Are Global Lithium Supply Forecasts Accurate? // Part 2
发布时间 2023-07-18 14:25:55 来源
There appears to be plenty of lithium in the ground, yet supply forecasts say lithium will come up short. So, are global lithium supply forecasts accurate or is it a case of understanding the assumptions so we can form our own conclusions?
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00:00 Introduction
01:31 Thanks, Credits, and Sources
05:03 Is there Enough Lithium in the Ground?
07:56 Let’s Evaluate Three Lithium Forecasts…
15:07 Benchmark’s Forecast // Revisions Explained
17:34 Lithium Supply in 2030 // Bull and Bear Cases
Intro Music by Dyalla: Homer Said
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geisigee and this is The Limiting Factor. At Tesla's 2023 annual meeting, Elon Musk said that lithium refining is the bottleneck for lithium-ion battery production and he doesn't expect there to be a bottleneck with lithium mining. In other words, he disagrees with lithium industry experts, which are all saying that mining will be the bottleneck. But he also said that he could be wrong, so is Elon wrong or is the lithium industry wrong?
Answering that question actually requires a full walkthrough of the global lithium supply chain and so this video is an excerpt from a larger video that covers the topic in full. The full video is already available for Patreon supporters, Twitter subscribers and YouTube members. I'll be releasing one section of the video every two weeks before releasing the full video at the end of the series.
In this video, we'll explore Elon's statement from Investor Day that there's enough lithium in the ground to transition the world to sustainable energy. Then, we'll look at forecasts for global lithium supply that show that despite there being enough lithium in the ground, the supply of mined lithium isn't expected to keep up with demand. That obviously raises the question of whether lithium forecasts are accurate, so we'll look at the assumptions that go into lithium forecasts. From there, I'll put forward a provisional bear and bull case for lithium supply that will build on in the upcoming videos.
Before we begin, a raft of credits and thanks are in order. Feel free to skip this part of the video and move to the next time stamp if you watched the previous video. I'm including the thanks and credits on each video in the series for the people who haven't seen the other videos. That's because it's not just a thanks, it lets viewers know the quality of my sources and peer review.
First, Vivos Kumar reviewed the draft script. Vivos was directly involved with Tesla's battery supply chain for nearly three years, where he negotiated billions of dollars of material spend and also did strategic analysis and forecasting for battery materials. After that, he worked for benchmark mineral intelligence for nearly three years. He's now co-founder and CEO of Mitra Kim. If you'd like to know more about that, check out my interview with Vivos Anchiro.
首先,维沃斯·库马尔对草稿剧本进行了审核。维沃斯在特斯拉的电池供应链中直接参与了将近三年的时间,在那里,他为电池材料进行了数十亿美元的材料采购,并进行了战略分析和预测。在那之后,他在Benchmark Mineral Intelligence工作了将近三年。他现在是Mitra Kim的联合创始人兼CEO。如果你想了解更多信息,请查看我与维沃斯·安奇罗的访谈。
Next my sources. Rodney and Howard of ArcAequity, a Lithium Analysis and Advisory firm, spent several hours and long email threads answering detailed questions about mine development. If you're interested in their work, you can connect with them on Twitter with the details on screen or follow the Rockstock channel on YouTube. Cameron Perks of benchmark mineral intelligence walk me through how lithium supply and demand is evolving over time. I recommend following benchmark mineral intelligence and their CEO Simon Moore's on Twitter to keep up to date with the Lithium industry. Lars Lee's doll provided key data for this video around lithium refining capacity versus production. And beyond that, I've used a number of graphs from Ristat Energy over the years. You can also follow Lars on Twitter. Austin Devaney helped me put a finer point on a few topics around hard rock lithium mining. Ristat Energy was an executive at Alba Morrow and Rockwood Lithium for nearly 10 years, which is one of Tesla's largest lithium suppliers and now has been at Piedmont Lithium for the past three years, which has an agreement for future supply to Tesla.
接下来是我的信息来源。Rodney和Howard是来自ArcAequity的锂分析和咨询公司的专家,他们花了几个小时和长时间的邮件讨论来回答关于采矿开发的详细问题。如果你对他们的工作感兴趣,可以在屏幕上的详细资料上关注他们的Twitter账号,或者关注Rockstock频道的YouTube。Cameron Perks来自benchmark mineral intelligence,他向我介绍了锂供需的演变过程。我建议关注benchmark mineral intelligence和他们的首席执行官Simon Moore的Twitter账号,以了解锂产业的最新动态。Lars Lee's doll为这个视频提供了关于锂精炼能力与产量的关键数据。此外,我多年来使用了Ristat Energy的一些图表。你也可以在Twitter上关注Lars。Austin Devaney在硬岩锂矿开采的几个主题上帮助我更加准确地表达观点。Ristat Energy曾在Alba Morrow和Rockwood Lithium担任高级职位近10年,在其中担任了特斯拉最大的锂供应商,现在已经在Piedmont Lithium担任了过去三年的职位,并与特斯拉签订了未来供应协议。
Bradford Ferguson and Matt Smith of reviewed the final release candidate of the video from an investor lens. Rebellionair specializes in helping investors manage concentrated positions. They can help with covered calls, risk management and creating a financial master plan from your first principles. Bear in mind, this video is not investment advice and always do your own research.
Finally, despite all the input I received from some of the leading experts and information sources in the Lithium industry, all the opinions in this video are my own. There are differing views and forecasts within the Lithium industry that I had to reconcile and combine with my own insights and expectations. With regards to the peer review, it was for factual accuracy and a sanity check rather than for crafting the tone and conclusions of the video.
Overall, my goal was to create the most comprehensive resource out there on how global lithium supply and battery supply will evolve this decade and how that relates to Tesla. So if you feel like I've hit the mark and get value from the video or my content in general, toss a coin to your witcher.
Taking a video like this takes months and generally, analysis like this would be packaged up by an analyst house and put in a report that costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Generally, I make about $200 to $600 per video in YouTube ad revenues. That is, it's the direct support that I get from less than 1% of subscribers through Patreon, YouTube and Twitter that makes the channel possible. The details for support are in the description. Let's get into it.
First, it's worth reviewing Tesla's claim from Investor Day that there's enough lithium in the ground to transition the world to sustainable energy. For those who watch the Investor Day presentation, this will be a brief recap, but I'll be adding some context and specific numbers to put some meat on the bones of Tesla's claim. The image on screen indicates that it'll take less than 30% of the world's lithium resources to transition the world to sustainable energy.
However, a resource is an estimate of how much of an element might be in the ground. That is, the work hasn't been done to define how much of the element is actually there, and whether it can be extracted profitably. For example, the ocean contains enormous amounts of lithium, but it's at such low concentration that currently it can't be extracted profitably. That's where this graph on lithium reserves comes in.
Reserves are resources that are well defined. We know how much material they contain and generally whether the material can be extracted profitably. I say generally because profitability depends on both market price, which fluctuates, and extraction efficiency, which improves over time as technology improves.
Although Tesla's graph on reserves is illustrative, it's normalized to the year 2000, meaning that it doesn't tell us how much material is in the ground. But rather, how much reserves have grown over the past two decades? Because the eight times growth in lithium reserves are enough to transition the world to sustainable energy.
Let's look at US Geological Survey data for global lithium production and reserves. As of 2022, global lithium reserves were nearly 25 million tons of elemental lithium. That's enough for roughly 178 terawatt-hours of batteries. I'd like to emphasize that's a back-of-the-napkin estimate, and it could be off by plus or minus 25%, depending on what type of battery cell is used.
When Tesla's master plan part three, they call for about 198 terawatt-hours of battery cells, so the reserves come up a bit short. However, lithium reserves have grown by about 80% in the past five years, and I have no doubt that within the next three to five years, even taking into account that some of those reserves may be off limits due to political challenges will have all the lithium reserves we need to transition the world to sustainable energy.
So if most of the work is done to find and to find lithium reserves, why do lithium forecasts show that lithium supply will come up increasingly short as the decade progresses? If all that's needed here is mining, and mining is just digging things up, what's the issue? In short, mining's a lot more complicated than just digging things up. And just like it'll take Tesla years to build enough factories to hit their goal of 20 million vehicles per year, it's going to take years to build the mines to supply those factories. However, the mines have to jump through more regulatory and technical hoops before they can even break ground.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves. To fully understand why mining will likely be the bottleneck for lithium production, we first need to look at forecasts for lithium supply and demand. That's for three reasons. First, lithium supply tends to be the focus of most discussions I've seen about lithium, but despite being half the equation, lithium demand is often neglected. Second, we need to understand the assumptions behind the forecasts and what makes a good forecast. Along the way, we'll get a feel for some high and low-end boundaries for lithium supply and demand. Third, that in turn is a good springboard to take a detailed look at where all the units of supply and demand will come from and why. And therefore, where the forecasts could be wrong. From there, we can build our own forecast.
With that in mind, let's start by looking at three forecasts, from low to high quality.
This graph from LYNTOWN resources is based on data from Wood Mackenzie. The first thing I'd note about the graph is that it contains the wrong units. It should be in megatons rather than kilotons. That would be an easy mistake for most people to make, but it's a big mistake if you work in the industry. The next thing worth noting is that, in my opinion, the demand is below what's reasonable. They project 1.9 million tons of LCE demand by 2030. LCE stands for Lithium Carbonate equivalent, which just tells you that they weren't referring to pure lithium, but rather a commonly traded lithium chemical. Five LCE units are equivalent to about one unit of pure lithium, because lithium carbonate is about 80% carbonate by weight. However, 1.9 million tons LCE is fairly abstract. What does that mean in terms of battery production? It's roughly 2.7 TWh.
这张来自LYNTOWN资源公司的图表基于来自Wood Mackenzie的数据。关于这个图表,我首先要注意到的是,它使用的是错误的单位。应该使用兆吨而不是千吨作为单位。对于大多数人来说,这是一个容易犯的错误,但如果你在这个行业工作,这就是一个大错误。接下来值得注意的是,在我看来,这个需求低于合理水平。他们预测到2030年将有190万吨锂碳酸盐当量的需求。LCE代表锂碳酸盐当量,这告诉我们他们指的不是纯锂,而是一种常见的锂化学品。五个LCE单位大约等于一个纯锂单位,因为碳酸锂约占80%的重量。然而,190万吨LCE相对来说还是比较抽象的。以电池产量来说,大约是2.7太瓦时。
For perspective, this year in 2023, there will likely be over one TWh of actual lithium demand. That means the graph is forecasting an average annual growth rate of only 15%. That's as compared to the actual average demand growth for lithium over the past six years, which was 40% per year. Furthermore, Tesla stated that just from their demand alone, they're targeting three TWh by 2030. That is, Tesla expects their own in-house usage to be more than wood-mikensy is forecasting for the entire world.
以角度来看,在2023年,实际锂需求可能会超过1 TWh。这意味着该图表预测的平均年增长率仅为15%。与过去六年间锂需求的实际平均增长率相比,这个增长率只有40%每年。此外,特斯拉表示,仅凭他们自身的需求,他们的目标是到2030年达到3 TWh。也就是说,特斯拉预计他们自己的内部使用量将超过伍德-迈肯西预测的全球总量。
This graph from Lithium Americas, which is based on data from benchmark mineral intelligence from 2021, is a little better in a few ways. First, the LCE units are at the correct magnitude, megatons. Second, the 2030 demand forecast is for 2.4 megatons, which is enough for about 3.4 TWh of battery cells. That's getting a bit more realistic. But in my view, it's still too low, and doesn't specify whether that's a bull, bear, or base case. Third, the supply data actually includes a rough split between increases in supply from mines that are already operating, brownfields mining projects, and greenfields mining projects that are probable or highly probable. Brownfields projects are expansions near existing mines that have already been surveyed, and greenfields projects are completely new mines.
这张来自Lithium Americas的图表基于2021年Benchmark Mineral Intelligence的数据,在几个方面有所改进。首先,LCE(锂碳酸盐当量)的单位是以正确的数量级表示的,即百万吨。其次,2030年的需求预测为2.4百万吨,足够生产约3.4兆瓦时的电池。这更加接近现实。但在我看来,这个预测仍然偏低,并且没有明确指定是看涨、看跌还是基准情况。第三,供应数据实际上包括了已经运营的矿山、已经进行勘探的扩建项目以及可能或高度可能的全新矿山之间的粗略分割。扩建项目是在现有矿山附近进行的扩展工程,而全新矿山则是完全全新的开采项目。
Overall, it appears that Lithium Americas used a simplified version of benchmark minerals data to good effect. However, let's look at a more up-to-date forecast directly from benchmark minerals that provides a greater level of detail. First, the 2030 demand forecast shows two primary pathways, a base case at 2.9 megatons LCE, and a high case at 5.4 megatons LCE, which equate to roughly 4 TWh and 7.6 TWh. Could the demand in 2030 be up to 7.6 TWh? Absolutely. 7.6 TWh would be an average growth rate of 34% per year, which is less than the average growth rate over the last 6 years, so it's fairly reasonable. Furthermore, it's not just reasonable historically, but also backed up by the 8.5 TWh of Gigafactory capacity that's already been announced for 2030. 7.6 TWh of demand from 8.5 TWh of capacity would mean a fairly high utilization rate for those factories of 89%. That is, it doesn't accommodate much for things like downtime, yield loss, and production ramps.
总的来说,看起来Lithium Americas利用了简化版的benchmark minerals数据,取得了良好的效果。然而,让我们来看一下benchmark minerals最新的预测,提供更详细的信息。首先,2030年的需求预测显示了两个主要路径,一个基础情景为2.9兆吨锂碳酸盐当量(LCE),一个高情景为5.4兆吨LCE,大约相当于4 TWh和7.6 TWh。2030年的需求是否可能达到7.6 TWh?当然可能。7.6 TWh的需求将平均年增长率为34%,低于过去6年的平均增长率,因此相当合理。此外,这不仅从历史上看合理,还得到了已宣布的8.5 TWh Gigafactory产能的支持。8.5 TWh的产能中需求7.6 TWh将意味着这些工厂的利用率相当高达89%。也就是说,这并没有考虑停机时间、产量损失和生产上升的因素。
As said, more Gigafactories are being announced each year. Last year, rather than 8.5 TWh of Gigafactory announcements, there was only about 6.7 TWh. That is, the desire and or need is there for a huge amount of battery cells later this decade, and it's growing every year.
The question is, will there be enough lithium, other materials, capital, and talent to get those factories off the ground? More on that later in the video.
Next, let's look at supply. Benchmark tracks every lithium mine in the world along with the plans of each mine, and then they assign a probability on the likelihood that each mine will go into production for a given year. There's seven categories of supply. Operating supply is production supply expansions at mines that are currently operating. Secondary supply is actually recycled material, which is often neglected in supply forecasts. Karen maintenance supply results from improvements to existing supply sources, and so it's so minimal that it doesn't really show on the graph. Brownfield supply expansion, which I mentioned briefly earlier, is expansion near existing mines. Beyond that, there's highly probable, probable, and possible expansions in supply from greenfields mining projects, which are new mines.
Now that we have a basic understanding of the two primary demand scenarios and the basic elements that make up supply, let's look at how the data is evolving over time.
For the dashed gray line, I asked Cameron Perks at Benchmark to overlay their demand forecast from three years ago to get a feel for how the landscape has shifted over time. As you can see, the base case demand scenario has shifted upwards, and if my thinking is correct and demand is close to the high case demand scenario, then a manned curve is starting to look more like an S-curve. And that's exactly what we should expect from the key component of a new technology like EVs, the same adoption curve that many other technologies have followed. The question is, will this adoption curve be hampered by the supply of raw materials? More on that later.
对于虚线灰线,我请Benchmark公司的Cameron Perks将他们三年前的需求预测与其叠加,以了解市场格局如何随时间变化。正如您所见,基本需求案例的情景发生了上移,如果我的想法是正确的,需求接近高需求案例,那么人员曲线将开始更像是一个"S"形曲线。这正是我们应该从新技术如电动汽车的关键组成部分期待的,与许多其他技术遵循的采用曲线相同。问题是,这种采用曲线是否会受到原材料供应的阻碍?稍后再谈。
So if Benchmark's demand line has shifted upwards, has their supply forecast also shifted upwards? Yes. This graph from about three years ago shows that supply and demand are roughly aligned until about 2027, and then demand breaks away from supply around 2028 when supply is at around 1.4 megatons. The new graph with up-to-date data also shows supply and demand roughly aligned until about 2027, and demand also breaks away from supply around 2028. But it happens when demand is at about 2.2 megatons rather than 1.4 megatons. That is, the shapes of the graphs are nearly identical, but over the past three years supply and demand have drifted upwards by over 50%, which is a pretty huge variance. What's going on here? Why did the lithium forecast change so much between 2020 and 2023? In my view, there's three primary factors. Let's take a look.
First, as I'll explain later in the video, between 2018 and 2020 there was a demand crash for lithium, which caused surplus lithium supply to the point where some lithium miners idled some of their production capacity. When demand started returning in 2021, it was just a matter of cranking the dial to increase supply. That is, benchmark minerals 2020 supply forecast was hiding latent supply due to weak demand. Supply usually doesn't exceed demand because selling when demand is weak can mean selling at break-even or at a loss. That in turn means supply and demand tend to move in unison and only diverge when lithium supply comes up short. Other than vice versa.
The second factor that caused benchmark minerals forecast to be revised upwards is that the high lithium prices of the past two years have driven the development of new mining projects. As we'll see, a lot of that new supply contains fish hooks and includes caveats, but the market is responding. What all this means is the circumstances have changed for both supply and demand and the forecasts have had to adapt.
导致Benchmark Minerals预测上调的第二个因素是过去两年高锂价格推动了新采矿项目的发展。如我们所看到的,很多新供应存在一些问题并附带一些警示条件,但市场做出了回应。所有这些意味着供应和需求的情况发生了变化,预测不得不做出调整。
The third factor that caused benchmark minerals forecast to be revised upwards was the forecasting methodology itself. As I said earlier, benchmark minerals tracks every lithium mine in the world along with the plans of each mine as well as Gigafactory announcements. Their data set is robust. However, they don't build factors into their forecast that can't be predicted. Like the effect of high prices on supply growth, how many new Gigafactories will be announced or the impact of rapidly emerging supply in regions like China and Africa that have shorter lead times. That means that so long as we're in a supply constrained environment, both supply and demand forecasts for lithium are likely to continue to undershoot actual supply and demand.
导致Benchmark Minerals预测上调的第三个因素是预测方法本身。如我之前所说,Benchmark Minerals追踪全球每个锂矿以及每个矿山的计划,还有Gigafactory的公告。他们的数据集非常可靠。然而,他们的预测中不会考虑那些无法预测的因素,比如高价对供应增长的影响、有多少新的Gigafactory将会宣布建设,以及像中国和非洲这样供应迅速增长但交货时间短的地区的影响。这意味着只要我们处在供应紧缺的环境中,锂的供应和需求预测很可能继续低估实际的供应和需求。
If that's the case, what's the point of forecast for lithium supply and demand? If you're a player in the lithium industry, it tells you what the future looks like based on all the information currently available. That is, it's a benchmark. It's a starting point for understanding an analysis, not the end game. For example, the forecasting data can be combined with pricing data and cost of production data to develop growth, production and pricing strategies.
What if you're a Tesla investor? We can use the forecast to frame up high and low end boundaries for lithium supply and then take a closer look at potential lithium supply from all sources to see where actual lithium supply might fall within that range. From there we can factor in Tesla's plans and see where Tesla's plans start colliding with potential supply issues.
For the low end boundary, I've set global lithium supply in 2030 at 3.5 TWh, which is the current upper lithium supply target for benchmark minerals. I'm setting that as the bear case number because lithium supply forecasts have been creeping upward as lithium supply responds to demand. If the 3.5 TWh bear case came to pass, it would make life difficult for Tesla because their 3 TWh target for battery consumption in 2030 would be about 86% of the global market, which isn't realistic.
对于最低边界,我将2030年全球锂供应设置为3.5 TWh,这是基准矿物公司当前对锂供应的上限目标。我将这个数字视为悲观情况,因为随着锂供应对需求的响应,锂供应预测一直在逐渐增加。如果3.5 TWh的悲观情况成为现实,这将给特斯拉带来困难,因为他们在2030年对电池消耗的目标为3 TWh,相当于全球市场的86%,这是不现实的。
For the high end boundary, I've set global lithium supply in 2030 at 7.6 TWh, which is benchmark minerals high demand case forecast. I'm setting that as the bull case number because it's higher than any bull case I've seen, but still a reasonable 34% average annual growth rate.
对于高端边界,我将2030年全球锂供应设定为7.6太瓦时,这是Benchmark Minerals的高需求案例预测。我将这个数字设定为乐观案例,因为它高于我所见过的任何乐观案例,但仍然是一个合理的34%的平均年增长率。
If the bull case came to pass, Tesla's 3 TWh target for battery consumption would be about 39% of the market, which would make Tesla's life a lot easier. In the next video, we'll do a deep dive into every potential major source of mined lithium for the rest of the decade, how each source could affect the lithium supply, and therefore get a better feel for where lithium supply could fall within the bull to bear range.
That's all for today, but before I close out the video, as I said at the beginning of the video, if you can, toss a coin to your witcher. The information I've provided today is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive video on lithium supply out there. Other reports that are available on the market can cost thousands of dollars, and by comparison, if this video does well, I expect it to make less than a thousand dollars from YouTube ad revenues.
It's the supporters who contribute directly that make the channel possible. On that note, a special thanks to Lucius, George Geese, Jeff Raymer, Jim Higgins, and Bill for your generous support of the channel, my YouTube members, Twitter subscribers, and all the patrons listed in the credits. I appreciate all your support, and thanks for tuning in.
正是那些直接做出贡献的支持者们使得这个频道得以存在。在这一点上,我要特别感谢Lucius、George Geese、Jeff Raymer、Jim Higgins和Bill对频道的慷慨支持,以及我的YouTube会员、Twitter订阅者和所有出现在制作名单中的资助者。我非常感谢大家的支持,并感谢大家的收看。