Quick Tip: Story first - No more sucky slides

发布时间 2023-08-08 18:31:01    来源


Slides are often an important part of formal presentations and meetings, but who among us hasn't been confused by slides that look like eye charts or numbed by too many numbers and bullet points. In this Quick Tip video, I provide specific best practices to help your slides help your audience better understand and remember your content. I highlight four best practices for designing your slides: (1) Slides are for your audience to help them better understand your content; they are not teleprompters for you. (2) Your presentation or meeting "story" must be created first before you ever create slides. (3) The less information you put on your slides, the more value they will have for your audience. It is not about the number of slides, but rather, how little is on each slide. (4) When possible, use images over verbiage. Charts, pictures, diagrams are better than words to describe important information. Following these rules will make your slides more useful to your audience and helpful to you. For more Quick Tip Videos and other materials, please visit fastersmarter.io

