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Tesla Shines vs. BYD: New Video / Blazer EV Deliveries / Tesla Dominates Major Market ⚡️

发布时间 2023-08-01 07:17:13    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. So if you missed it late last week, that whole Tesla being accused of evading the law in their new deal with the Mohigian Sun in Connecticut to skirt the direct sales ban. Well, I have to show you a comment from Hoffman Auto Group. The co-chair of this Hoffman Auto Group that runs multiple dealerships said our issue is with Tesla, not Mohigian Sun, and then frankly evading the law, that's in Connecticut right now, but it's concerned the Tesla consumer won't have dealerships support. What a classy guy he is, worried about the Tesla consumer.

The official documentation, eligibility, and an FAQ on the FSD transfer for Q3 will be posted below. One question though I see online a lot. If I sell my new vehicle, will the FSD capability stay with it? The answer is yes. Once you transfer your FSD capability, it will stay with the new vehicle. If you then sell the new vehicle, the FSD will stay with that vehicle and be available to the new vehicle owner. One other important note to receive the FSD transfer, you must take delivery of the new vehicle by September 30th.
下面将发布官方文档、资格条件和关于Q3 FSD转移的常见问题解答。有一个经常在网上看到的问题。如果我卖掉我的新车,FSD功能是否会随之保留?答案是肯定的。一旦你转移了FSD功能,它将与新车一起保留。如果你之后再将新车卖掉,FSD功能将继续留在那辆车上,并可供新车主使用。另外要注意的一点是,为了获得FSD转移,你必须在9月30日之前接收新车。

Just to continue that, we're early thread, a couple from California was traveling through a small city in Montana. They ended up charging their car from this outlet on this pole, and it made front page local news, and they called this an unidentified electric vehicle. It was suggested the Tesla was the first EV to charge in EkaLaka.

Here we have some pictures of Tesla's rather unique closed circuit television monitoring system at Giga Berlin. And yes, this camera that you see right here is actually on the vehicle, it's not part of the fence. Closed circuit television is when the signals are not publicly distributed, but they're just monitored and it's usually for security reasons. There you have it, part of Tesla's security system at Giga Berlin, which of course is mobile, they can move it around, use Sentry Mode, maybe view some live streams to check on what's going on in the area.
这里我们有一些特斯拉在Giga Berlin的相当独特的闭路电视监控系统的照片。是的,你在这里看到的摄像机实际上是在车辆上,而不是围栏的一部分。闭路电视是指信号不公开分发,只用于监控,通常是出于安全原因。这就是特斯拉在Giga Berlin的一部分安全系统,当然是可以移动的,可以将其移动到不同位置,使用哨兵模式,也许观看一些实时视频流来检查周围发生的情况。

We also got a few images in the last 24 hours of some Model X vehicles with the new matrix LED headlights installed. All of these images were from two different Tesla stores in California. We're still not sure exactly what type of capability to expect from these matrix LED lights. Certain features may be coming in the future, but wanted to pass along these photos. We've known these matrix-style headlights have been coming now for a while, but there's still some questions on what vehicles and where. So it's not solved yet, but it's good to see those pictures and hopefully a software update comes in the weeks ahead to unlock more of the functionality of these new headlights.
在过去的24小时里,我们还收到了一些装有新款矩阵式LED前照灯的Model X的图片。所有这些图片都来自加利福尼亚州的两家特斯拉店铺。我们仍然不确定这些矩阵式LED前照灯的具体功能。可能在未来会有一些新的功能推出,但我们想把这些照片传达给大家。我们已经知道这些像矩阵一样的前照灯已经面世一段时间了,但目前还存在一些关于车辆和安装位置的问题。所以问题尚未解决,但很高兴能看到这些照片,希望未来几周内会有软件更新解锁更多这些新前照灯的功能。

We have this Twitter account that I personally cannot vouch for, I've never seen it before, saying that the registration process will be completed soon for the Model 3 project island and the Model Y redesign code named Juniper that we're supposed to actually see in 2024. And she added at least for the Model 3, it's expected to be open for sales soon. So here is the actual source. You can see the Model 3 and the Model Y listed over here. You can also see dates of what I would presume are July, 2023, I'm not going to dive into any of the range or specs because I would just say we need to wait for an official announcement from Tesla. The Model 3 going through the government procedures makes a ton of sense. Everything that we've seen really does point to initial production of project island maybe toward the end of Q3 again in China first. The real question is Model Y project Juniper that we're not supposed to see until next year. Maybe it was just easier for Tesla to go through the Model 3 in the Model Y procedures at the same time but that's just pure speculation on my part. Honestly though, I have my doubts on if this is really what's going on because clicking through the website that admittedly was not working very well on my end, doing some digging through the actual source. If you look at the profile ID, there are also years listed and you'll see 2022, 2021. So I'm not sure these are new vehicles going through any registration process. All that to say, wanted to pass it along in case there is something happening here but I just cannot say for sure. But even without this news item, I'm still expecting highlands sometime toward the end of Q3.
我们有一个Twitter账号,我个人无法担保,我之前从未见过,他说Model 3项目岛屿的注册流程将很快完成,Model Y的重新设计代号为杜松子,我们预计将会在2024年看到。她还补充说,至少对于Model 3来说,预计很快将开放销售。所以这里是真实的来源。你可以在这里看到Model 3和Model Y被列出来。你还可以看到日期,我认为应该是2023年7月,我不会深入探讨其续航里程或规格,因为我会说我们需要等待特斯拉的官方公告。Model 3完成政府程序是非常合理的。我们所见到的一切都真的指向了岛屿项目的初期生产,或许会在第三季度末再次在中国进行。真正的问题是Model Y项目杜松子,我们不应该在明年才能见到。也许特斯拉同时进行Model 3和Model Y的手续只是比较容易,但这只是我个人的纯粹推测。老实说,我对这是否真的正在发生有所怀疑,因为点击这个网站虽然一开始不太好用,但我通过实际的来源进行了一些挖掘。如果你看到个人资料ID,也会看到年份,你会看到2022年、2021年。所以我不确定这些是正在进行注册流程的新车辆。总之,只是想在这里传递一些信息,以防这里有什么正在发生的事情,但我无法确定。但即使没有这个新闻,我仍然期待在第三季度末的时候看到高地。

For what it's worth, that same source shared this document that I went ahead and translated to English. That says, late auto learned that Tesla is working on FSD and preparing for the landing in China and related people are currently being recruited in China, testing and verification personnel. The source believes that if Tesla FSD wants to be in China, it needs to form an R&D team of several hundred people and then work with Chinese cars. As always, be extra cautious with these translations. There's oftentimes much lost in translation. Specifically, I'm guessing with this last line. Either way though, this does seem like at least one more breadcrumb that Tesla is working on things behind the scenes to get FSD up and running in China. Shout out to Colin W for the photo. Possibly shows us a camera on the upcoming project island on the front bumper like we've seen with the Cybertruck. So make of this little circle sticking out whatever you will.
值得一提的是,同一消息源分享了这份文件,我已经将其翻译成了英文。文件中提到,特斯拉正在研发自动驾驶全自动系统(FSD),并准备登陆中国市场,目前正在中国招聘相关人员,包括测试和验证人员。该消息源认为,如果特斯拉想要在中国市场开展FSD业务,需要组建一个由几百人组成的研发团队,并与中国本土的汽车厂商合作。和往常一样,请对这些翻译结果保持谨慎。翻译常常会出现信息丢失的情况,特别是最后一句,我猜测可能有一些理解上的困难。不管怎样,这至少可以证明特斯拉正在幕后努力推动FSD在中国的发展。感谢Colin W提供的照片,可能显示了即将推出的项目岛上前保险杠上的摄像头,就像我们在Cybertruck上看到的那样。所以你可以根据这个小圈圈的外形来猜测一下。

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当谈到健康时,不要把它复杂化。只需找到一种能让你活动起来的活动,出点汗,晒晒太阳,希望还能笑一笑。还有那个“你吃什么就是什么”的说法,在经验上,我确实发现了其中的真理,这也是为什么艾什莉和我到现在还能享受81年。我仍然收到很多问题,所以这里有一些答案。Age one不含麸质和乳制品,适合那些遵循古法、纯素或减肥饮食计划,每份少于1克天然糖分。它不仅含有75种维生素、矿物质和整食来源的成分,还可以增加我对抗氧化剂的摄入。我四处寻找过,我认为很难找到一个更全面的补充品。我已经向家人和朋友推荐过它,如果你希望在一天中保持高效和持久的精力,Age one也许能帮你少喝咖啡,但依然精力充沛。即使你对体育锻炼不太热衷,Age one也可以帮助提高思维清晰和健康激素产生能力,还有其他许多好处。了解一下Age one是支持该频道的好方法,更重要的是,支持你自己的健康。你可以访问drinkagone.com/electrified 来获得五个旅行装和一年免费的维生素D3K2补给。享受吧。

I want this to be a very informative video comparing BYD and Tesla battery packs, but strap in, get ready, and focus up because you need to stay alert. And this gentleman's delivery is so much better than mine, so you just need to hear it from him.

And so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video. I hope that you enjoyed YouTube for the first time. We have Perth now, an Australian publication reporting on the greenest electric vehicles in the country, and Tesla, Volvo and Polestar have earned top marks as the most environmentally friendly EVs on sale in Australia. Sadly, we don't get much detail from this report, but 22 EVs were ranked based on their lifetime carbon emissions, the use of technology to reduce their environmental impact and the cost and the automakers' environmental policies. The Model 3 took the number one spot, scoring 73 out of 100. The Model Y was in second, with 68 points taking the two leading positions. Notably, the major Chinese challengers GWM, BYD and MG fell outside of the top 10 rankings. All they said, those Chinese companies scored lower for their environmental policies, including the absence of a decarbonization target or a life cycle analysis.
所以我希望你们喜欢这个视频。我希望你们第一次喜欢上了YouTube。我们现在有来自澳大利亚的刊物《佩思》报道了该国最环保的电动车,而特斯拉、沃尔沃和Polestar在澳大利亚销售的电动车中获得了最环保的评分。可惜的是,这份报告没有提供太多详细信息,但是根据22辆电动车的综合评估,包括它们的终身碳排放、使用的技术减少环境影响的程度、成本和汽车制造商的环境政策,特斯拉Model 3在总分为100分中获得了73分排名第一。Model Y以68分排名第二,占据了前两个位置。需要注意的是,中国主要的竞争对手GWM、比亚迪和MG没有进入前十名。他们之所以得分较低,是因为他们的环境政策方面存在问题,包括没有设定减碳目标或进行生命周期分析。

BYD absolutely moving a ton of product right now, but I'm very curious to see what the narratives are in 5-10 years. I'm mostly interested in the ultimate reliability. Rob talked about some of the upcoming emission standard changes that may be coming soon on Friday, but I think the backstory is even more interesting. GM estimated the auto industry as a whole could face 100-300 billion dollars in total penalties from 2027-2031, depending on this pending revision of the petroleum equivalent fuel economy standards for EVs. But in response to that, NHTSA who oversees the CAFE regulations said GM's estimate is pure speculation and inaccurate. So maybe kind of like their due diligence on nickel motors.

The Malaysian Prime Minister just said Tesla's decision to set up shop in Malaysia was at least in part due to the political stability brought about by the unity government, saying that Elon actually reached out to them for a meeting once they had achieved that political stability, whereas before they were reaching out to him and apparently he wasn't responding. If for some reason it wasn't already, add political stability to your Gigafactory checklist when it comes to what Tesla is considering.

I can't play the audio for copyright reasons, but I did want to show you a quick clip from Tesla Club Austria where they have some Tesla's lined up playing a light show, of course, showcasing the design of the Cybertruck. So that's pretty cool, the full link to the video will be linked below.

And look, you might think this type of thing is silly or goofy, but at the end of the day when you talk about community and things that make Tesla unique, this is definitely one of them. I'm assuming most of you that watch my videos have already seen this one from Kyle and out of spec, but if not, just wanted to play a quick clip full video of course below.
看吧,你可能会觉得这种事情很傻或愚蠢,但说到社区和那些使特斯拉独特的事情时,这绝对是其中之一。我假设大多数观看我的视频的人已经看过Kyle和out of spec拍摄的这个视频了,但如果还没有看过,我只是想播放一个快速的片段,完整的视频当然在下面。

I believe personally that this is a custom adaptation of the mega charger, but let's just talk about this dispenser. I'm six foot one. Wow. Now granted, that's on a post. So here, now I'm standing on the post. It's still taller than me if I stand up next to this thing. So this is just epic, huge. Now this is not to charge version four charging. This is for the Tesla semi and yesterday they were charging the semi here. I can't believe we missed it.

So now let's talk about the cable because this is what confirmed they're using to charge the Tesla semi. The handle itself really nice immersion cooled cable is what it feels like to me. This is basically MCS version two, you know, the megawatt charging standard, the big triangle thing. That's MCS version three. And the semi wasn't done before MCS three came out. So Tesla pretty much used and adapted a previous version of megawatt charging standard developed in partnership with Charon actually.
现在让我们来谈谈电缆,因为这证实了他们正在使用它来给特斯拉半挂车充电。这个电缆的手柄本身给我一种非常好的沉浸式冷却感觉。这基本上是MCS版本2,你知道的,兆瓦级充电标准,那个大三角形的东西。那就是MCS版本3。而特斯拉半挂车在MCS 3发布之前就已经完成了。所以特斯拉实际上是使用并改进了与Charon合作开发的以前版本的兆瓦级充电标准。

And this is what it looks like. So you have your big DC couplings, your communications on the pins down here, pretty freaking epic juicy contactors in there. It even has the little button right here to open up the charge port, which is pretty cool. And it's just for the amount of power that they're expecting this thing to do. And this immersion cooling tech that we know version four will have. It's just so light, so nimble, easy to move around. I mean just next level. This is, you know, a cable that once megatruck megatruck, semi truck comes out can do probably around a megawatt worth of power. This cable probably can handle it would be lighter than a 360 kilowatt EA. You know, Hebrew Schooner cable over there. Pretty crazy, isn't it? Yeah, that's wild.

As we talked about last week, this is not a permanent setup. It's still sitting on the palate. There's tape marks all over it. So definitely for testing, but still cool to see.

Over the past few years, we've seen Ford benchmarking the model three, the model S and the model Y. But the model X was not on that list fast forward to this weekend. And now it is for doesn't have any vehicles that are directly competing with us now or anything really that we've heard. But we'll see what happens in the years ahead.
在过去几年中,我们看到福特对Model 3、Model S和Model Y进行竞争分析。但Model X并没有列入其中。快进到这个周末,情况发生了变化。现在,福特的车型中没有任何与我们直接竞争的车辆,或者我们听说过的任何相关车型。不过,我们将拭目以待未来几年会发生什么。

There's a new report out there from July, the state of electric vehicles from the electric vehicle council, this specifically for Australia just wanted to highlight so far in 2023, 8.4% of all new car sold have been EVs. That's more than a 120% increase compared to all of 2022. And they add it's important to note the vast majority of EV sales are made up of only three models, the model Y, the model three, and the BYD add oh three representing over 68% of the EV market. And it's not like those are the only cars available. There are 91 electric cars, vans and mute models available in Australia. Importantly they add, although Australia has a lot of work to do to catch up with leading EV countries, every state, territory and the federal government is now actively supporting the uptake of zero emission technology. 46.6,000 EVs sold a year to date through June in Australia. And here you see the breakdown of the top five. Honestly though, this was a great report overall. So it'll be linked below.
7月有一份来自电动汽车委员会的最新报告,这主要针对澳大利亚,想要强调的是到目前为止,在2023年已经销售的汽车中,有8.4%是电动汽车。与整个2022年相比,这增加了超过120%。他们补充说需要注意的是,绝大多数电动汽车销售仅由三款型号组成,分别是Model Y,Model 3和BYD AD UP,它们占据了电动汽车市场的68%以上。并不是说这些是唯一可用的车型。在澳大利亚有91款电动汽车、货车和混合动力车型。重要的是,他们补充道,尽管澳大利亚在迎头赶上领先的电动汽车国家还有很多工作要做,但每个州、地区和联邦政府都正在积极支持零排放技术的推广。截至6月底,今年澳大利亚共售出了46.6万辆电动汽车。以下是前五名的销售分布情况。总而言之,这是一份很好的报告,下方链接可供查阅。

Today, Toyota said they're looking to strengthen their EV development in China. They'll be working with suppliers on local design and development of smart cockpits. Toyota is aiming to significantly reduce manufacturing costs, including through developing a local supplier base. This coming just after BMW announced product development in China with a new R&D hub in Shanghai to develop EVs for global sales.

This is part of why I really enjoy covering the daily news because over time, you get to see all of these different breadcrumbs and you can start piecing them together to see the overall bigger trends. Like pretty much all of legacy auto now running to the Chinese market and looking to partner up in due joint ventures with those companies because they're succeeding and well, everyone else is seemingly struggling, not named Tesla.

So we have the rest of the world looking to capitalize on the Chinese market and now we have China looking to capitalize on what's going on in the United States. Sure, so we have at least five different Chinese companies that announced a big investment in South Korea. They're saying they're going to build a big battery plant, jointly with South Korean companies. And the reason is, as you say, that the Biden administration is pushing car makers to reduce their reliance on Chinese minerals and then they made the Chinese company think that, yeah, then maybe we can build the plants in South Korea and then get the label of the media in Korea. And they are doing this just because South Korea is one of the few countries in Asia that signed a free trade agreement with the United States, which is the critical condition for car makers to get a subsidy from the Biden administration.

The point is that China is now dominating all kinds of supply chains for EVs. And I'm not talking about just the batteries. It's not easy to exclude China from the EV supply chain for now. And the US is if you as really wants to do that, they might need to slow down their ambitions for going green.

Mercedes is going to keep raising prices in order to weather significantly higher cost this year and said we still have cost increases to digest. On the inventory buildup, Mercedes said it was a result of their rollout of their direct sales model approach and a ramp up in production with new models coming to the market. They noted their supply chain was noticeably improved, which was a stark contrast to what we heard from Porsche last week.

Deema shared a new video of the cyber truck and this time we do actually see something new just check out the wheels. Not really sure if this is going to be an option or it's just for testing. I'm not entirely sure what I'm actually looking at, but wanted to pass it along. Maybe one of you guys will know what we're seeing here.

Uber Japan just announced plans to add 100 model wise to its fleet to be deployed by the end of next year as Uber premium exclusive vehicles. Tesla is coming to Providence, Rhode Island set to open one of the largest Tesla hubs in southern New England should open early next year. GM said today it started shipping the Chevy Blazer EV from the plant in Mexico to dealers for availability later this year. Important to note, the initial vehicles available will start around $60,000, but if you go to their website you'll see the 1 in 2 LT variants that will start from 44.9 and 47.5. The former though not available until winter of next year, but the 2 LT should be available this summer. But the trim to watch for the next year is going to be the 2 LT. It's about $200 cheaper than the Model Y. This gets 293 miles on a full charge whereas the entry model Model Y currently gets 279 miles. The Chevy Blazer 2 LT will be the closest comparison when it comes to the main 2 specs, price and range. GM has a lot riding on this vehicle, it's on the Altium platform and it's what Wall Street is watching to see if they can finally start delivering in volume because about 90% of their EV sales year to date have been on the non-altium platform, essentially the Chevy Bolt.
Uber Japan刚刚宣布计划在明年年底前将100辆特斯拉车型加入其车队,作为Uber高端专属车辆。特斯拉即将进驻罗德岛普罗维登斯,计划于明年初开设南新英格兰地区最大的特斯拉中心。通用汽车今天表示,已开始将雪佛兰Blazer电动车从墨西哥工厂发运至经销商,计划今年晚些时候供应。需要注意的是,初始可用的车型价格将在6万美元左右,但如果您访问他们的网站,您会看到定价为44.9和47.5万的1 in 2 LT特别版本。前者将于明年冬季推出,而2 LT将于今年夏季推出。但关注明年的款式将会是2 LT。它的价格比Model Y便宜约200美元。在充电充满的情况下,它可以行驶293英里,而目前入门级的Model Y只能行驶279英里。与主要的两个规格(价格和续航里程)相比,雪佛兰Blazer 2 LT将是最接近的竞争对手。通用汽车对这款车抱有很大期望,它是基于Altium平台,并且这是华尔街期待的,看看他们能否开始大规模交付,因为他们今年至今销售的电动车中约有90%是基于非altium平台的,基本上都是雪佛兰Bolt。

Toyota filed trademark applications with the European Union IP Office for a Lexus TZ450E NATZ 550E. MKBHD did an awesome video on Tesla's solar roof, it'll be linked below if you missed it. He did talk about his payback period which was about 9 years but it's going to be super different for everybody. Most importantly, after 2 days it's already gotten over 4.2 million views. Overall the video was certainly positive in favor of Tesla. And the reality is millions of people look up to MKBHD as an idol of sorts so you know they're going to want a Tesla solar roof at some point in the future. Big question, when can they afford it?
丰田已向欧盟知识产权局提交商标申请,申请商标为Lexus TZ450E NATZ 550E。如果你错过了,MKBHD在特斯拉的太阳能屋顶上制作了一段很棒的视频,下方有链接。他谈到了自己的回本期约为9年,但对于每个人而言,情况可能大不相同。最重要的是,视频发布两天后已经获得了超过420万的观看次数。总体而言,该视频明确对特斯拉持积极的态度。事实上,数百万人将MKBHD视为某种偶像,因此他们将在未来的某个时间点想要拥有特斯拉的太阳能屋顶是可以预见的。至关重要的问题是,他们何时能承担得起呢?

Tesla Mag is reporting that Wifirion, that company that people thought Tesla had purchased, was actually purchased as now the name had been changed to Tesla engineering. Honestly though, just based on this reporting, I personally wouldn't say it's officially official but it's pretty likely at this point.

ExxonMobil is now in talks with Tesla Ford and VW, among others, to supply them with lithium but the talks are in early stages. Don't forget, check out AG1 linked below, you can find me on twitter at DylanLumus22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.