Tesla Earnings Worse Than We Thought?
发布时间 2023-07-21 01:03:33 来源
➤ TSLA stock drops after Tesla earnings report and call
➤ Further discussion on earning report
➤ Analyst reactions
➤ FSD transferability update
➤ Distribution center
➤ Twitter subpoena
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Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cher asaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani
Music by Evan Schaeffer
Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Bauer here and today we are of course going to continue to talk about Tesla's earnings report, not the nicest reaction in the markets today, a couple of items that have come up that I think weren't further review. And we've got a couple other pieces of news as well, including details on FSD transfer ability.
Alright, so looking at the stock Tesla today down just below 10% after the earnings report yesterday, 9.75% to close at $262.90, the NASDAQ on the day today down over 2%. So definitely not helping out there any other day you might expect Tesla to be down in the 3.5% or 4% range or so in the absence of other news with that kind of a macro performance. Plus we are of course heading into the NASDAQ 100 rebalancing like we have previously talked about. That goes into effect on Monday, so there is probably some influence of that right now. If we look at the top weighted stocks in the NASDAQ 100 that are going to be negatively affected by this rebalancing, all of them underperformed the NASDAQ overall, except for Apple. It doesn't mean that Tesla's earnings didn't contribute to the results today, obviously that had an influence, but I think there are other things that are pretty clearly creating a bit of a piling on effect today.
Nevertheless it definitely creates the question of were these earnings worse than what we might have thought when we reviewed it yesterday, is there something that I missed? And we'll talk about that in just a second. Now we're not going to go through all of the analyst reactions, but from what I can tell it seems like they've been pretty positive, which isn't maybe all that surprising given that the numbers did come in ahead of analyst consensus. So despite the stocks reaction, I think a little bit more favorable from analysts.
Dan Ives, for example, increased his price target to what may be a street high at least close to a street high of $350 per share, up from 300 previously, saying quote, in a nutshell, we view Tesla where Apple was in the 2008 slash 2009 period as Cupertino was just starting to monetize its services and golden ecosystem with the street not seeing the broader golden vision at the time. So I think plenty of examples of that throughout Tesla's business, but unfortunately people just want to focus on oh my gosh, there's going to be maybe some downtime next quarter and poor financial results because of it, even though that's making fundamental improvements to the business in the future. But oftentimes the mentality seems to be well, I'll just buy something else for this quarter and then come back in a quarter once that stuff is behind us. So I think there's a fair amount of that at play, but let's talk a little bit more about earnings.
举个例子,丹·艾夫斯(Dan Ives)将他的股价目标提高到可能是街头最高值,至少接近于街头最高值的每股350美元,之前为每股300美元。他说:“简而言之,我们认为特斯拉就像苹果在2008年至2009年期间一样,当时苹果刚刚开始盈利其服务和黄金生态系统,而当时街市并未看到更广阔的黄金愿景。”所以我认为有很多类似的例子贯穿于特斯拉的业务,但不幸的是,人们只想关注哦天哪,可能在下个季度会有一些停机时间和糟糕的财务结果,尽管这些举措会为未来的业务带来根本性的改善。但常常的心态似乎是,嗯,我只是在本季度买点其他东西,然后等到那些问题解决后再回来。所以我认为在这方面有相当多的因素在起作用,但我们来稍微多谈谈收益。
Obviously yesterday I felt pretty positive about it. I think there's a lot of things a whole list of things to feel good about from the earnings report. Despite the share price reaction today, that very much remains my opinion. The one thing that I think has kind of come up that we didn't really talk a whole lot about yesterday that is a little bit of a fair criticism of Tesla's earnings results is this little line between operating income and that income called other income. So Tesla did call this out in the shareholder deck in the profitability section. We had talked about that they say that other income increased significantly due to some foreign exchange movements on certain intercompany balances. So things like that are what we would categorize as maybe a special item or a one time item, things that aren't going to repeat or even grow in terms of their benefit to the business, like gross profits from selling products might do. So it's completely reasonable to point that out and understand the impact that that is having.
So let's do a little bit better job of that today because in the second quarter, this line added $328 million of net income to Tesla. So that is significant, definitely worth understanding. If we pull in my forecast, this is my more detailed forecast, but we've got trailing 12 month actuals on the left and then my forecast and then the actuals for this quarter on the far right.
You can see that my forecast for this line was a positive $10 million benefit. So huge difference here. That's definitely driving an increase in earnings per share that I was not expecting. That analysts wouldn't have been expecting. And most importantly, is very unlikely to be something that will be recurring in the future.
So knowing that line item, which we'll come back to, if we go and look at the actual results compared to analyst consensus, non gap net income was about $3.15 billion versus analyst consensus of about $2.78 billion. That's essentially a beat by $369 million.
But if the analyst average consensus for this line item was zero, which we don't know what it was, but if it were zero, then a simplistic way of looking at this would be that, oh, almost 90% of the beat was driven by this other income. So fair enough, I guess, but I also didn't really hear anyone talking about this line when it was a negative $175 million impact over the last three quarters in aggregate.
If you're going to remove special items from one quarter, you better have been doing that in the past as well. And as I previously mentioned, this is an overly simplistic way of looking at things because all line items matter. They all go into the bottom line shockingly. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to overly focus on this one volatile line item when there are multiple such line items in Tesla's business, one of which, of course, is regulatory credits.
So if we add that to the view we were just looking at that's got the trailing 12 month actuals, my forecasts and then this quarter's actuals, of course, even though we saw a big jump in other income, we saw a big decline quarter over quarter in regulatory credits. The net of those two lines in Q2 was 610 million versus my forecast of 410 million.
So definitely helping out earnings, but pretty significantly less than just that line item alone would imply and same thing quarter over quarter, although there was about a $400 million shift in that other expense line, which sounds like, whoa, oh my gosh, that is driving a huge difference. If you aggregate these two, it was $473 million last quarter, 610 million this quarter. So only a difference of about 140 million.
So yeah, it's a significant benefit this quarter. It's probably not going to continue to be that big of a benefit going forward, but we have to understand that in context of all the other numbers and their volatility quarter quarter, but even if we choose to not do any of that as a reminder, even if you just drop this line down to zero, Tesla still beat expectations. So definitely good to understand, but not something that's necessarily worthy of nitpicking.
The final point that I'll make on this one, I know it's a lot to spend on one line item, but as I mentioned previously, this falls below operating income. So it does not affect operating income only net income. So if we go back to our conversation yesterday, I would say 95 plus percent of that was focused on things operating income and above. So it doesn't change really anything that I would have been excited about, which for me was that although operating income came in a little bit below my expectations, it was entirely driven by regulatory credits and then added to due to increases in operating expenses, which came from R&D, which has nothing to do with this quarter. I'm happy to take expenses there. An SGNA, which has a little bit to do with this quarter, but I would definitely wager that the increases there are more to benefit future quarters than having anything to do with this quarter in particular. So again, it's all about the context and I think we did a good job of considering that context yesterday when forming an opinion and after a day now to review, none of my opinions have changed.
Now of course, the other common criticism is the earnings call because oh, the stock was doing fine, then they had the earnings call, now the stock is not doing fine. Now, obviously there's macro influences driving that. There's time for people to digest the numbers and understand impacts like we just talked about. And yes, the earnings call. Oh, why didn't Elon Musk focus more on short term margins versus this long term vision for Tesla? Elon does this every quarter. I mean, is it helping the stock trade the next day? Maybe not. I don't care.
I mean, I agree with the things that Elon says. I agree with how they're managing and operating the business. Could there be things that improved things a little bit more short term or could be phrased better? Certainly. But if you're an actual investor between the two things, optimizing for short term, getting great on earnings calls, making Wall Street happy, or building businesses like Tesla, SpaceX, Boring Company, Neural Link, etc. Which would you choose? I'm definitely taking the latter and I'm going to keep investing in that versus a management team that caters to Wall Street, which will maybe not inevitably, but probably contribute to killing a culture of innovation. So if you don't like the things that Elon says on the call, if you don't like how Tesla is operating the business, then you should consider selling the stock. But oftentimes what people don't like is how Wall Street is reacting. But that is noise. It washes out over time. Don't worry too much about the noise and certainly don't cater to it.
Alright, we'll move on from earnings, but definitely let me know any other thoughts you have in the comments.
Next up, a hot topic for many. We seem to have details on how FSD transferability will work this quarter. Keith Donberg on Twitter sharing what seems to be Tesla's terms and conditions for this program.
接下来是一个备受关注的热门话题。本季度我们似乎掌握了关于FSD转让的详细信息。Keith Donberg在Twitter上分享了似乎是特斯拉为这个项目设定的条款和条件。
The gist of how this will work is if you currently have FSD and if you take delivery of a new vehicle, so not a used vehicle, but a new vehicle before September 30th, 2023, you can then forfeit FSD on your current vehicle and transfer that to the new vehicle. You don't need to do a trade-in with Tesla to do that. So you could keep that current car, you could sell that current car, but it will no longer have FSD. This is non-reversible. It doesn't sound like it can be transferred from one person to another person. But in general, this seems like a pretty flexible allowance from Tesla. You could trade up from a Model 3 to a Model S or something like that, go from a hardware 3 vehicle to a hardware 4 vehicle. It's a pretty significant value, especially if you were already considering upgrading. So although the pool of FSD beta buyers relative to Tesla's annual production is pretty small when it is isolated, so specifically on a quarter like this, it does become a pretty decent demand lever, which is interesting because Tesla is going to have some downtime this quarter, so they should have fewer vehicles available. They have a strange time to pull that lever, but of course if there are going to be upgrades, which Tesla mentioned for the factories on the call, but could also mean for the products as well, obviously Model 3 Highland in question, then maybe doing it before that is the right time. So it'll be interesting to see, but I think this is going to cause a lot of people that maybe wouldn't have otherwise considered an upgrade at this point to say, hey, I'm going to take advantage of this, get a new car for maybe a similar payment that they're making today and transfer FSD over.
这项政策的要点是,如果你目前拥有全自动驾驶系统(FSD),并且在2023年9月30日之前提车一辆全新的车辆(不包括二手车),你就可以放弃将FSD安装在你当前的车辆上,而是将其转移到新车上。你不需要通过特斯拉进行交易来实现这一点。所以你可以保留你当前的车辆,也可以出售它,但它将不再具备FSD功能。这是不可逆转的。听起来好像它不能从一个人转移到另一个人身上。但总的来说,这似乎是特斯拉提供的一个相当灵活的优惠。你可以从Model 3升级到Model S等,从硬件3的车辆升级到硬件4的车辆。这是一个相当大的价值,特别是如果你已经考虑过升级的话。所以,尽管与特斯拉的年产量相比,FSD测试人群的数量在孤立状态下相对较小,尤其是在像这样的一个季度中,但这确实成为了一个相当可观的需求杠杆,这很有趣,因为特斯拉在本季度将会有一些停工时间,因此可供选择的车辆会更少。特斯拉选择在这个时候推出这个政策有点奇怪,但当然,如果有关于工厂的升级(像Call中提到的那样),也可能意味着产品的升级(显然《Model 3 Highland》是一个问题),那么在那之前这样做可能是正确的时机。所以这将是一个有趣的观察点,我认为这将引起很多人(也许在此之前并不打算升级的人)的关注,他们会说:“嘿,我要利用这个机会,以与现在的支付方式类似的付款购买一辆新车并转移到FSD上。”
Alright, last couple of items for today, we do have a report out of New York that Tesla is going to be opening a nearly 1 million square foot facility, which will act as a parts distribution center, probably service as well, in Newburg, New York. So we've had a number of stories like this throughout the US, throughout this year, which I think from a service perspective is exciting to see that Tesla is obviously continuing to invest pretty heavily in this, with a number of these types of facilities, which are really pretty big facilities to help improve service. This is going to be somewhere between 100 and 300 jobs, and it sounds like it may be open, wait for this here.
And then lastly, as we had talked about a few days ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren had requested investigation by the SEC of Tesla relating to Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter. Now Twitter is making a request of Elizabeth Warren via the courts, with Twitter requesting a subpoena for records of Warren's communication regarding Twitter or Elon Musk between her office and the SEC, her office, and the Federal Trade Commission or FTC. Now I'm not sure on the status of the subpoena if this will be granted, or to what extent, but an interesting little turn of the tables, which might be a little bit insightful later on. So we'll keep an eye out for that.
But that will wrap it up for today. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at Tesla Podcast, and we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, July 21 episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you. Thanks a lot.
但这次的节目就到这里。一如既往,感谢你的收听。请确保已订阅并开启通知。你还可以在Twitter上找到我,用户名是Tesla Podcast。我们明天将在7月21日,星期五为您播出下一期的特斯拉每日快报。谢谢你,非常感谢。