Tesla Just Released New Model S/X Trim + China Updates
发布时间 2023-08-15 03:07:12 来源
➤ Tesla releases standard range Model S and Model X
➤ Tesla cuts prices on some vehicles in China
➤ July China production
➤ Cybertruck sightings
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob now we're here welcome back to Tesla Daily today we are talking about a really recent update on the Model S and Model X This just came out right before this episode And then we do have some updates on China some of those a little bit older as we did miss the Friday episode But I want to talk about a couple of those items We'll keep things pretty brief because as you can probably tell already my voice is not fully with me today So apologize if I can't make it through but we'll do my best and thanks for your patience on that
大家好,我是Rob,欢迎回到《特斯拉日报》。今天我们要谈谈关于Model S和Model X的最新更新。这是在本期节目之前刚刚发布的。此外,我们还有一些关于中国的更新,其中一些是较旧的,因为我们错过了上周五的节目。但是我想谈谈其中一些项目。我们的时间会很短,因为你们可能已经注意到了,我的声音今天不太好。对此表示歉意,如果我无法坚持下去,请谅解,我会尽力的,谢谢你们的耐心等待。
All right, so looking at the stock Tesla today not the best start to the week down 1.2% closing at $239.76 while the NASDAQ was up 1% on the day today So definitely an underperformance from Tesla and kind of a rough run here since the Q2 earnings report But that has kind of continued we'll see if anything changes tomorrow as we do have a pretty significant update here to model S and Model X with Tesla introducing the standard range Version for both vehicles
好的,所以今天观察特斯拉的股票,本周的开局不太理想,下挫1.2%,收盘价为239.76美元,而纳斯达克指数今天上涨了1%。所以特斯拉明显表现不佳,这段时间以来一直有些困难,自从第二季度的财报以来。但这种情况似乎还在继续,我们将看到明天是否会有任何变化,因为特斯拉引入了Model S和Model X的标准续航版本,这是一项相当重要的更新。
The pricing in the US is starting at $78,490 for the Model S and $88,490 for the Model X so both of these are $10,000 cheaper than the previous opening prices for the you know for these vehicles The Model S has a 320 mile range estimate the Model X at 269 miles these are with the base wheels so if you are in the design studio and you do change the wheels obviously the range is going to Decline as we see on the other trims as well that drops down to 298 miles forward the Model S
美国的价格从Model S的78,490美元开始,Model X为88,490美元,因此这两款车型比之前的起价便宜1万美元。Model S的续航里程估计为320英里,Model X为269英里,这是基础车轮配置下的数据。如果您在设计工作室中更换车轮,显然续航里程将会下降,就像其他款式一样。对于Model S而言,续航里程会降至298英里。
With the upgraded wheels and I think 255 for the Model X So obviously lower-range vehicles in terms of the acceleration top speed those things are a little bit lower as well What's interesting here is that the weight for both of these vehicles is the same as the current You know the prior opening price point versions So the plaid is a little bit heavier as we can see weight drops down there so 477 4,776 pounds on the plaid Model S versus the normal Model S at 4,560 That weight is maintained as we shift over to the standard range
通过升级后的车轮以及Model X上的255型号,显然加速和最高速度较低的车辆也受到影响。有趣的是,这两款车的重量与当前版本相同,也就是说,标准价格版本的重量相同。可以看到,Plaid的重量稍微重一些,4776磅,与普通的Model S相比为4560磅。在切换到标准型号时,重量保持不变。
So unless something is wrong here, and this is the same for the Model X as well Then it would appear that these would be sort of the same vehicles with only software updates potentially limiting acceleration and Range we've seen Tesla do this in the past. It's been a while since they have employed this strategy But based on these weights that does kind of seem to be the case right now
除非这里有什么问题,而且Model X也是一样的,那么这些看起来应该是同样的车辆,只有软件更新可能会限制加速和续航力,我们在过去看到特斯拉做过类似的事情。他们已经有一段时间没有采用这种策略了,但根据这些权重,现在似乎是这种情况。
Obviously this allows Tesla to move a little bit further down the price band while still Hopefully having some people opt up into these higher priced versions that really want that additional range or better performance and things like that Which could help the margins, you know be a little bit higher than just outright lowering the prices Completely so we'll see Tesla will probably you know see what the take rate is see what the order rate is and use that to make pricing decisions going forward
I would imagine that this is not you know a long term You know a very long-term strategy for Tesla to do that software locking Maybe over time they would actually reduce the battery capacity which would save weight obviously save costs as well But for right now it does appear that this would be a software limited vehicle Obviously, we don't necessarily have any confirmation of that but an interesting strategy
So this will obviously hurt the margin on the S and the X But hopefully allow Tesla to keep costs per vehicle down by allowing them to sell, you know their entire production run Which I think is probably what Tesla is trying to do with these updates It's also kind of interesting for the Model X We're not too far out now from this being able to qualify for the $7,500 tax credit The cap for SUVs is $80,000. So the standard range X right now at $88,490 It's still a ways off but moving in that direction and you know conceivably Tesla could get that down there But obviously they would probably want that to not be a software locked vehicle that they're trying to sell for $100,000 But more of a lower range lower battery type of vehicle So we'll see obviously it's not the best sign for S and X demand But I think we've talked on a number of different occasions now about you know how there's been a couple of signs of weakness there So I'm not too surprised by this other than you know the implementation Possibly including that software lock. Obviously that does allow Tesla different capabilities over time They can resell that vehicle down the road as you know a full range vehicle If it were to be traded back into Tesla they could also offer capabilities for unlocking the additional range additional acceleration Like we have seen them do on these software locked vehicles before so We'll keep an eye out for that and see if there are any other updates on that But that's kind of what we know at this moment
所以这显然会影响S和X的利润率,但希望能够让特斯拉通过出售整个生产批次来降低每辆车的成本,这可能是特斯拉试图通过这些更新来实现的目标。对于Model X来说,这也是有点有趣的,离它能够符合7500美元的税收抵免标准已经不远了。SUV的上限是8万美元。所以,目前标准版的X售价为88490美元。虽然还有一段距离,但朝着这个方向发展,可以想象特斯拉可能会降到那个水平。但显然,他们可能不希望这是一辆只卖1万美元的被软件锁定的车。而是一种更低续航里程,更低电池容量的车型。所以我们会看到,这显然不是S和X的需求最好的迹象。但我们已经在许多不同场合谈到过,关于那里有一些迹象显示出了不足。所以对于这一点我并不感到太惊讶,除了对于那个软件锁定的实现方式。显然,这让特斯拉可以随着时间的推移,拥有不同的能力,他们可以将该车重新销售为一个完整续航车型。如果它被退给特斯拉,他们也可以提供解锁额外续航里程和额外加速的功能,就像我们之前看到他们在这些软件锁定的汽车上所做的那样。所以我们将继续关注这个问题,看看是否有任何其他更新。但目前我们所知道的就是这样。
All right moving on to a few updates out of China We do have lower prices for the Model Y and a little bit for the Model 3 We'll start with the Model Y though prices have been reduced to 300,000 and 350,000 RMB These are 14,000 RMB reductions are about 1900 US dollars for just the long range and performance Model Y's in China so decent price cuts But because this is not on the standard range version obviously the standard range version is going to be the high volume vehicle So what this could do is aside from just the price cuts on you know these more expensive vehicles It could shift the mix a little bit more towards those more expensive presumably higher margin vehicles Which could mitigate maybe not completely But mitigate the effect of that price reduction as then more people are opting for these higher price vehicles That maybe otherwise would have picked a standard range when that price gap is wider So that's something that Tesla is just gonna again similar to what we talked about with the SNX They're just gonna have to see how orders come in But that would be something that well again offset a little bit of the price cut that we're seeing on the model on the Model Y
好的,接下来是一些中国的更新。我们对Model Y的价格有所降低,Model 3也有一点降价。我们先从Model Y开始,价格已经降低到了30万元和35万元人民币。这些是对长续航和高性能Model Y的价格降低了14,000元人民币,约合1900美元,所以价格有所下调。但由于这不适用于标准续航版本,很明显标准续航版本将是高销量的车型。所以除了对这些更昂贵的车型进行价格调整之外,这可能会更多地转向那些价格更高、利润较高的车型,这可以在一定程度上缓解降价的影响。因为更多的人在价格差距较大时会选择这些更高价的车型,而不是标准续航版本。所以这是特斯拉需要观察订单情况的事情。但这将在一定程度上弥补我们在Model Y上看到的降价。
Higher-end trims now for the Model 3 they're introducing an 8,000 RMB or about 1100 US dollar Insurance subsidy so we've seen this before it's in partnership with third-party insurers not with Tesla insurance, but if if buyers opt in for insurance with one of those third-party insurers They are eligible for an 8,000 RMB discount The interesting thing about this is that it runs through the end of the quarter through September 30th Obviously right now. There's a lot of focus and rumors and attention on whether or not Tesla is updating the Model 3 and Obviously with Project Thailand all of those rumors Obviously as we talked about before there should be You know we should get a little bit more answers on whether or not those rumors are Sort of confirmed this week a lot of those centered in this sort of second third week of August So we'll keep an eye out there. We'll keep an eye out very closely for updates on that But this subsidy going through the end of the quarter I think makes it a little bit less likely that we start to see Tesla selling a highland or an updated Model 3 Before that period of time because it would be a little bit weird for them to have this new vehicle and immediately introduce it with Sort of a discount or a perk or something like that so Kind of makes me think that if we do see that that it would be a little bit later But again, we'll keep an eye on things throughout this week.
特斯拉现在为Model 3推出了更高档次的车型,他们提供了8000元人民币(约合1100美元)的保险补贴。这不是与特斯拉保险合作的,而是与第三方保险公司合作。如果购买者选择与其中一家第三方保险公司购买保险,他们有资格享受8000元人民币的折扣。有趣的是,这个优惠持续到本季度结束,即9月30日。显然,目前有很多关于特斯拉是否更新Model 3的关注、传言和注意力。正如我们之前讨论过的,通过泰国项目,这些传言应该能得到更多的答案。这些传言大多集中在8月的第二、第三周,因此我们将密切关注这方面的最新动态。但是,这个优惠持续到本季度结束,我认为这使得我们在这段时间之前看到特斯拉销售一台高配或者更新款式的Model 3的可能性稍微降低了,因为这样的话他们刚推出新车就立即提供折扣或其他优惠可能有些奇怪。这让我想,如果我们确实看到了这种情况,可能会再晚一些。无论如何,我们将在本周密切关注相关情况。
I Did also want to talk briefly about production so I tweeted this on Friday But as we can see production for Tesla out of gigashang high in July was just over 80,000 vehicles so pretty much flat month over month, but it was the second best month ever for model Y production and That was about 57,600 up about 5,000 vehicles from the prior month And then the drop coming from the model 3 of about 5,000 vehicles to even that out So a little bit lower model 3 production not anything indicative of some huge complete refresh or anything like that But maybe some you know things that are in in preparation Causing that model 3 number to be a little bit lower for July.
我还想简要谈一下生产,所以我在星期五发了推文。但是,我们可以看到,特斯拉在7月份的产量只有80,000辆左右,基本上与上个月持平,但这是Model Y生产史上第二好的月份,大约为57,600辆,比上个月增加了约5,000辆。然后,Model 3的减产约为5,000辆,以平衡产量。所以,Model 3的生产略有下降,并不意味着有什么巨大的、完全的刷新之类的事情,但可能是一些准备工作导致7月份的Model 3产量稍低。
So Again, we didn't expect there to be you know some all-out pause just based on what we've seen at the factory But it is interesting to see that drop a little bit. It's about 11% below the year-to-date average The other thing interesting here is that obviously with the wholesale sales number that we had previously had 64,000 wholesale sales the production of 80,000 significantly higher so Tesla did grow their inventory by 16,000 vehicles in The first month as we can see that's not out of line with where things have come in historically It's not not unusual by any means But I'm glad to see that the production number was still so high with the wholesale sales number being a little bit lower There will probably be a month now in the future where we see that flip Where that inventory gets drawn down? Usually that's been in the last month of the quarter I guess occasionally is probably better way to say that but Occasionally we see that happen in the last month the quarter where that inventory gets drawn down that definitely happened in in June So interesting with the production number there, and I'm glad to see that it was still quite high and then the last couple of things Joe Tagmire spotted a number of cyber trucks We continue to see more and more of these obviously the sightings continue But at Gigatexis looks like pretty obviously here nine different cyber trucks sitting in the parking lot undercovers So good to see these starting to multiply and then just kind of a fun one to end on looks like this dropped out here, but getting into the TikTok video we can see that there is a Cybertruck here on a trailer and it is being pulled by a Tesla semi Which is I think a site that many of us have hoped to see since 2019 when we kind of originally saw both of these vehicles So a lot of fun to see that and hopefully something that we see a lot more of in the future But that'll wrap it up for today.
所以,再次说,我们并没有预料到会有什么全面停工的情况,这仅仅是基于我们在工厂看到的情况。但有意思的是,销量下降了一些,大约比年初平均水平低11%。另一个有趣的地方是,根据我们之前的批发销售数据显示,我们有64,000辆批发销售,而生产量为80,000辆,显然生产量高得多,所以特斯拉的库存增加了16,000辆车在第一个月中。从历史数据来看,这并不是什么特殊情况,不算不寻常。但我很高兴看到批发销售数据稍微下降,而生产量仍然如此之高。也许在未来的某个月份,我们会看到这种情况发生逆转,库存得到消化,通常是在季度的最后一个月,或者偶尔会在季度的最后一个月份发生。这在六月确实发生过。所以有关生产数量方面的数据很有趣,我很高兴看到它仍然相当高。然后,最后几件事,Joe Tagmire见到了一些塞博特卡车,我们继续看到越来越多,显然目击事件还在继续。但在Gigatexis,显然有9辆不同的塞博特卡车被隐藏在停车场中。看到这些开始增多很好。然后,结束时还有一个有趣的事情,似乎有一辆塞博特卡车停在这里。它被一辆特斯拉半挂车牵引着,这是自2019年我们最初看到这两款车以来许多人希望看到的场景。看到这种情况很有趣,希望将来能看到更多类似的场景。这就是今天的内容。
So as always thank you for listening Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications You can also find me on the X or Twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see tomorrow for the Tuesday August 15th episode of Tesla daily Thank you.
感谢您一如既往地倾听,请确保您已经订阅并开启通知功能。您还可以在X或Twitter上找到我,我的用户名是Tesla podcast。明天我们还会见面,为您带来8月15日星期二的特斯拉日报节目。谢谢。