A 2nd Factory for the $25k Tesla / The Semiconductor Excuse / Porsche Taycan Sales ⚡️
发布时间 2023-07-13 22:17:56 来源
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🎥 Executive Producer: Halter Ferguson Financial
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00:00 - About Yesterday
00:29 - SuC Debate
1:12 - Cardboard Cybertruck
1:25 - UK Rumor
2:19 - Wiper Controls
2:51 - Airplay
3:22 - Semiconductor Shortage Update
4:55 - KBB on Model Y Surging
5:10 - Dunking Update (AG1)
6:30 - Giga India Export Hub $25k
9:04 - Texas Vote Delayed
9:42 - Elon Keynote for PG&E
10:08 - Porsche Taycan Sales
11:12 - Kia EV9 Production
11:38 - The Chasm
12:19 - Blue Cruise
12:30 - AutoTrader Study
12:45 - Canadian Deliveries
Some links may be affiliate links - you pay the same price, I get some credit. Great way to support creators you value 👊🏻
*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslaIndia #GigaIndia #TeslaNews
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host the Alumis Quick Shadow to my newest patrons, Sue M. Thank you for choosing to support Electrified. Apologies for the missed upload yesterday, and just in case you're new, if I ever don't upload without giving a heads up in a prior video, always check the community tab, usually outpost updates on there, had a friend in need yesterday, had to be there for him, so back on track today.
欢迎来到《电气化》,我是你的主持人Alumis Quick Shadow,向我最新的支持者Sue M.表示感谢。感谢你选择支持《电气化》。对于昨天错过的上传我深感抱歉。如果你是新观众,如果我没有在之前的视频中提前告知不会上传,一定要查看社区选项卡,通常我会在上面发布最新进展。昨天有个朋友需要帮助,所以必须在那里帮他,今天我重新回到正轨了。
Plenty of debate out there in the Tesla community what to do with supercharging cables when they're not working properly, do you wrap them around the stall, do you put them on the ground, do you put them back into the holder? Well, Tesla charging now saying non-functional cables can be placed directly back in the dock, their monitoring systems will detect a failed charging session in Tesla service, will resolve as soon as possible, that's well and good, the only problem with it is the next coming customer doesn't know that that cable isn't working. And in case you didn't know, yes through your mobile app you can actually report certain cables that are not working. But honestly, I'd love to hear from you guys, what do you think the right strategy is? The cable wrap, the cable on the ground, or just plug it right back in.
I'd bet you didn't click on this video expecting to see a cardboard Cybertruck, but here it is from SC Robinson, this just from a consumer packaging event down in the Dallas Fort Worth area, thought it was pretty cool.
我打赌你不会点击这个视频时想看到一辆纸板制成的Cybertruck,但事实就是如此。这是来自SC Robinson的作品,仅是达拉斯-沃思堡地区的一个消费品包装活动中的展示。我觉得这个创意非常酷。
I'd put this one in the rumor mail for now, it's coming from some unknown sources, but Michael is telling us that Tesla UK is set to offer 0% APR on PCP deals with Model 3 and reading through the comments, it's only Model 3 not for Model Y, supposed to actually start tomorrow on Friday. In the UK, PCP is personal contract purchase and simple takeaway, it's kind of like a lease here in the United States. From a leasing dot com article this summer, PCP agreements typically have a fixed APR of between 5 and 10%. So if this is true, it would be a very nice incentive for Model 3 vehicles in the UK, another lever that Tesla has to pull and it can continue to get more creative working with the banks as they prove their demand. And I guess I have to say it, but sure it could be clearing the way for Project Highland.
我暂时会把这个消息放在传闻的邮件中,因为它来自于一些未知消息源,但是迈克尔告诉我们,特斯拉英国将为Model 3的PCP交易提供0%的年利率。从评论中看,这个优惠只适用于Model 3,而不是Model Y,据说实际上将在明天星期五开始。在英国,PCP是个人合同购买,类似于美国的租赁方式。根据今年夏天的一篇来自Leasing Dot Com的文章,PCP协议通常有固定的5%至10%的年利率。所以如果这是真的,对于英国的Model 3车辆来说,这将是一个非常不错的优惠,特斯拉有更多的杠杆可以与银行合作,以满足他们的需求并继续创新。我想我不得不说,这可能为高地计划铺平了道路。
Sometimes in life it's really the little things and this time around Tesla is bringing all of the windshield wiper controls onto the steering wheel onto the scroll buttons. So now you can adjust the speed of the windshield wipers directly from the wheel without having to activate the wipers first via the stock. So this lets you adjust the speed of the wipers, turn them off or set them to auto right from the wheel. To adjust these settings, just go to the display tab and right here you'll find the scroll wheel function drop down option.
Remember last summer when Elon was asked about adding airplay to Tesla vehicles, he said we'll discuss this in other improvements with Tesla audio engineering. Back to the present and maybe that feature has arrived. Not a Tesla app saying Tesla is starting to implement airplay to allow higher quality streaming of audio and maybe video right to your vehicle from your iPhone. This feature should allow for a lossless or higher quality streaming because with Bluetooth streaming you do have some quality limitations.
This right here has kind of been the theme over the past week but just wanted to provide another data point this time from S&P Global Mobility. The semiconductor shortages seem to mostly be in the past. S&P GM has estimated that in 2021 more than 9.5 million units of global light vehicle production was lost as a direct result from the semiconductor shortages and another 3 million units in 2022. And through the first half of this year so far that number is down to 524,000 globally. S&P astutely pointed out though that does not mean we're out of the woods now for good because geopolitical trade risks still remain. And looking at the S&P's global sales and production chart you can see that it seems like 2020 may be the trough in terms of both production and sales but they are expecting a nice recovery over the next 5 plus years. My biggest question with this chart is how will autonomy impact the years in this range. Global light vehicle sales reached 93.8 million back in 2018 and S&P is forecasting 83.6 million units globally this year. And they're predicting we don't get back to that 93 million unit mark until 2027 which of course the higher that number the easier it is for Tesla to sell 20 million vehicles per year. S&P's executive director said we're now in a position where the auto industry has adapted to a constrained supply as a result is much less likely to be hit by significant disruption.
Headlines like this from a consumer facing brand will never get old. In the first 5 months of this year Americans registered twice as many new Tesla model wise as last year. During that timeframe overall electric vehicles made up 7% of new car registrations. Here's a quick dunking goal update sadly this hoop is set to 9.5 feet but you gotta start somewhere and I still don't trust my Achilles 100% yet. Don't forget when it comes to exercise and getting your heart rate up getting those endorphins flowing just find an activity you like. And if you want to take it a step further maybe up your recovery with AG1 the sponsor of this video.
这样的消费品牌头条永远不会过时。今年前五个月,美国人注册了两倍于去年的特斯拉新车型。在这段时间里,电动汽车总体上占新车登记的7%。这是一个快速的灌篮目标更新,可惜篮框的高度被设定为9.5英尺,但你得从某个地方开始,而且我对我的跟腱还没有完全信任。切不要忘记,当涉及到锻炼和提高心率,让那些内啡肽流动起来,只要找到一项你喜欢的活动就行了。如果你想更进一步,也许可以通过AG1 这个视频的赞助商来提高恢复能力。
It's been quite the wellness journey for me the past 2 years with this parasite that may have compromised my tendon health but we're battling in learning through it. The AG1 story is simple more than 75 vitamins, minerals and probiotics in every serving. It's ready in a matter of seconds and it ensures a baseline of daily nutrition no matter how busy we get with our careers, family, friends, travel, whatever. AG1's travel packs are especially nice if you do travel a lot. AG1 is a company I trust after spending years in the fitness world and with Huberman on the board of advisors like Sreadman on board and many others. If you have the means and maybe some of you are looking for a way to cut back on your caffeine intake, AG1 is at the very least worth a shot in my opinion. So if you want to support the channel and more importantly your own health you can check it out with my link below to get 5 travel packs and a 1 year supply of vitamin D3K24 free. Enjoy.
We get an update on the discussions between Tesla and India. We heard Elon say that he really likes Narendra Modi and they're going to open up shop there as soon as possible but what is that shop going to look like. Right now the negotiations are centered around the supply chain. Tesla wants to set up their own with their own suppliers. India is pushing to use some Indian based suppliers. A government official said we asked them Tesla about their specific needs and urged them to consider sourcing their needs from the Indian ecosystem. These companies have a well oiled system of their suppliers. These are initial talks so are hopeful of making some headway. Tesla however maintained its preference for an all in house approach emphasized its reliance on a specific set of quality standards that can only be replicated through existing partners. Remember, there are many Tesla suppliers sometimes to the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th level that Tesla works so closely with they actually are making custom parts specifically for Tesla. Tesla designs them and has them manufactured by these companies. So Tesla can't necessarily just set up a whole new supply chain from the Indian ecosystem because they'd have to go through that entire process over again when they've already done it once. This right here is a key feature that differentiates Tesla from the rest. Their suppliers are not just standard off the shelf type of suppliers, over time they've really become more like partners that they work very closely with. Reuters is adding in these discussions Tesla is considering setting up a factory with an annual capacity to produce 500,000 units per year and they're also looking at using India as an export base to ship cars to countries in the Indo-Pacific region. Go ahead and pause the screen if you want to read through some of the countries that are classified in this Indo-Pacific region. And they said the starting price for the vehicle that would be manufactured at that factory would be under $25,000 which is still $12,000 more expensive than the top selling EV in the country. So maybe things are shaping up to have Gig in Mexico paired with Gig in India to be the first two factories that are mass producing Tesla's next gen more affordable vehicle both for that local market and also serving as an export hub similar to Giga Shanghai.
And today India's revenue secretary said any duty waiver for Tesla is not under active consideration from the Department of Revenue. So Tesla's goal of testing the Indian waters with imports still seems pretty unlikely.
Earlier this week on Tuesday Texas was supposed to vote to make the NACS connector a requirement to get those federal funds flowing through the state. But after that pushback from some charging manufacturers and operators sounds like they're going to give them some more time to continue testing the NACS, the next potential vote could be August 16th. And yes, it could have fairly big implications for the rest of the states. We heard Washington and Kentucky have already considered doing the same with Kentucky's NACS requirement actually already in effect.
At the end of the day, if these charging companies want to have a business five years from now, they will get on board with the NACS.
Elon has just been announced as a keynote speaker for PG&E's upcoming event on July 25th. I hope we get a stream of this event because it could be pretty interesting. It aims to bridge the gap between the current energy system and the envisioned electrified and decarbonized future of California. Hopefully plenty of conversation on VPPs, vehicle to grid, net energy metering and things like that.
To Ticon sales, in quarter to this year, 1,635. That compared to 2,524 in the same quarter last year. Zooming out, looking at the first six months of this year, 3,162 Ticons were sold, down 29% from the 4.4,000 it delivered the same time last year. This trend of year over year quarterly drops has now been extended to six quarters in a row. We'll be looking out further to global deliveries for the Ticon. Back in 2021, the number 41.2,000. In 2022, it dropped to 34.8,000. Now we have Porsche citing the falling numbers are due to disproportionately high parts unavailability and their CFO said they're in the midst of a very steep ramp up curve with its supplier. And the parts Porsche is referring to are primarily semiconductors. So I'm sure many companies will default publicly to saying this is still a problem, but over the next six months, we're going to find out what's really going on.
Kia is planning to invest $200 million at its US factory in Georgia to kickstart production of their first EV for the states, the EV9. We don't yet have any pricing on it, but it's definitely a vehicle to watch as it's going to be a three row really full size SUV. Even that it's being produced in Georgia, it should qualify for the IRA credits as long as they price it properly. But only time will tell.
Here's a technology adoption lifecycle chart that you don't always see with this gap here that's called the chasm that was coined by Jeffrey Moore in a business book. He explained the chasm simply as that phase where you get through most of the early adopters, people that are willing to buy anything these new tech companies or car companies put out. But to get to the other side of the chasm where you have everyday people just wanting a better vehicle to drive, you have to push through lower prices, continue to innovate, take its temporary loss, do what you have to do to get to the other side. And maybe this is some of what we're seeing with the lack of EV sales from anyone not named Tesla or BYD.
Farley said Blue Cruise 1.3 will start rolling out this summer in mockeys from the factory, and later this summer to existing Blue Cruise equipped mockeys via an OTA update.
法利表示,Blue Cruise 1.3将在今年夏季开始通过工厂发布,并在同年夏季通过OTA更新推送到现有的已配备Blue Cruise的模型车辆上。
AutoTrader did a new study using some Google search data to show us the cars that the world wants to buy. Of course, the red is Tesla, which was the most googled car for sale in 39 different countries.
To my Canadian friends that are waiting their deliveries that have been continually pushed back, well good news, the strikes impacting the ports in BC have now ended. And maybe a few days or weeks to get things back to normal, but hopefully there's light at the end of the tunnel now.
Don't forget, check out AG1 linked below if you haven't already. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.