Exciting Comments on Giga Mexico + Tesla Bot, China Record, Catching Up
发布时间 2023-07-11 05:23:17 来源
➤ Update on Giga Mexico’s progress from Nuevo León’s governor
➤ Nasdaq 100 rebalancing impact
➤ Tesla sets quarterly sales record in China
➤ Tesla reportedly lays off battery employees at Giga Shanghai
➤ Automakers briefly sign pricing pledge in China
➤ Tesla Bot hiring at Giga Nevada
➤ Giga Texas production possibly paused
➤ Cybertruck testing videos
➤ Tesla Malaysia updates
➤ Tesla changes base color
➤ FSD Beta 11.4.5 starts employee rollout
➤ Hardware 4 computer
➤ NACS updates
➤ Rivian sales
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Hey everybody Rob Bauer here, welcome back to Tesla Daily, thank you for your patience. We got a lot to catch up on here. We've got news on Gigamexico updates on Tesla in China, some updates on the Cybertruck, Tesla bots, and obviously more from the last week and a half or so.
Alright, so starting off with the stock, Tesla today down 1.75% to close at $269.61, while the NASDAQ today was up 0.2%. So it looks like a relatively poor performance for Tesla, but some interesting context that we've got to bring in for today. The NASDAQ 100 is going to be doing a rebalancing because they feel they are getting overweight on some of the heaviest market cap stocks in the index. So they are going to be rebalancing this as of July 24th, they'll announce the changes specifically on July 14th, but obviously they're going to reduce the weight of those top companies, which as we know from the S&P 500 saga that most of us went through, or many of us went through, can be pretty impactful. Now this is not going to be to the degree that the S&P 500 inclusion was where that's a stock that's getting added to an index, this is just rebalancing, but it could still have a bit of an impact and could have some front running for that impact, or even just from the perception of that front running happening that could cause downward trends too. So we definitely saw that in the markets today, if you look at the top seven stocks here in the NASDAQ top 100, you can see that six of them are in the red around one to two percent. So Tesla falling right in that bucket, and then if we scroll down pretty much everything else in the green. So that's why the NASDAQ overall green, but Tesla probably underperforming today alongside some of those heavy market cap companies. So we'll see how that plays out again, some of that could continue as we head into those rebalancing periods, long term, you know, I guess it means a little bit more float probably as index matching funds will rebalance as well, but hopefully not too big of an impact long term.
Alright, let's get into the gigamexical stuff here. So we've got some exciting comments from the governor of Nuehbelion, of course, often giving us updates on the progress that the factory is making there. So here's a couple of quotes. He said, quote, we do not have yet a date, we do not yet have a date for when, but the good news is that all the permits for the environment, energy, water, everything is already checked. It is advancing. So at any moment, we are going to give them the news that the first stone is being laid and quote. So it's a little bit maybe confusing with the translation. It doesn't necessarily mean that all the permits are complete yet, but apparently they're already in process and they are advancing in that process. And sounds like they're very close to being complete in that process where Tesla can then start to break ground. So hopefully that's happening really soon. I think the initial timeline was probably prior to now. So although that might mean a slight delay, hopefully it means we are getting very close to the actual groundbreaking of gigamexical, which obviously a very exciting event. He also said, quote, what we have of information is that right now they are already in the final stage of the design of the new car, a new model, which is going to be as far as we know the best electric and economic car in the world. And it is going to be a milestone. So now yes, with the design finished, what we know is that they are already finishing the production lines, the software, and everything that must be ready to start the plant. End quote. Now that's going to take a long time to bring these things into reality. But from the update here, it does sound like they're relatively far along, at least in the planning process, which no surprise. That's kind of how Tesla works before they go in and break ground. And that's why we see them make such fast progress once they reach that step. But still very exciting to hear with this being, of course, the next generation vehicle for Tesla. So a couple of really good and exciting updates there on gigamexical.
Alright, next we've got updates on China. So probably a week ago, maybe a little bit over that we heard the wholesale sales figure for June. This was about 94,000 vehicles just shy of 94,000. So not a record, but really strong performance on wholesale sales, which could mean that June production was actually pretty solid. We're still waiting for that figure, hoping that we'll get that in the next day or two. And we'll cover that when we do. But for now, looking at wholesale sales, you can see the breakdown 30,000 model three, about 63,000 model Y, also probably close to a record, maybe similar situation where November outperforming that before. But if we look more importantly at the breakdown between retail sales, which are domestic sales and exports, we can see the ratio change pretty significantly here in June, which we'd normally seen historically, but with the unwinding of the wave that Tesla is in process of doing wasn't as clear that maybe that would be happening here in the second quarter. So with this 74,000 vehicles that were sold domestically there in China, the resale sales here, that puts the quarter here at about 156, 157,000 or so in terms of the total quarter of domestic sales. It's actually a record over Q1 by 14%.
好的,接下来我们来关注中国的最新动态。大概一周前,我们听到了6月批发销售额的数据。这个数字约为9.4万辆,虽然不是最高纪录,但批发销售表现非常强劲,这可能意味着6月份的生产情况相当不错。我们仍然在等待那个数字,希望在接下来的一两天内获取到。但就目前来看,从批发销售数据来看,我们可以看到30,000辆Model 3和约63,000辆Model Y的销售情况,这也可能接近最高纪录,可能跟去年11月表现得更好有相似之处。但更重要的是,我们需要关注零售销售(国内销售)和出口之间的比例在6月份发生了较大的变化。从历史上看,我们已经见证了这种变化,但随着特斯拉正在进行的市场调整过程,也没有明确地指出这种情况在第二季度会出现。因此,通过在中国国内销售的74,000辆车,也就是零售销售的数据,这让第二季度的国内总销量达到了约15.6万到15.7万辆,与第一季度相比增长了14%,创下了纪录。
So we've been talking about that throughout the quarter as the insured vehicle numbers came in. It was pointing in that direction as of the last couple of weeks. The last week came in at 17,400. So really delivering a very solid result here in June to set that record by a pretty significant amount when early on in the quarter, things were tracking well. But I think we were kind of thinking, yeah, maybe we get a little bit above it. 14% is a really, really strong outperformance of where things were at in Q1. Obviously, Q1 had Chinese New Year, but still there was some production downtime here, maybe in June, certainly in May that affects these numbers as well. So really great to see those numbers out of China. And again, we'll follow up once we have production because that will inform a little bit of what we're talking about from deliveries because it will let us interpret a little bit more about Texas and Berlin since those would be the remainder of non-Fremont or Shanghai production.
Alright. Now the other thing that's kind of been or a couple other things that have been going on in China, so there has been a report from Bloomberg. This was a few days ago. So again, bear with me, we're catching up a bit. But a report that Tesla has been laying off some battery production workers, these would be specifically cell assembly lines. So it's not necessarily like Tesla's battery production as we think of it nowadays with 4680s. But some workers apparently in the cell assembly lines, they say Bloomberg says it's not clear how many battery workers may be like go or the specific reasons behind the layoff. But they go on to say that some automation equipment could help replace the human labor on the battery production lines. So it could be a case of Tesla automating some jobs away. And it does sound like they'd probably be reassigning some of these workers and then laying off some, but again, not exactly sure how many. So this could be part of the upgrades that we see happening with with Highland or maybe unrelated and just an upgrade that Tesla is doing in general. But that kind of seems to be the case with this battery layoff report, which I've seen covered in a few different places.
And then the other thing that's been going on in China, kind of a weird situation that I'm sure you guys have probably seen. But last week, there was an agreement signed by I think 16 automakers in China to avoid quote unquote abnormal pricing, which probably was instigated by Tesla's price changes earlier this year. So Tesla actually even signed on to that, but it only lasted for two days. And now the automakers have removed this or decided to no longer do this because the practice could be seen as a anti competitive, which I think was kind of everyone's sort of initial reaction. It seems a little bit like price fixing. I don't know if there was a structure that made them think that it wasn't that way originally, but it sounds like it's being scrapped because of those reasons. So I don't know, kind of a weird situation. That was, I guess, pretty short lived.
Alright, moving on from China, we do have a couple of updates on the Tesla bot here. We've talked before about Tesla's job openings, job positions that are available for the Tesla bot. It's interesting to fall from time to time. And if we check on this, we can see that Tesla is, I think, hiring over 50 positions here for a variety of different engineering roles with the Tesla bot.
And then one in particular kind of sticks out as a little bit more interesting than the rest. And this is the manufacturing engineering line lead for the Tesla bot, which is interesting from a production standpoint, but also because the location is different than most of these other listings. So this is in Sparks, Nevada. Obviously, where Gig and Nevada would be versus a lot of these other things happening in Palo Alto, which is where Tesla's doing more of their R&D type of stuff. So for this being in Nevada is a little bit of an outlier and kind of suggest that maybe Tesla has production plans there, obviously probably early stage plans, but some plans nonetheless to maybe do a pilot line or a full production line of the Tesla bot at Gig and Nevada. Definitely an interesting one there. And we'll have to continue to keep an eye on these listings to see if there are any other sort of listings that suggest something similar.
All right, as for Gigataxis, we've got an update here again, bear with me catching up a bit, but from Joe Tagmire, this was pretty early on. This was probably back in maybe even June at this point. So we'll go through it quick because most people probably know this, but sounds like Joe was saying that there was some downtime expected in the beginning of July for approximately five days for some upgrades and things like that, and also some reassignment. So personnel who were formerly on the swing shift, which is being reduced for just a day and a night shift are being redirected to cyber talk production lines to finalize testing calibration and get the lines into production status. This will likely take place throughout July and into early August. So obviously an exciting update there on the cyber truck. And hopefully that suggests that maybe things will be on track for that Q three delivery event that Elon referenced on the last earnings call, which hopefully we get an update on that in about a week.
好的,关于Gigataxis的更新,我们又有了一条消息,让我稍微跟上一下。根据Joe Tagmire的说法,这在早些时候可能是六月的事情了。我们会快速浏览一下,因为大多数人可能已经知道了,听起来Joe说七月初预计会有大约五天的停工时间,进行一些升级和其他工作,还有一些重新安排。因此,曾经在晚班的员工将被调到网络通话生产线上,进行测试校准以使生产线进入正式生产状态。这可能会持续到七月末和八月初。所以显然这是关于网络卡车的一则令人兴奋的更新。希望这意味着之前埃隆在上次财报电话会议上提到的第三季度交付活动能够按计划进行,我们希望在大约一周内能得到有关此事的更新。
Speaking of the cyber truck, we got a few new videos of the cyber truck doing some testing in New Zealand courtesy of cyber truck and Z on Twitter. You can see those there and some of them driving around having some fun and also testing on this patch of ice here, which kind of cool to see, but if you want to check out those full videos, you can go to that page. Take up to here on Tesla's international expansions. We know that you want to set that they're going to continue expanding into more countries. Looks like Malaysia may be next. So I'm not sure if this is official Tesla account. Obviously, you got to kind of be careful of that stuff from time to time. But there have been other reports that Tesla is going to be launching officially in Malaysia on July 20th. And then more recent news since that was a little bit old, it sounds like you on has requested specifically to meet with the Malaysian Prime Minister to discuss the possibility of him increasing his investments, him being Elon in this case in Malaysia. So potentially not only opening for business, but maybe looking to make a more significant investment. Elon continuing his world leader meetings there in Malaysia. So it'll be interesting to follow that and see if I doubt there'd be a gigafactory there, but potentially some supply chain investments that Tesla could have in mind.
A quick one here. So Tesla has changed the base color. So if we go back a few years, black paint was the base color, the free paint option that was updated to whites maybe two or three years ago. And now it has been updated again, at least here in the United States. I'm not sure internationally, but updated to midnight silver metallic being that base color. White is now a $1,000 option. So I think good to see a little bit of diversity that this will probably lead to with more people picking midnight silver metallic versus the white white, white Teslas are obviously as many of you know, becoming quite common. So probably good to switch that up from time to time.
Quick update on FSD beta. So Tesla scope here saying that version 11.4.5 is now rolling out to employees and special groups. But the release notes are the same as four.four. And although no release notes, no updates to release notes sometimes make the makes it seem like it's not going to be a very significant change. Sometimes we've actually found those to make quite a bit of difference in terms of just the smoothness or the functionality of FSD beta. So it'll be interesting to see some, you know, early reports on people's experience with four.five.
关于全自动驾驶(FSD)测试版本的最新消息。特斯拉在此表示,11.4.5版本正在向员工和特定群体推出。但是发布说明与4.4版本相同。有时,即使没有发布说明或者没有更新发布说明,这似乎意味着变化不会特别显著。有时,我们实际上发现这些更新对于FSD beta的流畅度或功能方面有着相当大的改变。因此,看到一些早期反馈关于4.5版本的使用体验将会很有趣。
And again, we continue to see pretty frequent updates on FSD beta, which is, which is nice. Now also related, we've got an update from Green the Only who has gained access, I think from an anonymous donor, it says to just a visual here of the hardware for computer. So he goes through some of the differences. We're not going to spend a ton of time on that. It's very technical. But you can go to his Twitter and kind of see some of those things. He did note that one thing we've been talking about with the potential for expansion for additional cameras, which we've seen with the cyber truck where there's the bumper camera. It does sound like there are, you know, ports here for that, as expected, but they are depopulated, which Green says that we have seen before from Tesla. And usually, you know, if they didn't have plans to use that, they wouldn't include it and depopulate it. They would just omit it. So the fact that it depopulated might mean that eventually it will be populated. Maybe that ends up only being for certain vehicles like the cyber truck, but could mean that things change eventually for vehicle like Model Y as well.
再次,我们继续看到关于FSD beta的相当频繁的更新,这是很好的。现在还有一个来自Green the Only的更新,他获得了匿名捐赠者的访问权限,据他说这只是硬件的可视化。因此,他介绍了一些不同之处。我们不会花太多时间在这上面,因为这很技术性。但你可以去他的Twitter上看一些相关的东西。他确实指出了我们一直在谈论的关于扩展额外摄像头的潜力,就像我们在Cybertruck上看到的那样,其中有后保险杠摄像头。听起来确实有这样的接口,如预期所示,但它们是被卸载的,Green说我们之前从特斯拉那里见过这种情况。通常,如果他们没有计划使用它,就不会包括它并将其卸载。因此,卸载的事实可能意味着它最终将被使用。也许这最终只适用于像Cybertruck这样的特定车辆,但也可能意味着像Model Y这样的车辆将来会发生改变。
And then just a few quick things here on charging. And then we'll kind of wrap it up. Many of you have, you know, caught up on this stuff, but electrify America is going to add a NACS, which obviously a nice step there and kind of following that trend, Volkswagen saying that they're evaluating the implementation of NACS. No final word on that yet, but obviously they've got a key stake in electrify America and then pull star, they're adapting it same situation where 2024 adapter and then integrating it in 2025. And then Mercedes Benz actually very notably announcing that they will be adding an NACS and again, same situation, introducing it in 2025 access in 2024. So the waterfall kind of continues here of brands adopting this. And I think at this point, it's going to be very, very difficult for any brands to avoid this with how many brands have now adopted it. So glad to see that continue over the last week or so.
And then finally here, just a quick update on Rivian, they announced their Q2 production and delivery figures and really did quite well. They grew deliveries by 49% from Q1. They grew production by 59% and I have those flipped. Yeah, probably the lower, but anyway, production and deliveries grow grew by, you know, 40 to 60% part of me quarter over quarter, which is, you know, well, has expectations. I think the stock has done pretty well for the last few days as a result of this, but sounds like they are on track or they believe they're on track for their guidance for 50,000 vehicles this year. And I don't think I said the figure yet, but 14,000 vehicles produced nearly and about 12,600 vehicles delivered. So obviously Rivian will need to continue to work on cost controls, but good to see some progress there for that.
Alright, I think that'll wrap it up for today. Hopefully not too lengthy there. But again, I just want to say a quick thank you for your patience. Obviously not a great time for having a vacation scheduled after I had to, you know, work on a lot of things the week prior, but hopefully really getting back now into the normal schedule. It's still going to be a little bit spotty here, but I think, you know, shooting for five episodes this week back on the normal cadence and I'll do my best on that. So again, just appreciate the patience and as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the, well, I guess today my time zone for the July 11th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.
好的,我想今天就到这了。希望没有太长。但是,我还是想快速地感谢你的耐心。显然,在我不得不在上一周的工作之后安排一个假期并不是一个好时机,但是希望现在真的能够回到正常的日程安排上。这里可能仍然有一些不稳定性,但是我会尽力的。所以再次,对你的耐心表示感谢,并且一如既往地感谢你的倾听。确保你已经订阅并开启了通知。你还可以在Twitter上找到我,用户名是Tesla podcast,我们明天(对于我所在时区来说应该是)见面,这是7月11日的《特斯拉日报》。谢谢。