New Report: Tesla's Secret Suppression Team / Tesla's Upcoming Home Run / Polestar 5 ⚡️

发布时间 2023-07-27 20:49:34    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dilumus. Quick shout out to my new or updated patrons, Ken K, Mark B and Dennis R. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是你的主持人Dilumus。在这里向我的新赞助者Ken K、Mark B和Dennis R表示感谢,无论是新赞助还是更新赞助,感谢你选择支持这个频道。

First up today, we have Chuck Cook reporting on a new FSD beta feature. Maintaining speed for traffic flow. Check that out. I'm on a 70 mile hour highway. It just changed to 60. The cars are going around me. And it said maintaining speed for traffic flow and it went down to 69. I don't have any overrides in my beta profile that I'm driving in right now. So that is a new feature for sure. I heard about it from Rocco last night. I wanted to test it out here on 995.
今天首先,我们有Chuck Cook报道一项新的FSD测试功能。保持交通流畅的速度。看看这个。我正在一条每小时70英里的高速公路上行驶。它刚刚变成了60。其他车辆都绕过了我。它显示了“保持交通流畅的速度”,然后速度降到了69。我当前的测试版本中没有进行任何修改。所以这肯定是一个新的功能。我昨天晚上从Rocco那里听说了这个功能。我想在这条995上测试一下。

Here we go again, passing another 60 mile an hour speed limit sign. And it crosses it, doesn't change the speed limit, although it is, it does have identified 60 on there. So what is the logic it's using to come up with 69? That's an interesting question.

Watching the rest of Chuck's video, there are certainly still some questions on how this feature is working and if it's working as intended. But of course, the idea will be to keep up with the flow of traffic to some degree. Very nice feature. 50% of the people said they love it. 33% said they hate it. Do you take solace from the pictures and from the public, but small sample reaction?

Well, it's big, it's bold and it's gorgeous. And what you've got is a million nine of pre orders. That's a huge number. And what's going to happen is this thing's going to start deliveries probably end of third quarter. It's be priced, the base model you price right below 50,000 bucks. And it's going to start rolling across Americans and be like a rolling billboard and people are going to see it and they'll be like, wow, that's really interesting. And they're going to go the website and they're going to order a model three or a model Y or a model S or model X or a cyber truck. And you're going to produce this whole halo effect, which is exactly what happened back in 20 when the model Y first came out and people didn't know what to make of it. This is even more grand because it's not going to cannibalize any of the base price because Tesla has never been in the pickup truck business. So you're not going to cannibalize anything. So it's going to be a home run for Tesla and it's going to really catapult the stock. It's going to really catapult volume to next year. So it's time to ask you all the question. Let me know below. What do you think the base price of the cyber truck is going to be? Even if it is below $50,000, there's still a chance that variant is not available for some time because I would guess Tesla will start with the highest variant of the cyber truck when production begins.

Take this one for what you will. But because we reported this source saying production at Fremont was paused, wanted to pass it along. The same source met God in the wilderness is now saying that production has resumed. Honestly, just one or two days probably wouldn't be long enough for upgrades. Maybe it was just line maintenance, but either way, there you have it.

Tesla shared this video about its glass and some of the engineering, but this video was actually released one year ago. Here it is on Tesla's YouTube channel one year ago. But in case you're new, I think there is one tidbit you should know and a good reminder for the rest of us. The roof itself absorbs 99% of the UV radiation coming in. So it's amazingly safe even though you have this large open experience inside your vehicle. Over the years, I've heard many people express concerns that they were going to get sunburned driving in a Tesla because the sun was just going to beat down on them with the glass roof, but not the case.

Apparently, a lot of you guys really like this one. And yes, ground news is the sponsor of this video, but there are some other really cool features that I did not even mention last time. But first, in case you missed it, I think we could all agree a lot of the mainstream media news now is really just a political ideology that's actually being pushed. Ground news aggregates all of the news articles on a particular subject and then actually tells us the political lean of each source, whether it's left leaning center or right.
显然,你们中的许多人真的很喜欢这款产品。是的,Ground News是这个视频的赞助商,但还有一些其他非常酷的功能我上次都没提到。但首先,万一你错过了,我认为我们都可以一致认为现在很多主流媒体的新闻实际上只是在推动某种政治意识形态。Ground News会聚集所有有关特定主题的新闻文章,并向我们展示每个信息来源的政治倾向,无论是左倾、中立还是右倾。

If you love efficiency, this is for you. You can see a quick bullet point summary of all of the articles for the left center and right leaning sources. Per my wife, I won't fully docs myself, but there is a local tab you can click on and set your location to get local news a feature I didn't even mention last time. But honestly, it's one of my favorite and most used under the four you tab, the custom feeds where you can literally create your own news feeds. Here's one of my feeds just labeled tech. You can search for any topic you want. You can also exclude certain topics that maybe you don't want to hear about. Click confirm and there you have it.

If you'd like to steal man your arguments and hear what the other side is reporting on and what they're omitting, the blind spot feature is also super useful. Example for the left news stories that had little to no reporting on the left and same for the right. And you can easily bookmark and save any story or article you want for future reference.

Ground news was developed by a former NASA engineer. There's also a mobile app with all of the same features as well as a browser extension. It also integrates seamlessly with Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. I really have found this to be a mission worth supporting. So you can head to slash electrified to stay informed on breaking news and compare coverage across the aisle to avoid the media bias. You can sign up for free using my link below or you can get 30% off for unlimited access if you think it's a worthy cause like I do. Enjoy.
Ground news是由一位前美国国家航空航天局工程师开发的。它还有一款移动应用程序,具有与浏览器插件相同的功能。它还能与Twitter、Facebook和Reddit无缝集成。我发现这是一个值得支持的使命。所以你可以前往以获得关于突发新闻的信息,并比较不同媒体的报道以避免媒体偏见。你可以使用下方的链接免费注册,或者如果你认为这是一个值得支持的事业,你还可以享受30%的折扣来获取无限访问权限。祝愉快。

We get the results from a Bloomberg survey of over 5000 Tesla owners to see how things are going. This follow up survey posed more than 130 questions and the lowest score responses were due to Elon's acquisition of Twitter. So over the past four years or so, the sentiment of Elon has actually dropped the most, not a product or service, I guess, which is a silver lining. Despite that, I think most importantly, most owners planned to stick with the brand because they overwhelmingly loved their cars.

And it's exactly what you would expect Elon getting involved in politics that is rubbing certain people the wrong way. As I've said before, Elon is going to do Elon and he's a lot more than just Tesla, which yes, can hurt Tesla at times, but it's who he is and who he's going to continue to be. We have to take the bad with the good. And as I always say, that balance still is far in the good the way I see it.

In fairness to the critics in a 2019 survey, more than half of model three buyers said their opinion of Elon influenced their purchase. And I know that holds true today to some degree, but it's one of those situations where once you go electric, very rarely are people going back to ice. So despite Elon's antics, as you can see from 2019 to 2023, on average, most people still agree they have a positive view of Tesla. And in terms of Tesla owners feeling like they're part of that community also dwindling from 2019, naturally as Tesla grows that sense of close knit community is going to disperse a little bit where I get lost though is when these people start to say that Elon is a negative role model for other business leaders, I'll just really never be able to get on board with that sentiment all political views aside as a business leader, this guy is literally from a different planet.
公平地说,在2019年的一项调查中,超过一半的Model 3买家表示他们对埃隆的看法影响了他们的购买决策。我知道这在一定程度上在今天仍然存在,但这是其中一种情况,一旦你使用电动汽车,很少有人会回归传统汽车。因此,尽管埃隆的言行有点过分,但从2019年到2023年,大多数人平均而言仍然认为他们对特斯拉持有积极的看法。至于特斯拉车主们感觉自己是该社群的一部分,从2019年开始逐渐减少,这是自然而然的,因为特斯拉在扩大,这种紧密联系的感觉会稍微消散一些。然而,当这些人开始说埃隆是其他商业领袖的负面榜样时,我真的无法接受这种观点,无论政治观点如何,作为一个商业领袖,这个人简直来自外太空。

And of course, keep this one in context because most people are staying with the Tesla brand, but the people that do choose to go a different route, the number one reason they cited disapproval of Elon at 21 and a half percent, but percentage wise, it's not that much higher than quality or service or brand reputation. And for cyber truck sentiment, nearly half of the model three owners planning to buy a new car in the next two years are considering a cyber truck. On whether these customers buying Tesla's FSD was worth it, still most of them agree or strongly agree. Honestly though, I think this is heavily weighted towards where you are geographically because we know that FSD beta is overfit for certain locations right now. And despite all of its shortcomings right now, most people still think Tesla is on the right track toward fully self-driving cars. On the cost of Tesla insurance, where it's available, somewhat of a mixed bag. Importantly though, despite all of those folks who got higher quotes, still most people are likely or very likely to recommend Tesla insurance to somebody else. Also, very importantly, when it comes to the actual product ownership experience, people are loving it. And I thought this one was cool, the Tesla customer wishlist, far and away, number one, smaller, more affordable vehicle. We all know it's on the way. Feels weird to say, but I hope Bloomberg keeps doing these surveys, and yes, it's somewhat of a small sample size 5000 out of millions of owners, but it's also not 500, so I think it's worth taking a look.
当然,要将这个结果放在背景下,因为大多数人仍然选择保持对特斯拉品牌的支持,但是那些选择另辟蹊径的人,他们最多的原因是不喜欢埃隆·马斯克,占21.5%,但从比例上来看,并没有比质量、服务或品牌声誉高很多。就Cybertruck的发展态势而言,将近一半计划在未来两年购买新车的Model 3车主正在考虑购买Cybertruck。关于这些购买特斯拉全自动驾驶(Full Self-Driving,FSD)系统的客户是否觉得物有所值,大部分人仍然同意或强烈同意。不过,老实说,我认为这在很大程度上取决于地理位置,因为我们知道FSD测试版目前已经对某些地区过拟合。尽管目前还存在许多不足,但大多数人仍然认为特斯拉在全面实现自动驾驶汽车方面走在了正确的轨道上。至于特斯拉保险的费用,在可用的地区是一个有点复杂的情况。但重要的是,尽管有许多人得到了更高的报价,大多数人仍然愿意或非常愿意向他人推荐特斯拉保险。此外,非常重要的一点是,在实际的产品拥有体验方面,人们对它非常满意。我认为特斯拉客户心愿单上最为重要且最具优势的是,更小、更实惠的汽车。我们都知道这将会实现。说出来有点奇怪,但我希望彭博继续进行这些调查,尽管调查样本规模相对较小,只有5000份,而特斯拉车主却有数百万,但我认为值得我们关注一下。

VW CEO Oliver Bloom said today, VW does not aim to be compared with companies that offer only single models like Tesla. VW will instead focus on individualized cars that are linked to the brand identity for each car brand. I'm not sure what he means by single models for Tesla, but there you have it.
大众汽车公司首席执行官Oliver Bloom今天表示,大众汽车并不希望与特斯拉等仅提供单一车型的公司进行比较。相反,大众汽车将侧重于与每个汽车品牌的品牌特性相联系的个性化汽车。我不确定他所说的特斯拉的单一车型是什么意思,但这就是他的说法。

Earlier today, Elon said, I tested the version 12 alpha build today, it is mind blowing. Not to burst anyone's bubble here, but if you go back, Elon said FSD beta nine will blow your mind in 2021 and FSD 10 will blow your mind later in 2021. The mind blowing thing is of course based on your perception, but what we do know is that version 12 is not going to be beta anymore. What that actually means only time will tell.
今天早些时候,埃隆说,我今天测试了12版的alpha版本,它令人惊叹。不是要打破任何人的幻想,但是如果你回顾一下,埃隆曾说2021年的FSD测试版9将让你惊叹,而FSD 10将在2021年晚些时候让你惊叹。当然,这令人惊叹的事情基于个人的感知,但我们所知道的是,版本12将不再是测试版。这实际上意味着什么,只有时间能告诉我们。

The Coachella City Council, which yes is a place not just the event, has given the green light to a plan to introduce 17 model wise into their transportation fleet. This will be a ride, share services agreement geared toward helping people in the community get to work, doctor visits, school commutes and more. And yes, it's a very small scale for Tesla, but it's a very cool program and we know what happens with butts in seats.

Alright guys, so we definitely have to at least touch on this story from Reuters. The special report talking about Tesla and Elon actively suppressing customer complaints. The info in this report is from both sources and customers. They're basically saying Tesla employees were told to stop customers from making service appointments that were only doing so to complain about the driving range of the cars, saying Tesla created a diversion team in Vegas to cancel as many range related appointments as possible. Some employees celebrated canceling service appointments by putting their phones on mute and striking a metal xylophone. Managers told the employees they were saving Tesla a thousand dollars for every canceled appointment. Hopefully the former is an isolated incident. I mean look, humans are going to human.

I'm sure you've got it by now. The overall complaint is that Tesla has been rigging their range estimating software and listing their vehicles with an EPA range that's higher than what people get in the real world. But remember, EPA does their own testing. The sources said when the battery fell below 50% of the maximum charge, Tesla's algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections. Elon wanted to show good range numbers when fully charged. However, this complaint was years ago. At the time Tesla programmed these range projections, it was only selling two models. And Reuters could not determine whether Tesla still uses algorithms that boost the in-dash range estimates.

Let's take a pause here. This really is somewhat of an ethical dilemma. If Tesla, playing within the rules the way they are written, is allowed to list a higher range estimate that may not always be exactly real world accurate, should they, with a goal of increasing customer adoption and educating customers that real world driving habits, acceleration speed, tire choice, climate, letting them know that all of this is very complicated and nuanced and is going to impact your actual range figures. Not to mention, different automakers having different size safety buffers that allow range after that zero on the screen. And I would add these algorithms are probably fairly tough to gauge because when you think about the battery charging curve, the same thing is going to apply when the battery is depleted. And it's not like Tesla is the only car company whose batteries degrade in the cold. It's every EV battery on the market. Even companies like Apple have admitted issues with their prediction algorithms before.

It's true in 2020, the EPA asked Tesla to reduce its range numbers across the lineup by about 3%. So EPA does its own testing we're also familiar with and some companies just don't do their own and use the EPA numbers, but Tesla actually does their own testing and will sometimes deviate slightly from those EPA numbers. There have been some studies done on the actual real world results and one of the representatives said Tesla has consistently designed the range meters in his cars to deliver aggressive rather than conservative estimates where Tesla kind of deviates from the rest of the industry. In one of these studies of 21 different EV brands, the research found on average those cars fell short of their advertised ranges by 12.5% while Tesla fell short by about 26%. A rep from Edmunds said they've gotten really good at exploiting the rulebook and maximizing certain points to work in their favor involving EPA tests. But it's important to know even companies like Tesla that will then do their own testing outside of the EPA, the EPA still has to approve the window sticker numbers. So even if Tesla is the most aggressive in this regard, the co-author of that study said I'm not suggesting they're cheating. What they're doing at least minimally is leveraging the current procedures more than other manufacturers.

In an Edmunds test in 2021, all five Tesla vehicles failed to meet the advertised range target while nine out of 10 models exceeded their range targets. And don't forget earlier this year, Tesla was actually fined for false advertising in South Korea and they had to publicly apologize. And on June 19th, Elon into executives did exactly that. But to paint this whole diverting customers who don't require in-person service as some terrible thing by Tesla I think is going too far, naturally as a company that already has real service things to deal with.

If these customers have Teslas that don't actually have anything wrong with their batteries and it's just misguided expectations on how the range numbers and figures should work, those people really shouldn't be going into Tesla service and taking up valuable time from other customers. I don't want to make this a bigger deal than it needs to be, but we do know it's a very nuanced conversation. There's really a lot at play here, but I'd love to hear from you guys. What do you think? Should Tesla display more real world numbers or within the rules that exist doing legal things advertise the best number they can to attract more drivers because that's one of the first numbers customers look at. And maybe they should pair that practice with a bit more education on what to expect in the real world and why there's going to be a difference.

But I did want to dive into this one because I don't want anybody thinking Tesla is lying or cheating or scamming anybody suppressing information, muslin customers because that's really not at all what's going on. There's just some sensationalism going on with this report. We touched on the Lucid Air Sapphire being available for reservation at a low price of $25,000. Well, now they have released candidate cars on the line so production right around the corner.
但是我确实想深入探讨这个问题,因为我不希望任何人认为特斯拉在欺骗、作弊或者压制信息,歧视穆斯林顾客,因为事实上根本不是这样。这个报告只是有些夸大其词。我们提到了Lucid Air Sapphire以25,000美元的低价可供预订。现在他们已经推出了生产线上的试制车,生产就在眼前了。

Sawyer found some pictures on Reddit of the first upcoming Honda full EV. We don't yet have official specs, but this vehicle is supposed to make it stay Buu early next year. It's supposed to be slightly bigger than the Honda CR-V and Honda has said this might be a successor to the CR-V, which of course means this is a crucial vehicle for Honda because the CR-V is one of the best selling cars in the North American market. In terms of styling, to me it's kind of whatever. And this is unconfirmed, but the word on the street is this vehicle will qualify for IRA tax credit, so we'll find out in the months ahead.

I've been covering EV news now for a while and I have to say this is the first time I've ever seen a round screen digital display in an upcoming EV. So the next gen Mini Cooper EV will certainly have some flair. And I wanted to share some pictures of the upcoming Polestar 5 because personally I think this car is awesome. The four-door coupe style should go into production next year 2024. It's expected to have a battery pack over 100kWh that should exceed about 370 miles of range or 600km with an 800v battery pack.
我一段时间以来一直在报道电动汽车新闻,我必须说这是我第一次见到即将推出的电动汽车中有一个圆形的屏幕数字显示屏。所以下一代迷你Cooper EV肯定会有一些独特之处。而且我想分享一些即将推出的Polestar 5的照片,因为我个人认为这辆车太棒了。这款四门轿跑风格的车型预计将于2024年投入生产。它预计将搭载一块容量超过100千瓦时的电池组,续航里程预计将超过370英里或600公里,使用一块800伏特的电池组。

Polestar has said they want to compete with the Porsche Taycon especially when it comes to handling and performance. And it will have a full-length glass roof. It's being designed in Sweden and it's set to be manufactured in China, but there's a 500 person team in the UK that's actually working on the suspension, steering and brakes, many of these people who have worked on Formula One teams. This vehicle will most likely cost north of $150,000, but it'll be interesting to see it come to the market.

Don't forget to check out ground news linked below. It's a really cool company that I think is worthy of supporting especially in this day and age. You can find me on twitter at dillamoomis22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. And a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
不要忘记查看下面链接的Ground News。这是一家非常酷的公司,在这个时代特别值得支持。你可以在Twitter上找到我,我的用户名是dillamoomis22。希望你们有一个美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。再次非常感谢所有我在Patreon上的支持者。