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Tesla & Panasonic Factory Update / Ford's Inventory Excuse / BYD Copies Tesla ⚡️

发布时间 2023-07-21 22:19:01    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, Ferdy and Scott P. We get another rap variant here for the Cybertruck. I'll be honest, I didn't think Tesla was going to do anything in-house when it comes to wraps and they still might not, but based on these sightings, I'm at least open to it. But it also could just be Tesla reminding everyone that wrapping this vehicle should be easy, a bit more affordable, and can of course change the look so it's not just the stainless steel given the lack of color options.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人迪伦·卢米斯。快速致敬给我的最新赞助者Ferdy和Scott P。我们这里有另一款针对Cybertruck的说唱变体。说实话,我本以为特斯拉在包装方面不会自己动手,现在可能还不确定,但根据这些目击事件,至少我对此持开放态度。不过,这也可能只是特斯拉提醒大家,包装这辆车应该很简单、更加经济,并且当然可以改变外观,使其不再只是不带颜色选择的不锈钢车身。

Just a quick note on Tesla's entry into Malaysia, Tesla became the first applicant to be approved under the BEV program, which allows them to sell cars in Malaysia without approved permit rules, making imported cars cheaper.

Earlier this week we talked about how Tesla is now tapping TSMC and Samsung to make Tesla's hardware 5 FSD computer chip. On that front, the lack of labor in the United States and specifically the lack of skilled labor for semiconductor fabs is causing some problems. TSMC is pushing back the start of mass production at the Arizona plant until 2025 from 2024 earlier.
本周早些时候,我们讨论了特斯拉现在正在与台积电和三星合作制造特斯拉的硬件5 FSD计算机芯片。在这方面,美国劳动力的不足,特别是半导体制造厂缺乏熟练劳动力正在引发一些问题。台积电将亚利桑那工厂的大规模生产推迟到2025年,而不是之前的2024年。

The chairman said there's an insufficient amount of skilled workers with a specialized expertise required for equipment installation in a semiconductor grade facility. It's worth noting the planned production in 2025 is going to be on the 4 nanometer process, which is what Tesla said FSD5 would be running on. This is after a couple weeks ago TSMC said they were going to send about 500 of these specialized workers to help move things along at the construction site in Arizona. One exec said there are not enough US workers who have good firsthand experience specifically building semiconductor manufacturing facilities.

Not only that but wages for construction workers on the US plant are several times higher than in Taiwan when the same level of efficiency is no guarantee. And as you would expect there are some language and communication barriers in this endeavor as well.

I don't know for sure if Tesla has plans to use supply from this facility in Arizona, it wouldn't surprise me at all as we just heard that AMD is actually planning on using some of the supply from that factory once it's online. But when it comes to the chips act and us successfully bringing some of this manufacturing of the semiconductor industry to the United States to be less reliant on Taiwan, it may take a little bit longer and there may be some other challenges that other people weren't aware of.

From Tesla scope FSD beta 11.4.6 is now rolling out to employees but as we saw with 11.4.5 never actually made it to end customers so same thing may happen here it may not be customer viable but we'll wait and see. I think most hardware for vehicles are on a software version ahead of this one so if you have hardware for and you're waiting for FSD you may still be waiting for another new update.
特斯拉的FSD Beta 11.4.6现在开始向员工推出,但正如我们在11.4.5中所看到的,它实际上从未到达最终用户,所以可能会发生同样的情况,可能不适合最终用户使用,但我们会等待并观察。我认为大多数车辆的硬件版本都比这个版本要先进一步,所以如果你的车辆硬件并且你正在等待FSD,你可能仍然需要等待另一个新的更新。

The Tesla Model Y was Europe's number one seller overall in the first half of the year the first time a Tesla model or a battery electric car has been the region's top seller over a period of six months. Having a look at the first six months of the year this is a top 50 list but you can only see the top 20 right now just wanted to point out the model Y year over year for this first half up 211% no other automaker is even eclipsing up 100%. I think it's also worth mentioning that the number two vehicle the Dasea Sandero can be had for between 10 and 20 thousand US dollars depending on the trim level.
特斯拉Model Y成为今年上半年欧洲最畅销的汽车,这是特斯拉车型或纯电动汽车连续六个月成为该地区最畅销车型的第一次。看看今年上半年的前50名车型,但目前只能看到前20名,我只想指出Model Y在这个上半年同比增长了211%,其他任何汽车制造商都没有超过100%的增长。我认为值得一提的是,第二名的达西亚桑德罗车型的售价介于1万到2万美元之间,取决于配置水平。

Volvo CEO just came out and said already they have no plans to adopt Tesla's autonomous technology saying we've already made that decision in terms of what we want to control internally in terms of our technology stack we've chosen we want to be in full control of our 8s all the way up to full autonomous driving software. It's pretty easy to say something like this now but we'll see what the story is like in a few years.

A quick note on twitter turning the tables a little bit with their subpoena to Elizabeth Warren over communication with US agencies Elon said fight fire with fire. Let me be clear I do not root for anyone's demise but I will say if there's any justice to be had I look forward to it.

Earlier this week we heard that the order numbers for the Model Y rear wheel drive in Korea had exceeded 15,000 in under a week today we get another update and now the number may have exceeded 22,000. That's over 3000 orders per day of course not really sustainable there was a lot of pent up demand but still a great start for the first week and delivery should start this quarter.
在本周早些时候,我们获悉韩国Model Y后驱版的订单数量在不到一周的时间内已超过了15,000,而今天我们又得到了另一个更新,现在订单数量可能已超过了22,000。这每天超过3,000个订单,当然并不是可持续的,但仍然是第一周的良好开端,交付应该会在本季度开始。

One more quick mention on Tesla energy and the first two quarters of this year they have deployed over 7.4 gigawatt hours of battery storage that's already more than the entirety of 2022. This is with one megapack factory operating somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% capacity when we know we're going to have 510 plus of these megapack factories globally in the years to come and yes the broader Tesla energy that hit 18.4% margins in Q2 includes the powerwall and solar and some other things but it's a good reminder if they can hit 18.4% margins with its main driver megapacks having one factory at about 50% capacity that's a great sign for things to come when these megapack factories are fully scaled.

James Stevenson asked about a line on Tesla's Q2 deck where they mentioned fleet based profits in the future. I think a lot of us when we hear the word fleet we immediately think about businesses and them running commercial operations but Martin gave us some clarification. The obvious fleet based business for other OEMs is service and parts. For Tesla it's more than that like superchargers for example among other things. Fleet based dependent mainly on the overall fleet of vehicles not so much on annual volumes. So when Tesla was talking about fleet profits it's simply referring to all of the Teslas on the road since inception making up the car fleet that they can then turn on some software revenue for in time.
詹姆斯·史蒂文森询问特斯拉 Q2 博报的一句话,提到未来基于车队的利润。当我们听到车队这个词时,我们立刻会想到企业和它们的商业运营,但马丁给了我们一些澄清。对于其他原始设备制造商(OEM),明显的基于车队的业务是维修和配件。对于特斯拉来说,不仅限于此,例如超级充电桩等等。基于车队主要依赖于整个车队的车辆,而不是年销量。所以当特斯拉谈论车队利润时,只是指的是自成立以来在路上行驶的所有特斯拉车辆,他们可以逐渐为其提供一些软件收入。

Ray for Tesla shared an image saying that BYD was now looking into 4680 battery cells. Translating that image it says BYD is openly recruiting large cylindrical battery suppliers regarded as one of the priority solutions for performance and economy by the industry. First Tesla has made a heavy bet and now BYD has also joined. The list of things that other automakers are copying from Tesla continues to grow and what does that tell us? You already know.
雷电(Ray for Tesla)分享了一张图片,称比亚迪(BYD)正在研究4680电池单元。翻译这张图片上的内容显示,比亚迪正在公开招募大型圆柱形电池供应商,该领域被业界视为性能和经济性的首选解决方案之一。首先是特斯拉下重注,现在比亚迪也加入了。其他汽车制造商从特斯拉那里复制的清单不断增长,这告诉我们什么?你已经知道了。

There were two new battery energy storage projects announced in New South Wales. One of them in Musclebrook is going to be a 300 megawatt hour system using Tesla megapacks about 75 of them. These projects are among 27 renewable transmission and storage projects proposed for New South Wales and the Minister for Energy said batteries are not only critical to supporting our state's transition to net zero. They'll assist us to get there sooner. While those numbers may sound large in the grand scheme of things it's really like the warm-up before the game even starts. The Australian energy market operator has modeled a need for 640 gigawatt hours of energy storage in the national electricity market by 2050.

Well guys it's been a good run but I think it might actually be over. Jim Kramer said make no mistake Netflix and Tesla are two of the greatest investments of all time and I got nothing heard nothing at all last night that makes me feel differently about them. In case you're not familiar with the culture there's an ongoing joke that whatever Jim Kramer says the opposite actually happens because many times in the past that has been actually what happened. Buckle up even Elon knows we're in trouble.

On the Tesla configurator you can now plug in your local zip code and it will spit out any state incentives in addition to the federal tax credit. As always definitely talk to a tax professional to make sure you qualify but just know that it's there. Along those lines Vic on Twitter shared a screenshot of an email he got from Tesla talking about some state incentives in New Jersey up to $11.5,000 available. Not really advertising but a form of marketing.

If you're not familiar there's a pretty cool website visual stocks with a Z you can create a free account and see some of these dashboards with interactive graphs and charts for your favorite companies. Here's one everybody's favorite chart Tesla's operating leverage showing us their revenue in the blue and operating expenses in the pink. When people say things like economies of scale and manufacturing efficiencies this is what they're referring to.
如果你不熟悉的话,有一个非常酷的网站叫Visual Stocks with a Z(意为可视化股票),你可以创建一个免费账户,看到一些带有互动图表和图形的面板,显示你最喜欢的公司的数据。这里有一个大家都喜欢的图表,展示了特斯拉的营业杠杆,蓝色显示他们的收入,粉色显示营业费用。当人们提到规模经济和制造效益时,就是指这些内容。

With software 2023.26 and later Spotify gets some much requested design updates and hopefully some new features. We don't yet know exactly what has changed but if you're a Spotify user be sure to check for the latest update. For now you may need to click around for yourself to see what's actually new and the ability to see all of the live cameras at once is now active. Not only that but you can adjust for warmer display colors to reduce blue light more customizations for the scroll wheel and the blind spot camera can now be moved on the touchscreen in the model s and x along with a new game and Bluetooth gain controller support for model 3 and y.
从软件2023.26版本开始,Spotify进行了一些广受期待的设计更新,希望还会添加一些新功能。我们现在还不清楚具体有什么改变,但如果你是Spotify的用户,请务必检查最新的更新。目前,你可能需要自己点击一下,看看到底有什么新内容,同时现在可以同时查看所有摄像头的实时画面了。不仅如此,你还可以调整屏幕显示的颜色更温暖,以减少蓝光,还有更多关于滚轮的自定义选项,以及在Model S和X的触摸屏上,现在可以移动盲点摄像头,此外还新增了一个游戏和对Model 3和Y的蓝牙增益控制器的支持。

I clicked around Tesla's inventory for this one it may be a little spotty depending on where you're at and what you're looking for but just to put it on your radar if you're in the market for a Tesla inventory vehicle they may have increased the current discount so be sure to take a look.

I've been looking for updates on the Panasonic factory in Kansas and we finally get one although it's not all positive. Yes construction is underway as you can see but given how much power this facility is expected to use now the utility company is asking for a rate hike on electricity rates in the area that yes the residents of the area would be forced to pay this four million square foot Panasonic battery factory will require two new substations upgrades to three current substations and work on 31 miles of transmission lines. The utility company Evergy already a couple months ago asked for rate hikes for approval of 6% and up to 25% in certain regions so this hike for Panasonic would be in addition to those. So there will undoubtedly be many challenges in this transition however as you can see this photo was on July 7th so they're making pretty good progress if you forgot this facility should supply mostly Tesla when it's up and running.

It sounds like some of these EV battery plants in North America for Legacy Auto may actually be outside of the purview of these UAW negotiations making for an interesting situation. Nearly all of the announced plants are separate joint ventures with their own operations negotiations and contracts. Contracts aren't under the umbrella of labor agreements being negotiated with GM Ford's Atlantis ahead of the September 14th deadline. Trying to argue these joint venture plants are therefore not legally part of these discussions. Right now though GM is the only Detroit automaker with a joint venture battery plant in operation and unionized.

The latest update Altium and the UAW are still far apart on a deal for wages and benefits. Two days before these negotiations were supposed to start the UAW put out a white paper claiming some safety issues at some of these Altium plants but an Altium spokeswoman said those reports are knowingly false and misleading.

Negotiations off to a great start Nissan doing its best Toyota motors impersonation getting one of its legacy plants ready for solid state batteries. A Nissan plant in Japan will next year begin pilot production of advanced solid state batteries. They're saying at this plant about 40% of the old engine factory's output is already dedicated to electric motor output like units for the e-power hybrid system. Nissan believes it can deliver a battery by 2028 that holds twice the energy of a lithium-ion battery charges in one third time and costs $75 per kilowatt hour. Let me just set a reminder here for five years.

Alrighty. Ford's director of EV development was asked in a recent interview. You're not concerned that EVs may be piling up referring to at dealers that article we talked about earlier. He said it's a little premature to be concerned about a pileup. We're just loading up our dealers. Until now every maki enlightening was back ordered and people had to wait months. Now we'll have more and better deals. We're in Moore's chasm in the adoption curve. If you missed the episode we talked about this it's right here the gap between the early adopters and the early majority. He said now we're moving to the mainstream but that may take a little time to get going. We think this is a little valley but customers who have them love them.

JB Strouble and Redwood materials are in talks right now to raise about $700 million that would help it fund the company's first major plant in Nevada and would value Redwood at $5 billion. At full capacity the plant's output is expected to support the production of more than 1 million EVs per year. Which brings us to this. There's a clause in the inflation reduction act that I think a lot of people are overlooking. The IRA includes a clause that automatically qualifies EV battery materials recycled in the United States as American made for subsidies regardless of their origin. So this qualifies automakers using US recycled battery materials for EV production incentives. More than a dozen industry officials have said that is kicking off a United States factory building boom encouraging automakers to research more recyclable batteries.
JB Strouble和Redwood Materials目前正在商讨筹集约7亿美元的资金,以帮助其在内华达州建设公司的第一座主要工厂,并将Redwood的估值定为50亿美元。该工厂满负荷运营时的产量预计可以支持每年生产超过100万辆电动汽车。这就带来了一个问题。通胀减少法案中有一项条款,我认为很多人都忽视了。IRA包括一项条款,即无论其原始来源如何,将在美国回收的电动汽车电池材料自动视为美国制造,从而有资格获得补贴。因此,这使得使用美国回收电池材料进行电动汽车生产的汽车制造商有资格获得激励。超过十几位行业专家表示,这将引发美国工厂建设热潮,鼓励汽车制造商研究更多可回收利用的电池。

Naturally China already accounts for most of the global lithium ion battery recycling but this is encouraging US companies to move faster on recycling efforts than their counterparts in the EU. And this access to funding and the made in America incentive means several US plants are already being built. I've said it before I know battery recycling is not really an exciting topic yet but I'm telling you whether it's 5, 10 or 15 years it's going to become a huge and a very important deal for driving down costs of electric vehicles.

And guess what the company that can do it most efficiently and close off their supply chain loop the most is going to win and I have to like Tesla's chances working in partnership to some degree with Redwood and JB. I cannot vouch for this account I've never seen it before but they said breaking Tesla has added Bitcoin back into their code for payment on their website. In some other shared images you will see Bitcoin order agreement. I know Bitcoin is a polarizing topic for many people especially in the Tesla community but as of quarter one you can see that over 50% of the Bitcoin mining is done now with renewable energy and the sustainable composition of the Bitcoin network is currently increasing at about 6% per year. Having more payment options is a good thing I know the Bitcoin community that is super passionate would love to see Tesla do something like this a little more support but how many people are going to buy a Tesla or even a Tesla product with Bitcoin probably not too many.

We've talked a lot lately about Tesla improving its finance offerings and today as Sawyer pointed out they're now offering 84 month financing dropping the average monthly payment by about 11% relative to the 72 month option. So the question becomes can you beat whatever your APR would be in the markets or investing elsewhere. Hope you guys have a safe and a wonderful weekend please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.