Quick Tip: Ignite your Invites: Turbocharge your meetings by setting expectations
发布时间 2023-08-08 17:54:45 来源
Start your meetings off better by setting expectations early. The most underutilized expectation setting tool out there is the meeting invite. With some forethought and just a few tweaks, you can help your meeting participants and yourself be better prepared and more engaged with your meetings.
Tips for meeting invites
(1) Give your meeting a descriptive and engaging name. Attending an "Update Meeting" isn't as exciting as attending a "Next Steps" meeting. Same content...different expectations -- just like buying a "used car" vs a "certified previously owned vehicle."
(2) Attach links to agendas and any pre-reads. I prefer these documents be collaborative and shared (e.g., Google doc), rather than attached. This way any changes can be seen in real time
(3) Provide ground rules and behavioral expectations (e.g., cameras on, mics muted)
(4) Identify any tools that you will be using (e.g., reactions, break out rooms, or shared whiteboards) and provide tutorial links so attendees can come prepared knowing how to use these tools.
By taking a little time in advance to craft a compelling invite, you can jump start your meetings and increase your credibility because you demonstrate you care about your meetings and those who attend them.
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