Tesla Reveals The New DOJO Supercomputer!
发布时间 2023-07-30 20:00:11 来源
Tesla Reveals The New DOJO Supercomputer!
Last video: Tesla Reveals The New DOJO Supercomputer!
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Tesla's Artificial Intelligence Division has created a very special and very powerful new type of supercomputer, and they are calling it Dojo. This is a project that Tesla has been talking about for the past couple of years, but as of right now, Dojo is online and it is growing in power at an incredible rate expected to reach the top 5 most powerful computers in the world by early next year.
Project Dojo is a much bigger deal than most people realize, and it is about to change everything for Tesla. In June 2023, Elon Musk announced that Dojo has been online and running useful tasks at Tesla data centers for a few months. This was the first confirmation we've had that Dojo is operational and ready for action. It puts to rest speculation that has been going around about just how mature this new system really is. And Elon's words were backed up by information from the new official Tesla AI Twitter account showing that Dojo's hardware is production ready in July 2023.
This means that Tesla has already begun accumulating fully functional Dojo chips and building them out into larger systems of racks and cabinets as the supply continues to grow exponentially. Tesla AI is forecasting that Dojo will expand from its current testing phase to become one of the top 5 most powerful supercomputers in the world by February 2024 reaching over 30 exeflops of computing power. And from there, the production rate for Dojo hardware will continue to ramp up in volume pushing Tesla's total compute power to 100 exeflops in October 2024.
Now you might be wondering what the hell is an exeflop? Well, it's a way to measure the amount of work a computer can handle in one second. So one exeflop represents one quintillion computer operations per second. That is a one with 18 zeros behind it. It is an unfathomable number on the human scale. So let's put this into a metric that we all understand money. 100 exeflops of compute is equivalent to 300,000 and Vidya A100 GPUs. These have been industry standard for a few years as the top tier processing unit at the most powerful data centers in the world. These are not the kind of chips that play video games. These A100s are used to create the most advanced software on Earth. Large AI models like chat GPT and mid-journey image generator would not exist without the A100 chip. And that in turn makes these GPUs incredibly valuable. Average cost of around $10,000 per unit. So now we can take 100 exeflops, which is 300,000 A100s multiplied by $10,000 and you get $3 billion. That's what Tesla is creating with Dojo, a $3 billion supercomputer. And that's just where Dojo will be next October. According to the initial curve on Tesla's graph, it looks like they are projecting at least a 100% increase in capacity over a 1 year period.
现在你可能想知道什么是exeflop。好吧,它是衡量计算机一秒钟内可处理工作量的方式。因此,一个exeflop代表每秒一百万亿次的计算操作。这是一个后面带有18个零的数字,在人类尺度上是难以想象的。所以让我们用我们都能理解的货币来衡量。100个exeflop的计算相当于30万个Vidya A100 GPU。几年来,这些GPU一直是世界上最强大数据中心的顶级处理单元的行业标准。它们不是用来玩视频游戏的芯片。这些A100芯片用于创建地球上最先进的软件。像Chat GPT和Mid-journey Image Generator这样的大型人工智能模型将不会没有A100芯片存在。这也使得这些GPU极其有价值,平均每个单元成本约为1万美元。因此,现在我们可以将100个exeflop,即30万个A100芯片乘以1万美元,得到30亿美元。这就是特斯拉用Dojo打造的30亿美元超级计算机。而且这只是Dojo在明年十月的起点。根据特斯拉图表上的初步曲线,他们似乎预计在一年内至少增加100%的容量。
So that all sounds very exciting and cool, but just what is this Dojo thing actually going to do? Why does a car company need such a ridiculously powerful computer? There's a lot to unpack here. So just like with a real world Dojo, this computer system is designed to function as a training ground, except instead of karate, Tesla's Dojo will train artificial intelligence. More specifically, this is the new home of Tesla's full self driving neural network.
So this is the point where we can start separating Dojo from the standard definition of a supercomputer. You see, Dojo is more correctly described as an artificial intelligence training cluster, but supercomputer is a much more familiar association for the average person. So we lead off with that to establish the fundamentals.
These training clusters are traditionally made up of giant cabinets packed with GPUs, all buzzing away. The graphics processor that we've all been using for decades just happened to be particularly well suited for the type of calculation that is demanded by neural net training. So companies like NVIDIA and AMD just started making these much bulkier and more powerful versions of their existing designs. But Dojo is coming to the game with an entirely new approach.
Dojo is a bespoke hardware platform that was designed from the ground up by Tesla's AI division exclusively for use in training their latest computer vision, video based full self driving networks. The goal being to create a digital duplicate of the human visual cortex and brain function, then use that to drive a car autonomously. This involves processing vast amounts of visual data, which in this case is video captured by the vehicle's cameras.
All of that information from billions of frames of digital videos needs to be translated into a language that the AI model can understand. This is called labeling and it's exactly what it sounds like. They're just assigning a designation to a cluster of pixels so that the AI knows what it's looking at. The more labels the network has to draw from, the better it's going to get at recognizing patterns and making associations.
In the past, Tesla has had human beings doing this labeling work, but that's obviously not sustainable for growing the capabilities of FSD by orders of magnitude. Eventually, you'd have to have every human being on earth working at Tesla. So in order to succeed, they need to automate and that automation comes in the form of computer power, which has now taken the form of Dojo.
在过去,特斯拉曾让人类完成这项标注工作,但显然,这对于将 FSD 的能力增长数倍来说是不可持续的。终究,你将不得不让全世界的人类都在特斯拉工作。因此,为了取得成功,他们需要实现自动化,而这种自动化的形式是计算机的力量,现在体现为 Dojo。
Tesla's work with Dojo is strikingly similar to what Apple has been doing with their own computer systems, both in philosophy and technology. Apple figured out a long time ago that it was a really effective strategy to build software and hardware that are specifically designed to work together. It results in a more efficient and higher performing device. This is something that Apple has fully realized with their new M1 and M2 powered computers. They've replaced Intel processors with their own bespoke chip that is designed specifically to run Apple software. And they're doing that in an entirely different way than any other computer on the market.
What really sets Dojo apart from the rest of the AI training industry is the move away from GPU hardware. Dojo exists on its base level as something called a system on a chip, which is an entire computer assembled on one single piece of silicon. And this is the exact same architecture that Apple used to create the M1. This method allows for a spectacular level of efficiency, because instead of having all these PCI ports and wires and motherboards and stuff all connected together, now every necessary component lives on the same little square of semiconductor material. And the more power you need, the larger you make that piece of silicon and the more processing cores you attach onto it. You can see that with the Apple's M1, M1 Pro and M1 Max chips. The M1 can't fit inside an iPad or MacBook Air, while the M1 Max is sized up for a MacBook Pro.
道场与其他AI培训行业真正不同的地方在于摆脱了GPU硬件。道场从基本层面上存在,被称为一种系统芯片,它是整个计算机组件集成在一块硅片上的。而这恰恰是苹果用来创建M1芯片的完全相同架构。这种方法具有极高的效能,因为现在不需要将所有这些PCI端口、线缆和主板等全部连接在一起,而是将每个必要的部件都放在同一小块半导体材料上。而且你需要的功率越大,你就可以增大那块硅片的大小,并附加更多的处理核心。你可以从苹果的M1、M1 Pro和M1 Max芯片中看到这一点。M1无法适应iPad或MacBook Air的尺寸,而M1 Max则适合MacBook Pro。
The Dojo chip is about the size of the palm of your hand, which is a lot smaller than an A100 GPU, but Dojo isn't supposed to exist as just a single unit. Dojo really becomes functional on the tile level, which is the point where multiple chips are fused together to function as one system. And again, this is something that Apple is also doing with their new max studio units. Their top tier M1 Ultra chip is just two M1 Max chips fused together to create one massively powerful computer.
Dojo芯片的尺寸大约和你手掌一样大,比A100 GPU小得多,但Dojo并不仅仅存在于单个单元中。Dojo在瓦片级别上实现了真正的功能,多个芯片融合在一起以作为一个系统运行。而这也是苹果使用其新的max studio单元进行的操作。他们的顶级M1 Ultra芯片实际上是两个M1 Max芯片融合在一起,创建了一台极其强大的计算机。
With the Dojo tile, Tesla has fused 25 Dojo chips to create one unified computer system, and each tile contains all of the necessary hardware for power, cooling, and data transfer. It's a self-sufficient computer in itself, made up from 25 smaller computers. Then going one level up, they integrate six tiles together into one single rack unit, and then to make one cabinet, they integrate two of the racks into one case.
The amazing thing about this system on a chip architecture is the level of efficiency that can be reached with such minimal need for power or cooling. So looking again to Apple, their max studio with the M1 Ultra or now M2 Ultra, these are the most powerful computers that you can buy. Yet they are housed in these minuscule square boxes that can easily sit on top of your desk. They take up very little space and they only need a basic fan system for cooling. It's incredible, really. Just the power supply alone on a traditional PC desktop would be half the size of one Ultra powered max studio.
这种片上系统架构的令人惊奇之处在于,即使只需极少的功率或散热需求,也能达到如此高效率的水平。再看看苹果公司的M1 Ultra或现在的M2 Ultra最大工作室,它们是市场上你能买到的最强大的计算机。然而,它们都装在这些微小的方形盒子里,可以轻松放置在桌子上。它们占用的空间非常小,只需要一个基本的风扇系统进行冷却。真是令人难以置信。仅仅一个传统PC台式机的电源就能占到M1 Ultra的一半大小。
Hopefully that gives you a more tangible idea of how Dojo is operating. The same thing that is going on inside your new MacBook is going on inside Dojo, just on a massive scale.
So now what does this all mean? What does having this Dojo thing change for Tesla?
Well, thing number one is obviously that they will be able to quickly add a large amount of computing power to their AI training program at a relatively low cost to the company. Obviously any new product is going to have a very high overhead at the beginning of production, but the more Dojo chips and tiles that are produced, the more affordable they become.
This also means that Tesla isn't going to the same marketplace and competing to buy the same NVIDIA chips as everyone else in their industry. As the power of AI continues to grow, so does the demand for A100 and H100 level processors. They are going to be difficult to acquire in large quantities and the price is going to reflect the demand.
The new H100 GPU from NVIDIA is going at $40,000 per unit right now. And this inflated value placed on AI training power is something that Tesla could leverage in the future to create a whole new business model with their existing AI division.
目前,NVIDIA 公司的全新 H100 GPU 单价为 40,000 美元。AI 训练能力的这种虚高价值,将来可能成为特斯拉利用其现有 AI 部门创造全新商业模式的一个优势。
Elon Musk has said that this first version of Dojo is specifically tailored for Tesla's computer vision video labeling, which is exactly what they need for FSD and later the humanoid Tesla bot. So Dojo is not really going to be particularly useful for anything beyond that.
But Elon says that future versions of the Dojo system will be more tailored to general purpose AI training, so it could be adapted for language models or social media algorithms or whatever else people can come up with.
Basically, once Tesla gets their own Dojo system up to a level where it is delivering all of the compute power that they need, then every additional Dojo system that they build becomes an asset that can be monetized. Elon sees this working exactly the same as something like Amazon Web Service or Microsoft Azure. Tesla will simply rent out their excess computing power for anyone who needs it, and there will be a staggering amount of need for this service in the years to come.
基本上,一旦特斯拉将自己的Dojo系统提升到满足其所有计算需求的水平,那么他们建造的每个额外的Dojo系统都成为可以货币化的资产。埃隆认为这与Amazon Web Service或Microsoft Azure等服务完全相同。特斯拉将简单地为任何需要的人出租他们多余的计算能力,而未来几年对这项服务的需求量将会惊人。
This kind of business model is about as lucrative as it gets. Amazon Web Service is a spectacularly profitable division. This is the reason Jeff Bezos became the richest man alive. It's the reason that Amazon can sell all of this stuff so cheap and deliver so fast. It's funded by just renting out their spare server capacity.
Web Service started out because Amazon only ever really needed their maximum server capacity for peak periods like Black Friday. The whole rest of the year, it was just sitting around doing nothing until they got the idea to rent it out. Dojo can do the exact same thing for Tesla, and this is what we call a game changer.
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