Cybertruck Production Closing In, Tesla Supercharging Scores Again, Baron on TSLA
发布时间 2023-06-24 02:35:30 来源
➤ New looks at Cybertruck production processes
➤ Tesla updates Cybertruck reservation page
➤ New Cybertruck patent
➤ Ron Baron expects TSLA to double
➤ Acquisition update
➤ Another state pushes for NACS
➤ Calendar
Tesla Referral:
#Tesla #TSLA #Investing
Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Merr here, happy Friday, today should be a pretty quick one, not a whole lot of news, but we actually do have a decent amount of updates on the Cybertruck. Pretty exciting ones I would say as we get closer to hopeful start of production relatively soon.
So exciting to see that and we'll have a few other items as well. One quick update before we get into everything, if you did receive an email from me today about updating my contact information that did actually come from me. You can never be too careful with that stuff, that was sent out at 330 Central Time today, so I just want to confirm that is indeed for me.
Alright, so looking at the stock here, Tesla on the day today down 3%, not the best way to close the week, closing at $256.60, so we did actually end up slightly down for the week after quite their run there for the last few weeks. The NASDAQ today also down about 1%.
This was despite Ron Beren sharing some bullish thoughts on Tesla on CNBC this morning. Whenever he does go on he tends to speak up Tesla which is nice, obviously a limited impact today as he really reiterated a lot of things that he has said in the past. No surprise, but he did say that he thinks Tesla will hit $500 a share in 2025, reiterated a long-term price target of $1,500 in 2030, and then continued to say that they have really no intentions to sell. They've talked about the gains that they've made on Tesla so far and things that we've heard from Beren before some interesting macro comments as well. So maybe worth checking out if you can find that interview from CNBC.
尽管今天早上Ron Beren在CNBC上分享了一些对特斯拉的看涨思路,但特斯拉的股价仍然下跌。每当他谈论特斯拉时,他倾向于持有看涨态度。显然,今天他再次重申了许多他过去所说的话,对股价的影响非常有限。不过他预测特斯拉股价将在2025年达到500美元,2025年长期目标则是1,500美元,并且表示他们没有出售的意向。他也提到了他们目前在特斯拉股票上的收益以及一些有趣的宏观评论。如果您能找到CNBC上的这个采访,可能值得一看。
But today, cyber truck, so we've got an update from Joe Tagmire who obviously does a lot of drone flyovers at Giga Texas. I think he was out there late at night or early this morning and Tesla had previously been covering the casting area from visibility from the drone shots, but they recently took that down for whatever reason. So some opportunities here for Joe to get a little bit of a look inside that area, and we can see casting machines set up so the 9000 ton press and also the other 9000 ton press. There are two of them here.
今天,我们有了来自Joe Tagmire的更新,他显然经常在Giga Texas进行无人机飞行。我认为他是在很晚或很早的时候出去的,而特斯拉此前一直遮盖着浇铸区,不让无人机拍摄,但最近为某些原因解除了遮盖。因此,Joe有了一些机会可以从这个区域内得到一些了解,我们可以看到放置了铸造机器,一个是9000吨压力机,另一个是同样容量的压力机。这里有两个这样的压力机。
So there was a headband some speculation that there were two being installed and from the looks of this, that is the case. It's a little bit difficult to make out, obviously through the window here, but definitely seems like two presses installed there for presumably a cyber truck. Now, in addition to a little bit more visibility from the outside, there are some leaks happening from the inside here.
So Gregor truck on the cyber truck owners Club Forum posting a couple of photos, a little short video here. Let's see if we can play that showing a cyber truck frame on the production line. Obviously nothing happening at the moment when this video is being taken, but there's the frame right there where the body and it's pretty exciting to see.
Gregor在Cyber Truck车主俱乐部论坛上发布了一些照片和一个短短的视频,让我们看看是否可以播放它,展示一个生产线上的Cyber Truck框架。显然,在拍摄这段视频时没有什么事情发生,但是在那里有框架,身体和它是相互关联的,非常令人兴奋。
I mean, we just talked about seeing a couple of cyber trucks on a delivery truck or a transport trailer and how that was exciting to see, you know, that we're going to see a lot of those pretty soon. And we're going to hopefully be seeing a lot of these pretty soon as well. I would be surprised if in the Q2 update letter, we don't have a nice high definition shot of pretty much exactly this with Tesla talking about the first bodies being produced there for cyber trucks. So really cool to see that.
Here's some other parts and pieces of the cyber truck that were visible. Or I guess that were posted. And then this probably recycling bin or something like that, it's scrapped in for cyber truck parts. So pretty exciting progress here on the cyber truck. I think it's, you know, starting to get real finally.
这里有一些其他可见的 Cyber Truck 组件。或者我猜是被发布的。然后这里可能是一个回收箱,或类似于回收箱的东西,它被投入到了 Cyber Truck 零件中。所以 Cyber Truck 取得了非常令人兴奋的进展。我认为它终于开始变得真实了。
And Tesla has also updated the reservation page, not any major changes, but we can see here they have added some support documentation for the order agreement, the reservation agreements, and also trade in estimates for people to make ahead of presumably this cyber truck launch. So we're starting to see a lot of progress and again, it's starting to feel pretty real as hopefully, you know, this could be as early as as next quarter.
Now the other thing, a little bit less related to production, but temperament, temperament on Twitter here, noting that Tesla just published an application last week, or I guess yesterday, on the tailgate for the cyber truck. And it looks like this is going to be powered such that it could be opened or closed with wireless key fob or a smartphone, which should, you know, make things really easily easy to use from sort of an accessibility perspective. And just, you know, kind of a nice feature to have. So hopefully we'll see that on the production vehicle, but nice to see some of the features and things that Tesla's working on and has in mind as nice little benefits on the vehicle. So that kind of wraps up the cyber truck stuff pretty quick.
Then we do have a couple of updates here. The first from Berliner G noting that Tesla has, it looks like gone through with this wifurian acquisition, just based on some filings out of Germany. The company is now named Tesla engineering Germany, which Tesla also has, you know, other, I don't know if that's the acquisition that's blanking me right now, growment engineering.
我们这里有一些更新。首先是来自Berliner G的消息,他指出特斯拉貌似已经完成了Wifurian收购,这基于德国的一些文件。这家公司现在被命名为特斯拉工程德国,而特斯拉也拥有其他工程公司,我不知道这是不是我现在遗忘的那个收购。
I think that is also the name of that. I don't want to get that wrong, but I think that's the case. So it does look like this acquisition has gone through as, as has had been previously reported. So it'll be interesting again to see what Tesla, you know, does with wifurian again focused a little bit more on sort of factory type of EVs, and then obviously can connect that to optimists and things like that. And we'll see if there's any vehicle, you know, car type of stuff that Tesla integrates from wifurian.
Then we do have a couple of other charging updates on this one related to NACS. So as we had talked about when Texas had stated that they were going to be making NACS requirement for the state's distribution of federal funding for charging infrastructure, the Reuters report at that time had indicated that there was another state that was considering those plans as well. And that state appears to be Washington with Reuters today reporting on comments from Washington, believe DOT official, saying that they are also planning to require at least some NACS plugs for, you know, the state's distribution of those federal funds for infrastructure.
So they said that it hasn't necessarily been tested and certified for other auto manufacturers, so we want to make sure it's going to work, but we are planning to require NACS at our state funded and federally funded sites in the future. So basically, if everything works with NACS with other vehicles, they plan to make this a requirement. They didn't say exactly what the requirements would be right now for funding. It looks like they need to have at least four CCS chargers, and it sounds like they were considering at least two and maybe four NACS plugs being required for eligibility for those funds.
所以他们说,它并没有必要被其他汽车制造商进行测试和认证,所以我们想确保它能够使用,但我们计划在将来要求在我们的州和联邦资助的站点使用 NACS。基本上,如果其他车辆能够使用 NACS,他们计划将其作为一项要求。他们目前没有明确规定资金的要求。看起来他们需要至少四个CCS充电器,并且听起来他们正在考虑需要至少两个或可能四个NACS插头才能符合资金资格。
So sort of on this topic as well, there was a post on Reddit on the Tesla Motors subforum, or subreddit, I guess, the what we're seeing here is a charging pedestal from a charge point. And it looks like, as we can kind of see there, it's a little bit small, but zoom in. You can see Tesla NACS connector there on this charge point, dual connector with CCS. So it could be a little bit of a glimpse on a prototype that they're working on or something like that, but probably gives us a good idea of what this might eventually look like from a charge point perspective, if this is sort of their design for a combination charger going forward. So kind of interesting to see that.
关于这个话题,Reddit论坛上的特斯拉汽车子论坛上发布了一篇帖子,我们看到了一台来自充电站的充电底座。我们可以从图片中看到,这个底座看起来比较小,但是放大后可以看到Tesla NACS连接器和带有CCS的双连接器。这可能是他们正在研究或者是样机的一瞥,但是从充电站的角度,这或许是他们未来组合充电器的概念设计。所以这是非常有趣的一件事情。
And then lastly, just kind of wrap things up today. Take a quick look at the calendar for next week. We'll have a couple more opportunities to hear from Jay Powell, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, both on Wednesday and Thursday, if we didn't get enough the last couple of weeks. And then we will also have the PCE, Personal Consumption Expenditures Report on Friday, so that'll be a measure of inflation that is heavily monitored by the Fed.
And then lastly, we'll see. Big photo here, but more focus on the tech. So Dana White said he talked about Elon and Mark Zuckerberg, and they're both dead serious about this fight. We haven't talked about it, but I'm sure everyone's heard about it at this point. Sounds like they may be doing some sort of MMA match with each other. It's always difficult to tell if it's a joke or not with Elon, but he seems pretty serious about it. So I guess we'll have to keep an eye out for that, not that it would be next week, but we'll probably continue to be a story into next week.
Alright, that'll wrap it up for today then. As always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at Test.
好的,今天的节目就到这里结束了。像往常一样,感谢你的收听。一定要订阅并开启通知哦。你也可以在 Twitter 上找到我的账号 @Test。