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Tesla Starts Advertising / VW Demand Imploding / Volvo Adopts NACS ⚡️

发布时间 2023-06-27 21:59:27    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. So today we learn that Volvo is the next Domino 2-fall in adopting the North American charging standard, which marks the first European carmaker to do so. Volvo did buy Polestar back in 2015 and then spun it off into its own brand in 2017, so nothing official yet, but I would assume that Polestar will also be adopting the Nax.

From the press release, future Volvo cars starting from 2025 will be equipped with Nax. This will give access to 12,000 new fast charge ports. This figure is expected to grow as Tesla continues to expand the Supercharger network. So far, all of the other automakers to adopt the Nax have mentioned this 12,000 figure as the number of the Supercharger network plugs they'll have access to, but remember Tesla has about 19,000 plugs in North America, so really these other automakers are only getting access to about 63% of Tesla's current supercharging network.

Which begs the question, will all future Supercharger locations be open to all of these other companies or will it only be select locations? Volvo cars will not have a Nax port until 2025, but starting in the first half of next year, there will be an adapter available.

Speaking of adapters for any Volvo customers that want to continue using CCS chargers after 2025, Volvo will provide an adapter for CCS charging. And they said Volvo customers will get real-time information on availability of chargers that access of course has to come from Tesla and pay for their charging session through one single interface.

So Elon continually walking down the Reaper hallway. We also have the Society of Automotive Engineers International saying today it's going to standardize the Tesla Nax charging connector for EVs. If you're new, yes, Tesla dubbed its own charging standard the North American charging standard without actually being a standard. The society said this will provide certainty, expanded choice, reliability, and convenience to manufacturers and suppliers and most of all, increase access to charging for consumers.

The SAE standardization process is intended to assure reliable and consistent performance for any EV model or charging network. So basically their process is redundant because the Supercharger network already is these things. Some more good news, the SAE Nax connector standard will be developed on an expedited timeframe. This will also contribute to a charger reliability design for the National Charge X Consortium of which companies like Ford GM Stellantis, BMW, Electrify America Charge Point, and EV GO are members of.
SAE的标准化流程旨在确保任何电动汽车型号或充电网络的可靠和一致性性能。所以基本上,他们的流程是多余的,因为超级充电网络已经具备了这些条件。更好的消息是,SAE Nax连接器标准将在加快时间表上开发。这也将为国家充电X联盟的充电器可靠性设计做出贡献,其中包括福特、通用汽车、斯泰兰蒂斯、宝马、Electrify America Charge Point和EV GO等公司作为成员。

Ordinarily these standards committees can add some bureaucracy and red tape and slow things down, but hopefully because the Nax is already so good all they really need to do is codify it the way it is and lock everything in so everybody has more certainty on what it will look like going forward. Basically these standards will govern how the plugs connect with charging stations, they'll go over cybersecurity measures, charging speeds, and reliability requirements.

To alleviate some of those bureaucracy fears, the president of the SAE's parent company said Tesla and industry engineers are working on the standards in partnership. And he said the automakers and consumers won't have to pay royalties to Tesla but EV owners will need to pay Tesla to charge on the network.

About two weeks ago we heard that Charge Point was going to adopt the Nax and fast forward to today, they're already announcing the availability of the Nax connector for new orders. Charge Point's DC line or fast charging line can be sold or can be reconfigured with the Nax connector options later this year, and the Charge Point mobile app currently includes personal location filters for Nax. In case you're not familiar with Charge Point they're one of the largest charging operators in the United States but they're mostly level two chargers so far. As mentioned though they do have some DC fast charging things in the works as well. Kyle from Out of spec did a great review on Charge Point and their technology, I'll link it below if you want to check it out.
大约两周前,我们听说Charge Point将采用Nax插头,到今天他们已经宣布可以为新订单提供Nax插头选项。Charge Point的直流充电线路或快速充电线路可以在今年晚些时候出售或重新配置以适应Nax插头。Charge Point移动应用程序目前已经包含了Nax的个人位置筛选器。如果你对Charge Point不熟悉,他们是美国最大的充电运营商之一,但到目前为止,他们主要提供二级充电器。正如之前提到的,他们也在研发一些直流快速充电设备。Out of spec的Kyle对Charge Point及其技术进行了很好的评价,如果你想了解更多,我在下面会附上链接。

And in the event I were to have Kyle on the channel to talk about electric vehicles and charging and all of that, let me know below what you would want to hear about.

I want to give a major hat tip to Nikhil and Alexandra, Tesla boomer mama, and everybody out there that went to test the Crook's Corner stop sign, the Dan O'Dowd situation. Here's the latest news. The speed limit on this road is 35 miles per hour and Nikhil ran this test at 35 miles per hour. Here are the results.

As you saw the navigation was set to go straight through the intersection and there was no car ahead of Nikhil that would have helped the FST beta stop. So in this instance it saw the stop sign stopped the line all as well. So whether Tesla tweaked something on the back end or the car learned on its own, either way in the long run as I said on Twitter, Dan O'Dowd really is actually helping Tesla solve FST even faster than they would otherwise without his help. So thanks Danny.

We have the Department of Transportation that just awarded about one and a half billion dollars for transit agencies and state and local governments to buy electric and low emission buses.

If you missed it last time then you're wondering how I've aggregated 63 different news sources all reporting on this same topic and I'm getting the data of which of those reporting agencies are left leaning, right leaning and center. Many of you are into this the last time I shared it so I just wanted to go over a few more features from a new sponsor of the channel, Ground News. If you're watching internationally, ground news has you covered at the top right of your dashboard you can choose your locale.
如果你上次错过了,那么你可能想知道我是如何整合了63个不同的新闻来源,它们都在报道同一个话题,并且我能获取这些报道机构的数据,知道它们是倾向左翼、右翼还是中立的。上次分享时,很多人对此很感兴趣,所以我想再介绍一下频道的新赞助商Ground News的几个更多特点。如果你在国际上观看,Ground News会为你提供覆盖,你可以在仪表盘右上角选择你的地区。

What ground news does is for every store you get a quick visual breakdown of news outlets that are covering that topic, their political bias, how factual the source is, which entity owns the source and which countries are covering the story. So in a matter of seconds you can see all of the left, center and right leaning articles and the headlines along with a quick summary of that article.
Ground News是为了让您对每个主题获得快速的新闻视觉分析。它显示了涵盖该主题的新闻媒体,它们的政治偏见,来源的客观性,所有者实体以及报道该事件的国家。因此,您只需几秒钟就可以看到所有左派、中立和右派的文章以及标题,以及该文章的简要摘要。

Ground news was developed by a former NASA engineer and yes there is a mobile app with all of the same features as well as a browser extension that will give you the ground news data right at the top of your browser. Ground news also integrates seamlessly with Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. And what's great for a community like ours is you can search specific topics, see all of the articles related to that topic and you can follow a certain topic to get updates on it in real time. I have to say this blind spot feature alone has really opened my eyes to the difference in reporting of each political ideology.
Ground News是由一位前NASA工程师开发的,它有一个移动应用程序,具有与浏览器扩展相同的功能,可以直接在浏览器的顶部提供Ground News的数据。Ground News还可以与Twitter、Facebook和Reddit无缝集成。对于我们这样的社区来说,非常好的一点是你可以搜索特定的主题,看到与该主题相关的所有文章,并且你可以关注某个主题以实时获取更新。我不得不说,这个盲点功能让我对各种政治意识形态的报道差异有了更清晰的认识,真的让我大开眼界。

So if you want to quickly see what the other side is reporting on and how they're doing it, this feature is incredible. For me, ground news has made staying informed much more enjoyable, more efficient and I have a lot more clarity on what's actually going on. So you can head to ground.news slash electrified linked below to stay informed on breaking news, compare coverage across the aisle and avoid media bias. You can sign up for free using my link or you can get 30% off for unlimited access if you'd like to support the mission like I do. Enjoy.
所以,如果你想快速了解另一方正在报道什么以及他们如何报道的话,这个功能非常出色。对我来说,Ground News让我更享受获取信息的过程,更高效,让我更清楚地知道发生了什么。你可以访问下方的链接ground.news/electrified,及时了解最新的新闻,对比双方的报道,避免媒体偏见。你可以使用我的链接免费注册,或者如果你想支持和我一样的使命,还可以享受30%的优惠获取无限访问权限。祝愉快!

We also have Yeshua from hit that bid finding today that it appears Tesla has indeed started advertising unless someone is mimicking Tesla ink, then Tesla has begun running some paid ads on Google AdWords. It looks like so far there are around 18 ads being ran in the United States and of course I'm still hopeful that Tesla will create some custom ad copy, maybe run some fun fighting videos on social media, but for now this is definitely at least a start. It appears as though Tesla is currently running ads in the United States and the UK. If you're not familiar with Google AdWords, this should be a very low cost way for Tesla to target its ad spend and of course online they have all of that data in real time.
我们还得到了来自"hit that bid finding today"的Yeshua的消息,他发现特斯拉似乎开始了广告活动,除非有人在模仿特斯拉的墨水,否则特斯拉已经开始在Google AdWords上投放一些付费广告。截至目前,在美国大约有18个广告正在运行,当然我仍然希望特斯拉能够创建一些定制广告文案,或者在社交媒体上播放一些有趣的激烈视频,但目前来说,这绝对算是个好的开端。看起来特斯拉目前正在美国和英国运行广告。如果您对Google AdWords不熟悉,对特斯拉来说,这应该是一种成本非常低的方式来定向广告支出,并且在线上,他们可以实时获得所有这些数据。

I do feel compelled to mention there's at least a non zero chance that somebody out there is running an elaborate scam trying to funnel a bunch of people through their referral links, but this could also definitely be right from Tesla. And if I had to guess, I would definitely guess the latter.

We got the latest weekly insured data for Tesla China that number 16,700 and just a quick reminder on YouTube mobile, you can actually zoom in on YouTube videos. So plugging that data into the table if you wanted to compare it to the same weekend quarter one that number was 15,886 from week one quarter one to week 12 quarter one the total was 122.7,000. And from week one to week 12 in quarter two, we currently sit at 141.9,000. The current record for quarterly domestic deliveries in China for Tesla is 137.5,000. So yes, we have set a new record quarter for domestic deliveries in China. And honestly, given all of the economic challenges in China right now, to some degree, this is really all you can ask for.

We have whole Mars saying FSD beta 12 may be later this year to which Elon said version 12 won't be beta. I could go on and on speculating here, but for now I just want to highlight two things.
我们整个火星都在说FSD beta 12可能会在今年晚些时候发布,对此,埃隆表示第12版将不是测试版。我可以在这里继续推测,但现在我只想强调两件事。

Number one, Elon didn't deny this quote about FSD 12 being maybe later this year. But let's add a little extension for Elon time and we'll call it first half of 2024, maybe.
首先,埃隆没有否认关于FSD 12可能在今年晚些时候发布的说法。但是,我们可以适度延长埃隆的时间,称其为2024年上半年,或许。

But the second thing that I would be fairly confident in saying is that given that it won't be a beta means essentially it would be feature complete. So the deferred revenue aspect that we've been used to when customers purchase full self driving may actually go away, meaning Tesla can start to immediately recognize 100% of that revenue.

But honestly, let the questions fly. Could this mean Tesla might be ready to apply for level three autonomy? Level four, we'll see. And yes, I know that right now, it's not ready. I've seen all the clips where it does things wrong. I'm well aware of that fact. I would just remind people that a lot can happen in one year for evidence of my claims. I would just refer you to this chart one year would put us about right here.

I'm pleased to share that the white interior option has now been brought back for the base all wheel drive Model Y and is available across all Model Y configurations.
很高兴地分享,白色内饰选项现已重新引入基础全轮驱动的Model Y车型,并且适用于所有Model Y的配置。

As time goes on, Volkswagen seems to find itself with more and more problems. According to the works council, VW has temporarily reduced the production of electric cars at its end in plant in Germany. The reason weakening sales demand is almost 30% below the original planned production figures.

So for the next two weeks, the late shift for production of the ID for and the first models of the ID seven will be canceled. Then they have three week plant holidays are also expected to be extended by one week for workers in the electric segment. And 300 of the current 1500 temporary workers in Emden will not be kept on as of August. A works council member said customer reticence fear trepidation is being felt quite vehemently in the electrical world. A VW spokesperson said we're confident the utilization of the plant will increase again with the market launch of the ID seven at the end of the year.

Simultaneously we learned that ID for exports from Germany to the United States, those are done because ID for production has started in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And we have a minister of economics who also sits on VW supervisory board saying it's a warning signal for the industry. The registration figures for electric cars remain high. But what we're concerned about is the current dip in demand. And not just at VW, but all manufacturers. And I'm guessing here, but maybe some of the uncertainty or weaker demand is from Germany dropping the EV purchase subsidies that have started their phase out program at the beginning of this year.

We heard about this last week, but the plans are moving forward forward with its latest round of layoffs to try to save money for the transition to EVs. Ford planning to lay off at least 1000 salaried employees and contract workers in North America.

The layoffs are concentrated in the engineering ranks. This round of layoffs includes employees from Ford's EV and software side of the business, but also will affect workers in the gas engine and commercial vehicle divisions. So all three of Ford's divisions model E blue and pro will all be impacted.

This coming just weeks ahead of the scheduled start of negotiations with the United Auto Workers Union over a new four year labor contract that analysts are saying has a higher than usual risk of a strike.

And what should come as a surprise to no one who's been paying attention, Lordstown files for bankruptcy and also is suing Foxconn pointing the finger. And I know I say it all the time, but looking at the last few news items, just a reminder that it's almost like building these electric vehicles is not as easy as all of the Wall Street analysts thought.

So now Lordstown is up for sale after failing to resolve the dispute over a promised investment from Taiwan's Foxconn and the chairman of a hedge fund is even saying the bankruptcy of Lordstown signals the days of successful EV startups are in the rear view mirror moving forward. It'll be Tesla and the traditional incumbents that will duke it out for market share.

And don't get what I'm about to say twisted. I'm not at all comparing Rivian and Lucid to Lordstown. But what I've said before, and I'll say again, is there really are no guarantees that companies like Rivian and Lucid are around 10 years from now. Remember how long it took Tesla to become profitable and how close even Tesla was to not making it personally. I think Rivian has a better chance than Lucid, but the truth is they're not out of the woods.

I'm not going to read you the comments here. So read them on your own if you want to. And I promise you, I'm not at all coming at this with any political leanings. I just think it's kind of funny how less than two years ago at an event where Trump was pumping up Lordstown Motors. He had these comments to say being really fired up that Lordstown had motors at each wheel.
我不打算给你读这些评论。所以如果你想读的话自己去读。而且我保证,我没有任何政治倾向。我只是觉得有点有趣,不到两年前,特朗普在一个吹捧Lordstown Motors的活动中说了这些评论,非常兴奋地表示Lordstown每个车轮都有电机。

If you ever hear the kids saying he's out of pocket, this would be a good example of that. And let's not forget GM's investing prowess when it comes to finding EV talent. GM invested in both Lordstown Motors and Nikola Motors. This video is older, but if you're in the camp thinking Tesla forgot about the middle brake light, I wouldn't be. Let's just wait for production. We'll see what we'll see.
如果你听到孩子们说他不正常,这就是一个很好的例子。而且在寻找电动汽车人才方面,别忘了通用汽车的投资能力。通用汽车同时投资了Lordstown Motors和Nikola Motors。这个视频是比较旧的,但如果你认为特斯拉忘记了中置刹车灯,我不会这样认为。让我们耐心等待生产,到时候再看看会发生什么。

And with all the nonsense around mainstream media that will undoubtedly get worse as the revenue continues to plummet, don't forget to check out Brown News linked below. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.