Tesla Presents “Ambitious Plan” For India, Tesla Desirability Highlighted

发布时间 2023-07-14 00:36:27    来源


➤ Tesla reportedly presents ambitious plans in India ➤ PPI comes in lower than expected ➤ Cybertruck charging teaser ➤ Report on Model Y registration growth ➤ Tesla tops all brands in Autotrader desirability report ➤ xAI Twitter space scheduled ➤ Musk keynote ➤ Twitter business model change Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody RobMower here and today we are talking about a report on Tesla and their plans in India. We've also got an update on the Cybertruck, some news on the Model Y, a brand study by AutoTrader, the producer price index and a couple other items as well.
大家好,这里是RobMower。今天我们将谈论关于特斯拉在印度的计划的报告。我们还有关于Cybertruck的最新消息,关于Model Y的一些新闻,以及AutoTrader的一项品牌研究、生产者价格指数和其他一些内容。

Nice day for the stock today, finally participating in a little bit of the rally that we've been seeing in the NASDAQ this week. Tesla up 2.2% to close at $277.90. Well the NASDAQ up 1.6%, so maybe not quite to Tesla's beta, but a nice day nonetheless.

Tomorrow we should get the rebalancing update for the NASDAQ 100, it's not going to take effect yet, but the redistribution will be disclosed. Not sure if that'll happen before or aftermarket, but we'll keep an eye on that to see how that's going to shake out.

Alright let's start off quickly with the PPI or producer price index. Yesterday we had the CPI or consumer price index. Today for the PPI it comes in below expectations pretty significantly, probably about 20 basis points or so below expectations across various metrics. The headline number looks pretty crazy here, only a 0.1% increase year over year from the chart you can see how dramatically that has fallen off over the last year. Core PPI increases continuing to decelerate as well, a 2.4% increase year over year, so not as drastic as the headline number, but starting to stabilize which is nice to see. And then a quick look at the month over month changes right in the range that you want at 0.1% for both core and headline. So it's looking pretty good if services and housing can kind of rain it in a little bit, which is a little bit supply driven, ironically partially driven by high interest rates, and many would argue just by the methodology in general, but if those can kind of rain it in, then inflation data seems to be heading into a pretty good spot, and then maybe we're not too far off from deflation concerns starting to rise. As we know things can be a little bit fickle like that, but we'll see the next bed meeting is on July 25th, so about two weeks from now.

Alright, getting into the Tesla news, we've got an update from the times of India that Tesla is now opening discussions with the Indian government specifically for an investment proposal to set up a car factory in the country with an annual production capacity of as many as 500,000 vehicles and prices starting from below $25,000. They report side's government sources and they even included a direct quote from one source saying quote, Tesla has come to us with an ambitious plan and we are confident that the movement will be positive this time around, especially as it involves both local manufacturing and exports. So there definitely seems to be a lot of traction here, obviously we've had a lot of rumors about Tesla and India over the last few years, but about three weeks ago Elon met with the Prime Minister commentary from both sides was very positive coming out of that meeting. Elon said that they will do something in India really it's just a matter of time figuring it out, and as we've seen for Tesla that can sometimes be excruciatingly slow or it can be incredibly fast with the announcements of both Gigabra Lin and Gigataxes pretty much coinciding showing us how quickly this can happen in multiple locations. And with Tesla now getting ready to move into that next generation lower cost vehicle, it makes a lot of sense for that to be happening at the same time as this relationship and these rumors about India seem to be heating up pretty significantly. Now we did also get an official comment from an Indian government official today on Tesla not necessarily on the factory specifically, but this was coming from the secretary of revenue from the Ministry of Finance who said that quote, any duty waiver for Tesla is not under active consideration of the Department of Revenue as of now. So official commentary still kind of playing hardball, but it also does leave plenty of room for that to change over time with that little disclaimer thrown in at the end that says has of now. Anyway, fun to see these rumors and some of the posturing and I'm sure not the last of it that we'll see.

Moving on from India, we've got an interesting update from Gregor truck on Twitter. Apparently Tesla has coloring books at service centers and one of the pages in the coloring book is a cyber truck sort of font logo page and the subheading for the cyber truck says that the cyber truck quote has enough battery power to charge a Tesla and quote, which really isn't off that impressive. I mean, so does a wall outlet. So this could just be in reference to using something like a 240 volt onboard outlet, which although it would work would seem like kind of a weird thing to emphasize, especially in a kids coloring book, maybe they're just trying to teach them a little bit more about power, but it would seem a little bit more likely that this would be a teaser for something with a little more power, which would imply bidirectional charging, vehicle to home, stuff like that. Hopefully we'll know for sure in the next couple of months.
从印度的消息过渡过来,我们从Twitter上的Gregor truck得到了一个有趣的更新。显然特斯拉在服务中心有一本着色书,其中一张页面是一个类似于Cyber Truck字体的标志页面,Cyber Truck的副标题称Cyber Truck有足够的电池电量来给特斯拉充电,并不是什么令人印象深刻的事情。我的意思是,家用插座也有这种功能。所以这可能只是指的使用类似于240伏特的车载插座之类的东西,尽管这样的插座可以工作,但好像有点奇怪强调这个,特别是在一个儿童着色书中。也许他们只是想教一些关于能源的知识,但更有可能的是这是对拥有更大功率的某些东西的预告,这可能意味着双向充电、车辆对家庭等等。希望在接下来的几个月内我们能确切知道。

Next we've got a report on electric vehicle registrations from Kelly Blue Book using data from Experian. This is looking at registrations in the US from January to May. They say that EV market share is up to 7% in that period from last year's 4.6% during the same period. So some nice growth there, but largely driven by the Model Y, which they say registrations for are up 103% year over year. So we know how well the Model Y has been doing, and I think if we go back to that period last year, there may have still been some exporting happening from Fremont, which would have kept numbers down in the US a little bit, especially if you're excluding June from that period, since that would have had an end of quarter push. So I can't remember fully on that timeline if when exports really started to happen from Shanghai entirely. But may have been a factor, and similar things may cause some differences for the S and the X here. They say X grew 7% year over year, but Model S dropped 59%. I think some of that just due to weakness, but also probably due to exporting that happened here in this year's Q2 that wouldn't have happened last year. At any rate, generating some nice headlines for the Model Y.
接下来,我们来看一份由凯利蓝书(Kelly Blue Book)根据Experian公司的数据进行的关于电动汽车注册情况的报告。该报告针对的是美国从1月到5月的注册情况。他们表示,在这一时期,电动汽车市场份额从去年同期的4.6%增长到了7%。这是一个相当不错的增长,但主要受到了Model Y的推动,他们称Model Y的注册量同比增长了103%。所以我们知道Model Y的表现非常出色,我认为如果回顾去年同期可能还存在一些从Fremont出口的情况,这可能在一定程度上减少了美国的销量,特别是如果在这个时期中排除了6月,因为那会有季度末的推动效应。我不能完全记得在那个时间段里从上海开始出口的具体时间,但这可能是一个因素,类似的原因可能也会影响到S和X的销量。他们表示X同比增长了7%,但Model S下降了59%。我认为其中一部分原因是由于市场需求的疲软,但也可能是由于今年第二季度出口的情况,而去年并没有。无论如何,这给Model Y带来了一些不错的头条新闻。

As for Tesla, also some nice headlines coming from an auto trader report on automotive brands, they attempted to answer the question of what cars the world wants to buy. So they say number 1 is the Volkswagen Golf number 2 BMW 3 Series, number 3 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. Actual sales don't necessarily seem to reflect that. And if we look a little bit closer, our auto trader says that this data is coming from the amount of advertising clicks on the auto trader website for the last 12 months, and that's specifically in the UK. So I don't know if these are auto trader run ads where maybe a Tesla could pop into those, or if the OEM itself has any role in that advertisement which would immediately disqualify Tesla from ranking here. I'm not exactly clear on that, but if we continue through the report, they also take a look at which brands each country in the world wants to buy the most according to their research, which for this section seems to be looking only at search interest for some specific terms around these brands. So it's very much imperfect, but still interesting, and we can see a lot of Tesla on here particularly in North America, Western Europe, China, and Australia, some good spots to be ranking first in. The manager says Tesla came out as the car brand people are looking to buy the most across the world topping the tables as the most googled car for sale in 39 countries. They also say that Tesla was tops in 25 states in the US, pretty much evenly splitting with Jeep with Tesla taking the coasts and Jeep taking most of the central United States. But what I actually like the most about this graphic is that they have actually mixed up Wisconsin and Minnesota, but this is auto trader UK, so we'll give them a pass on that one.

The last few things for today as we talked about with the unveiling or launch of XAI yesterday, they're supposed to hold a Twitter space tomorrow or Friday. We now have a time for that. It's going to be at 4pm Eastern time, so right at market close, and at the end of the week, so always interesting timing. I don't really expect any major announcements out of that. Anything with Tesla could be dojo related something like that, but we're probably not quite there for that to make much of a difference yet. We'll see, but either way should be a very interesting Twitter space.

We can also add to our calendars on July 25th, alongside the Fed meeting, a new interview from Elon Musk, this will be at the PG&E Innovation Summit, where Elon has been announced as a keynote speaker. And then lastly for today, a little bit outside of the scope here, but very interesting update on Twitter today. Twitter has started to pay creators on Twitter. A portion of the ad revenue that Twitter is generating, so this has never happened before. It does create a lot more incentive for creators on Twitter to be active and engaging. It's a pretty big deal, and I'm sure very much in the early stages of what it will eventually become, but without a doubt very much marks an inflection point for Twitter today.

So fun to see the continued progress there, but that'll wrap it up for today, so as always, thank you for listening, make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at Tesla Podcast, and we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday, July 14th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.