Futurist & Smartphone Pioneer, David Wood | The Human Podcast #3

发布时间 2022-03-21 12:25:32    来源


David Wood is a futurist & smartphone Pioneer. He is also the chair of London Futurists, author of numerous technology books, and a transhumanist.The Human Podcast is a new show that explores the lives and stories of a wide range of individuals. New episodes are released every week - subscribe to stay notified.WATCH all episodes, filmed in person: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JGmLUfv5eUeKzv3cRXGwGUEST LINKS:David's Twitter: https://twitter.com/dw2David's Newest Book: https://shorturl.at/wRUZ2London Futurists: https://londonfuturists.comDelta Wisdom: https://deltawisdom.comORDER OF CONVERSATION:0:00 - Intro0:23 - Current work: London Futurists, Delta Wisdom...3:04 - Early interests in technology & sci-fi12:46 - Studying philosophy & mathematics17:58 - Transhumanism29:13 - Work as a futurist38:56 - Influence of work on personal life43:09 - Developing a broad perspective45:08 - Key Figures: Demis Hassabis, Nick Bostrom, Max Tegmark54:08 - Schedule56:18 - Travelling57:41 - Working on world's #1 smartphone OS1:09:44 - Writing numerous technology books1:17:57 - Changing your mind on future predictions1:19:50 - Favourite books1:24:29 - Upcoming projects1:26:11 - London Futurists1:27:18 - ThanksGUEST/FEEDBACK REQUEST:Know anyone who may like to speak about their life, or have any feedback? Just message heythehumanpodcast@gmail.com

