Tesla Dominates EU Charging Bid, Policy Updates, Powerwall 3 Becomes Official

发布时间 2023-09-14 01:59:53    来源


➤ Tesla to receive significant funding for charging in Europe ➤ Ron Baron discusses Tesla on CNBC ➤ UBS increases price target ➤ CPI higher than expected ➤ EU / India evaluate EV policies ➤ Tesla adds Powerwall 3 to website ➤ Additional details on updated Model 3 ➤ More Tesla Semi data ➤ Details from Musk biography ➤ Musk attends AI summit 0:00 Intro / TSLA 0:46 Ron Baron 1:17 UBS price target increase 1:43 CPI / FOMC 2:56 Supercharging award 5:53 EU EV policy 7:08 India EV policy 8:04 US charging rehab 8:51 Powerwall 3 10:53 Highland Model 3 11:30 More Semi data 14:18 Biography 16:37 AI summit Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Maurer here and today we've got interesting news out of Europe on supercharging we've also got various policy updates worldwide, got some more data on the Tesla semi and the Powerwall 3 has been added to Tesla's website officially. A few other items as well. Alright, looking at the stock Tesla today up 1.4% closing at $271.30 pretty nice day considering the NASDAQ up 3 cents of a percent so nice outperformance for Tesla and has managed to make it through the first 36 hours or so of the Walter Isaacson Musk biography so I guess that's a good thing. I'm still working my way through it but seems like so far nothing to earth shattering that is affecting the stock at least initially here so I think that's that's welcome news to a lot of us. Alright getting into today's news we'll just a couple quick things on the stock first of course Ron Beren as we mentioned yesterday was on CNBC today. Always great to hear comments we're not gonna go into the great detail on them because we've heard him talk about Tesla and Elon before but strong in his defense of Elon and his belief in Elon and of course Tesla still believes that Tesla is going to be sort of a 5x multiple for Beren Capital by 2030 and said similar things for SpaceX and their confidence there as well so always great to hear from Ron Beren and then also UBS today increased their price target on Tesla previously 270 dollars increased that to 290 dollars actually kind of bullish on the pricing strategy they said that that could potentially have some headwinds initially here as we have seen of course the the period that we've gone through but they believe that that can lead to Tesla having some sustainable long-term competitive advantages in terms of cost and demand and then we also had the CPI come out this morning so also something that we're not going to dig into quite as deep as maybe we normally would but I would say broadly speaking come in it came in a little bit higher than expectations probably in the 10 basis point range most of that coming on the headline number coming on the headline number so that came in at 3.7% increase year over year mainly that was driven by gasoline which increased I believe 10 or 11% year over year so obviously that's why a lot of the times a lot of the time core is looked at or referenced.
大家好,这里是Rob Maurer。今天我们从欧洲得到了关于超级充电的有趣消息,同时我们也有全球各地的各种政策更新,还有更多有关特斯拉半卡车和Powerwall 3的数据,Powerwall 3已经正式加入特斯拉的官方网站。还有几个其他事项。好的,看一下特斯拉的股价,今天上涨了1.4%,收于271.30美元,考虑到纳斯达克指数上涨了0.03%,特斯拉表现不错,成功度过了大约36个小时的Walter Isaacson Musk传记,所以我想这是一件好事。我还在继续阅读,但目前似乎没有什么特别惊人的事情,至少是对股票没有太大影响,所以我认为这对我们很多人来说是个好消息。好了,接下来就说一下今天的新闻,首先当然是关于股票的一些小事。正如我们昨天提到的,Ron Beren今天在CNBC节目中发表了演讲,听他谈论特斯拉和埃隆总是很棒的,我们不会详细讨论这些内容,因为我们之前听他讲过。他坚定地捍卫埃隆和他对埃隆的信任,当然特斯拉依然相信到2030年特斯拉将成为Beren Capital的5倍多,对SpaceX的信心也是如此,所以听到Ron Beren的发言总是非常棒的。而且,今天瑞银也将特斯拉的目标股价从之前的270美元上调至290美元,他们对特斯拉的定价策略有些看涨态度,认为尽管我们当然已经经历了一段时间的低谷,但这可能会带来特斯拉在成本和需求方面的可持续长期竞争优势。今天早上还公布了CPI数据,所以我们可能不会像通常那样深入挖掘这个数据,但可以总体说来,与预期相比,它稍微高了一点,大约在10个基点的范围内,其中大部分是由总体数据推动的,总体数据显示,同比增长了3.7%,主要是由于汽油的价格同比上涨了10%或11%,所以很明显,这就是为什么核心数据经常被关注和引用。

So that excludes food and energy that came in at 4.3% year over year so as you can see that is a decrease from last month at 4.7% but it did take up a little bit higher than expected month over month on that core line again that's the where the 10 basis point versus expectation increase came in but all that being said expectations for FOMC meeting next week they went down so people still expecting a pause 97% expectation for a rate pause at the FOMC meeting next week it's about 92% yesterday so even with the CPI coming in perhaps a bit higher than expectations the market pretty much locking in on that expectation for a pause next week all right getting into the update out of Europe so kind of an exciting one here for Tesla supercharging under the EU Green Deal there are funds laid out for charging infrastructure under the alternative fuels infrastructure facility this is going to you know allow a grant of 352 million euros so Tesla's bid on a couple of projects here and they've actually been awarded a significant portion of these funds which were announced over the last couple of days so if I can find the Tesla line on here you can see here's the funding column the recommended funding column looking through these one sticks out as an extra digit above the rest and that is Tesla's bid here they say this would be recommended for about 134 million euros Tesla says that this project or I'm not sure if this is Tesla's wording or someone else putting this together but they say that the project aims at deploying a little bit over 6,400 at recharging points 250 kilowatt stations in 613 locations in 16 countries in the EU they say that the project foresees the deployment of both new recharging stations and replacement of existing outdated recharging points that have not satisfied the requirements of column terms of recharging capacity and open accessibility sorry about the background noise there so interesting new new locations as well as a combination of new locations as well as a combination of probably retrofitting or sort of upgrading some of the other stations that Tesla's built in the EU in the past and this is actually not the only line so Tesla's available on two lines here and this other line is very similar wording in terms of the projects but for about 15 million euros so bringing the total recommended funding up to about 148 million euros or roughly 160 million dollars so pretty significant amount of funding we've talked about the nevi funding in the United States and and sirens are going really really nuts today sorry about that um it's just a little bit distracting anyway with these two funding lines there's about 160 million dollars worth of funding and over 7,000 charging connectors across about 700 different locations so pretty exciting to see that again the total funding amount here was 352 million euros so Tesla actually responsible or being distributed at about 42% of those total funds which again you can see you know 26 different projects here obviously Tesla kind of stands alone in terms of the scale and the size of the funds that they're being allocated for so exciting to see this and hopefully you know this goes a long way in terms of um solidifying Tesla's network there in the EU.

All right, we've also got an EU policy update as well as one from India on kind of how they're looking at EVs right now so nothing has changed here officially yet but the the EU has announced that they are looking at specifically China-made EVs uh and how policy should be policy should be managed for them because they're aware of obviously the subsidization that is going on in China for electric vehicles and if then those are offloaded into Europe that can put competitive pressure on Europe manufacturing so they're basically taking a look at that and you know not wanting as this article says uh to happen to EVs what kind of happened in the solar industry where potentially that kind of flooded the market and hurt competitive positioning for developers or manufacturers of solar in Europe so again nothing official on that but just something that is being looked at obviously that could affect Tesla I would expect that it would more affect other automakers and even if it does affect Tesla obviously Tesla would be hopefully a little bit better positioned or at least adequately positioned with Giga Berlin so a good reminder of localization and how that can you know be important strategically over time as these things are obviously subject to change

and then for India we've talked a couple times about this over the last couple of weeks but India's let's see Commerce Minister said today that India will come up with a new policy or new policy in general to attract EV manufacturer investment which of course is something that they have been looking at recently so committing to you coming up with new policy we'll wait to see what that is and then specifically on Tesla this person had mentioned that Tesla is expecting to source between 1.7 and 1.9 billion dollars of components from India this year up from about 1 billion last year so obviously that tracks you know roughly with Tesla's growth maybe a little bit higher so a little bit more of Tesla's total being allocated into India but that just helps solidify probably these things that India's thinking about and hopefully look to grow that investment from Tesla over time

All right we also have one update on charging in the United States and that is that the Biden administration today announced that they will provide up to 100 million dollars in federal funding to repair and replace existing but non-operational EV charging infrastructure obviously non-Tesla EV infrastructure has left some room for improvement and this funding is aimed at improving those. I don't know if I'm 100% on board with that obviously Tesla has found a way to manage this with extremely high reliability and high uptime so you know it's kind of assistance for those that have not done as well which I guess there's at times merit to that I don't know in this particular case that that would be warranted but nevertheless 100 million dollars of funding for trying to get those kind of back up to speed

All right, next we've got the Powerwall 3. We talked probably a week ago, maybe a little bit less than that, but on the Powerwall 3 that we had seen on the Tesla Motors Club forum. So in this case, it has now been added to Tesla's website officially. So with little fanfare because I don't think they expect to start deliveries of this until 2024. Sort of officially, obviously, we've seen deliveries kind of start, but certainly in terms of new orders, it'll be a bit. So as we talked about, energy capacity still the same, the size and the weight, those are what we had discussed previously, so we won't spend a ton of time on that. But this does have the integrated inverter as you know, a comparison to the Powerwall plus you can see the change there and volumetrically the energy density with this included inverter definitely increasing. You can also see the change in the labeling of the inverter here that the Powerwall plus has up to four solar inputs with maximum powerpoint trackers. They're saying that changes to six here with the Powerwall 3. So a little bit more capability out of the inverter it looks like. And then as we talked about and as Elon had mentioned, Powerwall 3 designed with power in mind specifically and it says that on-grid it can offer 11.5 kilowatts of continuous power and then same thing with backup power as well. So that's a pretty significant increase I would say, roughly doubling depends on if you're looking continuous or peak obviously, but maybe a little bit less than a doubling for the continuous power for Powerwall 2 and of course that's pretty similar for Powerwall plus for continuous there as well looks like maybe a little bit higher. So overall an increase in I think energy density at least volumetrically weight wise maybe you know a little bit difficult to determine that I think but probably do some math and figure that out as well but nice to see this update and hopefully over time we'll continue to learn a little bit more about it. I don't think this gives us any information yet on battery chemistry but if anyone has seen that please pass that along.
好的,接下来我们有Powerwall 3。我们大概一周前讨论过,可能时间稍微短一些,但是之前我们在特斯拉俱乐部论坛上看到了Powerwall 3的信息。现在,它已正式添加到特斯拉的官方网站上。由于他们预计直到2024年才会开始交付,所以并没有引起太大轰动。当然,我们已经看到交付陆续开始了,但就新订单而言,可能还要等一段时间。像我们之前讨论的那样,能量容量仍然一样,尺寸和重量也是我们之前讨论过的,所以这方面我们就不再多说了。但这个版本有一个集成的逆变器,你知道的,与Powerwall Plus相比,你可以看到其中的变化,体积上的能量密度明显提高。你也可以看到这里逆变器的标签发生了改变,Powerwall Plus最多有四个太阳能输入口,拥有最大功率点跟踪器。而Powerwall 3这里说是改为了六个。所以逆变器的功能似乎有了一些提升。然后,正如我们讨论过的,Elon也提到过,Powerwall 3专注于提供更多的功率,它在并网模式下可以提供11.5千瓦的持续功率,备用电源模式下也是一样。我认为这是一个相当大的增加,大致翻番,具体看是持续功率还是峰值功率,可能略有不同,但持续功率的增加应该不到翻番,当然对于Powerwall 2也是差不多的情况,至少持续功率也有所提高。总的来说,能量密度至少在体积上有所增加,重量方面可能有些难以确定,我想我们可以进行一些计算来弄清楚,但很高兴能看到这个更新,希望随着时间的推移,我们会继续了解到更多。我觉得这尚未给我们提供有关电池化学成分的信息,但如果有人看到了,请传递一下。

All right, we talked about the updated Model 3 being filed with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China. This is now giving us a little bit more detail. So Car News China reporting on that filing. So it looks like the rear-wheel drive that will stay as lithium iron phosphate battery, no change there. And the all-wheel drive variant that is also not changing, looks like that will continue to have a nickel manganese cobalt battery rather than LFP. So obviously that was part of the questioning with the update if the long-range version would shift to LFP, but that does not appear to be the case. So far from the MIIT filings.
好的,我们谈论了特斯拉Model 3在中国工业和信息化部的更新申报情况。现在我们可以获得更多的细节。汽车新闻中国报道了这次申报的情况。看起来后驱版本将继续采用磷酸铁锂电池,没有变化。而四驱版本也没有变化,仍然采用镍锰钴电池而不是磷酸铁锂电池。所以显然在更新中关于长续航版本是否转换为磷酸铁锂电池的问题,答案似乎是否定的。至少从工信部的申报文件来看是这样的。

Then yesterday we also talked about the data from the Tesla Semi that's coming in from the run-on-less event. Exciting again, we're gonna have a lot of this data coming in over the next couple of weeks. But pretty exciting day for the Tesla Semi yesterday. So day two, the Tesla Semi number three that's being tracked actually went 794 miles in this single day. Obviously, that involves some charging rest stops, charging stops, but really nice to see that sort of I guess mileage or production out of the Tesla Semi over just a single day. We can see that this miles part of the graph here actually goes up to roughly 400 miles. So if we look there and see that's when they were sort of at zero miles for this trip, they ended at roughly 384 miles I believe it was. If you extrapolate that with the state of charge like we had done yesterday, check my notes here, that actually extrapolates to about 472 miles for a full 100 to 0 percent discharge. Of course, that's never going to be really done in reality, but that would have a sort of rated range that would look in this case.

Now, one of the differences here is that it appears that there was a lot more regeneration going back into the vehicle on whatever journey that they were doing here. Again, I wish they provided the elevation data, I don't think that we get that, maybe it's hiding in here somewhere. But it looks like there was more opportunity for regen on this trip specifically than there was yesterday, which is going to help boost what that overall mileage is looking like. So kind of cool to see that from both the total distance covered perspective and also a little bit better efficiency than what we had seen yesterday. So again, we'll continue to keep an eye on that.

There was one other piece of data here in terms of charging, just to kind of give us another data point. I talked about how I was curious to see maybe something below 10 percent charge up to about 80 percent. We're actually getting that already here the next day. So you can see, you know, six percent state of charge going up to pretty much all the way to full 98 percent. But looking at the more probably pertinent range would be I think in that five percent to 80 percent range, that's probably what would be most heavily utilized i would guess um so in in this case that took about 57 minutes to go from six percent up to 57 percent but again we're we're seeing a taper later on not so much of a taper early on so it would suggest that there is more capacity that could you know charging rate capacity that could be taken advantage of in the future we've talked about the confusion on the Tesla semi mega chargers if those are more than 750 kilowatts or if they are 750 kilowatts i think the data so far is suggesting that that's probably the peak right now but again just based on how this is looking i think there is opportunity for that to improve over time yeah all right last couple things so obviously the by the biography has now been out for almost two days we are getting a little bit more context on discussions that we previously had so obviously we had talked about the sort of leaked images of the the robo taxi concept just wanted to provide some context on this so this is in the book the images included under a chapter that has the time frame of 2014 to 2016 it says you know fronds with an early version of the robo taxi so obviously we weren't super clear on what this timeline was at that point but it looks like this was probably pretty early and of course things have most definitely changed since 2014 2016 and just a reminder that elan as they were having this debate about you know 25 000 car versus robo taxi or both ultimately ending up on both elan did say i think in 2022 when he saw the you know the most recently introduced concept to him at that point that is when he said this felt like the future which kind of implies that you know this might be a little bit what what elan was talking about there might be a little bit different than some of the images that we're seeing or have talked about so far so i just wanted to add a little bit of context on that um and just maybe a couple other things while we're on the subject uh the book is very clear that elan had initially had ideas of steering wheel less and pedal less model threes and model wise obviously we haven't seen those materialized but it's kind of always been on the drawing board consistent for elan um and then with solar roof there is a decent amount of information in there in the biography on it um but what felt relevant to discuss here was the sort of production rates so in 2021 they talked about hitting sort of a a new record production or new record install rate rather of 74 solar roofs in one week and then obviously they wanted to keep increasing that but we have seen with solar roof it hasn't obviously materialized how tesla had hoped at one point and by 2022 it mentions something about 30 installs in a week so probably not too surprising given what we have you know not seen materialized with the solar roof so far hopefully that'll come someday but just wanted to kind of throw out those stats on on the install rates obviously they're quite low so hopefully again something that improves over time and then lastly elan did partake in the aisomet at the senate today so this was organized by uh Chuck Schumer and elan was caught briefly for an interview after this i think cmbc published that and he seemed pretty happy with how it went obviously didn't have a ton of time to comments on it but uh felt like it was a productive conversation and just seemed to be in a generally pretty good mood i think it's kind of a funny scenario or a situation for elan to be in as obviously this is with with Bill Gates um with Mark Zuckerberg also in attendance so just kind of a cast of characters that we've been hearing about uh recently all right but that'll wrap it up for today so as always thank you for listening make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications and also find me on x at tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the thursday september 14th episode of tesla daily thank you
这里有另外一条关于充电的数据,只是为了给我们提供另一个数据点。我曾谈到我很好奇是否有可能从低于10%的电量充到80%左右。事实上,第二天我们已经得到了这个数据。你可以看到,从6%的电量充到几乎充满98%。但是,最有用的范围可能是从5%到80%,我猜这可能是最常使用的范围。在这个范围内,从6%充到57%大约花了57分钟,但是我们看到充电速度逐渐变缓,早期并没有这种情况,所以这可能意味着未来还有更多的充电速度可以利用。我们谈到了关于特斯拉半挂卡车超级充电桩的混淆,不知道它们是否超过了750千瓦,或者是否只有750千瓦。迄今为止的数据表明,目前可能是峰值,但根据目前的情况,我认为未来有改进的机会。好的,最后几点。 很显然,已经有将近两天了,这本传记为我们提供了一些讨论的背景。我们之前提到了关于机器人出租车概念的泄露图片,我想提供一些背景信息。这些图片在一章中包含了2014年到2016年的时间范围,说明了弗朗兹驾驶早期版本的机器人出租车。我们之前对这个时间线并不清楚,但看起来这可能相当早期了,当然,自2014年至2016年以来情况肯定已经发生了变化。此外,重要的是要提醒大家,伊隆在关于2.5万辆车与机器人出租车的辩论中最终选择了两者,他在2022年看到了最近一次给他展示的概念车型时表示这就是未来的感觉,这似乎暗示了伊隆所说的可能与我们目前看到或讨论的一些图片有所不同。我想在这方面添加一些背景信息。还有一些其他的事情需要提到,传记中非常清楚地提到,伊隆最初曾有过没有方向盘和踏板的Model 3和Model Y的想法,尽管我们没有看到这些实现,但一直以来这一点对伊隆来说都是一直存在的想法。此外,在关于太阳能屋顶的部分有相当多的信息,但在这里讨论的是生产速度,在2021年,他们提到一周内安装了74个太阳能屋顶的新纪录,他们当然希望继续增加,但是我们已经看到太阳能屋顶并没有像特斯拉最初希望的那样实现,2022年提到了每周安装30个的情况,所以鉴于迄今为止我们没有看到太阳能屋顶的实现,这可能并不让人意外,希望总有一天会实现,但只是想提供一些关于安装速率的统计数据,显然,这些速率相当低,希望随着时间的推移能改善。最后,伊隆今天参加了参议院的AI问题会议,这是由Chuck Schumer组织的,伊隆在会后接受了一个简短的采访,我想CNBC发布了这个采访,他似乎对讨论感到满意,看起来心情很好。对伊隆来说,这是一个有趣的情境或者说是一种处境,因为明显和比尔·盖茨以及马克·扎克伯格在场,他们都是我们最近一直听到的人物。好的,今天就到这里,如往常一样,感谢您的收听,确保您已经订阅并开启了通知,您也可以在tesla podcast上找到我,明天我们将在9月14日星期四发布的特斯拉每日新闻节目中见到您,谢谢。