Tesla Added to “Best Ideas” List, Cybertruck/Highland Updates, Malaysia Comments

发布时间 2023-08-22 01:32:42    来源


➤ Tesla stock has best day in months after being added to “best ideas” list ➤ Honda announces intent to adopt NACS ➤ Highland updates ➤ Cybertruck filming spotted ➤ India reports ➤ Malaysian Prime Minister comments on Tesla ➤ Tesla adds Siri support ➤ UAW comments ahead of contract ending ➤ Cruise ordered to reduce vehicle operations ➤ Calendar ➤ Tesla Daily turns six Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cher asaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Manward here welcome back to Tesla Daily today we've got a really nice day for the stock to talk about best day in a few months actually of course we've got updates on Project Highland and Cybertruck a new adopter of NACS and a few other items as well.

So looking at the stock a nice bounce back for Tesla today after challenging past month as we have talked about but actually the best day for Tesla since March 21st so five months to the day with Tesla closing up 7.3% to $231.28 while the NASDAQ with a nice day as well up 1.6% today. So personally I think this is largely just a bounce back but a couple of things that could have contributed to it today one of which is Baird Equity Research adding Tesla to their best ideals list saying that price cuts and impact on margins are going to drive the narrative for the second half of the year but there's a lot of other potential catalysts for the stock including launch of Cybertruck adoption of full self-driving and expansion into new markets.

So nothing earth shattering of course in that analysis and I think you can add Project Highland potentially to that as well. Certainly possibility of continued strong Tesla energy results. Plenty of things to still look forward to but I do agree with the first part there that it is going to hinge on pricing and margins and probably more so than anything else just macro conditions and what the market does during this period. Still nice to have somebody put a reminder out that there are things to look forward to.
当然,在这个分析中并没有什么惊天动地的事情,而且我认为你还可以将高地项目(Highland Project)也加入进来。肯定会有持续强劲的特斯拉能源业绩的可能性。仍然有很多令人期待的事情,但我同意前半部分的观点,即定价和利润率将成为决定性因素,而不仅仅是宏观条件和市场在这一时期的表现。有人提醒还是很好的,表示还有一些值得期待的事情。

The other news that came out really late on Friday may be helping a bit today is that Honda and Acura, Acura being the luxury brand of Honda, announced that they are also planning to adopt NAS or the North American charging standard. It's been a bit since we had the flurry of automakers making these announcements so a good reminder that these can still continue although not a particularly surprising one because Honda does work on EVs closely with GM they're going to use the Altium platform. So with GM having been one of the earliest two-announced adoption of NAS no surprise to see Honda and Acura follow suit and although these are obviously significant ice brands not a whole lot of progress yet on EVs for Honda.

Alright next up we've got what have become our daily updates on highland and Cybertrox starting off with Project Highland. A new drone video of Giga Shanghai from Jason Yang shows what seems to be a number of covered cars maybe a hundred or so in the Giga Shanghai parking lot and this is during the period of time where sort of initial production or test production is supposed to be starting according to rumors so no way of knowing for sure if those would be Project Highland Model 3's but there are other cars here sitting uncovered so Tesla must have some reason for the difference. We have seen vehicles that have been covered in the Giga Shanghai parking lots before so it's not necessarily indicative of anything but obviously if the production rate for highland gets to be high enough they're going to have to put those cars somewhere hopefully that's the stage that we're seeing right now.
接下来是关于Highland和Cybertrox的每日更新,首先是Highland项目。Jason Yang拍摄的一段新的无人机视频显示了上海超级工厂中的一些车辆,可能有一百辆左右,而且都被覆盖起来。根据传言,这是在初期生产或试生产阶段,所以无法确定这些是否是Highland Model 3的车辆,但是还有其他未被覆盖的车辆,所以特斯拉一定有一些原因。我们之前也看到过上海超级工厂停车场里被覆盖的车辆,所以这并不一定表示什么,但是显然如果Highland的生产率达到了足够高的水平,他们就必须要找个地方存放这些车辆,希望现在我们看到的就是这个阶段。

As for Cybertrox the sightings have continued both in transport and at Giga Texas but in addition to that we've got a couple of posts of Tesla seemingly doing some filming of the Cybertruck in Iceland, Carlos Ardia on X sharing a post of some of this filming happening and then another Facebook group for Tesla shared an image of the Cybertruck also saying that this was an Iceland and in this image you can see some of the filming equipment a little bit more closely so it seems like Tesla is doing some promo videos oftentimes we see these prior to Tesla updating their website. I wouldn't be surprised if we see the videos that are being shot here on an updated Cybertruck page in the relatively near future and of course when Tesla does have the Cybertruck delivery event they're definitely going to want to have some nice cinematic footage ready to go for that so that's my best guess for what's happening here which is another encouraging sign for the status of the Cybertruck right now and then separately on the Cybertruck we do have a rumor this is from Bill Wright on X who at times in the past has had some information that has come to fruition the track record is not 100% but most recently the one that I recall is I think some magic doc stuff and Tesla opening up the supercharger network so there have been times where this information has been accurate in the past but anyway this weekend on X he is saying that the employee Cybertruck deliveries seem imminent word around the speedboat cafe as the company is soliciting interest of those to take early delivery dual motor or tri-mode so that could suggest that Tesla has shifted back to the tri-motor configuration as the top of the line versus the quad motor that Elon had at one point mentioned and of course the timing component is interesting but at this stage this would be I think relatively easy to speculate on but hopefully this is accurate they also said in a later post that it is quote weeks I'm told end quote something in the second half of September or maybe early October would seem to fit best with that
关于Cybertrox,有关其出现的报道一直在陆续传出,无论是在运输过程中还是在Giga Texas工厂,但除此之外,我们还看到了一些特斯拉在冰岛拍摄Cybertruck的帖子,Carlos Ardia在X上分享了一些拍摄过程的帖子,然后另一个特斯拉的脸书群组也分享了一张Cybertruck的照片,并称这是在冰岛拍摄的,在照片中可以更仔细地看到一些拍摄设备,因此看起来特斯拉正在制作一些宣传视频,往常情况下,我们经常在特斯拉更新其网站之前看到这些视频。如果我们在不久的将来在更新后的Cybertruck页面上看到这些拍摄的视频,我并不会感到惊讶,当然,当特斯拉举办Cybertruck交付活动时,他们肯定希望准备一些漂亮的电影素材,这是我对目前情况的最佳猜测,这也是Cybertruck状态良好的另一个积极信号。另外有一个关于Cybertruck的谣言来自Bill Wright,他在过去有时提供过一些准确的信息,尽管他的准确率不是100%,但最近我记得他提到了一些魔力文档和特斯拉扩建超级充电网络的事情,所以在过去他提供的信息有时是准确的。不管怎样,这个周末他在X上表示员工版Cybertruck交付看起来即将发生,公司正在征询对早期交付双电机或者三电机版本感兴趣的人,这可能暗示特斯拉又将三电机配置作为旗舰型号,而不是马斯克曾经提到的四电机配置。当然时间因素非常有意思,但在这个阶段对此进行推测应该相对容易,希望这个消息是准确的,他们在之后的帖子中还表示交付时间为“几周”,我听说是九月下旬或者十月初,这看起来最符合情况。

all right next we've got some reporting on Tesla and India this has kind of been making the round so wanted to comment on it this stems from a report from car Vercel which says that one of their readers has sent them a few images of a Tesla Model Y in a Mahindra test facility in Pune. Mahindra does make electric vehicles themselves so the conclusion of this article which says that this is a sign that Tesla's launch in India with the Model Y is imminent seems pretty premature they say that quote this Tesla is in Mahindra's Pune testing facility as it offers optimal driving conditions for the Indian terrain and also has a wide range of testing fields to test various capabilities of car which makes it a first choice for car makers to test their cars in India before a full on-road camouflage testing and quote I suppose that's possible I don't know it seems a little bit outside of Tesla's normal style something that seems a little bit more likely to me would be Mahindra just bringing a Model Y there to benchmark test against and looking at these photos I don't know if it's just weird lighting or something but there seems to be some pretty significant dents in this vehicle could definitely happen with a test vehicle but I'm not taking this one random Model Y with a bunch of dents in it as any sign of anything happening imminently in India
好的,接下来我们有一些关于特斯拉和印度的报道,这个消息已经传遍了,所以我想评论一下。这源自于一个叫做car Vercel的报告,报告说他们的一位读者向他们发送了一些马哈拉斯特拉邦普纳的一家马恒达测试设施里特斯拉Model Y的照片。马恒达本身也生产电动车,所以这篇文章的结论认为,特斯拉即将在印度推出Model Y,似乎相当仓促。他们说:“这辆特斯拉在马恒达的普纳测试设施,因为它提供了适合印度地形的最佳驾驶条件,同时也提供了广泛的测试场地,以测试车辆的各种功能,这使得它成为汽车制造商在印度测试车辆的首选,然后进行全面的路外伪装测试。”我觉得这种可能性是存在的,但我不确定,这似乎有点违背特斯拉的正常风格。在我看来,更有可能的情况是马恒达只是带了一辆Model Y进行基准测试。看着这些照片,我不知道是不是奇怪的光线或其他原因,但这辆车上似乎有一些相当严重的凹痕。这种情况在测试车辆上可能发生,但对我来说,我对这辆有许多凹痕的随机Model Y并不认为这是印度即将发生的任何事情的迹象。

Next, then we've got some new comments from Malaysia's Prime Minister on the possibility of Tesla investing further in the country. Obviously, we know Tesla just launched there, but in an interview with CNBC, Malaysia's Prime Minister talked about some of the advantages that Tesla investing in Malaysia could bring, saying, "For example, if Tesla comes in and can benefit three or four local industries, to me it's as good as putting 30% equity. In fact, in terms of real advantage and returns to the economy, that is better." So maybe not the best comments for generating negotiating leverage with Tesla during some of these presumed conversations, but nice to see the recognition of the benefits that a Tesla investment could yield in other areas of industry. My read on the comment is that those benefits outweigh any sort of equity stake that Malaysia itself could have, whether that be from a joint venture ship or some other type of structure. The CNBC host then asked if Tesla would be building cars end to end in Malaysia. He said, "Well, it's a bit too premature for me to commit that they are doing it, but what is important is that we do have the capacity to produce parts of batteries which are required in the car." That comment, in isolation, kind of makes it sound like they wouldn't be building end-to-end vehicles, but other comments from the interview did mention that something like that could make sense for Tesla because they have those materials locally there in Malaysia. So we'll see what happens there, but as we know, at least some conversations about Tesla making further investments in Malaysia. All right, next up, we've got a new Tesla app update for iOS, which adds the capability to integrate apple shortcuts to allow Tesla to work with Siri for a number of different vehicle control functions, like opening the trunk, setting the temperature, preconditioning the vehicle. Pretty extensive list of controls that would normally run through the app can now be connected with Siri. So nice to see that. A couple interesting things outside of Tesla. First, on the UAW. Some new comments from UAW President Sean Fain saying, during negotiations which have now started off with a handshake with union members, rather than the traditional handshake with the automotive companies, that "There's no point in having a big pomp and ceremony where we act like we're all friends and we're working together when we're not. The membership comes first, that's our job." So we've highlighted this before, but obviously when your employees are making comments like that, not really a glowing indicator of cohesiveness within the organization, to say the least. Those comments, I think, are pretty telling regardless of what happens with negotiations, but it's going to get interesting here as those transpire. The deadline for their current contracts is September 14th, so I expect to continue to hear more about this over the next month. And we've also got an interesting update on Cruise. As we had talked about last week or maybe the week prior, Cruise and Waymo had been given permission to expand their operations in San Francisco, operate 24/7, charge for all rides. But shortly after that, a Cruise disruption has caused the city to immediately mandate that Cruise reduce its operations by 50% while the city evaluates some of the incidents and disruptions that have been caused so far. So a bit of a setback for Cruise, obviously, and potentially a setback for autonomy in general if these types of disruptions cause regulation to be more strict. All right, last couple of things then. Just a quick look at the calendar for this week. We talked about it last week, but we will have new comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell on Friday, worth monitoring. And then also this week, Nvidia is set to report earnings after market close on Wednesday. After last quarter, we know how impactful that was to the overall market. So this is gonna be one to watch. It'll probably again have a pretty big impact on the overall market. And then the last thing for today, just want to quickly note that yesterday, August 20th, was the sixth anniversary of the first episode of Tesla Daily being published. It's been a pretty crazy run here. So I just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the support over the years. Want to say thank you to my editor, Joss, and of course all the supporters on Patreon, on ShareLoft, the other projects I've been working on. It's really been an awesome experience. And again, just want to say thank you for all of the support over the years. It really has meant the world to me. So thank you. And that is where we'll leave it for today. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. Also find me on ExaTeslaPodcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Tuesday, August 22nd episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.