Musk Updates on Tesla / xAI, FSD Updates, Cybertruck Frame

发布时间 2023-07-15 01:05:51    来源


➤ Musk elaborates on relationship between Tesla and xAI, comments on FSD and Dojo ➤ New Cybertruck body-in-white ➤ Panasonic reportedly in discussions with India ➤ Musk meets with Malaysian prime minister ➤ FSD Beta update ➤ Supercharger v4 ➤ Model Y Korea ➤ Volkswagen CEO comments ➤ BYD factory proposal Shareloft: Twitter: Patreon: Tesla Referral: #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Merr here, happy Friday today we are talking about some interesting comments from Elon Musk on the XAI Twitter space today. We've also got a bit of an update on the Cybertruck, FSD beta, and a couple other items as well.
大家好,这里是罗布·梅尔。今天是星期五,我们将讨论埃隆·马斯克在XAI Twitter空间上发布的一些有趣评论。我们还有关于Cybertruck、FSD beta和其他几个项目的一些更新。

Alright, looking out the stock, pretty nice day for Tesla today, finishing up 1.25%, closing at $281.38 while the NASDAQ was down 0.2% on the day today. We had been talking about the NASDAQ 100 rebalancing, and they were supposed to publish some information on that today. I haven't seen it anywhere yet, it's possible it's been published, but that may be coming yet still later today. So we'll continue to keep an eye out for more news on that.

But getting into Tesla updates, probably the most significant news today coming from the XAI Twitter space, which happened right at market close today. I made a quick recap of things that I thought were relevant to Tesla and just kind of interesting with XAI as well. Obviously we're all still learning about this company at this point. Tesla did say that yes, this is going to be a competitor of OpenAI slash Google Bard. No big surprise there, I think, given Elon's previous comments that this is the case, but interesting to have that confirmation. And they did say that they are really passionate about releasing tools and products early and engaging with the public. So it sounds like they're already working on their first release, and they said they'd share more information on that in a couple of weeks or so. It doesn't necessarily mean they would launch whatever product that they are working on in a couple of weeks, but you never know with Elon. Sometimes he'll develop those things quite publicly as we have seen in the past. So it'll be interesting to follow XAI.
但是进入特斯拉的更新,可能今天最重要的新闻来自于XAI的Twitter空间,这恰好发生在今天收市时。我简要地总结了我认为与特斯拉相关和有趣的事情。显然,我们在这个时候都还在了解这家公司。特斯拉确实说,是的,这将是OpenAI/Google Bard的竞争对手。我觉得这并不是什么大惊喜,考虑到埃隆之前的评论,这一点已经很明显了,但是能够得到这样的确认还是很有趣的。他们还表示,他们非常热衷于提前发布工具和产品,并与公众互动。所以听起来他们已经在着手第一个版本的开发,并表示他们将在几周内分享更多的信息。这并不意味着他们在几周内就会推出他们正在开发的任何产品,但是对于埃隆来说,你永远不知道。有时候他会像我们过去所看到的那样,在公众面前公开发展这些东西。所以跟进XAI将会很有趣。

Just a couple things with AI in general, this kind of bleeds into some of the notes on Tesla. Elon said that he expects to go from the industry basically to go from an extreme silicon shortage today to shortage with voltage transformers in about a year, and then an electricity shortage another year after that. So that's kind of how he sees things progressing from the constraints that are present today. And he said that over time, the most important metric is going to become a useful compute per unit of energy. So kind of interesting. And again, that kind of affects what Tesla's working on with AI as well.

And then getting into some of the comments from the space that blood into or that, you know, carried over into Tesla, some specific comments here. He said that XAI is going to work with Tesla on the silicon front. So probably love reaching dojo there. Maybe on the AI front as well, obviously a little bit more generic there. But he said because Tesla is public, it must be at an arms length in terms of any transactions. But a natural thing would be to have working cooperation and it will be mutually beneficial in accelerating Tesla's self driving capabilities, he said specifically. So kind of keep that part in mind, but he said that quote, I am feeling very optimistic about Tesla's progress, but the more smart humans that can help make FSD or that can help make it happen the better it talking about FSD.
然后关于一些有关SpaceX和特斯拉的评论,有一些具体的评论。他说,XAI将与特斯拉在硅前端合作。所以可能会有很棒的道场(注:Tesla Dojo为特斯拉的AI训练计算机)。可能还会在人工智能方面合作,这显然比较笼统。但是他说,因为特斯拉是公开上市的公司,它在任何交易方面都必须保持距离。但是,一种自然的方式是进行合作,这对加速特斯拉的自动驾驶能力是互利的,他特别提到了这一点。所以请记住这一点,他还说:"我对特斯拉的进展感到非常乐观,但是越多的聪明人能够帮助实现全自动驾驶,这件事就变得更好了",这是指全自动驾驶技术。

So again, keep that in mind because one of the things that is getting the most attention out of this Twitter space was a comment that Elon made probably about halfway through where he was talking about Tesla kind of making a little bit of a breakthrough. It sounded like in terms of the development path that they have been on. So I'll just read the quote here says quote, if I look at the experience with Tesla, what we've discovered over time is that we've actually over complicated the problem. I can't speak in too much detail about what Tesla's figured out except to say that in broad terms, the answer was much simpler than we thought we were too dumb to realize how simple the answer was and quipped.

So again, it sounds like a little bit of a breakthrough there that Tesla has come across. And Elon is saying, you know, the answer was a couple of times here in past tense, which obviously alludes to some sort of a solution that Tesla has come up with. And this seems to be relatively recent. So some people are taking this to mean that Tesla's solve FSD. That's not really my interpretation of what Elon was saying here.

This was brought up in the context of artificial general intelligence or AGI today being brute forced, which basically means they're just throwing a ton of compute at it. It's not very efficient, but it's kind of getting the job done to an extent. And that was what Elon was talking about when he started to talk about this quote here with Tesla. So it seemed to me to be a little bit more talking about how the solution will come to be and the processes that Tesla has in place to eventually solve it, sort of figuring out or at least presumably thinking that they've figured out the way to make this happen in a way that's different than how they thought about the problem before.

So again, I referenced these other two comments where it talks about XAI being mutually beneficial in developing Tesla self driving capabilities, feeling optimistic about the progress, but the more smart people working on it, the better both of these things imply that it is not yet fully solved. So I think it's good context for this other quote, which again, probably getting misinterpreted a little bit, but you can find that about 44 minutes or so in the Twitter space, which again is just on XAI's Twitter page. If you do want to go read or go listen to that context, I think in general, you know, this is a company that people should be aware of probably worthwhile to listen to the space.

All right, he did have a couple of hardware updates. So on hardware for he just sort of offhandedly mentioned that hardware for is roughly, you know, three to four, three to five times more capable than hardware three is. So we don't have a lot of insight into hardware for yet. Obviously we've seen it start to make its way into model SMX now and a model Y, but no real specs that we've got yet. So give us a little bit of gauge there, but hopefully we'll learn more about that maybe with the cyber truck delivery event or something like that, although I wouldn't be surprised if they just omit it from that too.
好的,他确实进行了一些硬件更新。所以关于硬件,他只是随口提到,硬件For的性能大致是硬件三的三到五倍。所以我们对硬件For还没有太多了解。显然,我们已经看到它开始应用在Model SMX和Model Y上,但我们还没有获得真正的规格。所以这只是给我们一个大概的概念,但希望在Cybertruck交付活动或其他类似的活动中我们能了解更多,尽管如果他们也故意忽略此事,我也不会感到惊讶。

But then he said hardware five, that'd be four to five times more capable than hardware four. So just continuing to iterate over time on FSD hardware.

And then for dojo kind of echoing comments that he has previously said, he said dojo one is a go to initial entry into what Tesla's trying to do here to replace GPUs for this, you know, training prop training purposes. But he said it's not optimized really for large language models due to memory bandwidth constraints. He said that dojo to with dojo to they're taking a lot of steps to alleviate those constraints so that it's capable of efficiently training large language models or other types of AI.

So didn't really give us too much about where they're at in these processes. But obviously, you know, gonna be interesting to see that evolution for dojo. And if this does become more broad over time, it opens up the possibility of Tesla leveraging that as a business model as a business unit, which you want us talked about before could be potentially a very significant chunk of the valuation in the future.

So again, definitely recommend listening to that Twitter space. But we'll move on for now. We do have a couple more comments here or new new pictures here of the cyber truck. So I'm not sure where these originated from Tesla Phoenix on Twitter, maybe the original source, but a couple new shots of the cyber truck body and white. And previously, although we've seen a couple of these, they've all been sort of perpendicular, directly perpendicular to the vehicle. Now we get a bit of an angled shot. So we can see, you know, some of the front and the back of the vehicle. And it kind of looks like there's not going to be a pass through between the bed and the cabin of the vehicle. Some people had kind of been hoping for that that's been a feature that we've seen from some other like startup EV makers in the truck space. I can't blink it on the name right now, but some people are hoping for that based on these images looks like that's probably not going to happen with the cyber truck. So maybe a little bit of bad news there, but probably not a feature that was really widely expected at this point.
再次强烈推荐大家去听Twitter上的那个空间。不过现在我们继续说一下。我们在这里有一些关于Cybertruck的新评论或者新图片。我不确定这些图像是从Twitter上的特斯拉凤凰城(Tesla Phoenix)来的,或许是原始来源,但是我们得到了一些Cybertruck车身的新照片,是白色的。之前虽然我们看到了几张相似的照片,但它们都是直角与车身垂直的。现在我们得到了一些带有倾斜角度的照片。因此我们可以看到一些车辆的前部和后部。看起来似乎床与车厢之间不会有通行的空间。有些人之前希望有这样的功能,因为在卡车行业的一些初创电动车制造商中我们看到了这个特征。我现在想不起来那个公司的名字了,但根据这些图片来看,这可能不会是Cybertruck的一个特点。所以可能有一点坏消息在那里,但现阶段这个功能可能并不是被广泛期望的特点。

All right, next continuing our conversation about Tesla and India. We've had a couple of points on that this week. Got a report today that Panasonic is also in conversations with India about potentially setting up a battery supply chain in India. And obviously they're very close partners with Tesla. So the timing here is quite interesting. They say that Tesla has asked their battery suppliers to engage in these negotiations. And that Panasonic has started doing this. So again, more smoke here, we'll continue to see what develops, but interesting reports this week on Tesla and potentially their suppliers in India. And then for Malaysia, as we know, Tesla is just getting started there with vehicle sales. And their prime minister had previously said that Elon Musk and him were going to meet. It sounds like that happened, at least with a phone call or video call today between the prime minister and Elon Musk to discuss Tesla's investment in the country, as well as SpaceX and Starlink. And their prime minister said, quote, I welcome the company's interest and decision to invest in Malaysia and Elon Musk's willingness to come to Malaysia, end quote. So no hard news out of that, but something to continue to keep an eye on.

Alright, next we've got a quick update on FSD here. So a couple of conversations going on on nagging from the steering wheel. And a whole Mars tweeting that the steering wheel nag is actually making things more dangerous at this point. It'll be history soon. We know that previously Elon is engaged with comment from home Mars talking about maybe once you get over a certain number of miles on FSD beta, the nag could go away. So not mentioning that specifically here, but Elon replying to this and saying update coming soon doesn't necessarily mean that the nag would completely go away. Maybe it's diminished. Maybe it's more circumstantial. If the eye tracker is not picking up what it needs to be picking up. But I very much welcome that because agreed at this point, the nag is getting, you know, frustrating because I think the eye tracking most of the time is doing a good enough job that it just becomes redundant and unnecessary. So we'd definitely love to see an update here. Hopefully that does indeed happen soon. But we've seen these before that maybe don't happen so soon. So fingers crossed there.

And then we also have a quick update on superchargers here. So this has been more of a conversation, I think in the United States, due to how some of the federal funding programs are structured, which might require credit card readers or screens, things like that. I'm not as clear on those sort of incentives internationally, but Tesla owners UK here saying that one of the Tesla version for supercharger pedestals appears to maybe have those equipped. And it's a little bit difficult to see. Well, zoom in here, no enhancing, unfortunately, but you can see that maybe something that looks like it could be a screen there. I think it would be kind of weird placement if that's what this is because you would need to, I guess you could go and plug your car in first and then come back to the screen seems a little bit odd, but and then maybe credit card reader. I'm not sure exactly, you know, where that where that would be. Maybe this is it, but it sounds like some of these things may be included in this version for supercharger. So hopefully we'll get a better image. It's a little bit difficult with this one. Maybe with the screen was on it would be more clear, but something interesting to keep our eyes out for as we see more of these V4 chargers.

Next, we've got an update on Tesla in Korea. So the rear wheel drive Model Y, which I believe this one will be coming from at Kigashang High is now available for order in Korea. And interestingly, at the same time, they have basically postponed or paused orders for the long range and performance version until 2024. So kind of just swapping them out there. And I think what the assumption here is, is that this opens up a little bit more supply from Fremont, which I believe was responsible for exports. One of the rare markets that Fremont is still exporting to for Korea. So again, we'll have to clarify this a little bit, but that's sort of my assumption right now. And if that is the case, that could open up more of that Fremont production to be sold domestically in the United States, obviously taking advantage of the US federal tax credit. Now that could also mean more supply could push prices down as well. Just kind of depends on how that, you know, pairing kind of balances out, but it will be potentially a game, not a game changer, but a little bit more supply opening up.
接下来,我们有关于特斯拉在韩国的最新消息。我相信,这款后驱Model Y将从启东高中交货,现在可以在韩国预订了。有趣的是,同时,他们基本上推迟或暂停了长续航和高性能版本的预订,直到2024年。所以可以说他们只是在交换。我认为这里的假设是,这会增加来自弗里蒙特的一点供应,我相信弗里蒙特负责出口到韩国是其少数市场之一。所以我们还需要进一步澄清这一点,但这是我目前的假设。如果是这样的话,这可能会使弗里蒙特的更多产量在国内销售,显然是利用美国联邦税收抵免。现在这也可能意味着更多供应可能会推低价格。这取决于这种配对如何平衡,但它可能会是一个改变局势的因素,只是一点点更多的供应开放了。

And then last couple of things here, really quick one here on Volkswagen. So their CEO of passenger cars, so not of the overall brand, or not of the overall parent company of Volkswagen, but the CEO of the Volkswagen passenger car brand, had a call with employees and managers talking about cost control. And all those, this isn't really pointed at anything specifically. I think we can all kind of understand what's happening in the automotive industry right now. The quote here is that the roof structure is on fire. This is the final wake up call to get things under control from a cost perspective. So just kind of shows the tone, I guess, not that we have a lot of context here, but the tone of some of the conversations that are being had at legacy automakers right now.

And then final story for today, quick update from BYD going back to our conversations on Tesla and India this week, BYD has reportedly proposed a $1 billion investment plan in India to build EVs and batteries in the country.

So it sounds like the longer term plan is to build the full lineup of BYD vehicles in India.

So a lot's going on in India right now.

And that would be some, you know, probably the most direct competition that Tesla would face in that country.

So we'll have to continue to follow updates on both.

But that'll wrap it up for today and for the week.

So as always, thank you for listening, make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications.

You can also find me on Twitter at Tesla podcast.
你也可以在Twitter上找到我,我的账号是Tesla podcast。

And we'll see you on Monday for the July 17th episode of Tesla daily and for earnings week.

All right, have a great week on thank you.