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New Tesla Hire, Crazy Escalade EV, Highland, Energy Updates

发布时间 2023-08-10 00:52:33    来源


➤ Tesla hires new lead for Giga Nevada expansion ➤ More insight on EnergyHub partnership ➤ New Highland rumors ➤ Cybertruck update ➤ S&P drops ESG from credit ratings ➤ New Tesla merchandise ➤ Tesla promotional efforts ➤ GM discusses EV problems ➤ GM unveils Cadillac Escalade IQ 0:00 Intro / TSLA 0:24 VPP update 2:37 New Tesla hire 3:58 Highland rumors 5:55 FSD data collection 6:41 Cybertruck 7:22 ESG 9:11 New merch 9:33 Tesla promotion 10:05 GM's EV difficulty 11:25 Cadillac Escalade IQ 14:05 California autonomy Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Maurer here and today we don't have a ton of Tesla news, we have a new hire running Gig and Nevada, we'll talk about that. We also have some rumors on Project Highland and a couple of interesting updates from GM including the new Cadillac Escalade IQ.
大家好,我是罗布·莫尔,今天我们没有太多的特斯拉新闻。我们有一个新员工负责Gig和内华达地区的工作,我们将会谈谈这个。我们还有一些关于高地计划的传闻,以及通用汽车的一些有趣新动态,包括新的凯迪拉克Escalade IQ。

Looking at the stock, not a great day for Tesla today, down 3% closing at $242.19. Well the Nasdaq was also rough, down 1.2%. Alright so we'll get right into the Tesla news, we're going to start off with a story from yesterday, a little bit of an update on it. This was the Energy Hub VPP Virtual Power Plant program that Tesla has partnered with in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and for getting him a third state.

But the accountants on Twitter slash X getting a little bit more detail on this, we talked yesterday about not being sure about Tesla's split in this whole setup. And it sounds like they are going to be getting 20% with Tesla here saying that Tesla will pay the owner of the Powerwall 80% of the compensation earned by their participation in this Virtual Power Plant program. So interesting, that's actually a pretty good margin for Tesla, I mean it's 20% of the revenue being generated but for Tesla the costs of that are most likely negligible.

So it should be really really high margin revenue. If we look at the terms of this program, this was allowing owners to earn up to $1,500 per year, it was capped at that. So depending on how that cap works with Tesla's cut, that either means that Tesla is maxing out at $300 per year or $375 per year depending on the 1500s before Tesla's cut or after. So actually a pretty decent annual potential revenue for Tesla there.

If you think about 100,000 Powerwalls, I mean obviously this isn't what Tesla would have deployed in those specific markets. But if a program like this were to kind of roll out more broadly using this as sort of an economic basis for what we could see in the future, just as some context 100,000 Powerwalls under this type of a structure could generate $30 million per year maximum if all those Powerwalls were kind of hitting that peak.

Now obviously that's unknown, there could be any number below that peak threshold but still interesting to kind of see some of the economics behind that. And again, most of that revenue should be pretty high, easy recurring revenue for Tesla. So it's going to be difficult to kind of suss those things out from the financials but over time hopefully we get more of an impact from that and more a little bit more visibility into those types of things as well.

So thanks to the accountant for sharing some details on that. I believe just found from Tesla's site. All right, next we've got an update from Electric. So this is discovered by Electric today I believe first they've learned that Tesla has hired an executive named Michael Hildebrand for the head of Gigafactory Nevada expansion engineering and construction.
首先感谢会计师分享的一些细节。我相信这是从特斯拉的网站上找到的。好的,接下来我们从Electric得到了一个更新。根据Electric今天的报道,我们了解到特斯拉已经聘请了一位名叫Michael Hildebrand的高级职员担任Gigafactory内华达扩建工程和建筑的负责人。

Of course Tesla made these announcements in part in tandem with the Tesla Semi and also they're going to be adding 4680 significant 4680 production at Kaganavatta as well. So we don't seem to have seen that construction work start yet but it seems like Hildebrand will be taking that on. He's got pretty extensive background in this type of project management.

Most recently at Eli Lilly for I believe 18 years if we look at his LinkedIn almost 19 years as the executive director of projects for the last year and a half prior to that director of projects prior to that parent tarot projects advisor. So again, a lengthy history of managing large scale projects as electric notes they let a $2 billion plus capital project previously.
最近在Eli Lilly工作,我相信他在该公司已经工作了18年,如果我们查看他的LinkedIn,几乎达到19年,其中一年半担任项目执行总监,之前担任项目总监,再之前是项目顾问。因此,他在管理大规模项目方面有着悠久的历史,正如他在电子记录中提到,之前还领导了一个超过20亿美元的资本项目。

So good to see that kind of experience stepping in here. Obviously Tesla can use any talent that they can get their hands on and it seems like he's got a pretty robust experience here. So exciting to see that and we'll keep an eye out for more updates on that Kaganavatta expansion project.

All right, next we've got a couple of rumors on projects, Highland. So you know, obviously we'll see what have these come to be. Some of them don't, maybe not all of them will come to fruition, but a couple of posts on X today with potentially some, you know, shots of what the new dashboard could be. This one can't really see a whole lot, but then the same user shared another one, which seems to have what appears to be or what is purported to be a new dash next to the current model three dash. So it's, you know, a little bit tough to figure out exactly what would be different from this, but most strikingly it would just be kind of the construction of this, you know, sort of more forward facing part of the dash. Seems to be in one piece or one set of housing compared to previously a couple of pieces. So and then obviously, you know, potentially different connection points here and things like that. So largely similar, but a couple of differences.
好的,接下来我们有几个关于Highland项目的传言。显然,我们会看看这些传言到底成真了没有。其中一些可能不会实现,但今天在X上有几篇帖子,可能有一些新仪表板的照片。这个看不出太多,但同一用户还分享了另一张照片,其中似乎有一个被认为是新的仪表板与现有的Model 3仪表板相邻。因此,很难确定这与以前有什么不同,但最引人注目的就是这一部分仪表板的构造,它似乎是一个整体或一个座的形式,而不是以前的几个部分。因此,显然可能有不同的连接点等。总体上相似,但有一些差异。

If we look at the current model three dash, you can see this would essentially be this part back here and back would be what we'd be looking at here. And then this new dash would seem to kind of connect these two parts into one, which could, you know, make things a little bit more simple for assembly type of purposes. And then comparing it to the model S because we have heard some rumors that, you know, the model three update might bring things in a little bit more alignment with a model S type of interior. This would be quite a bit different still. You can see the dash has the, you know, riser for the second screen, which if this is accurate, this does not appear to have in any way. So seems to be more in alignment with this sort of a look than what we see on the model S. So again, we'll see what, you know, it comes to be of that. And then from Tesla channel on Twitter, apparently Tesla's model three highland new wheel, no way of validating this, but I think it's a nice looking wheel if this is indeed what we do end up seeing.
如果我们看一下当前的Model 3仪表板,你可以看到这基本上是这个部分的后面,后面就是我们要看的部分。然后这个新的仪表板似乎把这两个部分连接成了一个,这可能会使组装变得更加简单。然后与Model S相比,因为我们听说了一些传言,说Model 3的更新可能会使内饰与Model S更加一致。但这仍然有很大的不同。你可以看到仪表板有第二个屏幕的抬升装置,如果这是准确的,这个新款似乎没有出现这种装置。所以它似乎更符合这种风格而不是我们在Model S上看到的。所以我们再看看会发生什么吧。然后根据Twitter上的特斯拉频道,显然特斯拉的Model 3可能会有新的方向盘,没有办法验证这一点,但如果我们确实看到这样的方向盘,那就挺好看的。

All right, a couple more things on China. So Tesla Shanghai on X again, saying that Tesla has done their most recent software update in China. And as a part of that, they are now allowing users to opt in for data collection for autopilot improvements. So I'm actually kind of surprised that Tesla wasn't doing this already, but it does seem like they're, you know, now starting to collect this data. And hopefully then that could mean that things would be advancing in terms of their FSD capability and sort of rollout in China. But it is worth noting that Tesla has done this previously in Europe. And you know, obviously we don't have FSD in Europe yet. So it's not necessarily a sign that anything is necessarily imminent in China, you know, very soon.

All right, next we've got an update on the cyber truck. Just a quick quick video here of the cyber truck and a trailer. I don't remember the Instagram handle that this came from, but as he Robbins and junior posting this on Twitter, it looks like keynote's garage. So you can kind of see a little bit into the suspension. We don't get a whole lot here, but interesting to kind of see under there, maybe some other people can gain a little bit more insight from that. The rest is probably stuff that we have seen before, folded in mirrors, but just kind of gives a new perspective on the cyber truck that we haven't seen, especially, you know, kind of up there by the wheels. So like to pass those along, but you know, we're consistently getting a cyber truck updates every day now, which is, which is nice.
好的,接下来我们要给大家带来Cyber Truck的最新消息。这是一个快速的视频,展示了Cyber Truck和一辆拖车。我不记得这个视频来自哪个Instagram账号,但是He Robbins和Junior在Twitter上发了这个视频,看起来像是keynote's garage。所以你可以从这个视频中稍微看到一些悬挂系统的细节。虽然我们在这里没有看到太多信息,但是从中我们可以获得一些有趣的见解。其他方面可能还有些我们之前已经看到过的东西,比如可折叠的后视镜,但是这个视频给我们带来了一个新的角度,特别是在车轮附近。所以我想把这些信息与大家分享,我们现在每天都能得到关于Cyber Truck的更新,这真是太棒了。

All right, next we've got sort of related to Tesla, sort of not, but just kind of an interesting update from S&P Global. They've decided to drop their ESG score or their ESG scale from their credit ratings. This is something that had previously negatively impacted Tesla. And Tesla was actually, although not necessarily directly related to the credit scores here. Tesla was dropped from the S&P ESG, S&P 500 ESG index. Now it's not as big of a deal as the S&P 500 in total. The assets under management is, you know, eight billion versus 15 trillion. So it's, it's pretty minuscule and not super meaningful for any waiting or benchmarking or things like that. But Tesla was dropped from that. They ended up returning recently, I think within the last month, but interesting to see S&P kind of, you know, steer away from these ESG ratings, at least within their credit scores. Now Elon's talked a lot about this, saying that they're kind of a joke and honestly they kind of have been, as we have seen from Tesla scores, you know, with Exxon on occasion, companies like Chevron having higher ESG scores than Tesla, which doesn't really seem to capture the intent of them, which I think, you know, whether they were well intended at the beginning or under a guise of well intentioned that suffered a bait. But I think the purported idea of it kind of makes sense, you know, ESG in general, but the execution of it just has really not, I don't think it has accomplished what's, you know, it's set out to accomplish. So I'm happy that they are making adjustments here. I wish that there were a way that this could be done in the way that it's supported, you know, supposed to be intended to be. But in the absence of that, it's probably better to not have it influencing things like that. So that's an interesting topic maybe for another day.
好的,接下来我们有一条关于特斯拉的消息,这也与特斯拉有关,但也有点不相关,不过是一个有趣的更新来自标普全球公司。他们决定将环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)评分从信用评级中删除。这是之前对特斯拉产生负面影响的事情。尽管与信用评级没有直接关联,但特斯拉确实被从标普500 ESG指数中删除了。相比整个标普500指数来说,这并不是多大的问题,资产管理规模只有80亿美元,而标普500指数的规模为15万亿美元。所以对于任何权重或基准制定等方面来说,这都相当微小且不具有太大意义。特斯拉最终重新进入该指数,我认为是在最近一个月内。但是看到标普在信用评级方面远离这些ESG评级,这还是挺有意思的。埃隆也经常谈论这个问题,说它们有点可笑,而且观察特斯拉的得分,可以看出这些评级有点可笑。例如,埃克森公司等公司的ESG得分比特斯拉高,这似乎并没有捕捉到评级的本意,我认为无论是否最初出于良好的意图,这些评级都遭受了误导。但我认为其意图是有道理的,短期内执行的结果确实并没有达到它的初衷。所以我很高兴他们正在做出调整。我希望能找到一种既符合初衷又得到支持的方式来执行该评分体系,但在没有这种方式的情况下,最好还是不要让它影响到这些事情。这可能是另一个有趣的话题,也许可以在另一天讨论。

All right, we do have a couple of Tesla updates, promotional updates here. So we've got some new merchandise from Tesla, the cyber bear trucker hat, which I think looks really cool. It's the, you know, California engineering HQ commemoration is what they say here, which obviously this would be the, I don't know if it's like the California flag or just sort of state logo, but representing that as well as, you know, cyberized and Tesla style. And then Tesla has also started to post some more short type of videos on YouTube here. I'm sure they're, well, I'm not sure, but I would guess that they're posting these on other socials as well, like Tiktok or Instagram, but just kind of doing a couple of videos on, you know, some of the factory, the robots that they've got in the factory, then we could see the screen tilt that Model S and Model X have a couple demo videos of those. So just, you know, more promotional activity for Tesla, even though it may not necessarily count as advertising, we do see Tesla continuing to, I think, heighten their efforts in those areas.
好的,我们有一些特斯拉的新更新,这里是一些促销更新。所以我们有一些新的特斯拉商品,比如这个cyber bear卡车司机帽子,我觉得看起来非常酷。在这里他们说,这是对加利福尼亚工程总部的纪念,显然这是加利福尼亚的旗帜,或者只是代表加州的标志,代表着特斯拉风格和网络化。此外,特斯拉还开始在YouTube上发布一些更短的视频。我不确定他们是否也会在其他社交平台上发布,比如Tiktok或Instagram,但他们会做一些关于工厂和工厂里的机器人的视频,还会展示Model S和Model X的屏幕倾斜功能,以及一些演示视频。所以,尽管这可能不算作广告,但我们确实看到特斯拉在这些方面不断加大努力推广。

And then the last couple of things from GM. So first we have an update from their CFO from the JP Morgan investor conference said that the, they're having production issues with the Cadillac Lyric. So far they have, you know, in July, they only built 1000 lyrics. And so far this year they've only delivered 2400, which compared to their targets from early 2022, they had said that they had expected to build, you know, 25,000, I believe last year. So obviously for them to only then deliver 2400 in the first six months this year, suggest that they are significantly behind their CFO attributing this to issues with assembling battery modules, which obviously would be the new Altium platform for GM. So not surprising. This is, I wouldn't necessarily like easily anticipated, but I guess easily anticipated that there would be some sort of issues with these types of ramps, especially with the complexity that I think GM has taken on both with the Altium pack and, you know, the, the versatility that they've tried to design into that, I think is adding complexity, which we talked about when they first announced it. And then just ramping up their, you know, sort of own battery production and things like that. So not surprising to see them having issues, but they are continuing to have pretty significant issues on this.
然后是来自通用汽车的最后几件事情。首先,他们的首席财务官在JP Morgan投资者大会上更新了消息,称他们在凯迪拉克Lyric的生产方面遇到了问题。到目前为止,他们在7月份只建造了1000辆Lyrics。而今年到目前为止,他们只交付了2400辆车,与他们早在2022年初的目标相比,他们去年曾表示他们希望能造出25000辆。所以很明显,今年上半年只交付了2400辆,说明他们严重滞后。首席财务官将其归因于组装电池模块的问题,这显然将是通用汽车新的Altium平台。这并不令人惊讶,我不会轻易预料到,但我猜容易预料到在这些类型的升级中会有一些问题,尤其是在我认为通用汽车在Altium包和他们试图设计出的多功能性方面承担了复杂性的情况下,我在他们首次宣布时就谈到了这一点。此外,他们还在逐步提高自己的电池生产等方面。看到他们遇到问题并不令人意外,但他们在这个问题上仍然存在相当大的困难。

Nevertheless, they have announced the Cadillac Escalade IQ, which is a kind of a crazy beast of a vehicle here. I think, you know, the Escalade is, it serves serves a certain purpose. It's a big vehicle, kind of flashy. And I think that this sort of lives true to that. It's going to have a 450 mile range, at least, I don't know if it's going to be a sole configuration or if this would be one of them, but that's what they've announced today is a 450 mile range that is going to be coming from a 200 kilowatt hour pack. So a huge, huge pack here. I'm not sure how that can't remember at the top of my head what the Hummer pack is, but somewhat similar in size to that. And then they say it's going to have the capability of charging up to 100 miles of range in 10 minutes. So just doing the math on that with the battery pack size that we know there, that's roughly 44.44 kilowatt hours for doing that in 10 minutes. That's an average of about 266 kilowatts over that 10 minute time. So that would roughly be the rate of V3 superchargers, but doing it for that whole 10 minute period and then presumably they kind of have to taper it off a little bit and charging this whole 200 kilowatt hours would probably take quite a bit of time. So again, kind of a beast of a vehicle, beast of a pack there, they do say that this is going to be have up to 750 horsepower and the zero to 60 time on some trims with some options selected would be less than five seconds. And then just kind of a quick look at the vehicle and the exterior, kind of see some of this here. Let that play for a couple seconds. And then the interior is pretty interesting. They do have sort of the wraparound dash screen. So this is 55 inches. I don't personally think that there's a whole lot of benefit for this on the passenger side, I guess maybe you can control the media or things like that. But I feel like most of the time this would probably just end up being annoying more than anything else for the passenger, but you know, certainly looks expensive, I guess. So I think that's part of the appeal of the Escalade in the first place. So interesting. Overall, and I don't know if I've gotten any shots at the front here, but the front trunk is also pretty massive, pretty impressive. I'm sure we can find it. There we go. So massive, massive front trunk. I don't know how it compares volumetrically to something like the F-150 Lightning front trunk, but obviously, you know, significant capability there from, you know, loading capability there for the Escalade.
尽管如此,他们已经宣布了凯迪拉克Escalade IQ,这是一种疯狂的庞然大物。我认为,你知道,Escalade有着特定的用途。它是一辆很大、华丽的车辆。我认为这款车与此相符。它将拥有至少450英里的续航里程,我不知道它是否是唯一的配置,但他们今天宣布的是一块200千瓦时的电池组可以提供450英里的续航里程。所以这是一块巨大的电池组。我不记得哈莫电池组的规格,但它与哈莫的规格相似。然后他们说,它将具备在10分钟内充电100英里的能力。所以根据我们所知的电池组的规格,那大约是44.44千瓦时,在10分钟内充电。平均而言,这10分钟的功率大约是266千瓦。这大致相当于V3超级充电器的充电速度,但是要在整个10分钟的时间内进行充电,然后他们可能需要逐渐减少充电速度,充满这整块200千瓦时的电池可能需要相当长的时间。再来看一下车辆外观,可以在这里看到一些。再播放几秒钟。然后内饰非常有趣。他们采用了环绕式仪表盘屏幕。它的尺寸是55英寸。我个人认为,对于乘客来说,这一点可能没有太多的好处,我想可能可以控制媒体或其他功能。但我觉得大部分时间里,这可能只会让乘客感到烦恼,而不是其他。但是,毫无疑问,它看起来很昂贵,我想这也是Escalade吸引人的地方之一。整体来说,很有趣。我不知道我是否拍到了车头的照片,但前行李箱也非常巨大,非常令人印象深刻。我确定我们可以找到它。在那里,前行李箱容量非常大。我不知道它在体积上与F-150 Lightning的前行李箱相比如何,但是显然,它具有很大的装载能力,非常适合Escalade的使用。

And then the last thing for today, just a quick heads up for something that's coming tomorrow, the California Public Utilities Commission is going to be voting on whether or not expansion for crews in Waymo would be allowed. What they're looking to do is potentially have the permit to operate their ride hailing services 24-7, be able to charge for all their rides, expand their service area, and add an unlimited number of Robotaxes. So we'll see. Keep an eye on that for tomorrow. Obviously, that could have implications for how things develop for other companies with their autonomous vehicle efforts as well. So somebody to keep an eye on tomorrow. All right. That'll wrap it up for today. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter or X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday, August 10th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
今天最后一件事,是关于明天要发生的一件事的简短通知。加利福尼亚公共事业委员会将投票决定是否允许Waymo的团队扩张。他们正在考虑的是,潜在的允许其24小时运营叫车服务、收取所有乘车费用、扩大服务范围并添加无限数量的机器人出租车的许可证。所以我们拭目以待。记住明天要关注这一点。显然,这可能会对其他公司的自动驾驶车辆努力的发展产生影响。所以大家明天要留心一下。好的。今天就到这了。感谢一如既往地收听。请确保已经订阅并开启通知。您还可以在推特或X上找到我,账户名为Tesla podcast。我们将在明天见面,为8月10日星期四的特斯拉日报节目。谢谢。