The Disappointing Truth About The Tesla Cybertruck..
发布时间 2023-04-23 19:00:17 来源
The Disappointing Truth About The Tesla Cybertruck..
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The Tesla Cyber Truck is the most overhyped vehicle release in the history of the automobile. And I say that as a person with absolutely zero authority on automotive history, but I do make a lot of YouTube videos about the Cyber Truck and a shockingly large number of people tune in to watch them, so we've clearly hit on a main nerve in the 21st centuries I guised.
特斯拉Cyber Truck是汽车历史上最被炒作的车型之一。尽管我并不是汽车历史专家,但我制作了许多关于Cyber Truck的YouTube视频,惊人的是有许多人观看了这些视频,显示出Cyber Truck已经成为21世纪中的一大热点话题。
This is a product that evokes an emotional response in every person who sees it. The Stark brutalist design confronts you head on and forces each individual to choose their path. Take the Red Pill and this is the greatest truck ever conceived in the history of trucks. This is engineering genius, this will dominate the industry because it is simply better and no intelligent person could possibly disagree. Take the Blue Pill and this is the ugliest, most dangerous impractical fake truck ever conceived in the history of trucks. This will never actually exist and the longer we wait, the more entrenched the two sides become.
This only pushes the Cyber Truck higher and higher on its pedestal, becoming this shining stainless steel monolith that towers above us all. So could the Cyber Truck possibly be good enough to satisfy the red team and their unwavering faith? Could it ever fail so bad as to justify the blues? The journey to an answer is ripe with learning experiences. So let's get going.
这只会让Cyber Truck在它的基座上越来越高,变成一座闪耀的不锈钢巨像,超越我们所有人。那么Cyber Truck是否可能足够好,以满足红队和他们不动摇的信仰?它能否失败得如此惨烈,以证明蓝队的正确性?寻找答案的旅程充满了学习经验。所以让我们开始吧。
Now, just to clarify, when I say that the Cyber Truck is overhyped, I'm not saying that it won't be good. If you look at the channel, we've been diligently following and reporting on every single minute detail about the Cyber Truck that's been released, leaked or even hinted at. And we have yet to see any real cause for concern to date. Everything appears to be going according to plan, or at least according to the most recent version of the plan.
现在,为了澄清一下,当我说Cyber Truck被过度推崇时,我并不是说它不会好。如果你看一下我们的频道,我们一直在努力关注和报告关于已发布、泄露或者甚至只是暗示的Cyber Truck的每一个细节。到目前为止,我们还没有看到任何真正的问题。一切似乎都按照计划进行,或者至少按照最近版本的计划进行。
Here's where things start to get tricky. The Cyber Truck was, quote, unquote, launched a very long time ago and it doesn't just feel like a long time ago because of the whole collapse of Western society thing that actually happened like three and a half years ago and a lot has changed since then. And this is yet another fallout from a pretty major problem that Tesla created for themselves in the last decade, unveiling a brand new product and then just not delivering it.
事情开始变得棘手起来。Cyber Truck被引用为“很久以前”推出,这不仅仅是因为三年半前西方社会的崩溃,许多事情自那时以来已经发生了改变。这是特斯拉在过去十年中为自己创造的一个相当大的问题的又一个后果。他们推出了全新的产品,然后就没有交付。
This is kind of unprecedented in the tech industry. Imagine if Steve Jobs had come out on stage with the first iPhone and been like, this is the most amazing telephone ever design, this will change the world, we'll be releasing it in a couple years and then two years changes to three years. Still no iPhone. And then we're in year four and meanwhile, all of the other Samsung and Sony phones have come out and they're pretty good. But we're still waiting for this amazing iPhone that's going to be even better than everything. And we love Apple, but just release the damn phone.
It's kind of where I'm at with the Cybertruck and I know that a growing cohort of viewers are as well. Just release the damn truck already. There's only so much anticipation we can handle around here. And this is why I believe that we have reached a point in the technology life cycle known as the peak of inflated expectations. This is taken from something called the Gartner hype cycle and it basically maps out the journey that every new product will take on its journey from inception to mainstream adoption.
I like stuff like this because it reminds us that as human beings with our unrivaled intelligence and creativity, we are entirely predictable animals. Humans will study our own history, we'll make it a mandatory class in school and yet we are doomed to repeat the same course of action over and over and over again. It's deeply fascinating. Anyway, the first phase in this hype cycle is called the innovation trigger. This is when the Cybertruck first rolled out on the stage in November 2019 and there was fire shooting up from the floor and techno music blasting and Elon Musk hopped out wearing his badass leather jacket. It was insane.
Following that trigger, there will be a massive vertical increase in the hype surrounding the new product. People love it, people hate it, everyone is talking about it and this rise continues on until we reach the peak of inflated expectations. The longer the time between those two points, the higher the peak will rise until there is a catalyst to push the product over the edge to the other side. Typically the peak comes with the release of the product when the rubber meets the road, but a product can also go past its peak without even being released at all.
You can't just sustain infinite hype without delivering a payoff. At some point, even the most dedicated followers will just lose interest and move on to something else. Elon Musk has worked diligently over the years to maintain the rise in hype around the cyber truck, you've got to give the guy credit for that.
你不能仅依靠炒作来持续热度,而不提供回报。在某个阶段,即使是最忠实的追随者也会失去兴趣,转而去尝试其他事情。埃隆·马斯克多年来一直很努力地维持了对于Cyber Truck炒作的热度,这点必须承认他是个有功绩的人。
He's been dropping hints about all kinds of new features Tesla has developed that weren't included in the original release and telling everyone that it will be the greatest product Tesla has ever made. He's always very sure to remind us that production is coming soon. This year guys, we said that last year but for real this year, we're closer to the future now than we were in the past that is undeniable.
So make no mistake, the peak is coming soon. Either they release the damn truck or people will just lose interest no matter what side of the fence they are on, which would be pretty bad for business here at the Tesla space. We're hoping for a successful product launch, but either way this goes beyond the peak of inflated expectations lies the trough of disillusionment.
不要误解,高峰即将到来。 无论人们持何种立场,如果他们不发布该该鬼东西,人们就会失去兴趣,这对特斯拉空间的业务来说非常糟糕。 我们希望产品成功推出,但不管怎样,在虚高预期的顶点之后,就会出现失望的谷底。
I think the name speaks for itself, but is every product really doomed to plummet into a trough and lose favor? Maybe the cyber truck just deliver on every expectation and be all things to all people? Probably not. And here are a few reasons why.
我认为名字已经说明了一切,但是每个产品是否注定要陷入低谷并失去人气?也许Cyber Truck可以满足每个人的期望并成为万能的吗?可能不会。下面是几个原因。
简而言之,这段话讲述了Cyber Truck是否可以成为所有人都喜爱的产品和原因。
Thing number one, price. The price list and option packages for the cyber truck on launch day were pretty damn sweet. Get a single motor base model for 50 grand. It seemed too good to be true at the time and it was. That thing ain't coming.
But even if you put your $100 down for the top tier options package, does anyone still think they are actually getting that for $69,000? Search deep inside your heart. You know the answer. Now sure, some people will be happy to shell out the extra cash that it's going to take to get into the premiere release of the cyber truck with three motors or four motors or whatever Tesla can throw at it.
For some, money is no object and they get what they want. For the rest of us, there might be a touch of disillusionment when we are hit by the reality of buying a high-end electric pickup truck in today's economy. The numbers that we saw when we put that deposit down are not going to be the numbers on the screen when it comes time to deal the deal.
And we already saw this play out with Rivian when they tried to increase the price of the R1T prior to first deliveries going out. The customer disillusionment hit the company like a ton of bricks and even forced them to reverse course in a very public humiliation.
Thing number two is availability. Sure, cyber truck is going into its first production this year. I do believe that and maybe a few VIP customers get their deliveries in 2023. But what is the time frame looking like for getting trucks into driveways and clearing that massive backlog of pre-orders?
第二件事是可获性。当然,赛博卡车将于今年进行首次生产。我相信这一点,也许会有一些 VIP 客户在 2023 年收到交付。但是,将卡车送到车道上并清除那些大量的预订单的时间表是什么样子的呢?
We all know about the infamous 1 million plus cyber truck pre-orders though it's unlikely that these are going to convert into 1 million purchases, I'd say near impossible really. And just a hundred dollar refundable pre-order that would have pulled a lot of impulse buys from people who just wanted to feel a little endorphin rush.
Those people have already taken their money back. Another segment of customers would have just moved on and bought a different truck. There have been some electric pickups released in the past year. Rivian delivered 20,000 R1 vehicles in 2022. Ford managed around 13,000 lightning pickups in the year less than 1,000 Hummer EVs actually made it into customer driveways in 2022.
这些人已经把他们的钱拿回来了。另一部分客户可能已经换了一辆不同的卡车。过去一年中已经有一些电动皮卡推出。Rivian在2022年交付了20,000辆R1车辆。福特在不到1,000辆电闪击卡车上取得了大约13,000辆的成绩,而2022年实际上只有不到1,000辆Hummer EV进入了客户的车道。
So even if every single electric truck purchaser in 2022 was already on the cyber truck list, that wouldn't put much of a dent in the order queue. I've never taken a statistics class but statistically a bunch of people would have already died waiting for their cyber trucks to arrive. So that takes a few more names off the list.
But even in the worst case scenario, Tesla is going to be struggling to get production up to a level that meets the demand and eventually get them to a point where new customers can actually come in and place an order with a clearly defined and reasonable delivery date. That just means more waiting, more frustration and ultimately more disillusionment. We expect instant gratification in the modern world and that's something that ordering a cyber truck will not provide anytime soon.
Now I'm going to call thing number 3 the Elon Musk effect. Here's the thing. The cyber truck looks different and people don't like things that are different. Being an individual draws attention for better or worse. This is why the Toyota Corolla is so popular. No one will even notice that you exist when you drive this car. But not only is the cyber truck a weird looking vehicle, it's a weird looking vehicle that is inextricably linked to Elon Musk. And Elon Musk is somewhat of a controversial figure these days you may have heard. So people are naturally going to project whatever feelings they have about Elon directly onto the individual behind the wheel of Elon's product. I'd be prepared to receive a lot of unsolicited opinions from strangers. And all that just feeds into the general negativity that defines the phase of disillusionment.
But if the product is good then it will rise up from the trough. A good product doesn't actually need to meet or exceed every expectation. It doesn't have to be the best new thing in the world. It doesn't have to be all things to all people. The cyber truck will be a good product. It will be the most truck like consumer pickup truck of the 21st century, that's for sure. I mean if we were to try and define the fundamentals of what makes a truck a truck, big, rugged, powerful, durable, working machine, cargo hauler, able to go anywhere, drive over anything, farming, hunting, fishing, camping, ripping tree stumps out of the ground, cyber truck is going to ace that exam.
然而,如果产品质量优秀,它就可以从低谷中崛起。一款优秀的产品实际上不需要满足或超越所有期望。它不必成为世界上最好的新事物。它不必迎合所有人的需求。Cyber Truck是一款优秀的产品。毫无疑问,它将成为21世纪最像卡车的消费者皮卡车。我的意思是,如果我们试图定义什么是使卡车成为卡车的基本要素,例如体型大、坚固、强有力、耐用、工作机器、运输货物、能够行驶在任何地方,从事农业、狩猎、钓鱼、露营、拔树根,Cyber Truck将通过这次考试。
And with that we will climb the slope of enlightenment, which is the period in the hype cycle, where the benefits of the technology become widely understood. Imagine one year from now. Cyber truck owners are flooding TikTok and YouTube with videos of all the cool stuff that they are doing with their Tesla. Thousands of people will watch and a bunch of them will want to buy their own cyber truck. People from the other side of the argument will never even see the video because the algorithm already knows that they don't like trucks anyway and they'll find something else to be upset about.
And then we finally arrive on the plateau of productivity, which is mainstream adoption. The product becomes more clearly defined. The pricing and specifications solidify. The pros and cons of ownership are out there in the form of real world reviews. People move past hype and make their purchases based on satisfying their personal needs and wants. We leave all of this madness behind us.
Well, that'd be nice. But until then, stay tuned to the Tesla space for every excruciatingly minute piece of cyber truck news, rumors, and updates. Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up today if you liked it. That is so important for getting our content out to more people. If you enjoyed the content, then you'd probably also enjoy our weekly newsletter. So sign up the link down below at
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