Tesla Crushes Expectations with Record Delivery Report!

发布时间 2023-07-02 21:20:04    来源


➤ Analyzing Tesla’s record Q2 delivery and production numbers ➤ Schedule update Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Marr here and today we are going to be talking about Tesla's Q2 delivery and production report. I know normally we'd go through these live so we'll talk a little bit about scheduling stuff a little bit later on but I do want to just jump right into the numbers here.
大家好,我是Rob Marr。今天我们要讨论特斯拉第二季度的交付和生产报告。我知道通常我们会实时浏览这些报告,稍后我们会谈一些关于日程安排的事情,但我现在想直接谈谈这些数字。

Tesla delivering a record 466,000 vehicles this quarter well above most estimates well above analyst consensus so a really strong number there on deliveries and production equally strong almost 480,000 vehicles produced this quarter. So we'll talk a little bit about again versus consensus and quarter over quarter year over year numbers like that but first just want to take a quick look at the S and the X versus the three and the Y split.

So S production S and X production was about 19,500 deliveries about 19,200. That's really exciting to me because this is significant quarter over quarter growth. I think last quarter was about 11,000 in the deliveries bucket. So to see Tesla pick that up so dramatically quarter over quarter is really exciting and shows strength in that line which we hadn't really seen so far or hadn't really seen developed quite yet and with the cancellation of the right hand drive I'd kind of been wondering if maybe Tesla was going to be reducing production here but that doesn't seem to be the case at least so far here in the second quarter.

So right off the bat really happy with that S and the X number and then three in the Y of course you're seeing 445, 447,000 deliveries here 460,000 produced just continuing to be extremely strong and of course there's a couple of items there that we need to talk about like some delivery downtime things with Model 3 Highland potentially affecting these numbers as well which we'll talk about. So I do want to look at some of the comparisons like I noted. First analyst consensus 447,000 essentially this is a 4% beat versus that consensus it seemed like most estimates were kind of in that ballpark so this is probably the biggest beat that Tesla has had versus consensus for quite some time which is really exciting.
一开始就非常高兴看到S和X车型的交付量以及Y车型的数字,当然您也看到了这里有445, 447,000辆交付,460,000辆生产,继续保持极强劲的势头。当然,我们还需要谈谈一些问题,比如Model 3 Highland的交付停机时间可能会对这些数字产生影响,我们稍后会谈论。所以我确实想要看一些比较,就像我之前提到的。首先,分析师一致预期为447,000辆,这基本上比预期高出4%,看起来大多数估计都略高于这个数,所以这可能是特斯拉相对于共识的最大超预期,真是令人兴奋。

We'll see you know what the stock does in reaction to this news it's always a little bit tough to guess but looks like a pretty strong number right off the bat and again I think I mentioned this but records for both deliveries and production. So for production this was up 9% quarter over quarter deliveries similarly up 10% quarter over quarter the year over year numbers here looks super super strong up 86% for production 83% for deliveries we do have to keep in mind which you know hopefully people add this context when we're talking about these numbers. There was some downtime last year in Q2 for covid related things so not necessarily the fairest comparison when we're looking at these year over year numbers but still it does show you know the progress that Tesla has made from where we were at in Q2 last year as we head into the earnings report obviously that's going to have impacted the earnings report last year as well so we should be seeing a nice boost here in Q2 in the year over year numbers.

Alright and then looking at the year to date so far so I think we had around you know 420,000 or so delivered in the first quarter and a little bit higher than that on production. So year to date Tesla has now produced 920,000 vehicles compared to their goal of deliveries of about 1.8 million their production is right on track this annualizes now over the first half of the year to 1.84 million obviously and then on the delivery side looking at 889,000 vehicles delivered in these first two quarters so just below that 1.78 million annualized right now versus that sort of official target of 1.8 million but Elon did have to say that internally they're targeting more like 2 million so I think that raised the bar a little bit but tracking really nicely towards that official guidance.

So to hit 1.8 million for the year in terms of deliveries they need to average 455,000 over the next two quarters to hit 2,555,000 which would be you know pretty significant increase from the 465,000 or so that we see here in Q2 but this 1.8 million definitely looks on track they'll probably end up somewhere in this range which I think would be a great result for this year.

Now obviously that is pending things with Project Highland a little bit and how that might influence these numbers could affect things but even this quarter probably had an effect and still tracking towards that and then inventory we'll talk a bit about here in a second but you know people always bring up inventory and obviously in this quarter we're seeing significantly more vehicles produced than delivered but just looking at the 920,000 produced year to date 889,000 delivered 96.5% of the vehicles Tesla's produced this year have effectively been delivered even if that's some carryover from last year that ends up in these actual numbers it's kind of the way to look at it so I think that helps give some context on you know all almost all the vehicles that Tesla's producing end up being delivered at some point there's obviously going to be a little bit of a difference there between 100% as Tesla scales they need time to deliver those vehicles so it's probably not going to be 100% unless they're drawing down from past inventory which over a long period of time is not what's going to happen you know that would only happen if you're not not really growing quickly so we'll talk a little bit more on inventory but just wanted to throw that statistic out there as well.

Alright, so focusing in a little bit more on the production side I've just taken a quick screenshot here of the sheet that we would normally go through because I think this is probably the most important part of it so what's very interesting here these you know these numbers are just estimates for this breakout between factories but I want to highlight this June number for Shanghai because we don't have this yet obviously we get sort of firm numbers with the CPC reports every month but we don't have that effort June and June is particularly interesting because there have been rumors of of course the Model 3 production line shutdown for Project Highland so there's a possibility that we really didn't have any or any significant production from the Model 3 in June and that's kind of what this scenario would be showing if that's the case then you know Model Y generally is a little bit lower than 60,000 or so so if you just plug that in for June that gives us about 222,000 from Shanghai which this number is important because it kind of dictates how the rest of the numbers fall through in terms of how we would estimate them so if you look at Fremonts you know it's usually somewhere in this 140 to 145,000 range and then the balance would of course have to come from Berlin and Texas and that's really what we're getting to when we're talking about this June number for Shanghai because if this is higher if there was really volume Model 3 production in Shanghai and June which we don't really think that there was then that means a lot fewer vehicles coming from Berlin and Texas if the number does come in a little bit more in this 55,000 range that means there's going to be a lot higher production from these two factories which would be great in terms of how their ramps look from here so we know Tesla has given us some updates on hitting you know 5,000 per week milestones at various points in time but we haven't had quite as many of those this quarter so it's been a little bit more of a question on how these are ramping if this Shanghai number is lower reflects a lot more positively so kind of a weird situation but when we do get these numbers in about a week that will tell us a lot more about Berlin and Texas and we kind of want these to be low because we know the reason for that being low and if it is low good for Berlin and Texas so we'll come back to that but just wanted to kind of highlight that as the main thing to watch regarding these production numbers in terms of the information that we will still get from this point

And then on the inventory position uh oh one second here guys getting a call on the inventory position the change in inventory as we talked about it did increase again this quarter we can see that that has increased for the last five quarters in a row now so significant increases over that period of time Tesla would now be sitting on about 100,000 vehicles of inventory which I think is why we go back to this because that sounds like a lot but you know if you're delivering 96 and a half percent of what's being produced that should still put you in a pretty good position if we look at... that 100,000 vehicles of inventory and we put it in kind of days of inventory from the Q1 report we can see how that's trended over time so last year at this point there was just four days of... inventory but now we've had this significant increase so up to 15 days of inventory at the end of last quarter with this new addition of you know 13,500 vehicles to inventory this calculation it only increases to 16 days so although it looks like it's a lot in terms of Tesla's actual delivery rate it's really not too much of it that's why I was saying before when we're talking about this percentage as Tesla scales it's very normal for inventory to increase in you know association with that increased scale uh Tesla's gonna have more stores they're gonna have more vehicles that are coming off of the production line uh sort of at the end of the quarter that just can't be delivered so although they could probably get away with a little bit you know lower inventory than where they're at right now 16 days significantly significantly below the automotive industry average nothing out of line there uh and it's not even out of line with Tesla's history really it's maybe a little bit higher but but not anything crazy in terms of if you put it in relation to the scale of the delivery number which is what that days of inventory metric does so I'm... pretty happy with that you know it's it's always kind of nice to see Tesla deliver more than they produce because it really helps earnings and cash flow and all those things look really nice but at the end of the day as long as this is staying in a reasonable range you know I think it's it's good um you know it's it's a fine and healthy number at this point so just wanted to give some context there on on the uh the inventory position because I know that we'll probably get a lot of attention on sort of the bearish side... uh as that has built pretty significantly over the last year but again coming off of a very low base alright and then I do just want to quickly talk about scheduling here so I guess last thought on on you know the delivery numbers really strong I'm very happy with them you know normally we would do a preview so I could kind of give my thoughts heading into this so we've got some of that context and hopefully this walkthrough of you know the Shanghai number helps provide some of that but really happy with the numbers here excited to see the progress that Tesla's making hopefully now as we head into Q3 maybe this will be the you know the quarter where we get this added a little bit where we can get a little bit more information sorry for the background noise and then one other item here the earnings report Tesla is scheduling that for July 19th so Wednesday July 19th after market close which is generally the... it's all good generally the period where we would expect that delivery number or the earnings report to be and then just last couple things on scheduling so this week we will have the 4th of July holiday obviously on Tuesday so the markets are closed that day and then on Monday we will have an early market close as well so just something to keep an eye out for this week with the holiday and then one other thing obviously this week scheduling has been very difficult earlier this week so I do as you guys should know over the last 1300 episodes very much value consistency so my apologies for that just some other things that have taken priority at the moment but as soon as we can get back to a normal cadence we'll do that this week was actually supposed to be this week was supposed to be this upcoming week was supposed to be a vacation week for me so still gonna try to do some of that I'll try to be on you know standby... for any major news but again appreciate the patience on that and hopefully we'll be back to a normal sort of a schedule pretty soon all right that'll wrap it up for today so as always thanks for listening make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications you can also find me on twitter at tessellpodcast and we'll see you at some point sometime soon thank you