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The FBI vs. the Hedge Fund | A Game of Poker | 1

发布时间 2022-03-15 15:01:00    来源


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It's the evening of November 8th, 2011, and BJ Kang is driving down a suburban street outside Boca Raton, Florida. Kang is an FBI agent with a short crew cut and a form fitting suit. As he drives through Southeast Florida, he gazes out at the palm trees, swaying in the warm evening breeze.
现在是2011年11月8日的晚上,BJ Kang正在佛罗里达州博卡拉顿市郊区的一条街上开车。Kang是一名FBI特工,头发理得很短,穿着合体的西装。当他开车穿过东南佛罗里达州时,他注视着棕榈树,在温暖的晚风中摇曳。

Tonight, Kang is over a thousand miles from his office in Manhattan. But he's not here on vacation. Kang and his partner at the FBI are looking for the home of a former Wall Street trader, named Matthew Martoma. A man they believe is guilty of financial crimes.

Soon, Kang reaches a two-story mansion at the end of a cul-de-sac. It's built like some Spanish castle, the kind of place that comes with marble floors and an elevator.

And while Kang's never been inside, he already knows what the interior looks like. Because for five years, Kang has been investigating Martoma. He knows almost everything there is to know about the former trader.

And what it all comes down to is that Martoma broke one of the most important rules on Wall Street. He engaged in insider trading, a crime that could send him to prison.

But tonight, Kang's not here to make an arrest. Because even though Martoma committed a felony, the former trader could play a key role in a much larger investigation.

Kang is hoping that he can get Martoma to flip to rat out his old boss, a man named Stephen Cohen. Cohen is the biggest hedge fund trader in the United States, and he appears to be gaming the market, running an operation that profits off bribes and illegally acquired information.

And if Kang is successful, if he can pressure Martoma to admit the truth about his old boss, the FBI will be one step closer to bringing down Cohen's empire.

Kang opens the door to his rental car and steps out into the humid evening air. He and his partner approach the mansion's front door, and Kang straightens the lapels of his jacket.

After ringing the doorbell, Kang waits. A minute passes with no answer. So he rings the doorbell again. It doesn't seem like anyone's home, but they've come too far to turn back now. So Kang and his partner stand on the front steps, waiting.

An hour passes. And Kang starts to feel himself losing patience. And then a car pulls into the driveway, and a man with short-cropped black hair steps out alongside his wife.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, Mr. Martoma. I'm special agent BJ Kang. We're from the FBI. We'd like to speak with you about a former business associate, FBI. It's not really a good time."
是的,Martoma先生。我是特工BJ Kang。我们是来自联邦调查局的。我们想和您谈谈一个以前的商业伙伴,FBI。现在可能不是最好的时间。

"Mr. Martoma, I'm afraid I can't wait. We need to speak to you about something sensitive, and we should probably go somewhere private."

"What's this all about? We're here because you worked for SAC Capital from 2006 to 2010. That's correct, right?"
这到底是什么意思?我们在这里是因为你从2006年到2010年为SAC Capital工作。没错吧?

"Uh, yeah, that's right. I was a trader."

"And you worked for Stephen Cohen in the firm's healthcare division."
你在该公司的医疗保健部门为Stephen Cohen工作过。

"Yeah, that's right, too. But that was a long time ago. I moved on from Cohen in SAC. So what is this about, really?"

Kang exchanges looks with his partner. It's time to show his cards.

"Mr. Martoma, we're here to talk about insider trading. We know about the Wyeth and Elon trades. We know you sold your shares just in time. Made a large profit. And we know your tips came from someone on the inside."

"What? No, I'm sorry. Could you just."

Martoma leans against the doorway, suddenly looking fatigued.

"Mr. Martoma, are you okay?"
"Martoma 先生,你没事吧?"

"I'd like to sit down if I'm not, I'm not."

But Martoma doesn't finish getting his words out. His eyes go glassy, and suddenly he faints and collapses.

"Mr. Martoma, Matthew, Matthew, can you hear me?" Kang tells his partner that they might need an ambulance. Martoma might have just suffered a stroke or a heart attack. And if he did, it's not just Martoma's life that's in danger. He could impair all Kang's entire investigation.
康告诉他的合作伙伴:“Martoma 先生,Matthew,你能听到我吗?”他们可能需要叫救护车,因为 Martoma 可能刚刚经历了中风或心脏病发作。如果是这样的话,不仅是 Martoma 的生命处于危险状态,而且他可能会影响到康的整个调查。

But just as his partner is about to dial for the ambulance, Kang notices Martoma's eyelids begin to flutter. Then they open and Kang smiles. His potential informant is going to be fine. He must have been overwhelmed with the accusation. His own body has all but admitted the truth. But Kang will be careful and further questioning. He can't have Martoma faint again.

Still, if all goes according to plan, by the end of this evening, Kang will have more than enough information to go after Stephen Cohen, his head fund, SAC Capital, and the illegal financial empire they've built.
然而,如果一切按计划进行,到今天晚上结束时,康将会获得足够的信息来追究斯蒂芬·科恩以及他所领导的对冲基金公司SAC Capital和他们建立的非法金融帝国的责任。

From Wondery, I'm Lindsey Graham, and this is American scandal.

The 1980s and 90s were a boom time for traders on Wall Street. Some investors grew staggeringly rich, and the American economy expanded at record base. In one firm, SAC Capital Advisors distinguished itself from the pack. Year after year, this hedge fund produced mesmerizing profits. Other investors on Wall Street couldn't figure out the secret behind the success at SAC, and how Stephen Cohen, the hedge fund's founder, became one of the most powerful men in finance.

But in a world where good intelligence can help produce huge returns, rumors began that Cohen had a network of insiders who traded him secret information, helping him become a billionaire multiple times over. Cohen's winning streak wouldn't last forever. The FBI and other government agencies began a year's long investigation into Cohen and insider trading, culminating with a series of high stakes trials. In the eyes of the public, it was a test to see whether Wall Street could actually be policed.

But before he faced off against the authorities, and before the world grappled with the huge power of hedge funds, Stephen Cohen was a young man with a talent for numbers and a burning desire to win.
在他面对当局之前,且在全世界应对对冲基金巨大的力量之前,Stephen Cohen是一个数学天赋异禀且渴望赢得胜利的年轻人。

This is Episode 1, a game of poker. It's the early 1970s and a humid day in Great Neck, New York. Stephen Cohen is about to head into his senior year of high school. But today, he stuck working a summer job, stocking shelves at the Bohak supermarket, and he asked to be on his feet for hours, going aisle to aisle, sticking price tags on cans of corn, boxes of cereal, and stacking them on the shelves.

It's mind-numbing work, but it's not the worst job, because it gives Cohen time to think about the one thing that truly matters to him, winning at poker. As he stacks cans in his head, Cohen begins dealing imaginary hands of cards, trying to figure out how to win. For Cohen, there's nothing like poker. He loves to compute numbers and probability, and the thrill of getting it right is like an addiction.

But Cohen also knows that he has a special gift. He can spot the other players' tells, the hidden language of the body, size, and frowns, nervous tapping on the table. And while he has a strong intuition, Cohen also knows that to win at poker, you need an informational edge. And that's why he keeps playing imaginary hands in his head, trying to game out all possible outcomes. Practice and probability make perfect.

And that matters because tonight Cohen is going to meet with some of the neighborhood guys. They often stay up gambling until dawn. A lot of money gets exchanged, and Cohen wants to win as much of it as he possibly can. Cohen is playing through another imaginary hand in his head, when suddenly his train of thought is interrupted.

The floor manager of the grocery store appears in front of Cohen, wreaking of cigarette smoke. He grabs a price gun out of Cohen's hand, and with a look of frustration, he points out that the cans are mislabeled. Cohen got the price wrong.

Cohen wins. It isn't like him to make a careless mistake like that. He tries to plate off, joking that his brain is a bit mushy after all the repetitive work. But the manager doesn't smile. Instead, he warns Cohen that he needs to be more careful, or he'll find he's out of a job. But Cohen laughs at the threat. Sounds like a bluff. The floor manager repeats himself though. Cohen cannot slip up.

It may seem like a matter of nickels and dimes, but it adds up to real money for the grocery store. Cohen is about to make another wise crack. But the floor manager turns and stalks off, leaving him alone with stacks of mispriced canned food. Cohen returns to work, knowing full well that the manager is right. Nickels and dimes do add up to real money, at least here in a place like Great Neck.

Even when Cohen wins big at poker, he only takes home a few extra dollars, small amount of spending money. It's nothing life-changing. Like the kind of money Cohen knows, you can make across the river in Manhattan. Cohen starts slapping new price tags on each can of corn. But with his hands aching and his mind turning again to numbers, Cohen makes a promise to himself. He's going to get through this summer, and he's going to start and finish his senior year of high school. But then, he's going to find his way into Manhattan, and start playing for real money.

This 1976, and Stephen Cohen crosses a busy street in downtown Philadelphia. He arrives in front of an office for Merrill Lynch, the financial services company. It's an unassuming building, but behind a large window is something that catches Cohen's eye, a stock ticker, a spitting out a list of today's stock prices on a ribbon paper. These days, Cohen is studying at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. He's working to get a degree in economics, hoping that this diploma would be a golden ticket into the world of business and finance.

But Cohen hasn't gone to a lecture in over a week. The papers, the historical case studies, none of it feels relevant, not when there's a real world out there, with real businesses and million dollar deals happening every day. So Cohen has let go of the idea of being a student. Instead, he's spending his nights playing poker at his fraternity house.

During the day, Cohen studies the financial pages of the local newspaper. He watches companies like General Motors and Boeing as they rise and fall in value. And that's why he's standing outside the office for Merrill Lynch, watching the stock ticker. Earlier this morning, Cohen made some practice trades. He's pretending to buy and sell stocks. And now he waits to see whether his bets will pay off.

Cohen focuses on the stock symbols coming out of the machine. When out of the corner of his eye, he notices someone approaching, clean, shave, an older man in a suit. And steps in front of Cohen, tells him to move along. He's a broker with Merrill Lynch and the company can't have people loitering out front. The Cohen ignores a man, says he's not leaving. He's got as much right to learn about the New York Stock Exchange as the next guy.

Cohen stares at the man, waiting for a reprimand. But his surprise, the broker just joins Cohen at the window, asking him how old he is, and where he goes to school. And before Cohen realizes it, he and the broker are talking like friends. Cohen explains that he's gotten good at reading the ticker tape. He can predict the way the prices will go based on figures like the stock's volume, the number of shares being traded.

The broker smiles as he watches the ticker tape. And then he asks Cohen what he's watching for. Cohen's got his eye on an oil company. It was trading at 27.5, but Cohen believes it's about to lose value, slip a quarter percent or even more. The broker races a eyebrow. And then together at the two stair silently at the ticker tape, watching and waiting.

Soon, the stock he's been waiting for taps out of the ticker and Cohen leaps back with a grin. $27 even. He was right, the price dropped. The broker smiles and tells Cohen that he's impressive. But if Cohen really knows how to read the direction of the market, he should come inside and invest him money. It's an exciting time to get into the market if Cohen can stomach a little risk.

Cohen pauses. He knows that risk goes both ways. You could lose big, but you could also win bigger. So Cohen makes up his mind. He'll take a risk. He'll invest real money. The stock market has always seemed just like poker on a larger scale. Now, if Cohen is as good as he thinks he is, there's no reason to be afraid of a little risk.
Cohen 停了一会儿。他知道风险双向存在。你可能会输得很惨,但也可能赢得更多。所以 Cohen 下定决心。他要冒险。他要投入真金白银。股市总给人感觉就像是一个更大规模的扑克游戏。现在,如果 Cohen 还像他自认为的那样优秀,那么没有理由害怕一点风险。

It's 1978 in Manhattan, two years after watching that ticker tape in front of the Merrill Lynch building. In the office of a Wall Street trading firm, Steven Cohen hangs up a phone. He scribbles a couple figures on a yellow note pad and takes a deep breath, gazing across the bustling office.

All throughout the room, stock traders are barking orders into phones, pacing around their desks. The place is a pressure cooker, but for Cohen, it doesn't get much better than this. After graduating with a degree from the Wharton Business School, Cohen made the move he knew he was destined for. He got a job trading stocks on Wall Street. An old friend was running a department at a small firm called Gruntle & Company. And while it's not the most prestigious firm in New York, Cohen doesn't mind. It's his chance to begin making a name for himself as a trader.
整个房间里,股票交易员们如狂犬般对着电话大喊买卖指令,踱来踱去。这里是一个压力炸锅,但对于考恩来说,没有比这更好的了。从沃顿商学院毕业后,考恩就开始了他注定要走的路。他在华尔街当起了股票交易员。一个老朋友在一家名为Gruntle & Company的小公司中领导着一个部门。虽然这并不是纽约最负盛名的公司,但考恩并不在意。这是他展示自己作为交易员开始建立名声的机会。

Cohen isn't planning to wait. Today is his first day on the job, but has been given some tedious work. He's conducting trades that are both low risk and mindless. But Cohen's eager to start turning a real profit. And to prove to his boss and all the other traders that he's got what it takes, Cohen just took a big risk and used company money to make a few trades on the side.

Cohen glances at the clock. It's 3.50 pm, 10 minutes to the closing bell. Cohen then turns back to the quote-on screen on his desk where quotes and prices dash across the screen, a river of green numbers and letters against a black background. Cohen needs the trades he made to swing in the right direction. Because if they do, he'll be up $12,000. But if he's wrong, he'll lose the company's money and probably his job.

Cohen fidgets in his chair as the minutes tick down. As he reaches for a sip of coffee, he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to find his boss, Ron Azer, looming over his desk. Azer is a family friend and the reason Cohen has the job. Well right now, the look on his face is anything but friendly. He's scanning the numbers on Cohen's screen, Azer Snorrel's. And he reminds Cohen that employees aren't supposed to make side trades without authorization.

Cohen shrinks in his seat. He's about to offer a meek reply. But when he looks back up, he notices it's 4 o'clock. Trading has ended. And when Cohen glances at the figure on his screen, he becomes immediately clear. He just made $4,000. And probably, stands to make another $4,000 overnight.

His boss sees the numbers too and shakes his head and disbelief. It's true Cohen broke the company's rules. But Azer isn't aware of any trader having made this much money on their first day. He doesn't know whether to congratulate Cohen or smack him in the head.

Cohen barely conceals a grin. And then he takes another risk asking his boss whether he can keep trading on the side. Azer pauses. Then nods. For now he says Cohen can keep it up. And if he continues to do well, soon enough he'll be done with the mindless tasks he was first assigned. But Cohen has to produce impressive results tomorrow, the next day and every day after. Cohen says that won't be a problem. And as his boss walks away, Cohen leans back and smiles. It only took him one day, but he's beginning to realize how this company works. And how Wall Street works. The only thing that matters is getting results. No one cares if you bend or even break the rules. As long as the money keeps rolling in.

It's 1985 in Manhattan several years later. Stephen Cohen is standing in front of a mirror, fixing his hair and straightening his tie. In just a few minutes he and his boss are going to sit down for what's sure to be a contentious discussion, a salary negotiation.

The conversation shouldn't come as a surprise. All around them Wall Street is booming, helped along by President Ronald Reagan's pro-business policies, and Cohen himself has continued to produce large profits for the firm. With all of his success, Cohen recently received a promotion, along with the responsibility of running his own trading division. Cohen is finally getting the control he's always wanted. But he also knows that a trader's value is measured by his salary. And it's about time that Cohen was properly compensated.

Cohen enters the office and his boss Ron Azer looks up to greet him. Hey Steve, that's a nice tie. Ralph Lauren. I wish I could tell you my wife buys him. I just put him on. Well isn't that how it goes with guys like us. Focused on the markets, not men's wear. Anyways, come on in. You wanted to talk?
Cohen进入办公室,他的老板Ron Azer抬起头来迎接他。嘿Steve,那是一条很漂亮的领带。Ralph Lauren的。我希望我能告诉你它是我妻子买的。我只是把它戴上了。好吧,这不是我们这些男人的常态吗?专注于市场,而不是男装。无论如何,进来吧。你想谈什么?

Yeah Ron. To start out, I think we have a reason to celebrate. Things have been going really well with a new division.

Well that's great news. You know, I'm proud of you Steve. You're not even 30 years old. You're already in the boss' chair.

Yeah, I'm happy. That's no question. But there is one thing. The new promotion is great, but the compensation is not.

Steve, you've got a more than generous package.

Maybe. But I keep delivering money to the firm. I was thinking that I ought to take home 60% of profits from my division.

Azer's mouth falls open in surprise. Steve, last year you made $5 million.

I want to make more.

I'm sorry, 60% is unheard of. You've got a good deal. You've complete autonomy. Half a dozen traders. You can hire and fire at will.

That's not enough. You know my contributions. No one else was doing mergers and IPOs before I started doing it. You know I deserve 60%.

Steve, no one deserves anything.

Okay, fine. That's true. But I want you to think about my value. Information separates a good trade from a bad one. Now I get the information. My Rola Dex covers the entire United States. I'm the best trader in this firm. And I could take my talents and my Rola Dex elsewhere.

There's a long pause as Cohen's boss rubs a hand across his forehead. Alright, Steve. Um, I'll run it up the chain, okay?

Okay. Good. And thank you.

Cohen rises and heads to the door. But Steve, I want you to pay very close attention to Rule 10B5. Since you're so good at getting information.


Yeah, I've read it. Look, you may think you're some kind of rock star, but you need to be careful with your sources. I don't want this company on the wrong side of an investigation.

Oh, Ron, trust me. I'm always careful.

Cohen turns, walked out of the office. He meant what he said. He is always careful. And he will protect the company from any kind of federal investigation. But Cohen now runs his own division. He's done taking orders. From here on out. He's going to play by his own rules.

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It's December 1985 in Lower Manhattan. Stephen Cohen rises from his desk and steps out into the doorway of his office, where he surveys a room full of stock traders. They're all shouting into their phones, staring nervously at screens as the day's stock prices rise and fall. For Cohen, it's a beautiful sight. This is his division. All of these traders answered directly to him. And so far, their performance has been the source of envy and incredible profits.

And to bring in all these dollars, Cohen didn't turn to the Wall Street Elite or anyone with an Ivy League pedigree. He put the word out that if he wanted to work for his division, he only had to be a winner. But winning isn't everything. Sometimes Cohen feels like giving back. With his success, Cohen has already helped out his brother, Liz and Florida, getting him hired as an accountant for the firm. But Cohen knows he can do more.

So he picks up the phone and dials. Don Cohen. Hey, it's Steve.

Steve, how are those Manhattan winters? Gotta tell you, it's 68 degrees and sunny here in Florida.

Oh, that sounds nice, but I tell you what. I bet I can make your day even brighter.

Oh yeah, what you got?

RCA, Radio Corporation of America. It's a buy.

Really? You wanna explain that?

Well, look around. It's a year of mergers and acquisitions. Everyone's buying someone else out, spending off some part of their company, and I make a lot of money on it. I want you to as well.

Okay, but why RCA? They're conglomerate. Some technology, but what's there?

Well, they're also the parent company of NBC. We're talking television, radio, right-frack acquisition. And if that happens, the stock is gonna go through the roof. Maybe 20 points. So.

So I'm telling you to put in whatever you can.

Oh, well, I don't know. Things are pretty tight down here.

That's why I'm trying to give you a leg up. Um, but it just feels risky.

Don, this is as certain as it gets. How do you know you have a source?

No, it doesn't matter. I know people. I hear things.

Steve, it does matter. You gotta be careful with these things, especially if you make a lot of money.

Cohen's size. He's always careful with his tips and timing. But he knows that other people, including his brother, have a lower tolerance for risk.
Cohen 的规模很小,他总是谨慎对待自己的提示和时间选择。但是他知道,包括他的兄弟在内的其他人对风险的容忍度较低。

All right, to ease your mind, here's what I know. The other night, I met up with a buddy from Orton. He mentioned that there might be some restructuring going on in NBC, but it was nothing specific. And there's nothing illegal about hearing someone speculate, right?
好吧,为了让你放心,我来告诉你我知道的事情。前几天,我碰到了一个来自奥尔顿的朋友,他提到在 NBC 可能会有一些重组,但没有具体的消息。而且听别人推测也没有什么不合法的,是吧?

I guess.
1. "I think it's going to rain today." 我想今天会下雨。 2. "Can you please pass me the salt?" 请给我递一下盐好吗? 3. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you just said." 对不起,我听不懂你刚才说的话。 4. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" 今晚你想去外面吃晚餐吗? 5. "I don't feel well. I think I might be getting sick." 我感觉不太舒服。我想我可能要生病了。

All right. Well, just think about it. I thought it'd be good to pass it along.

Okay, well, thank you. I-I will think about it.

Cohen hangs up the phone, smiling to himself. His brother, Don, might have sounded concerned. But Cohen knows him too well. Don is probably calling his broker right now, placing the orders. He'll buy the shares, and eventually he'll make a lot of money. And when that happens, he'll have no one to thank, but his brother, Steve.

It's late at night, six months later, and Steve and Cohen can't fall asleep. He's in bed, tossing and turning. His mind racing. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Cohen gets out of bed and glances at the clock. It's 2 a.m.

And even though he doesn't want to, Cohen is probably going to have to take another sleeping pill to die. Cohen looks over at his wife, Patricia. She still sounds asleep, looking calm and untroubled. But Cohen knows that's just temporary. As soon as she wakes up, the fighting will start all over. It's been that way for a while now. Seems like their marriage is only getting more and more rocky.
即使他不想,Cohen很可能不得不再吃一粒安眠药来死。 Cohen看向他的妻子Patricia。她仍然睡着,看起来平静无忧。但Cohen知道这只是暂时的。一旦她醒来,争吵会重新开始。这种情况已经持续了一段时间。似乎他们的婚姻只会变得越来越不稳定。

Normally, Cohen would find peace by going into work, studying the calming rhythms of the stock market. But these days, even work is no longer a place of refuge. Back in December, Cohen urged his brother to invest in RCA, the parent company of the broadcaster NBC. Cohen himself had also invested in the company. And soon, their bets paid off. RCA was acquired by General Electric and the stock price soared. Cohen and his brother made a good deal of money. But the celebration didn't last long. The two were subpoenaed by the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, which asked them to testify about insider trading.

Cohen knows that it could be a damaging interrogation, the kind that his old boss, Ron Azar, had warned him about. Kind of threat that's keeping him up, nine after night. As Cohen gets up and stumbles through the darkness of the bedroom, makes his way to the bathroom and flips on the light. Cohen stares at himself in the mirror, looking at his tired red eyes. He's not sure how it all came to this. He doesn't feel like he did anything wrong. But it doesn't matter what he feels.
科恩知道这可能是一次有害的审问,这就是他的前老板Ron Azar曾经警告他的那种威胁,让他彻夜难眠。当科恩起床摇摇晃晃地穿过卧室黑暗,走向浴室并打开了灯。科恩凝视着镜子里的自己,看着他疲惫的红眼睛。他不确定一切是怎么来的。他觉得自己没有做错任何事情。但他的感受并不重要。

If the SEC decides he's broken the law, he could face huge fines or even time in jail. And just the threat of such a punishment has him shaken. For years, Cohen has felt invincible, and his bank account has grown by millions of dollars. It seemed like nothing could stop him. But now Cohen can't even sleep. And once again, he's up in the middle of the night, racked with anxiety.

Cohen reaches for the bottle of sleeping pills. He doesn't want to take one. Feels like admitting defeat. But if he has another sleepless night, he'll be a wreck in the morning. So closing his eyes, Cohen pops a pill, and swallows it down with a gulp of cold water. A minute later, Cohen is back in bed, but his mind's still racing. He's worried that he could be ruined professionally, and his marriage might not survive. But soon, the sleeping pill starts to kick in, and his mind grows soft and gauzy. In his stupor, Cohen starts to believe that everything will be okay. It'll all be fine. He'll survive the investigation. It won't be any prison time. And even he and his wife will make it through this rocket patch better than ever.

A month later, Stephen Cohen sits waiting in the lobby of 26 federal plaza in New York City. The building houses the offices of several federal agencies, and by now, Cohen has been waiting for what feels like hours. Cohen wipes his forehead as he looks around the office. He suspects that this is all part of the government's game.

He's here to testify about his investments in RCA, a move that federal regulators seem to believe was a violation of insider trading laws. But apparently, the SEC lawyers want to keep him waiting, trying to rattle him before he comes in for his deposition. But Cohen's going to stay strong. He can't lose this particular battle. There's too much on the line.

So he waits patiently and stoically, until finally Cohen sees a man with silver hair approaching. Although Obermeyer is Cohen's lawyer, he says the SEC is ready, and it's time to testify on the record. Cohen and Obermeyer step into an elevator, and on the right up, Obermeyer reminds him of the strategy he needs to follow. Be polite, be firm, and deflect every question the SEC asks. Cohen nods. He knows the game plan. He'll follow it to a tee.

A minute later, the elevator door opens, and Obermeyer leads Cohen down a hallway into a conference room. Sitting behind a large table are two SEC lawyers. In front of them are large vanilla folders, and when Cohen takes a seat, one of the government lawyers reaches over to a tape machine, and hits record.

Right away, the SEC lawyers ask pointed questions. They want to know about the timing of Cohen's RCA trades. They ask whether he knew about the impending takeover by General Electric, and whether he got his tips from someone inside the company. Cohen exchanges a look with his lawyer, and then he issues the same response over and over, and when his lawyer drilled into him. Upon the advice of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer the question on the ground that I'm being compelled to be a witness against myself. Each time Cohen makes that statement, the SEC lawyer seemed to lose a little more steam.
SEC的律师立即提出尖锐的问题,他们想知道Cohen RCA交易的时间。他们询问他是否知道通用电气即将收购,还是从公司内部获得了信息。Cohen和他的律师交换了一下眼神,然后一再发表了同样的回答,在他的律师不断追问时。按照律师的建议,我恭敬地拒绝回答问题,因为我被迫作证。每次Cohen发表这种声明,SEC的律师似乎都会失去更多的动力。

At just five minutes in, both government lawyers look ready to give up. It's not like Cohen himself is enjoying this. He doesn't like hiding or obscuring the truth. He wishes he could tell these lawyers that his information is above board, that they should go find someone else to harass. But more than anything, Cohen wants to keep himself and his brother out of jail. So he'll do what he has to do.

Soon the deposition wraps up, and as Cohen follows his lawyer out of the room, he feels cautiously optimistic. His attorney seems to share the sentiment. He tells Cohen that he couldn't have done better. The higher ups in his firm will be proud of him for keeping us cool. The two ride the elevator back downstairs with Cohen feeling buoyed by his lawyer's confidence.

When as he steps out into the lobby, Cohen is suddenly struck by a feeling of doubt. Maybe his lawyer is just putting up a good act, pretending to be confident. Everyone's seen the news. The SEC has been putting pressure on a lot of powerful Wall Street traders, people like Dennis Levine and Michael Milken. The old days of bending the rules for easy money might be coming to an end.

But as Cohen steps out into the warm sunshine of the Manhattan streets, he lets his worry slip away. For now, he can only do one thing, continue to make brilliant trades, and turn out money for his clients. Cohen knows this may not be the last time he hears from the SEC. But today did offer another valuable lesson. If the government tries coming after him again, he only has to stay smart and make sure he's one step ahead.

It's 1991 in a trendy Manhattan Italian restaurant, and Stephen Cohen takes a sip from a glass of wine and smiles at Alexandra Garcia his date for the night. Cohen already likes Garcia. She's in her early 40s, and she's energetic and attractive. But most importantly, she's here, sitting across the table from Cohen, and that seems like a minor miracle.

A year ago, Cohen divorced his wife Patricia. After the papers were final, Cohen didn't have any interest in going on a string of unsuccessful dates. So he signed up for a dating service, and the service sent out invitations to 20 different women. Cohen was hopeful he'd find a match, but he only got one response from Alexandra Garcia, who's sitting across the table from him now.

Garcia's twirls are pasta and takes a bite. Cohen smiles as he watches. So far, this date seems to be going well, but Cohen worries what will happen once the conversation turns to work. For most people, finance is as boring as it gets, but even more, Cohen has learned to hold his cards close ever since the SEC questioned him about insider trading. Cohen managed to escape then without facing charges, but he's hesitant to talk about his job to anyone, and he hopes he can somehow make it through dinner and drinks without having to address the subject.

The waiter pours another glass of wine, and Garcia looks at Cohen with his smile. You know what I like about you, Steve? You're really listening. This whole time I've been going on and all about myself, but I barely talked about you, about your life.

"Well, my life is pretty boring, honestly."

"Well, I don't believe that for a second. Tell me about work. What do you do?"

"I trade stocks. I think that's fun."

"You be one of the few."

"No, I've seen that movie. What was it? Wall Street."

"Oh, yeah. Well, it's just like that."

"Steve, if it's not, tell me what it is like."

"Well, okay. What do you want to know?"

"Well, start with the easy parts. What's the name of your company?"

"Well, I used to work at a firm called Gruntle & Company. I was there for years. But a few months back, I struck out on my own."
嗯,我曾经在一家叫 Gruntle & Company 的公司工作。我在那里工作了多年。但是几个月前,我决定单独创业了。

"Oh, wow. An entrepreneur. I suppose. I mean, it's a hedge fund. SAC capital."

"You're going to have to forgive me, but I don't know what a hedge fund is."

"I'm sure most people don't. Basically, we get some investors, you know, people with lots of money. And we take some of it and put it in the stock market. But when we buy in sell stocks, we go big and we do it fast. The point is to always beat the market. But we use risky strategies. I mean, it's technical."

Cohen pauses, unsure about how much to reveal.
Cohen 暂停了一下,不确定应该透露多少信息。

"Oh, I don't know how to sandrack us. I mean, it's exciting. There's a lot of money that we get to work with. But, you know, I'm not sure we're going to be successful."

Garcia sets down her wine glass, locks eyes with Cohen.

"Steve, you've been listening to me in paying attention. But I've also been paying attention to you. And I don't know anything about finance or stocks. But I think I see someone who's going to be successful no matter what he does. Gosh, I wish I could be as confident."

"Well, I am confident. You're going to be a huge success. And I look forward to seeing that happen."

For a moment, Cohen stares at Garcia as he processes the implication. It sounds like she wants to stick around. And this may not be their one and only date. And maybe Garcia is right. He has always been a winner. And while it may take time, and there will be forks in the road, at some point, Cohen is sure that eventually he'll rise to the top of Wall Street.

A year later, Kenny Lysack walks through a frozen yogurt shop in Manhattan. When he reaches the front of the line, he leans forward inspecting the flavors, trying to find something simple and good to make today less bad. Lysack is a trader who used to work for Gruntle on company in Stephen Cohen's division.

A three years ago, Colin asked if Lysack wanted to jump ship and help him launch a new hedge fund. Lysack's only question was how much he could invest. He hasn't had many regrets since. SAC Capital has been a wild success, producing unthinkable results for investors year after year. Lysack has also relished the chance to work alongside Cohen, trader whose genius is not up for debate.
三年前,Colin问Lysack是否愿意离开现有公司,帮助他推出新的对冲基金。Lysack唯一的问题是他可以投资多少。从那以后,他没有后悔过。SAC Capital一直是一个巨大的成功,每年为投资者带来难以想象的收益。Lysack也很享受与Cohen一起工作的机会,他是一个智慧无与伦比的交易员,这点是不容辩论的。

But today was a down day. One of the worst Lysack has ever seen. He and Cohen lost over $2 million chasing a hunch they thought would pay off. But it didn't. And Lysack isn't used to losing. He wants to figure out where he and Cohen went wrong. So he grabs enough frozen yogurt for two and heads to the corner of the shop, where Stephen Cohen is waiting at a small table.
但今天是个不顺利的日子。这是Lysack见过最糟糕的一天之一。他和Cohen跟着一种他们认为会赚钱的直觉追了2百万美元,但是却失败了。Lysack不习惯输。他想找出他和Cohen错在哪里了。所以他买了足够两个人吃的冰冻酸奶,走到店角落的一张小桌子旁,那里Stephen Cohen正在等他。

Lysack takes a seat and as the two men dig in, the conversation turns inevitably to finance. Cohen begins by asking Lysack what he thinks happened today. How did everything go south so quickly? Lysack takes a spoonful and he thinks back to the events earlier.
Lysack 坐了下来,两个男人开始吃东西,谈话不可避免地转向了财务。Cohen 开始问 Lysack 他认为今天发生了什么。为什么一切变得如此糟糕?Lysack 用勺子舀了一口,回想起早些时候发生的事情。

A telecommunications company reported their earnings and both Lysack and Cohen agreed it would be a good time to take a large position in the company. But almost immediately the company's price started to plummet. Within minutes it went from $38 to $37 and then to $35. And as the price kept dropping, Cohen shouted to buy more shares. It could be an opportunity. What at $33 a share, Lysack started feeling queasy. Still Cohen insisted they keep going. Finally, when the stock had fallen to $31, Cohen himself seemed to recognize defeat. It was then he told Lysack to cash out.

Altogether they took a nearly 20% hit and that came out to about $2 million, a stunning loss that accrued over the course of just an hour. Now sitting meekly in a frozen yogurt shop, Lysack tells Cohen what he believes really happened. They got emotional, they acted rationally and it's as simple as that.

Cohen nods, he's seen it happen time and again, fear and ego begin to kick in and emotion drives the decisions, not reason. But Cohen tells Lysack not to worry. $2 million isn't going to shut the company down. And besides, Cohen admits that he was the one who made the call. He can live with a mistake and the consequences.

But there is one more lesson to take away from today's disaster. A lot of it came down to just bad intelligence. Their edge wasn't as good as Cohen thought. Lysack nods, he knows that for traders, the word edge is just another way of saying good information. When you have edge, you have an intelligence that's unavailable to other traders. It can be the difference between making a profit of 5 or 50% or losing $2 million an hour.

Cohen crumbles up his napkin and sets it in his empty cup. He tells Lysack that things have to change. If their hedge fund is going to stay ahead of the pack, they're going to have to devote all their time, all their energy to a single pursuit, getting better edge. They need to cultivate better sources on the inside of companies.

Lysack raises an eyebrow. He knows there's a fine line between getting good information and getting insider information. If you trade stocks using information that's not available to the public, you can be charged and sent to prison. That's not a risk Lysack wants to take. But when Lysack raises this concern, Cohen says he's not talking about breaking any laws. A phone call to an ex-employee at AT&T isn't breaking the law, and it's not illegal to get dinner with a colleague, whose brother works in microchips. It's just networking. It happens every day all across the world. And that's what gives traders their edge.

Lysack and Cohen rise from the table and walk out into the early evening. Lysack has to remain cautious, but he tells Cohen that he agrees. The company does need to cultivate more sources. He's on board. But privately, Lysack can't help but worry about what will happen. That legal line gets crossed when innocent research becomes insider trading. Because while Cohen might be a visionary, he's not infallible. Today proved it. And just like the stock market, what goes up often comes down.

From wondering, this is episode 1 of the FBI versus the hedge fund from Americans Camp.

In our next episode, Stephen Cohen has to dodge trouble when a large stock trade goes awry. And an FBI agent begins his inspectors more to the success of SAC Capital than he's the eye.

Hey, prime members. You can listen to American Scandal Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music Camp today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondery Plus and Apple Podcasts.
Hey,亚马逊Prime会员们,你们可以在Amazon Music上免费收听《美国丑闻》哦。赶快下载Amazon Music应用吧。或者,你们也可以通过Wondery Plus和Apple Podcasts来享受免费收听体验。

Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondery.com slash survey. If you'd like to learn more about Stephen Cohen and SAC Capital, we recommend the book Black Edge by Sheila Colhat Car.
在你离开之前,请通过Wondery.com/survey的短调查告诉我们你的情况。如果你想了解更多关于Stephen Cohen和SAC Capital的信息,我们推荐阅读Sheila Colhat Car的《黑边缘》这本书。

This episode contains reenactments and dramatize details. And while in most cases we can't know exactly what was said, all our dramatizations are based on historical research.

American Scandal is hosted, edited, and executed produced by me, Lindsay Graham, for airship, audio editing by Molly Bach, sound design by Derek Barrett, music by Lindsay Graham. This episode is written by George Docker, edited by Christina Malzberger.

Our senior producer is Gabe Riven, executive producers, our Stephanie Jenns, Jenny Lauer Beckman, and Marshall Lewy for Wondery.
我们的高级制片人是盖布·里文,执行制片人包括斯蒂芬妮·詹斯、珍妮·劳尔·贝克曼和马歇尔·卢伊,这是由 Wondery 制作的。