very exciting. But I don't know if we went back to that graph that we looked at a few times where Tesla kind of mapped out their plans for their sort of compute capabilities over the next 12 months. But this would materially increase those. I think this is just sort of mapping that out with supply chain reports. So it's still exciting to hear. But again, I don't think anything necessarily too new that we didn't already anticipate at least.
All right, getting into some other things, kind of a few meetings and updates from Elon today. First is he did meet with the Prime Minister of Israel and they discussed a number of topics. They actually had a little bit of a presentation here, a summit with just primarily focused on artificial intelligence. So Elon's got that on his profile. If you want to check that out on X for our purposes, though, kind of interesting. Elon did give them a tour of one of the facilities. They did check. I think it was gigataxis. They did check out the cyber shock as we can see here. Nice shot of the wiper there in front. Probably can see the front bumper camera there as well. And this looks to be a release candidate vehicle or maybe even a production candidate vehicle. There was actually even a video posted that walked through a little bit of the tour that they were taking and gave us a couple of good looks at the interior of the cyber truck, maybe a little bit closer than we have seen before. And again, probably a production candidate because we're now seeing the LED interior lighting like we have seen with Highland on this version of the cyber truck. So gives us a nice look at that, the really nice giant screen here in the middle. But otherwise, probably not too surprising from what we have seen so far, just a nice look at that's coming along.
好的,接下来谈谈一些其他事情,埃隆今天参加了一些会议并更新了一些内容。首先,他与以色列总理进行了会晤,并讨论了一系列话题。他们实际上还有一个小型的峰会,重点是人工智能。所以埃隆的名字上有这件事。如果你想在我们这边了解更多,请在X上查看。不过,对于我们来说可能是比较有趣的。埃隆还带领他们参观了一家设施,他们进行了查看。我想是gigataxis。他们还查看了这个cyber shock,正如我们在这里看到的那样。前面的雨刷器拍摄得很好。前保险杠相机也可以看到。这可能是一个最终版本的车辆,甚至可能是一个生产候选车辆。实际上,甚至还发布了一个视频,简要介绍了他们参观的行程,并且让我们更近距离地看到了cybertruck的内部,可能比之前我们看到的更接近一些。而且,可能是一个生产候选车辆,因为我们现在看到了与海兰德(Highland)版本一样的LED内部照明。所以这提供了一个非常好的观察机会,中央这个非常棒的大屏幕。但除此之外,从目前我们所看到的来看,可能不会太让人惊讶,只是一个展示cybertruck进展的好机会。
The other meeting that Elon had was with the president of Turkey. Sounds like there are like we have had a lot of reports on this year conversations between Elon and foreign government leadership about investments from Tesla. The Turkish communications directorate said that Elon said that many suppliers in Turkey are already working with Tesla. And that Turkey was among the most important candidates for its next factory. Whether that means car factory, gigafactory, something of that nature, possibly could also mean an energy factory like we have seen Tesla announced for Shanghai. So obviously a lot of these conversations ongoing and hopefully we'll see what these conversations lead to relatively soon. But I would imagine that a lot of these are kind of just having conversations to see what the best opportunity is and make a decision from there.
There's also reports today from the Wall Street Journal that Tesla was in early talks with Saudi Arabia for an EV factory. Basically we know Lucid is going down that path with the investment that they've received from Saudi Arabia. But Elon saying on X yet another utterly false article from the Wall Street Journal. So thankfully we don't have to spend too much time discussing that possibility since Elon has come out and denied that report.
All right, next a nice update here from Tesla North America on X. They are saying that Hertz rentals in the US now allow full Tesla app access. So that means you can use the app features such as phone unlock, remote preconditioning, tracking the charge status, any update that you would see normally on the phone. And if you have your profile saved to the cloud via the Tesla app and interface, then you can actually load that into the Hertz vehicle seamlessly once you connect your phone. It just pops up a QR code here to connect when you start your rental off. So I think this is really nice. It's going to make people a lot more hopefully familiar with how the full Tesla experience works. Phone key is obviously a pretty critical resource in that experience. So this should make it nice and for any Tesla owners that already have vehicles having the capability to rent a Tesla from Hertz when you're traveling or something like that and immediately load in all your settings is just going to make that even more convenient. So nice to see that that feature is now been integrated. I'm sure Tesla and Hertz have been working to get that up and running since that sort of big announcement that we had. I think that was last year, but may have even been longer ago at this point.
Alright, quick one here. This is from the brighter with Herbert channel. They had a video today discussing a note from Deutsche Bank, a couple of updates that we'll talk about. I did just want to note that this note is from September 6th. So if you do see this, just context wise, this note's been out for a while. So nothing that should be moving anything in the market today. But I don't think it was very widely publicized at the time. So just a few details since they've gone through the full note that I noticed here. They did Deutsche Bank did talk about high land that they said that Tesla after meeting with Deutsche Bank said that their takeaway after meeting with Tesla on this was that it's reasonable to assume that highland will cost less to produce. Obviously, that would be great news that with the higher prices that we're currently seeing on highland, obviously over time, we might see that pricing change and it might come down. But no surprise, it is nice to hear some sort of a little bit of a confirmation that pricing or the cost basis rather would be lower after this update. They also confirmed that Tesla will not be using gigacastings. We kind of already determined that from the imagery that we had seen online, but confirmation of that. They also said that Berlin is actually going to ramp to 375,000 vehicles per year rather than 500,000, at least in this sort of initial phase. Obviously, we've talked about the expansion that Tesla has planned. So I assume that that would go well beyond that at some point, probably with the next generation platform. But at least for model why it sounds like that's going to go only up to 375,000. I guess that is due to the labor costs from overnight shifts being prohibitively expensive due to regulatory reasons in Europe. So basically 75% of the sort of initial phase one capacity seems to be what they're looking at right now. Also an FSD, Elon has already previously commented on this, but apparently there is interest from other OEMs to eventually license FSD. And that is something that Tesla is sort of working on developing. So obviously if something like that happened, that would be huge. We've seen just kind of the impact following the announcements on the supercharger network, how that affected the stock. So I think if FSD were to go down that path as well at some point, there'd probably be an even more significant reaction in the markets. So keep an eye out for more on news on that.
好的,这里是一个简短的情报。这是来自Herbert频道亮点的内容。他们今天有一个视频讨论了德意志银行的一份备忘录,我们将谈论一些更新。我只想提醒一下,这份备忘录是9月6日的。所以如果你看到这个,就从上下文来说,这个备忘录已经发布了一段时间。所以不会对市场有任何影响。但我认为当时这个备忘录并没有被广泛宣传。所以我在看过全文后注意到了一些细节。德意志银行确实谈到了高地的问题,他们说特斯拉在和德意志银行会面后表示,合理地假设高地的生产成本会较低。显然,这将是一个好消息,因为目前我们看到高地的价格较高,而随着时间的推移,我们可能会看到这个定价发生变化并降低。但并不意外,听到一些对于成本基础较低的证实是好事。他们还确认了特斯拉不会使用超大浇铸。我们从网上看到的图片已经确定了这一点,但这个证实还是好的。他们还说柏林工厂将在初始阶段达到每年37.5万辆车而不是50万辆。显然,我们已经谈论过特斯拉计划的扩张。所以我想这可能会超过这个数字,可能是在下一代平台上。但至少对于Model Y来说,听起来只能达到37.5万辆。我猜这是因为欧洲的监管原因导致夜班劳动力成本过高。所以目前似乎是在考虑初始阶段产能的75%。此外,在全自动驾驶方面,埃隆已经以前评论过,但显然还有其他汽车制造商有兴趣最终获得FSD许可。这也是特斯拉正在努力开发的东西。显然,如果发生这样的事情,那将是巨大的。我们已经看到超级充电站的消息影响了股票市场。所以我认为如果FSD也走这条路的话,在市场上将会有更大的反应。所以请持续关注相关新闻。
Last few things today, we have two lawsuit updates. The first is that California is actually suing some of the biggest companies in the world, biggest oil companies in the world, Exxon, Shell, BP, Philips, Chevron, etc.
I don't think just those five actually, but suing them for basically saying that there was knowledge of the impact of their businesses on climate change that they had and intentionally withheld or misled the public about over multiple decades.
So filing a suit about that, this is a civil case and the goal of the case is to create an abatement fund funded by these companies to help offset some of those changes to climate. So it'll be interesting to follow.
Basically we've seen the impact of legislation and things like that in California, not again, this is a civil case, but if this fund did materialize at some point, California could direct those funds towards things like electric vehicles, etc., which may ultimately have an impact on Tesla.
So pretty early stage at this point, but definitely an important case and want to keep an eye on.
And then we talked previously about the DOJ filing a suit against SpaceX for saying that they were discriminating against non-US residents, specifically refugees or Asylees.
SpaceX, of course, has hiring restrictions in some cases. So we've talked about how it puts them in a tricky situation.
SpaceX is arguing back against this saying that there was no discrimination. And basically countersuing the Department of Justice on this.
So of course, not surprising to see SpaceX push back on that. A couple of interesting details from the filing.
The company in the suit says that they employ more than 13,000 people in the United States right now. And just kind of a recruiting note, they said that they'd advertise specifically in Star Base, almost 1,500 positions and received about 72,000 applicants for those positions over this period of time where the DOJ was looking at.
这家提起诉讼的公司称他们目前在美国雇佣了超过13,000名员工。而且在招聘方面,他们表示他们会特别在Star Base进行广告宣传,这个职位有大约1,500个空缺,而在司法部进行调查的期间,他们收到了大约72,000份申请。
So a little bit lagging at this point, since that's already more than a year ago, the end of this period, but just kind of shows the hiring that Tesla is or the hiring that SpaceX has done and is doing in Star Base.
所以在这一点上有点落后了,因为这已经超过了一年前的结束,但这只是展示了特斯拉或SpaceX在Star Base所做和正在进行的招聘的程度。
All right, just a quick look at the calendar. Because again, we do have the FOMC meeting coming up this week. We've talked about this a couple of times already, but that'll be midday on Wednesday. Some of the keeping eye on.
And then the Boring Company finally has announced, or finally for today, the Boring Company has announced that they will be holding an engineering demo day on September 28th at their headquarters in Texas. So somebody keep an eye on.
And if you're interested in that, you can find more details at the Boring Company's website. So I wanted to pass that along as well. But that'll wrap it up for today.
So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Tuesday, September 19th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.