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The FBI vs. the Hedge Fund | Inside Men | 2

发布时间 2022-03-22 15:01:00    来源


FBI Agent BJ Kang gets a promising tip from an informant. Mathew Martoma, a trader at SAC Capital, goes on a hunt for inside information.Listen to new episodes 1 week early and to all episodes ad free with Wondery+. Join Wondery+ for exclusives, binges, early access, and ad free listening. Available in the Wondery App https://wondery.app.link/americanscandal.Support us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.



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嘿,亚马逊会员,您可以在Amazon Music上免费观看美国丑闻的三集内容,“美国政变在伊朗”。现在就下载应用程序吧。

It's mid 2006 in New York City. In a park in Manhattan, FBI agent BJ Kang walks along a shaded path. Nearby, several children laugh as they play a game of hopscotch. Couples lounge together on the grass, reading books. And everywhere he looks, Kang sees crowds of people enjoying the warm weather.
现在是2006年中期,在纽约市的一座公园里,FBI特工BJ Kang沿着一条有树荫的小路走着。附近有几个孩子嬉戏着玩跳房子的游戏。情侣们一起靠在草地上阅读书籍。无论Kang看到哪里,他都看到人群享受着温暖的天气。

But Kang is trying to find just one person, an informant who could be a key for his FBI investigation. As an agent for the Bureau, Kang focuses on securities fraud. He looks at crimes in the financial markets, like Ponzi schemes and other criminal acts that hurt investors. Recently, Kang has been taking a close look at a potentially major source of criminal activity, hedge funds.

Kang knows the basics. Hedge funds pool together money from investors and often take aggressive positions in the market. The risks can be high, but so can the rewards, sometimes producing staggering returns for their wealthy clients. Still, there's a lot about hedge funds that remain shrouded in secret. And with rumors circulating that these firms are committing crimes, Kang has begun to dig deeper, contacting his sources and seeing what he might turn up.

The man he's hoping to meet with today is a traitor who knows all about hedge funds and might help Kang learn what exactly is happening inside these firms, and whether any of them are playing crooked. Kang runs a hand through his short hair as he continues to scan the park. Finally, he spots his man, reading a newspaper over by the back wall.

Kang heads over and grabs a nearby seat. He opens a newspaper himself, and while pretending to read, he glances at the informant. Thanks for coming today. Did know if you'd show. Well my interest was peaked when you reached out, Agent Kang. I had to show up. But tell me what's this all about. Who's the FBI going after?

Well, you know I can't tell you that. This is just me gathering information. Oh come on, you don't have to be so cagey. I helped you in Jersey City back when you were still focused on the small time. You know I can help you again. Just tell me who you're targeting.

Kang turns a page of his newspaper. He's not yet ready to trade any intelligence, so he redirects the conversation. Well, before any of that, let's go over some basics. I'm new to this unit. Still getting up to speed. So start walking me through it. How does insider trading actually work? I mean in real life.

Well, it's both a simple answer and a really complicated one. But I guess it all comes down to this. The stock market is all about information. And as a trader, my job is to get the best information and to get it before the next guy does. Where does the information come from? Oh God, anywhere. Could be an old college friend, guy you meet over drinks, your neighbor, your cousin, anyone.

Look, it's not illegal to get stock tips. The issue is if it's significant information you can trade on, that the public doesn't have access to. But what the SEC calls material non-public information, well, it's hard to quantify. It's a broad rule. And the truth is insider trading happens all the time on Wall Street.

All the time, huh? Well, would it be more common in hedge funds? The informant smiles and turns the page of his newspaper. Aiton Kang, what do you think? Where do those returns come from?

Well, you know the landscape. Who's breaking the rules? Well, there is one who's doing very, very well. You should take a look at SAC Capital. SAC. Yeah, Stephen Cohen's fun. He's a beast. 30% returns. Year after year. No one gets that. And you think that sort of success is evidence of insider trading.
嗯,你知道这个景象。是谁在违规?嗯,有一个人表现得非常非常好。你应该看看SAC Capital。SAC. 是啊,Stephen Cohen管理的基金。他是一个兽。年复一年,回报率达到30%。没人有这样的表现。你认为这种成功的证据是内幕交易吗?

No, it's not evidence, sage at Kang. Nothing bulletproof. But you don't get those kind of returns if you're playing by the rules. The informant folds up his newspaper and rises. Ah, that's about all the time I've got, but there is one last thing.

Catching someone in the act isn't going to be easy. Every trader on Wall Street knows the rules and how to get around them. So trust me. If you try charging these guys, you will need to be absolutely certain about what you're doing. There'll be several steps ahead of you, miles even. So good luck. It's a wild west out there.

Kang nods and the informant turns, making his way back out of the park. Once he's alone, Kang exhales deeply. This is a promising lead. If there's anything behind these allegations, hedge funds like SAC Capital could be responsible for serious criminal acts. And so at this point, there's no doubt that the FBI needs to continue pushing forward and investigating hedge funds.

But Kang hasn't forgotten the informant's final words. The investigation isn't going to be easy. Wall Street traders know how to cheat and get away with it. So while Kang doesn't have strong evidence of insider trading yet, he's going to have to find it. Even if that means taking on some of the richest and most powerful people in the world.

From Wondry, I'm Lindsey Graham. And this is American scandal. When Stephen Cohen founded SAC Capital, he had lofty ambitions. Cohen had been successful early in his career as a trader. Starting a hedge fund offered him the chance to earn huge profits far beyond anything he'd ever made before. And by 2006, SAC Capital had grown to be one of the hottest firms on Wall Street. But with its profit soaring, SAC was the center of talk on Wall Street, with rumors floating that they may be engaging in criminal activity. That coincided with a shift in federal law enforcement, which had begun taking a closer look at hedge funds. Political authorities were considering whether these high-risk, high-reward firms could be profiting from inside information and potentially gaming the financial system.
我是林赛·格雷厄姆,来自Wondry。这就是美国的丑闻。当斯蒂芬·科恩创办SAC Capital时,他怀揣着崇高的抱负。科恩在他职业生涯早期就已经成为一名成功的交易员。成立对冲基金给了他赚取比以往更大的利润的机会。到了2006年,SAC Capital已经成长为华尔街最热门的公司之一。但随着其利润飙升,SAC成为了华尔街上的谈资,有传言称他们可能涉及犯罪活动。这与联邦执法力量的转变同时发生,他们开始更加密切地审查对冲基金。政治当局正在考虑这些高风险、高回报的公司是否能够从内部信息中获利,以及可能操纵金融系统。

One FBI agent, BJ Kang, would find himself at the forefront of this investigation. Kang began gathering damning evidence about hedge funds. And what he found would lead him into a brutal fight against Wall Street's kingpins. This is Episode 2. Inside Men.

It's mid-2006 in Stanford, Connecticut. In the offices of SAC Capital, Matthew Martoma walks across a sprawling trading floor. It's full of men and women sitting at computer terminals, scrutinizing the movements of the markets. As Martoma makes his way through the office, he stares at all the action with a look-a-wall. He's just 32 years old. But with dark, serious eyes. For a while now, he's been a portfolio manager at a smaller firm, where he specializes in biotechnology investments. Martoma is here to score a job with SAC Capital and to join the ranks of its elite traders making enormous profits.
现在是2006年中期,在康涅狄格州的斯坦福,Matthew Martoma在SAC Capital的办公室里穿过一片广阔的交易大厅。大厅里有很多男女坐在电脑终端前,仔细研究市场的变化。当Martoma穿过办公室时,他满脸无表情地盯着所有的动作。他只有32岁,但有着深邃、认真的眼神。他一直是一家较小公司的投资组合经理,专注于生物技术投资。Martoma来这里是为了获得一份SAC Capital的工作,并加入其精英交易员的行列,获得巨额利润。

It's been a long time goal for Martoma. As the son of Indian immigrants, he understands that in America, money and status make everything easier. He saw that first hand at the prestigious universities he's attended. The wealthy students were always a step ahead. And now with children of his own, Martoma wants to provide his family with every advantage possible.

So today, he needs to impress SAC Capital's director of business development, Saul Cuman, who's going to be interviewing Martoma for a new job. Minutes later, Martoma steps into Cuman's office. Once they take a seat, Cuman cuts to the chase, explaining that SAC Capital has created a whole new division, focused on generating the best research and information for the hedge fund. And if there's any job for Martoma, that's where he'll fit in, acquiring the best information and using it to execute successful trades.
今天,他需要打动SAC Capital的业务发展总监Saul Cuman,因为Cuman将对Martoma进行新工作的面试。几分钟后,Martoma走进了Cuman的办公室。他们坐下后,Cuman直奔主题,解释说SAC Capital已经建立了一个全新的部门,专注于为对冲基金生成最佳的研究和信息。如果有任何工作适合Martoma,那就是在那里他能获得最好的信息并用它来执行成功的交易。

Martoma nods his head. Already it sounds like an exciting possibility. But his stomach almost lurches when Cuman describes the size of his potential portfolio. If Martoma turns out to be the right fit, he'll have $400 million to invest in a guarantee of taking home 17% of his profits. He could stand to make $10 million every year, a compensation package that's almost unrivaled in the industry.

Martoma tries to hide his excitement. The numbers are unbelievable. But he hasn't been offered a job yet, and so Martoma begins selling himself. He explains why he thinks he'd be successful at the job. He's an expert in biotechnology, and has already proven himself a winning trader. He'd be able to hit the ground running if he got the job.

Cuman nods, but then says there's something even more important than Martoma's success from the past. Martoma needs to be able to handle intense pressure, because in Steve Cohen's kingdom, it's prosper or die. Any portfolio manager who loses too many trades will find himself without a job.

Martoma swallows. He's heard about the culture at SAC, and a large part of him is conflicted about working in such a pressure cooker. But Martoma also knows that with serious pressure comes a serious paycheck. The kind of money that buys ferraris and bettlies, cars that Martoma saw in the parking lot earlier today. So Martoma doesn't back down. He assures Cuman that he can handle the pressure and still produce results. He's already cultivated several high-value sources inside the healthcare industry. There's no question his value to the firm would be immense.

Cuman sits tapping his pen, scrutinizing Martoma. And for a moment, Martoma worries that he overdid it. He might have appeared too arrogant, too confident. But Cuman sticks out his hand. If Martoma is interested, the job's all his. Martoma is a wash and relief. This new job could change his life, but he knows he shouldn't make a decision right away.
Cuman 坐在那里敲着笔,仔细审视 Martoma。这时,Martoma 担心自己有点过头,可能显得太傲慢、太自信了。但是,Cuman 伸出了手来。如果 Martoma 对这个工作感兴趣,就可以全权交给他了。Martoma 感到宽慰和解脱。这份新工作可以改变他的生活,但他知道自己不应该马上决定。

So he tells Cuman that while this is great news, he'll need to talk to his wife before making a final call. He hopes Cuman understands. Cuman nods and says of course it's a good idea. And as the two men rise and exit the office, Martoma takes one last look around. SAC capital is a hive of activity. It's the kind of place where Martoma might finally reach his full potential. And while he will talk things over with his wife, Martoma's decision is already made. He'll be back at these offices soon. He'll become one of SAC's star traders. And before long, he'll start taking home tens of millions of dollars.

Three months later, Matthew Martoma sets down a telephone and turns on his computer. All day, he's been waiting for an email that could change the course of his work at SAC capital. But that email still hasn't arrived. Martoma lets out a sign and glances over at Stephen Cohen, his boss, and the founder of the hedge fund. Martoma is feeling antsy. He came to SAC promising to deliver, producing large returns on his investments in biotechnology. He needs to impress Cuman, who has no patience for weak traders.

But Martoma has yet to hit a home run. And that's why he turned to a firm known as an expert network, a group that acts like matchmakers between Wall Street traders and insiders and companies. With these kinds of connections, traders can gain access to some of the most valuable and rare information about a company, information that can help inform an investment. And Martoma needs that kind of information now. He's been looking to invest in two companies developing an Alzheimer's drug. If the drug pans out, their stock could be worth a fortune.

But Martoma can't make that kind of risky investment without having good intelligence. So he sent a query to one of these expert networks, listing 22 medical experts he's hoping to connect with. Martoma assumed that at least one of them would respond. But as he stares at his email box, Martoma is feeling despondent. He hasn't gotten a single response from anyone all day. Martoma is about to turn his attention to another task when he hears the dang of an incoming message.

He walks at the monitor and sees a new email from someone named Dr. Sid Gilman. The email is short into the point. Gilman is a neurologist and researcher at the University of Michigan. He says he'd be happy to work with Martoma as a consultant. Martoma doesn't hesitate. He grabs the phone and dials the number for Gilman. And after a few rings, the doctor answers.

I first, the exchange is polite and a little awkward. Gilman confirms that he is a leading expert in Alzheimer's research, and he is working on the trial for Bapinusabab, the Alzheimer's drug. Gilman is even the chair of a key committee for that drug trial. Martoma sits up. This doctor could be a gold line. He wouldn't just have access to the results of the drug's development. He's one of the people running the trials.

Martoma knows this lead is worth pursuing. So he begins courting Dr. Gilman, discussing the science and potential cures for Alzheimer's, and he appraises him, saying it's an exciting time to be a researcher like him. When Martoma finishes, Gilman says he's impressed. He's spoken to dozens of traders at hedge funds, but Martoma seems to know a lot more about the science than any of them.

Gilman says he's interested in consulting with Martoma, but there are of course limits. The doctor has to stay on the right side of the law, and that means strictly following his confidentiality agreement. He needs Martoma to understand that and to respect the boundaries of their relationship. He talks with knots, saying he agrees, playing by the rules is always the best course of action, but the two of them should be in regular contact.

It would probably be smart for the two of them to have a standing phone call. Maybe Martoma could even come to Ann Arbor, and speak with him in person. There's a pause on the other line. Martoma hopes that he didn't just overstep, but Gilman agrees. He says he'll look forward to it. They'll talk on the phone regularly, and a meeting in person could be productive.

Toma smiles and thanks the doctor for his time. And when the two hang up, Martoma feels triumphant. Up until now, he's been worried about his track record at SAC Capital. He knows that Stephen Cohen could fire him at any moment for not hitting his numbers. But now Martoma has an expert on the inside of a drug trial. And if he plays this right, maybe he can convince the doctor to share a little extra information, giving Martoma the edge he needs to prove himself at SAC Capital and make a fortune.
Toma微笑着感谢医生抽出宝贵的时间。当两人挂电话时,马托玛感到胜利无比。一直以来,他一直担心自己在SAC Capital的业绩记录。他知道Stephen Cohen可能会随时解雇他,因为他的数量不达标。但现在,马托玛有了内部药物试验的专家。如果他做得好,也许他可以说服医生分享一些额外的信息,给他在SAC Capital证明自己和赚大钱的优势。

It's a rainy afternoon in November 2006 and a few months later. FBI agent BJ Kang crosses the carpeted floor as he makes his way through a federal building in Manhattan. He opens a door, and on the other side finds a man with a clean, shaven face and bright blue eyes.

Michael Bowie is no stranger to the offices of federal prosecutors. Kang first met the lawyer four months ago during an interview at the US Attorney's Office. Bowie had come to explain why he was suing the hedge fund SAC Capital. He was representing an insurance company and said that SAC was damaging that company by spreading false rumors, hoping to depress the company's stock and make a profit off the decline.
迈克尔·鲍伊并不陌生于联邦检察官的办公室。康格在四个月前在美国行政部门的面试中第一次遇见了这位律师。鲍伊前来解释,他正在起诉对冲基金SAC Capital。他代表一家保险公司,并称SAC正在通过散布虚假传闻来损害该公司,希望打压该公司的股价,并从股票的下跌中获利。

Bowie's allegations had surprised the prosecutors. But as an FBI agent investigating financial crimes, Kang realized that he might just found another key source. Someone who could better explain the CD practices of hedge funds. And Bowie might be able to also shed more light on SAC Capital in particular, which could turn out to be one of the most crooked players on Wall Street.

Kang takes a seat across from Bowie. It starts up his voice recorder. "Mr. Bowie, thanks for coming in today. Your help could be a real asset as we take a look at some of the corrupt practices on Wall Street."

"Yeah, absolutely. I'm glad to be here. Well, let's get started. A few months ago, you claimed that many hedge funds rely on what you call an insider trading business model."

"Gosh, I use those exact words."

"You did. You implied that the majority of hedge funds on a Wall Street were engaged in insider trading on a regular basis. And that helps explain the enormous profits at firms like SAC Capital."

"Well, Mr. Kang, I think I should back up. Let's start with a basic question. Do you understand how all this works, how all this fits together?"

"Well, for the moment, assume I don't."

"OK, well, a hedge fund takes big risks and aims for big profits. But independent funds like SAC Capital, they face much less regulation than bigger banks or mutual funds. Whether it's been no shortage of violations at some of the big investment banks, how is SAC Capital different?"
好的,那么,对冲基金承担很大的风险,旨在获得巨大的利润。但是独立基金,比如SAC Capital,面临的监管比大银行或共同基金要少得多。虽然一些大型投资银行存在违规行为的问题,但SAC Capital又有什么不同呢?

"Well, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, we all know they sometimes behave badly. But we know what they're doing. It's all pretty predictable because there's history, federal oversight. Yeah, exactly. But we don't know what's going on at the hedge funds. They get these returns year after year. It seems impossible. And in a way, it is. They can only make these profits because they're not operating with the same kind of regulation."

"Well, what about the SEC? How are they failing? Did the Securities and Exchange Commission?"

"No, the SEC has no teeth. Not with hedge funds. Places like SAC Capital operate in the shadows. And you believe that's how they get away with cheating. Look, it's not what I believe. It's what I've uncovered already. Insider trading, schemes to ruin a company's reputation, firms like this will do whatever it takes to get their 30% return. I'm telling you, it's how they operate. Cheating is the business model."
不,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)没有真正的法律武器,特别是对于对冲基金这种操作在阴影中的机构,像SAC Capital这样的地方。你相信,这就是他们如何逃脱欺诈的方式。你看,我已经发现了这一切。内部交易,破坏公司声誉的计划,像这样的公司会做任何必要的事情来获得他们的30%回报。我告诉你,这就是它们运作的方式。欺诈就是它们的商业模式。

"But here's the thing. Look, there isn't just a couple of bad actors, a few bad apples ruining the bushel. Now, it's a systemic problem. And over the last 10 years or so, there's been a shift, a huge shift. Investors are taking their money out of banks, and they're handing it over to hedge funds because of their outsized returns."

"Yeah, of course you go where the money is. There's not really a lot of consideration about how it's done though. So the investments come flooding in, even if hedge funds break the law, or act like thugs."

As the two men continue talking, Bowie walks Kang through some of the dirtier secrets inside hedge funds, practices like the use of expert networks and other services that help traders get information from people inside companies. The revelations are astonishing.

And as Bowie gets up to leave, it hits Kang for the first time, just how big a problem this really is. Corruption inside hedge funds appears to be rampant. In one firm, SAC Capital, maybe the worst or the worst. Kang has plenty of work ahead of him, but he's gonna have to keep things quiet, so he doesn't scare anyone back into the shadows. It appears that Wall Street has become a home to criminals and corruption. And it's up to Kang and the FBI to fix the problem.
当Bowie起身离开时,康格第一次深刻地意识到,这真是一个极其严重的问题。对冲基金内部的腐败现象似乎十分猖獗。在一个公司中,SAC Capital也许是最糟糕的。康格面前的工作还有很多,但他必须保持沉默,以免把任何人吓回到阴影之中。华尔街似乎已经成为罪犯和腐败的聚集地。解决问题需要康格和联邦调查局的努力。

Today, Hawaii is renowned as America's Pacific Island paradise, but its journey from independent kingdom to US state was fraught with power struggles, controversy, and violence. Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham, the host of Wondries Podcast American History Tellers. We take you to the events, times, and people that shaped America and Americans, our values, our struggles, and our dreams.

In our latest series, we trace the turbulent history of Hawaii from the 1893 coup that deposed its queen to the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor that triggered America's entry into World War II. Follow American History Tellers wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondry app.

Hey, I'm Mike Corey, the host of Wondries Against the Odds. In our next season, three friends, backcountry skiing in Alaska, disturb a hibernating bear, and she attacks. The skiers must wait for help to arrive before one of them succumbs to his injuries. Listen to Against the Odds on Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.
嘿,我是麦克·科瑞,Wondries Against the Odds节目的主持人。在我们的下一个季节中,三个朋友在阿拉斯加的野外滑雪,打扰了一只正在冬眠的熊,结果被熊攻击了。滑雪者必须等待帮助到来,以避免其中一人因伤势过重而不幸身亡。在Amazon Music或其他任何播客平台收听Against the Odds节目。

It's late 2007 in Stanford, Connecticut. He's once again on the phone with Dr. Sid Gilman, having once become one of their regular chats. Martoma is a portfolio manager at the hedge fund, with a focus on healthcare and biotechnology.

And over the last year, he's spoken many times with Gilman, a neurologist who's working on a clinical trial for a new Alzheimer's drug. After all the conversations, Martoma and Gilman have begun to open up to each other.

Martoma has talked at length about his love for science and his young children. And Gilman has spoken candidly about the highs and lows of teaching undergrad, as well as his troubled relationship with his son. The conversations have clearly veered far away from business.

But while Martoma has enjoyed these talks, he's never lost sight of the bigger goal. He's still trying to get information about the Alzheimer's drug and clinical trials. If he could get some exclusive information, whether it works, whether it doesn't, he could earn a fortune, along with the respect of his boss, Stephen Cohen.

On the phone, Martoma and Gilman continued chat about work and families. It's a pleasant conversation, but Martoma knows he can't keep it up forever. He's going to have to convince Gilman to share non-public information about the drug trials.

So as Gilman finishes talking about a gripe at work, Martoma pivots and mentions something he discovered doing his own research. Apparently, the Alzheimer's drug may have the potential for serious brain swelling.

Martoma asks whether that's something Gilman has seen in the clinical trials. Gilman hesitates, but Martoma reminds the doctor that he dug up this research. He's just trying to see if it's credible. After a long pause, Gilman says that, like all drugs, there are a number of potential side effects, headaches, back pain, swelling in the joints.

Up until now, Martoma has been patient, but he senses an opening. And so he asks directly whether those side effects did occur in patients in the trial. There's another long pause on the other end of the line. And Gilman says he's sorry, but he can't reveal that information. It's not public.

Martoma knows he just crossed a line, but he can't stop now. Not when he's close to getting valuable information. So, Martoma keeps charging forward, asking again, whether participants in the drug trial experienced any adverse reactions.

Gilman sighs. But then, all at once something changes in his tone. The doctor clears his throat, and in a quiet voice, he says, yes, side effects did occur. Martoma sits up, suddenly alert. Gilman is talking, sharing sensitive information. This may be Martoma's only shot.

So he pushes Gilman for details. Did patients experience brain swelling? That kind of side effect could be catastrophic for the drug's prospects. Gilman's voice remains quiet. And he says, yes, he has seen brain swelling. But Martoma is wrong. He has it backwards. Brain swelling could very likely be assigned that the drug is working.

The tone of the conversation has shifted. It's clear to both men that they've crossed a line. But Martoma doesn't care. He's gotten exactly what he needed after spending countless hours on the phone with the doctor. He has some proof that the drug could be a success, and he should invest in the pharmaceutical companies right away.

After hanging up with Dr. Gilman, Martoma starts to calculate how he'll divvy up his capital between the two companies responsible for the drug. There's no reason to hold back. So Martoma is going to take large positions in both companies, and then sit back and watch those investments grow.

It's July 20th, 2008, in the town of East Hampton, New York. It's a humid Sunday morning, and Stephen Cohen is reclining in the backyard of his mansion, enjoying the calm and peaceful day. As Cohen lies back in the sun, he listens to the waves off in the distance along the coastline of Long Island.

He can't help but think of the irony of the situation. When he was young, Cohen did everything he could to get off Long Island. But now in his middle age, he's come back. The difference this time is that he owns a beautiful mansion, and he's far from the backwaters of his old hometown.

Cohen looks out at his pool, which shimmers in the sunlight. It's a beautiful sight. And Cohen feels pleased with everything he's accomplished over the years. His hedge fund, SAC Capital, is a runaway success. Cohen himself is worth some $9 billion, making him one of the richest men alive. And the whole of Wall Street recognizes Cohen as a brilliant trader, a titan of the financial markets.
科恩望着他的泳池,在阳光下闪烁着,真是美不胜收。科恩对自己这些年来所取得的成就感到欣慰。他的对冲基金——SAC Capital,大获成功。科恩本人的身价达到了约90亿美元,成为了全世界最富有的人之一。整个华尔街都认为科恩是一位出色的交易员,金融市场的泰斗。

Still as Cohen picks up a newspaper and starts reading, he reminds himself that he can never rest on his accolades, especially now with the US facing a financial crisis. Stocks are falling, and with the collapse of the housing market, everyone seems to be scrambling and losing money. But Cohen has managed to keep SAC Capital performing well.
當科恩拿起報紙開始閱讀時,他提醒自己不能因自己的榮譽而停止努力,尤其是現在美國面臨著金融危機。股市下跌,房產市場崩潰,每個人似乎都在爭先恐後地損失金錢。但是科恩成功地使SAC Capital表現良好。

Still, if he wants to keep producing large returns, he knows he'll have to find the edge, a hard-to-find information that gives him, and his traders, an advantage. Cohen flips the page of his newspaper when his cell phone suddenly vibrates. Check the screen. It's an email from Matthew Martoma, one of his portfolio managers. The subject line is concerning. That's there a good time to catch up with you this morning. The email says, it's important.

Cohen frowns. And he was hoping for a little more peaceful time out by the pool. But after scanning the email, Cohen realizes the issue is an emergency, one he can't ignore. Cohen dials Martoma's number and waits nervously for his employee to pick up. Steve, hey, I apologize. I know it's the Sunday, but we have a big problem. I'm freaking out really, and I need your help. Matthew Calm down. Tell me what happened.

It's a land in Wyos. This is about the Alzheimer's drug. Yeah. Well, so you know my position is large. Huh? Right? How big? We're in for over a billion. OK. But what's the problem? You said you were to conviction rate even 9 out of 10. You were certain it was a right call.

Yeah, I was all but certain. Something's changed. Martoma goes silent. Cohen can almost hear him quivering on the other line. Steve, I thought I was right. But the drug doesn't work. It's only effective in half the people in the clinical trial. Half. Yeah, half. I'm sorry, Steve. I don't know what to do.

For a moment, Cohen is struck with an overwhelming feeling of fear, something he hasn't felt in a long time. Because while occasionally, SAC capital does take a loss. This is a big one, over a billion dollars. The hedge fund has already taken some hits from the financial crisis. But a big loss like this, and the firm could suddenly find itself in serious trouble. Cohen knows there's only one possible decision. They need to dump the shares before it's too late. But that's risky.
有一刻,科恩被一种难以抗拒的恐惧感冲击了,这是他很久以前就没有感受到的。因为虽然 SAC 资本偶尔会有亏损,但这一次却是一个大数目,超过了10亿美元。对冲基金已经受到了金融危机的一些冲击。但像这样的巨大亏损,公司可能会突然陷入严重困境。科恩知道只有一种可能的决定是正确的。他们需要在太迟之前卖掉这些股票。但这很有风险。

Our toma clearly isn't using publicly available information, and trading on that intelligence could pose a threat. But Cohen won't allow his hedge fund to suffer such a major loss. So he hangs up with Martoma and contacts his top broker at SAC. Cohen tells the broker to sell all their positions in the pharmaceutical companies, but they need to do it quietly.

Cohen hangs up the phone, but he can't let go of the adrenaline coursing through his body, spoiling what should have been a peaceful Sunday morning. And with his heart still racing, Cohen gets another idea, one that makes him smile. He now knows that the drug trials are going to fail. The stocks of the pharmaceutical companies are going to take.

So Cohen can do more than just play defense. He can make some serious money by shorting the stocks of both companies, placing a bet that their value will go down. And surely they will, with everything Cohen just learned from his portfolio manager.

It's early 2009, about six months later, at the FBI's field office in New York City. Agent BJ Kang puts on a thick pair of headphones and turns up the volume on a digital console. When he hears a pair of voices, Kang pulls up his laptop and starts taking notes. Kang and his partner are sitting in what's known as the wire room, a dark, windowless space where the two are eavesdropping on a phone conversation, one that could help him build a case against the hedge fund, SAC Capital.
现在是2009年初,大约六个月后,BJ Kang特工在纽约FBI分局戴上厚厚的耳机,调高数字控制台的音量。当他听到两个声音时,Kang会打开笔记本电脑开始做笔记。Kang和他的伙伴坐在被称为窃听房间的黑暗无窗室内,他们在监听一次电话谈话,这可能帮助他构建起对对冲基金SAC Capital的案件。

The two men on the call are Raj Raj Ratnam, a man who founded a $7 billion hedge fund, an Ali Far, one of Raj Ratnam's former employees. Kang knows there's a good chance that on this call, Far will hand over an illegal stock tip, giving his former boss material he needs to commit insider trading.
打电话的两个人分别是Raj Raj Ratnam,一位创办了70亿美元对冲基金的人,以及他曾经的员工Ali Far。康知道在这个电话里,Far很有可能会提供一个非法的股票提示,把他的前老板需要进行内幕交易的材料交给他。

That's of course a crime, but for Kang what matters isn't just these two men or the particular exchange. It's what could come out of it. Leverage Kang could use to eventually go after SAC Capital. Because what's true for the traders is true for the FBI, it all comes down to relationships.

Ali Far, one of the men on the wire tap, has a business partner named CB Lee. And Lee used to be an analyst at SAC Capital. Kang is trying to build a case against SAC. To do so, he needs a way in. And he believes that these relationships could do the trick. If Far passes along illegal stock tips to his former boss, he'll be caught red handed. And that means he might be willing to flip.
阿里·法尔(Ali Far)是窃听的男子之一,他有一个名叫CB Lee的商业伙伴。 而李曾经是SAC Capital的分析师。 康(Kang)试图建立对SAC的指控。 为此,他需要一种进入方式。 而他相信这些关系可能会奏效。 如果法尔向他的前上司传递非法股票提示,他就会被抓个现行。 这意味着他可能愿意翻供。

If he does, Far could cooperate by incriminating his business partner Lee. The FBI could then go after him and get Lee to flip too, and be willing to turn on his old boss, Stephen Cohen. Keeping one criminal after another, Kang could build a case that would take down SAC Capital. Before any of that, he needs his first potential informant to incriminate himself.
如果他这样做的话,法尔就可以通过揭发他的商业伙伴李的罪行来合作。然后FBI就可以追捕李并使他愿意反转,转而揭发他的老板Stephen Cohen。康可以一步步揭露犯罪人的罪行,建立一个能够打倒SAC Capital的案件。但在此之前,他需要让第一个可能的线人自己揭露自己的罪行。

On the phone, Far and Rajarotnam begin talking about semiconductors and microchips. It's an uneventful conversation. Until Far tells Rajarotnam, the company producing certain semiconductors is about to guide down, meaning its quarterly earnings will be lower than expected. Rajarotnam lasts when he hears the news, and thanks Far for his work, the line goes dead.

Inside the FBI wire room, Kang and his partner turn to each other with a look of joy. It happened fast, and there weren't a lot of details. But what they heard was undeniable. Far, passed on information that's not available to public traders. Kang rips off his headphones and starts gathering materials. He's going to have to move fast.

First, he'll put pressure on Ali Far, convincing him to cooperate with the FBI. Then he'll have to do the same with Far's partner, C.B. Lee. He used to work at SAC Capital. What if Kang moves, play out as they should? The FBI will be one step closer to taking down SAC Capital, and its founder, Stephen Cohen.
首先,他会施加压力给阿里·法尔,说服他与联邦调查局合作。然后他会对法尔的伙伴C.B.李做同样的事情。他曾在SAC Capital工作。如果康行动了,一切都会按计划进行吗?联邦调查局将离抓捕SAC Capital及其创始人斯蒂芬·科恩更近了一步。

It's April 2009, and late afternoon near Cupertino, California. In a quiet suburban neighborhood, FBI agent BJ Kang brings his rental car to a stop. He and his partner step out of the car. Kang buttons up his dark jacket and checks the holster at his side. He doesn't think he'll have to use a firearm in the confrontation he's about to initiate, but with people's freedom on the line, you can never be too sure.
现在是2009年4月,在加州库比蒂诺市附近的一个安静的郊区。FBI特工BJ Kang停下了他的租赁车。他和他的搭档下了车。Kang系好了他的深色夹克并检查了他腰边的手枪套。他不认为他需要在即将发生的冲突中使用枪械,但是因为人们的自由受到威胁,一定要保持警觉。

Kang takes a deep breath and gets ready to ring the doorbell of a stock trader named C.B. Lee, a former technology analyst for SAC Capital who used to work directly under Stephen Cohen. Kang knows that Lee has taken part in insider trading. It all came out recently when Kang confronted Lee's business partner, Ali Far. Kang had been listening in on a wiretap and had proof that Far committed a crime. He's facing the possibility of time in prison, Far crumbled, and admitted the truth.
康格深深地吸了一口气,准备敲响股票交易员C.B.李的门。李曾经是SAC Capital的技术分析员,直接为斯蒂芬·科恩工作。康格知道李参与了内幕交易。最近,当康格找到李的生意伙伴Ali Far举报他犯罪时,这一切都曝光了出来。康格在窃听中收集到了证据。虽然Far面临着入狱的可能性,但他崩溃了,承认了真相。

For Kang, it's all going according to plan. He got his first source to flip, and now he needs to use his leverage to acquire another informant, someone who can lead the FBI all the way to Stephen Cohen and SAC Capital. Kang and his partner walk up the front steps and ring the doorbell.
对于康格来说,一切都按计划进行。他已经让他的第一个消息来源翻了盘,现在他需要利用自己的优势获取另一个消息人士,一个能够带领FBI最终找到斯蒂芬·科恩和SAC Capital的人。康格和他的搭档走上前台阶,按响门铃。

When the door opens, Kang is faced to face with a 52-year-old man with gray hair and baggy eyes. Kang flashes his credentials. Mr. Lee, my name is BJ Kang. My partner and I are agents with the FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions. Can we come in?
当门打开时,Kang面对着一位五十二岁的男子,他有灰色的头发和松弛的眼睛。Kang展示了他的证件。“李先生,我叫BJ Kang。我和我的搭档是FBI的特工。我们想问你几个问题。我们可以进来吗?”。

I'm sorry, what is this about? Well, it might take a while, so we should find somewhere to sit down. You're not coming into this house until you tell me what this is about. Kang exchanges a look with his partner. You can already tell that Lee is inclined to be uncooperative.

Mr. Lee, we're investigating insider trading. Okay, what does that have to do with me? Well we know you have broken federal law, and you've done so many times. No, I don't know what you're talking about.

Mr. Lee, your partner, Ali Far, has confessed on tape. He's the one who led us to you. You know, we're done here. Lee tries to close the front door, but Kang stops him. Mr. Lee, we can play you the recording, or you can talk. You can tell us about how you paid a firm for illegal information about semiconductor companies. The partner told us all about that.

Agent Kang, I've done nothing illegal. Well we have a different take, and I think you know we're right. But you're a smart man, and you probably want to strike a deal.

Oh, is that what you're offering? A deal? Mr. Lee, I'm offering you a chance to cooperate. Because if you do, you can avoid prosecution. Lee runs a hand through his hair. Huh. Okay. Well, before I make any decision, level with me. This isn't about me, is it? It's about Colin.

Mr. Lee, I will level with you. You're right. It is about Colin. And if you do cooperate, you'll have to come to New York and answer questions about your time at SAC Capital on the record.
李先生,我和你坦率地说。你是对的,我们谈的就是柯林的事情。如果你愿意合作,你需要来纽约,并在记录上回答关于你在SAC Capital的工作时间的问题。

Well, I can answer questions.

That's not all though. No?

We would like you to be an informant and wear a wire.

No, no, I don't think so.

Well that's the deal. You wear a wire and help us get Colin and you walk free. Or we'll arrest you now. This is your choice.

Lee stares at the ground, his eyes sullen and tired. But when he looks back up at the agents, he nods and says he'll think about it. For Agent Kang, that is all he needed to hear. They don't yet have a guarantee. But Kang is confident that in the coming weeks, they'll get Lee to flip. Eventually, he'll agree to wear that wire. And soon enough, they'll have a recording of Stephen Cohen himself taking an illegal tip from his old analyst.

A few weeks later, Stephen Cohen is sitting in his office working when his phone rings. He glances over at the caller ID. It's CB Lee. Cohen stares at the phone as it rings. He has a busy day in front of him and he probably shouldn't take the call. The Cohen is always liked Lee. He produced some of the best research and analysis and he was fun to have around the office. So Cohen grabs the receiver and greases old employee, asking how everything's going.
几周后,斯蒂芬·科恩坐在办公室里工作时,电话响了。他看了一眼来电显示。是 CB 李。科恩看着电话响着。他接下来的日子非常忙,也许不应该接电话。但是科恩一直很喜欢李。他制作出一些最好的研究和分析,而且在办公室里非常有趣。所以,科恩抓起接收器,热情地问候这位老员工,询问一切是否好。

The two men make small talk for a bit and then Lee gets to the point. He wants to know if Cohen would consider bringing him back to the hedge fund, but this time as a consultant. Lee says he's looking for new work and reminds Cohen that it would be a worthwhile investment. Lee's information was always good right there on the edge.

Cohen taps his finger on the table and he considers the pitch. It's true, Lee did use to have solid information, but sources can dry up and analysts can lose their momentum. So Cohen asks Lee to say more, to explain why now is the right time. His voice bright with excitement, Lee explains that he has people in sales and finance at Nvidia, the technology company, and that his sources keep him updated on quarterly earnings. Lee also tells Cohen that he has a contact and a semiconductor company who feeds him information about their products.

Hearing this, Cohen is intrigued, but he also notes he needs to be careful about these kind of conversations over the phone. So he tells Lee that he'll think about it and get back to him. Cohen hangs up and soon after he takes a walk around the office to clear his head. He ends up at the desk of one of his research traders. And when Cohen casually mentions talking to CB Lee, the trader looks away shaking his head.
科恩听到这个消息很感兴趣,但他同时也注意到这种电话谈话需要小心谨慎。所以他告诉李说他会考虑一下并回复他。科恩挂断电话后,他在办公室里散步放松一下。他最后来到了一位研究交易员的桌子前。当科恩随口提到与 CB 李的谈话时,交易员摇了摇头不再看他。

Seeing this, Cohen asks what's wrong. Why did he just respond like he'd heard about a disaster? Meeting Cohen's eyes, the trader explains that there's a rumor going around. Sounds like Lee is working with the FBI. People are saying he's wired up. The trader had assumed Cohen had already heard the news.

Cohen stands there staring, shocked. He's aware that the SEC has been poking around, but he had no idea the FBI was involved, or an former employee might be trying to set him up. Cohen storms back to his desk, and for a few minutes he sits doing. The CB Lee might be trying to betray him, and suddenly Cohen feels like the world is closing in on him. That invisible enemies are lining up trying to take him down.
Cohen狐疑地站在那里,目瞪口呆。他知道监管机构SEC一直在关注他,但他不知道FBI也牵涉其中,也不知道前雇员可能在试图设局害他。 Cohen愤怒地回到他的桌子前,坐了几分钟。他开始怀疑CB Lee可能在背叛他,突然间Cohen感到整个世界正在向他逼近,看不到的敌人在排队企图击败他。

Cohen takes a deep breath to call himself, and after a few minutes he regains his composure. If the FBI was listening to that call, Cohen didn't say anything incriminating, and he's been in the business far too long to make a mistake like that. And now that he thinks about it, the call was actually useful.

Because Cohen knows the score now. The FBI appears to be coming after him, and they're going to try to lure him into making a mistake. The Cohen won't fall for it. He just needs a cool head and a little patience. Just like those poker games so many years ago, he'll wait for the FBI to show their hand, and whether he has to bluff or play a stronger hand himself, Cohen has no doubt that he'll walk away the winner.

From Wondering, this is episode 2 of the FBI vs The Hedge Fund from American Scandal. In our next episode, a Wall Street Journal exposé creates problems for agent BJ Kang's investigation on high alert Stephen Cohen realizes he must act quickly to protect himself.
这是《好奇心》的第二集,讲述FBI与对冲基金之间的斗争。在下一集中,有一篇《华尔街日报》的揭秘报道给探员BJ Kang的紧急调查带来了麻烦。史蒂芬·科恩感到必须迅速采取行动来保护自己。

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嘿,亚马逊会员们,你们可以在亚马逊音乐上无广告地收听美国丑闻。现在就下载亚马逊音乐应用程序,或者通过Wondering Plus和苹果播客无广告收听。在你离开之前,请花一点时间填写Wondering.com/survey的简短调查,让我们更了解你。

If you'd like to learn more about Stephen Cohen and the SAC capital, we recommend the book Black Edge by Sheila Cole Hotcar. This episode contains reenactments and dramatized details. And while in most cases we can't know exactly what was said, all our dramatizations are based on historical research.

American Scandal has hosted, edited, and executed produced by me Lindsey Graham for airship, audio editing by Molly Bach, sound designed by Derek Barrett's, music by Lindsey Graham. This episode is written by George Duckard, edited by Christina Mallsberger. Our senior producer is Gabe Ribbon. Kid producers are Stephanie Chen's, Jenny Lauer Beckman and Marsha Louis for Wondering.
"美国丑闻"是由我Lindsey Graham制作、编辑和执行制作的,出品方为Airship。音频编辑由Molly Bach完成,声音设计由Derek Barrett负责,音乐则由我Lindsey Graham制作。此集节目由George Duckard编写,Christina Mallsberger编辑。我们的高级制片人是Gabe Ribbon,Wondering的小制片人则分别是Stephanie Chen's、Jenny Lauer Beckman和Marsha Louis。"