Tesla Appears to Save a Life, More Cybertrucks, Lamborghini Announces EV
发布时间 2023-08-19 00:55:45 来源
➤ Tesla automatic braking avoids disaster
➤ Even more Cybertrucks spotted
➤ Highland rumors
➤ Tesla seeks test drivers in Japan
➤ Judge rejects Solar Roof settlement
➤ Model S Plaid Nürburgring record falls
➤ Lamborghini introduces first EV: Lanzador
➤ Ford announces Mustang GTD
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Hey everybody Rob Maurer here, happy Friday. Today we are talking about a pretty incredible dash cam video of what appears to be a life-saving maneuver from a Tesla vehicle. We're going to take a look at that. We do also have updates on Cybertruck, Project Thailand as we tend to do most days now and a few other stories as well.
大家好,我是Rob Maurer。今天我们要谈论一段非常令人惊讶的车载摄像头视频,视频显示特斯拉车辆似乎进行了一次拯救生命的机动。我们将对此进行观察。我们还会更新Cybertruck和泰国项目的进展,就像我们现在大多数天一样,还有其他几个故事。
Alright, looking at the stock today, another challenging day, Tesla down 1.7% closing at $215.14, sorry, $49.00 while the NASDAQ down to 10% so another underperformance looks like a bit of a recovery in the after hours, not sure exactly if anything is driving that, but probably not anything to read into too much relatively low volume, of course after hours and on a Friday afternoon. So let's get into this video.
This was shared by user FireMedic on the Tesla Motors Club forum. This person was a first responder on the scene of an accident, so there was an accident that occurred here, but this accident was much less significant than it could have been. It could have really been a disaster, but Tesla's automatic emergency braking was able to reduce it very dramatically from what could have happened. So as the poster here says, the driver of the car in this accident will take a look at it in a second, said that she never saw this kid, the car braked on its own, pretty sure the kid is going to be fine after this, after this minor collision, which we won't watch the collision itself, but we'll just take a look at some frames. And this person would almost certainly be facing a different outcome if the car had not been able to do that. So most importantly, again, the driver never saw the kid, the car stopping on its own. So let's just take a quick look at this.
And this video was shared with the permission of the mother and the driver of this vehicle. Again, this was a video captured from the first responder. So here we can see the beginning of the video car driving down the road like normal, got it maybe three, two or three car lengths here. I think the speed limit on this road was in the 30 mile per hour range. So not a lot of time to react. And then kind of in the next frame, we can see where the trouble starts to arise.
Here may be a car and a half out, not a lot of space here. And again, traveling relatively quickly, most likely on this road. And that's where we can see the problems start to occur as they're crossing the mother's tries to stop little girl tries to continue. And unfortunately, this did end up in a collision, but a much less significant collision than it would have been had the car again not braked because the woman again said that she never saw this occurring until this happened. So I'm not going to show that you guys get the point of what happens. You know, it's not something that's so significant. It was just a bump and then the child fell over.
But here we can see the kid getting up afterwards, obviously a little bit distressed, but all as well, the ends well in that scenario. So looks like the girl, the girl is fine. And again, the point here is that this could have been so much worse, if not for the automatic urgency breaking from Tesla, which I wanted to highlight because so oftentimes we hear about things that don't go right, right? We hear about scenarios where autopilot failed or, you know, it's suggested that autopilot failed even. And there's an accident, something like that. And of course, that does happen.
But what we don't hear reported is occasions like this where things function really well and actually avoid accidents. You know, there could be 10 accidents that never occur and one that does. We're only going to hear about the one that does versus the ones that are avoided. In this case, because there was actually a minor collision, we do get a report on it because, you know, obviously they had to call people to the scene and things like that. But if this had been just a few inches different, you know, there would not have been any report of us knowing that this was a situation that was avoided.
So I want to highlight that on that point, just because, you know, we don't get a lot of attention to these things a lot of time. And then I also want to just point out that even if this had been another vehicle with automatic emergency braking, we know from the Euro NCAP safety testing that Tesla scores extremely well in safety assist features exactly like the scenarios are intended to be used for or the safety features will be intended to be used for scenarios exactly like this.
So I just wanted to again, bring that up the model last this year, last year received a score of 98% in the safety assist category, which is, you know, using that sort of technology to avoid situations like this completely. And I believe that was the best score that has ever been given for those safety assist features. So again, even if other vehicles that had automatic emergency braking were in that scenario, not necessarily any guarantee that they would have performed quite as well.
So again, just want to highlight that because it's something that we don't often get a lot of attention on, thanks to Firematic for sharing that video. All right. Next, we've got a couple updates on Cybertruck. So of course, we've seen the 15 or so that have been in transit. Jeff Roberts, drone video at Giga Texas has now seen a couple more supercharging at Giga Texas, some nice shots here. And in addition to these, there were also some shots of maybe three or four under wraps again in the parking lot after those other 15 vehicles had been dispersed. So the production rate, you know, at least seems to be a couple of a day, maybe even more than that really hard to gauge right now. But we're starting to get into some significant numbers and fun to see these get a little bit replenished after some distribution already. So we should be well above 20 Cybertruck that have now been produced and will continue to keep an eye out on those.
因此,我想再强调一下,因为这是我们很少受到关注的事情,感谢Firematic分享了那个视频。好了,接下来,我们对Cybertruck有一些更新。当然,我们已经看到了大约15辆Cybertruck在运输中。Jeff Roberts在Giga Texas的无人机视频中又看到了另外几辆在Giga Texas进行超级充电的车辆,这里有一些很好的镜头。除了这些之外,还有一些车辆在那15辆车散布后的停车场上,可能包裹着三到四辆。因此,生产速度至少每天几辆,甚至可能更多,现在很难评估。但这些数字开始变得相当可观,看到它们在一些分发之后得到了一些补充非常有趣。所以我们现在应该已经超过了20辆Cybertruck的生产,并会继续密切关注。
And then just a quick update on Cybertruck here as well. We've kind of seen these, but I'll share this video quickly from Petrolong ironically named on Instagram. They had a quick shot of the Cybertruck interior. Gives a little bit of a sense of, you know, how the interior feel is a little bit more than maybe we've seen before and the field of the dash. Again, just a cell phone, cell phone video. So not something to read into too much, but a nice little look there at kind of how that looks with a little bit more extension up front.
And then the last thing on the Cybertruck kind of a funny post here. Internet connection was froze. Uh oh. Hopefully everything's going okay. Just checking these comments here. Hopefully it's working again. Sorry if there was any interruption there. But also on the Cybertruck. I'm not sure if this was a serious poster, sort of a, you know, sarcastic post, but a police force in California shared an update on Facebook that they said while they were on patrol this morning, they spotted a few car haulers with some strange trucks traveling northbound on Interstate 5. Wonder what they are, where are they going? And of course these are the Cybertruck haulers. So again, not sure if that's a tongue in cheek post or if this was a serious post, but of course as these vehicles start hitting the road, there are going to be a lot of occasions like this with people wondering, you know, what exactly these trucks are and should just drive more awareness of, of Tesla in general and curiosity that can lead to, you know, obviously other sales of other vehicles and just awareness of the brand in general. So kind of fun to see that and hopefully a serious post, but can't be, can't be sure on that.
All right, everything's working fine. Great. Oh, sorry for the interruption on that, but here's the update on Highland. We were on Twitter saying that according to sources, the Tesla Shanghai plant has been producing the new Model 3 every day in phase one since August 14th and a new Model 3 production stress test will be conducted at the end of August. So again, we talked yesterday about how these rumors can be a little bit different. You're a little bit difficult to piece together because there are different stages of what this production process will look like if this upgrade is in fact happening. So it sounds like this would be relatively well aligned with what we'd previously heard. If they're only doing a stress test at the end of August, obviously that would suggest something in September or maybe even a little bit later than that for really getting those vehicles out to customers. And that kind of seems to be the case to you from another update on from we said that he was told by the marketing and sales staff that the new Model 3 is currently starting to be agreed upon and that it will be available in September or October at the right time, whatever that means. Maybe at the right time would be the start of Q4 kind of as we talked about yesterday. So we'll continue to keep an eye on those rumors, but kind of in line with what we'd heard previously.
好的,一切都运行正常。很好。哦,抱歉打断一下,但是这是有关海兰德的最新消息。我们在Twitter上说,根据消息来源,特斯拉上海工厂从8月14日起已经在第一阶段每天生产新的Model 3,并将在8月底进行新的Model 3生产压力测试。所以,我们昨天说过这些传闻可能会有点不同,因为如果这次升级真的发生了,生产过程的不同阶段会使得这些传闻比较难以拼凑在一起。所以听起来这应该与我们之前听到的比较符合。如果他们只是在8月底进行压力测试,显然这意味着9月或者甚至更晚才能将这些车辆真正交付给顾客。而根据另一份消息更新,我们得知销售人员告诉他,新的Model 3目前正在开始商讨,并且将在九月或十月推出,适合的时机,不论是什么意思。也许适合的时机可能是第四季度的开始,正如我们昨天所讨论的。所以我们会继续关注这些传闻,但与我们之前听到的相符。
All right, next up, we've got a quick update from Tesla Japan on Twitter X. They say that Tesla Japan is looking for test drivers to collect vehicle data. They're looking forward to applications from those who are interested in the latest technology and who like driving. So no word or no conclusive evidence here that this would be specifically for FSD, but you would have to kind of guess that that would be at least a part of the role that Tesla is looking for here with these test drivers. So it doesn't mean anything imminent. Obviously we know they've been testing in other countries for a long time, but still interesting to see that update from Tesla Japan nonetheless.
好了,接下来我们有一个来自Twitter X上的快速更新,来自特斯拉日本。他们表示特斯拉日本正在寻找测试驾驶员来收集车辆数据。他们期待对最新技术感兴趣并喜欢驾驶的人的申请。所以在这里没有具体说明或确凿证据表明这将专门用于FSD,但你可以猜测这至少是特斯拉在寻找测试驾驶员时所考虑的一部分。所以这并不意味着什么即将发生的事情。显然,我们知道他们在其他国家进行了很长时间的测试,但仍然有意思能看到特斯拉日本的更新。
Then we do have an update on a topic we had previously talked about. This was the Tesla settlement for the class action lawsuit against Tesla for the solar roof price changes that happened. I think last year, I can't remember the exact timing on that, but we talked maybe a few weeks ago about the settlement that was reached for $6 million with these plaintiffs. This has been reviewed by a higher courts judge and this judge is now asking for more information from the plaintiffs before this settlement is approved. So even though it's a settlement agreement, still needs to be approved and apparently has not been. So the rest of the article here is paywall, but the headline gives us the gist that this has been rejected. So well, I guess continue to keep an eye out for any more updates on that. Obviously not a huge dollar amount for Tesla, but still an interesting topic nonetheless.
And then we do have a few other topics today, not necessarily Tesla specific, but this one sort of borderline the Remach Navara. And I know that's pronounced differently if you're not in the US, but the Navara has just eclipsed the Tesla Model S plaid record for the fastest all EV lap time at the Nurburgring. So previously the Model S plaid had a time of seven minutes and 25 seconds. That was an electric record surpassing the Porsche Taycan. The Numera has blown that out of the water seven minutes and five seconds. Obviously this is a completely different class of car than the Model S plaid at more than 10 times the price. So it should obviously have a lot of room to perform better. So still an impressive time from Tesla with the plaid, but also a very impressive time there from Remach.
今天我们有几个其他话题,不一定与特斯拉有关,但其中一个有点类似于雷马奇纳瓦拉。我知道在美国之外的地方发音会有所不同,但纳瓦拉刚刚在纽博格林的全电动车圈速中超过了特斯拉Model S plaid的记录。之前,Model S plaid创下了七分二十五秒的时间,刷新了保时捷Taycan的电动记录。雷马奇纳瓦拉以七分五秒的成绩击败了这个纪录。显然,这是完全不同级别的车型,价格超过了Model S plaid的十倍以上。因此,在表现上它当然应该有更多的发挥空间。所以,特斯拉的plaid还是以一个令人印象深刻的成绩获得了好评,但雷马奇也取得了非常令人印象深刻的成绩。
All right, last couple of things just also relating to very expensive vehicles. Lamborghini has unveiled their first concept vehicle for, I guess the concept for their first electric vehicle, which will be the Lanza door. This doesn't actually start production until 2028. So plenty of time for this change, but looks like a pretty interesting and exciting vehicle from Lamborghini. This is going to have over a megawatt of peak power capacity or over 1340 horsepower. So pretty significant amount of power here with this vehicle. I think it looks pretty cool. I mean, if Tesla designed this, I think people would be pretty much all about it. It's got a little bit of a cyberpunk feel, I think, which we know Elon definitely likes a lot. So kind of interesting to see that. And I think it should be a vehicle that people get really excited about, you know, if they're at least in that Lamborghini segment, which is obviously quite niche, but interesting to see nonetheless and exciting to see an EV from them. And it does even have a front trunk. So probably a little bit more space than a typical Lamborghini would offer, probably not quite an SUV. Maybe they'll market it that as that not really sure, but quite a bit of space here relative to a normal Lamborghini.
好的,还有几个与非常昂贵的车辆有关的事项。兰博基尼推出了他们的第一款概念车,我猜这是他们第一款电动车的概念,名为Lanza Door。实际上,这款车要到2028年才开始生产。所以还有很多时间来进行这个改变,但看起来这是一辆相当有趣和令人兴奋的兰博基尼车。它将拥有超过一兆瓦的峰值功率或超过1340匹马力。所以这辆车的动力相当强大。我觉得它看起来很酷。我的意思是,如果特斯拉设计了这款车,我想人们肯定会很喜欢。它给我一种略带赛博朋克氛围的感觉,我们都知道埃隆对此的喜爱。所以看到这点挺有趣的。我认为这应该是一款让人们非常兴奋的车,至少对那些关注兰博基尼的人来说是这样,显然这个市场相当小众,但还是很有趣看到他们推出一款电动车。而且它甚至还有一个前置行李箱。相比普通的兰博基尼,可能提供了更多空间,可能并不完全像SUV那样。也许他们会将其作为一个卖点来宣传,我不太确定。但相对于普通兰博基尼来说,这里的空间还是很大的。
And then that Ford update that we talked about didn't end up being a Mach-E Mustang Mach-E update, just a Mustang update in general. That was the announcement of the Ford Mustang GTD. So this is a street legal version of the GT3, I want to say. This is going to cost $300,000. So not really much for us to talk about here. It's an ice vehicle. Nothing again relating to EVs for that announcement. So move on from that one.
然后我们谈到的那个关于福特的更新最终并不是关于 Mach-E Mustang Mach-E 的更新,而是关于整个Mustang系列的更新。这就是福特Mustang GTD的宣布。所以我想说,这是一个合法上路的GT3版本。这辆车的价格将达到30万美元。所以在这方面我们没有太多可以讨论的。它是一辆燃油车,与电动车无关。所以继续看下一项吧。
And then just a quick look at the calendar for next week. We do have Fed Chair Powell speaking on Friday. I believe, yeah, that's in the morning, a little bit after market open, of course. So we'll keep an eye on that. Otherwise we do have a number of economic reports next week, nothing like CPI or PPI, but that'll be interesting on Friday.
All right, that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you on Monday for the August 21st episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.