Tesla Signs Weird Deal / Elon Talks Level 5 Autonomy / VW's Autonomous Plans ⚡️

发布时间 2023-07-06 23:46:36    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, Aaron S, Craig T and Alex D. Thank you for choosing to support electrified. Since unfortunately, Rob and I were both off all week. I'm going to go extra quick today just to make sure everybody is up to speed on the news from the week.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是您的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先要向我的最新赞助人Aaron S,Craig T和Alex D表示感谢。感谢您选择支持Electrified。不幸的是,上周Rob和我都请了一周假。为了确保每个人都能掌握本周的新闻,我今天要快速介绍一下。

And of course, including today on Tesla's Q2 deliveries. Awesome result. Just want to point out, I see a lot of people talking about Tesla's inventory in terms of the raw number going up. Remember that really does not matter. It's all about the days of supply. Doing the calculation, Tesla currently sits at about 16 days of supply. As you can see from Troy tests, like we're currently lower than where we were back in the early quarters of 2020. And for context, most of the auto industry is anywhere between 30 and 100 plus days of supply. So Tesla's 16 is not at all a problem.

And lastly, I saw some concerns when it comes to regional performance of Tesla, I would not at all make that a bigger deal than you need to. There's always going to be fluctuations in factories and different regions. When it comes to incentives and different technologies and new models, that Tesla is working on rolling out. Whether it's Project Highland or new cells from a supplier, then you throw in all of the supply chain, just know you'll always have fluctuations region to region. Just zoom out, see the bigger picture.

Tesla is currently showcasing some of its AI prowess at the world AI conference in Shanghai today through Saturday. And they shared this cool picture of the Optimus spot, which sources are telling electric is going to be used in display units inside stores in China to increase the foot traffic because Tesla has seen that the Optimus spot draws a lot of attention. And as I saw Herbert point out, if you go to Tesla's careers page, you'll see over 50 different job postings right now for Tesla bought all in Palo Alto, California. So don't sleep on the bot.
特斯拉目前正在上海的世界人工智能大会上展示其部分人工智能实力,展期为今天至周六。并且他们分享了这张Optimus spot的酷炫图片,据消息说,这种展示装置将会被用于中国的门店内,以增加人流量,因为特斯拉已经注意到Optimus spot引起了很多关注。正如我所看到的赫伯特指出的那样,如果你访问特斯拉的职位页面,你会发现目前在加州帕洛阿尔托,特斯拉招聘了50多个不同的职位。所以不要忽视这个机器人。

In terms of where Tesla is at the stage, I think we are very close to achieving full self driving without humans to. So when I drive a Tesla car using the latest full self driving beta, I almost never need to touch the controls going from one destination to another. Yeah, this is so much speculation, but I think we will achieve full self driving. You know what level you call you four or five. I think later this year. So now I've been wrong about this prediction in the past, but I feel like we're closer to it than we ever have been.

Yes, that clip was from earlier today at that world AI conference. So Elon doubling down on his projections for Tesla solving FSD. Yes, he's been wrong many times in the past, but one of these times he's going to be right. And for what it's worth at the conference, Elon said Tesla would be happy to license self driving technology to other car companies. Feels like just a matter of time.

Last night, we got a somewhat confusing rumor tweet. So be careful. But the project highland production schedule remains unchanged from Shanghai. Last we heard maybe September in quarter three, but it appears more than 70 current model threes with front and rear gigapress processes have already been delivered to start the capacity ramp early. I say unclear because are we supposed to presume these 70 model threes would be classified as project highland? We'll find out soon. And in case you missed this picture of the project highland doing some winter testing in New Zealand, just wanted to pass it along, at least from this angle. It definitely looks a little bit longer and more sporty.
昨晚,我们收到了一条有些令人困惑的谣言推文。所以,请小心。但是,项目高地的生产计划与上海的保持不变。最后一次听到的消息可能是在第三季度的九月,但似乎已经有超过70辆当前型号的Model 3车辆采用了前后Gigapress工艺,并已交付以提前进行产能提升。我说不清楚的原因是因为我们应该假设这70辆Model 3是项目高地的一部分吗?我们很快就会知道。而且,如果你错过了项目高地在新西兰进行冬季测试的照片,我只是想给你看一下,至少从这个角度看,它看起来略长一些,而且更加运动。

We got this report from a Chinese source saying the Shanghai factory is starting to lay off employees related to battery assembly. This would be for the first phase of that assembly and more than 50% of the employees will be laid off. A small number of people will be transferred to other jobs and the equipment for that first phase of assembly will be dismantled or transferred. Insiders are saying this could be related to the policy the United States has when it comes to not getting the incentives from the inflation reduction act for batteries coming from China. This could also be related to Tesla using the structural pack. If the model three is now using gigacast for both the front and the rear, maybe that's part of it. Maybe Tesla's going to use that new cheelene battery from CATL that uses cell to pack. So Tesla needs less cell battery assembly.
我们从中国消息来源获悉,上海工厂开始裁员与电池组装相关的员工。这将是该组装的第一阶段,超过50%的员工将被裁员。少数人将被调职到其他岗位,而该组装的设备将被拆除或调走。知情人士表示,这可能与美国的政策有关,因为它不会为来自中国的电池享受通胀减少法案的激励措施。这也可能与特斯拉使用结构化电池包有关。如果Model 3现在同时在前部和后部使用Gigacast,那可能是其中的一部分原因。也许特斯拉将使用CATL的新型Cheelene电池,该电池使用Cell to Pack技术。因此,特斯拉需要较少的电池组装。

You may have seen this new petition that was handed off to NHTSA basically saying that Tesla's do still actually have that sudden unintended acceleration. SUA. But as far as I can tell, the research in this petition that came from one individual Ronald Belton auto safety researcher doesn't actually prove anything. If you want to dive into this one, I'll have these articles below. But Ronald Belt is arguing that Tesla has a faulty inverter design that's actually leading to this SUA. But replying to that article, Jason Hughes, who for a long time has dove into Tesla's battery technology, actually commented on the situation and the short story, he said, this is complete nonsense referring to that article, this new petition based on faulty analysis of the hardware. I won't read it.
你可能已经看到了这份新的请愿书,交给了国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA),基本上声称特斯拉车辆仍然存在突发的意外加速现象(SUA)。但据我所知,来自安全研究员罗纳德·贝尔顿的这份请愿书中的研究实际上并没有证明任何事情。如果你想深入了解这个问题,我会在下面列出这些文章。但是罗纳德·贝尔顿(Ronald Belt)提出了特斯拉存在设计缺陷逆变器的论点,以实际导致了这种突发意外加速现象。但对于那篇文章,长期以来一直研究特斯拉电池技术的杰森·休斯(Jason Hughes)实际上对这个情况发表了评论,总结起来他说,这完全是胡说八道,指的是那篇文章,这个新的请愿书基于对硬件的错误分析。我不会阅读它。

So pause the screen here if you'd like to check out what he said. So at least for now, there is zero actual proof or evidence from real Teslas that this sudden unintended acceleration is actually happening. Anytime it's actually been explored, the result has been that it was driver error.

NHTSA did send a letter to Tesla on July 3rd asking for updated responses and current data. They're looking for answers by July 19th, essentially for two things, situations involving emergency vehicles and more information to find out if the drivers are indeed paying attention looking into Teslas in cabin monitoring system. The letter asks for data on the number of vehicles with Tesla vision and if vehicles have the cabin camera system. NHTSA also wants to know what versions of Tesla's software, hardware and other components have been installed on each car that was sold from 2014 to 2023 in the United States and the dates when any of these Tesla vehicles were admitted into the FSD program.

So for now, I would consider things like this routine. It's just NHTSA doing its job. Tesla is spearheading the way for new technology. NHTSA is going to pay the most attention to Tesla for obvious reasons. And everything we've seen so far proves to us that Tesla has been working well with NHTSA to give them the information they need and work it out as we go.

I know a lot of people right now are buying Model Y's wondering if they have hardware for and other than looking at the cameras for the red tint, looking at the forward module to see if it has two or three. There are some other new ways to do so. I'll include this link below along with the Reddit thread explaining how it works. As far as we can tell, it's still only Fremont and Austin that are producing Model Y's with hardware for and it's only some of them. Here are some VIN numbers to check from each of those US factories. No reports of hardware for elsewhere globally in the Model Y. But this tool should be a more reliable way to check for anybody that doesn't know what to look for from a hardware perspective.
我知道现在很多人正在购买Model Y,并且想知道他们是否有配备相应硬件,除了检查摄像头是否有红色色调以外,还可以通过检查前置模块来判断是否有两个或三个摄像头。现在有一些其他的新方法可以判断。我将在下面附上一个链接,里面有Reddit的帖子解释了它的工作原理。据我们所知,仅弗里蒙特和奥斯汀生产的Model Y配备了该硬件,而且仅有部分车型。以下是这两个美国工厂的一些车辆识别号(VIN),在全球范围内还没有关于Model Y其他地方有这种硬件的报告。但是对于那些不知道如何从硬件角度判断的人来说,这个工具应该是一个更可靠的检查方法。

Tesla changed the free color for the Model Y to midnight silver metallic. Now the Pearl White is $1,000. Here's a good side-by-side comparison of the Cybertruck and a Model X. Kentucky is now requiring that EV charging companies include Tesla's Nax plug if they want to get those federal dollars that flow through these state programs. Kentucky's plan went into effect last Friday making it the first. Texas and Washington have so far just made the announcement. And in Texas, naturally, there is some pushback to this requirement mandating the Nax port. A group of EV charger makers and operators is pushing back against that Texas mandate, saying that it's premature. This group is calling for more time to re-engineer and test Tesla's connectors. They're saying time is needed to properly standardize tests and certify the safety and interoperability of Tesla connectors across the industry. And these organizations are planning to reach out to the federal government with the issue soon. The groups involved in this pushback, the Texas Department of Transportation, ChargePoint, ABB, Freewire, EVBox, and Flow. And their argument, having both standards in the market would raise costs for vendors and customers. Saying charging companies have to rework several aspects of Nax connectors, including extending the cable length and ensuring adequate temperature ranges, as well as get certifications for specific parts. They also need a strong supply chain of Nax cables and connectors that comply with the requirements.
特斯拉将Model Y的免费颜色改为午夜银金属色。如今,珍珠白要价1000美元。以下是Cybertruck和Model X的一对好的对比。肯塔基州要求EV充电公司如果想获得这些联邦资金,必须包括特斯拉的Nax插头。肯塔基州的计划于上周五生效,成为第一个执行此要求的州。德克萨斯州和华盛顿州目前只是宣布了这一要求。德克萨斯州自然而然对要求使用Nax插孔的要求提出了反对意见。一些EV充电器制造商和运营商组成的团体反对德克萨斯州的规定,称其为过早行动。该团体呼吁有更多时间来重新设计和测试特斯拉的连接器。他们表示需要时间来正确地标准化测试和证明特斯拉连接器在整个行业中的安全性和互操作性。这些组织计划很快就将这个问题与联邦政府联系。参与抗议的团体包括德克萨斯州交通部、ChargePoint、ABB、Freewire、EVBox和Flow。他们的观点是,市场上同时拥有两种标准将增加供应商和消费者的成本。他们表示充电公司必须重新调整Nax连接器的几个方面,包括延长电缆长度和确保适当的温度范围,同时还需要对特定零件进行认证。他们还需要一个符合要求的Nax电缆和连接器的强大供应链。

From Tesla Mag, the Model Y was the best-selling car in Norway in Q2. No surprise, but overall data for the first half of this year showed the Model Y was the best-selling vehicle for that period, selling more vehicles than its five closest competitors combined.
来自特斯拉杂志的消息显示,Model Y在第二季度成为挪威最畅销的汽车。这并不令人意外,因为今年上半年的整体数据显示,Model Y在该时期成为最畅销的车型,销量超过其五大竞争对手的总和。

Through the first half of this year, Tesla has sold 15.4,000 units of the Model Y, and in Norway right now, 83% of new cars sold are pure electric vehicles.
在今年上半年,特斯拉已售出15.4万辆Model Y,并且在挪威目前销售的新车中,纯电动车占比83%。

Tesla updated the referral program for the Model S and X, so check your mobile app to see the updates.
特斯拉更新了Model S和X的推荐计划,所以请查看您的移动应用程序以了解更新内容。

I just wanted to point out, as the buyer, you're still getting three months of full self-driving. However, remember, right now on Model S and X vehicles with hardware 4, there hasn't yet been a software update to those cars that actually have FSD. Just part of why tracking cars with or without hardware 4 is important.
我只是想指出,作为买家,您仍然将获得三个月完全自动驾驶的权益。然而,请记住,目前对于具有硬件4的Model S和X车型,尚未进行与FSD相关的软件更新。这也是追踪是否具备硬件4的车辆的重要原因之一。

There have been reports that Tesla is pushing an FSD update to hardware 4 cars this week, but I haven't confirmed it yet.

From the CPCA, Tesla's wholesale number in China was 93,680 for June. Plugging that number in, we should get the actual breakdown between exports and domestic deliveries officially in a few days, along with production.

This would be the second best monthly wholesale number out of Tesla China, with number one still being November of 2022 with over 100,000. But this would put quarter to 4 Tesla China over 247,000, which would be a new record by over 17,000 vehicles.

A new study from the Governor's Highway Safety Association said American drivers killed at least 7,500 pedestrians in 2022, the most of any year since 1981, and that's without data from Oklahoma. Another data point to keep in mind of why we need to push forward with autonomous technology.

In June, the Model Y became the second best-selling car of any type in Australia, and pure battery electrics made up 8.8% of new car sales in June. More importantly, that number is still 7.4% for the first half of this year. When you include plug-in hybrids, that number jumps to 16.6% of overall sales.
今年六月,Model Y成为澳大利亚销量第二的任何类型汽车,并且纯电池电动汽车在六月份的新车销量中占比8.8%。更重要的是,今年上半年这个数字仍然为7.4%。如果考虑到插电式混合动力车辆的销量,这个比例会跃升至总销量的16.6%。

And here's the top 5 overall auto sales in Australia for June. And here's the top 10 for pure EVs. It should be noted Hyundai and BMW were not yet in this list, but the Model Y had more sales than all of the following 9 cars combined.
这是6月份澳大利亚汽车整体销量排行榜的前5名。这是纯电动车的前10名。需要注意的是,现此列表中没有现代和宝马,但Model Y的销量超过了接下来的9辆车的总和。

There was some reporting that Tesla lowered the prices of the Model 3 and Y in Japan by 3-4%. Just wanted to remind everybody about two months ago Tesla had raised the prices of these vehicles.
有报道称特斯拉将其Model 3和Y在日本的价格降低了3-4%。只是想提醒大家,就在两个月前,特斯拉曾经上调了这些车辆的价格。

From drive Tesla Canada for the first half of the year, in the UK, full BEVs made up over 16% of new car sales. And for June, the Model Y was the only BEV to make it onto the top 10 list. These are the UK's best sellers for June, but more importantly, if you look at the year-to-day column, the Model Y is creeping up to that number one spot.
在加拿大,特斯拉在上半年的销量中,英国的纯电动汽车占新车销售数量的16%以上。而在六月份,Model Y是唯一进入前十名的纯电动汽车。这是英国六月份的最畅销车型,但更重要的是,如果你看一下年度销量一栏,Model Y正逐渐接近第一名的位置。

Essentially, we have the Chinese government getting 16 automakers in China together to sign an agreement to stop with the price wars and encourage fair competition. The goal is to avoid abnormal pricing, whatever that means.

And today, 16 different companies took part in assigning ceremony.

Yes, all of the big hitters, BYD, NIO, Xpeng, Glee, and Tesla have signed.

It sounds like this is coming from the Ministry of Industry and IT, pushing the China Association of Auto Manufacturers to bring these companies together.

Here's a look at the average price cut by automaker for the first half of 2023 in the Chinese market.

What these companies have agreed to is some form of regulation for marketing activities, not to disrupt fair competition, to not exaggerate or use false publicity to get new customers, to put quality first, and to maintain steady growth.

Here's what this feels like. Let's just use some hypothetical numbers and say Tesla and China is making margins of about 15%, while the next best in the industry may be around 5%.

So that means Tesla could cut prices another 10%, and still be positive 5% margin, but that would push the rest of the industry to negative 5% margins, which of course would not be great for any of those Chinese brands, and it would not be sustainable for the long term.

========== Sadly, we don't really get any detail. Does this mean Tesla can't lower its prices below a certain point? We just don't know.

But the good news is it seems like most of these price wars have been subsiding on their own over the past few weeks anyway. But yeah, to me, this really just feels like a way to try to protect some of the Chinese EV makers.

Here's your daily dose of comedy. In all seriousness, today the VW set it plans to launch autonomous vehicles for ridehailing and goods delivery services in Austin, Texas by 2026. ==========.

They'll do this by partnering with Mobileye. The plan to test 10 ID Buzz EVs retrofitted with Mobileye's autonomous driving system, with safety drivers on board in limited areas of Austin, including downtown. Back to the Tesla careers page, they're now hiring for seasonal vehicle operators in different cities across the United States. The ultimate goal? To enhance Tesla's data collection processes. The compensation range between $18 and $48 per hour. In the US for the first half of this year, there were over 557.3,000 EVs sold, meaning yes, were on track to hit the 1 million mark. But sales of ICE vehicles also grew about 10% in the first half of this year compared to last year. On the EV front, we're up to 7.2% of overall sales, up from 5.4% last year. In case you see the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act, it's really just an effort from some Republicans to prevent the EPA's tailpipe emissions proposal that was unveiled earlier this year. The CARS Act would prohibit regulations mandating the use of any specific technology or regulations that limit the availability of new vehicles based on engine type. Previously, Stellantis announced four different platforms for EVs, small, medium, large, and frame. Now we get more information on the medium. The first United States model is supposed to be a Chrysler sometime around 2026, but on this medium frame, two battery sizes, the bigger one 98 kilowatt hours, getting 370 miles of EPA range. The smaller battery pack would be around 264 miles, and this would be on a 400 volt system with the option to upgrade to 800 volts. That being Stellantis's option, not the customer. Today, CATL announced a new electrolyte that would improve charging efficiency for EVs, especially in extreme cold. We don't get any details other than this new electrolyte could deliver 50% increases in efficiency at extreme cold temperatures and 43% under normal temps. In a new Peter Rawlinson interview over the weekend, this from Auto Express, he said after the gravity, which is next year, probably the second half of next year, we're going to do Model 3 and Model Y competitors. We think around $50,000, maybe $48k, something like that, too early to say, but that's the vision.
他们将通过与Mobileye合作来实现这一目标。他们计划测试10辆ID Buzz电动汽车,这些车辆将配备Mobileye的自动驾驶系统,在奥斯汀市中心等有限区域进行测试,同时由安全驾驶员操控。 回到特斯拉招聘页面,他们现在正在美国各个城市招聘季节性的车辆操作员。最终目标是为了提升特斯拉的数据收集流程。薪酬范围在每小时18到48美元之间。今年上半年,美国售出了超过557.3万辆电动汽车,这意味着我们朝着100万辆的目标前进。但与此同时,传统内燃机汽车的销量也比去年同期增长了约10%。在电动汽车方面,我们的销量占总销量的7.2%,较去年的5.4%有所增长。 如果你看到"Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act",实际上这只是一些共和党人的努力,旨在阻止环境保护局今年早些时候提出的尾气排放建议。这项法案将禁止规定使用特定技术或根据发动机类型限制新车的可用性的法规。 此前,Stellantis宣布了四种不同的电动汽车平台,分别是小型、中型、大型和框架。现在我们获得了有关中型车的更多信息。首款美国车型预计在2026年左右推出,可能是克莱斯勒品牌。在中型车平台上,将提供两种电池容量,较大容量为98千瓦时,可行驶370英里(约595公里)。较小电池容量为264英里(约425公里),采用400伏电压系统,可升级至800伏。这是Stellantis提供的可选项,而不是顾客选择。 今天,宁德时代宣布推出一种新型电解质,可提高电动汽车的充电效率,特别是在极寒条件下。我们没有得到详细信息,只知道这种新型电解质能在极寒温度下提高50%的效率,在正常温度下提高43%的效率。 在上周末的一次彼得·罗林森(Peter Rawlinson)的采访中,他在接受《汽车快报》采访时表示,重力车型(即Air车型的继任者)将于明年下半年推出,之后将推出Model 3和Model Y的竞争对手。我们认为售价在5万美元左右,可能是48, 000美元左右,具体还为时过早,但这是我们的愿景。

Paragraph 1: Rivian announced Amazon has now deployed over 5,000 of the EDVs, electric delivery vans. RJ Scringe also said about 20% of the EV maker's production would be for commercial vans this year, and that Rivian is ready to take additional buyers for vans beyond Amazon. They're in the final stages of negotiating out of that contract of exclusivity. Rivian also beat Q2 delivery expectations that were 11,000 by delivering 12,640 vehicles in Q2 and producing 13,992. This up from first quarter numbers of 7,9,000 deliveries and 9,3000 produced. And yesterday, Amazon announced that Rivian's EDV vans are actually being rolled out in Germany.
Rivian宣布亚马逊已经部署了超过5,000辆电动交付货车(EDV)。RJ斯克林奇(RJ Scringe)还表示,今年EV制造商产量中约有20%将用于商用货车,并且Rivian已准备好接受来自除亚马逊外的其他货车买家。他们正处于与独家合同的最后谈判阶段。Rivian还超过了Q2交付预期,预期为11,000辆,而实际在Q2交付了12,640辆,并生产了13,992辆。这一数字相较于第一季度的7,900辆交付和9,300辆生产有所增长。而昨天,亚马逊宣布Rivian的EDV货车已在德国开始投放使用。

Paragraph 2: Over 300 of Rivian's EDVs will be on the streets in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, it's not all roses for Rivian right now as they're facing a lawsuit claiming they defrauded shareholders around the IPO, saying that they had underpriced their vehicles, but they actually knew they were going to have to charge tens of thousands of dollars more because they knew what the bill of materials actually was. Basically, shareholders are upset, feeling like they got the bait and switch, expecting the cars to be a certain price, but they actually ended up being about $40,000 more expensive. Hallmar's tweeted out the news. Nikola grabbed $42 million from California for hydrogen truck stations. And Elon said, California has pushed hydrogen for a long time. Makes no sense.

Paragraph 3: In quarter two, GM sold 15,600 electric vehicles, which is about 3% of the EV's Tesla sold in quarter two. This will be the newest vehicle to watch in the Chinese EV market is BYD's Denza brand. And this is the N7, priced right at the Tesla Model Y between 40 and 50,000 US dollars. Deliveries of this vehicle are starting in two weeks. In quarter two, the F-150 Lightning sold 4.4,000 units. Overall, Ford's EV sales in quarter two declined 2.8% to 14.8,000 vehicles, and EV's represented just 2.8% of Ford's overall sales in Q2.
在第二季度,通用汽车售出了15,600辆电动汽车,约占特斯拉在第二季度销售电动汽车的3%。中国新能源汽车市场最值得关注的将是比亚迪的Denza品牌。这款N7的定价与特斯拉Model Y相当,介于40至50,000美元之间。这款车将在两周后开始交付。第二季度,F-150 Lightning销售了4.4万辆。总体而言,福特在第二季度的电动汽车销量下降了2.8%,达到了14.8万辆。电动汽车在福特的整体销售中仅占2.8%。

Paragraph 4: You tell me, years later, who's the EV leader? You can find me on twitter at Dilamoomis22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.