Rivian Wisely Capitulates / Tesla India Back in Focus / HW4 Specs Shared ⚡️
发布时间 2023-06-20 20:37:38 来源
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00:00 - Model S/X Discounts
00:34 - Tesla China Weekly Insurance
1:10 - HW4 Specs
2:13 - Cybertruck, RHD, Steer by Wire
3:50 - Model X w/ Matrix Headlights
4:21 - FSD Beta 11.4.4
4:33 - Tesla vs. Louisiana
4:55 - Don't Be Fooled by the News (Ground News)
7:09 - Rivian In, Hyundai Considering
9:25 - Elon and Modi
10:44 - Autotraders Auto Awards 2023
11:09 - Neoen and Tesla Megapacks
11:56 - Elon on France
12:20 - NACS Tracker
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#RivianNACS #TeslaIndia #TeslaNews
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patrons, Ludwig and Eno. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. If you missed it over the weekend and you're in the market for a new Tesla Model S or X, check their new inventory. You'll see some heavily discounted vehicles. In this case, you can get a Model S plaid for $105,000 with three years of free supercharging. Switching over to the Model X, here's a dual motor all-wheel drive marked off about $12,000, so have a look.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是主持人 Dylan Loomis。快速致敬我的最新赞助者,Ludwig 和 Eno。感谢您选择支持本频道。如果您错过了上周末的消息,而且您正在寻找新的 Tesla Model S 或 X,可以查看他们的新库存。您将看到一些大幅折扣的车辆。在这种情况下,您可以以 105,000 美元的价格获得一辆 Model S plaid,并获得三年免费超级充电。转向 Model X,这里有一辆双电机全轮驱动汽车标价约为 12,000 美元,所以要看看。
We just got the most recent Tesla China weekly insured data number 14,500. Plugging that into the table if you wanted to compare it to week 11 in quarter one, that number was 18,712. But up through week 11 in quarter one at that point Tesla was at 108.6,000. And through week 11 in quarter two, now Tesla sits at 125.2,000. Given that the current record for domestic deliveries in China for a quarter is 137.4,000, that means we only need another 12,000 throughout the remaining two or so weeks in the month.
We have a Reddit user sharing some new images of Tesla's new hardware 4 over on the right compared to the older hardware 3. This of course is one of the side repeater cameras. There could be some angle distortion here, but it looks like hardware 4 of course is a bit smaller with more of a low profile. But I wanted to highlight the specs. This one is hardware 3 and you'll see 12 volts and 2.2 watts.
Here's the new hardware 4 and it says 16 volts and 0.9 watts. And as far as I can tell, this user actually owns an independent repair shop, so he's able to order parts directly from the electronic parts catalog. Just wanted to highlight we get new better quality cameras, a smaller profile, and less than half of the power draw of the prior version. Pretty nice upgrade. And speaking of 16 volts, if you want to learn more about Tesla's new lithium ion battery that's replaced the lead acid 12 volt batteries, this video is probably the best on the topic. It'll be linked below.
You probably saw the photo of the cyber truck offloading a plane in New Zealand, presumably for winter testing. No, this is not the first round of winter testing. It's just the latest version of that. But what I wanted to say is that I'm sure some people are getting their hopes up because New Zealand as far as I can tell is a right hand drive region. But I do want to tell you that Tesla has tested left hand drive vehicles in New Zealand before. However, I do think there is some hope at least for the future when it comes to steer by wire and Tesla bringing the cyber truck and maybe SNX eventually back to right hand drive markets.
We know that Elon has said in the past the goal is really to get to steer by wire for progressive steering ratios. And if you check Elon's likes, one of those is a tweet from Ava Fox talking about Tesla's patent for steer by wire. We've talked about this before. The simple explanation, there would be no mechanical link between the steering wheel and the actual driving dynamics, which means Tesla could move the steering wheel, whether it's right hand drive left hand drive, much much easier without having to totally change the engineering of the front part of the vehicle.
我们知道埃隆曾经说过目标是通过渐进式转向比率实现电动转向。如果你查看埃隆点赞的内容,其中一个是Ava Fox提到特斯拉关于电动转向的专利的推文。我们之前已经谈过这个了。简单来说,这意味着方向盘和实际驾驶动态之间没有机械连接,这意味着特斯拉可以更轻松地移动方向盘,无论是右边驾驶还是左边驾驶,而不必完全改变车辆前部的工程设计。
This would of course allow progressive steering ratios, making steering with a yoke much easier not having to do this whole hand over hand thing, really just setting the limits where you can do a full turn only turning the wheel about 180 degrees. And it's true we've heard about this before. Some people thought we would see it in the SNX. I still have some hope we do see it in the cyber truck first. Maybe Elon's liking that tweet is some indication. Maybe not. Time will tell.
当然,这将允许渐进式转向比率,使得使用操纵杆进行转向更加容易,无需进行整个手掌过手掌的操作,真的只需要通过设定极限,使车轮旋转约180度便可完成整个转向。我们确实早已听闻过这个功能,有些人认为我们会在SNX中看到它。我仍然希望我们能够在Cyber Truck中首先看到它。也许埃隆点赞那条推文就是一些迹象。也许不是。时间会证明一切。
There were some pictures over the weekend talking about Model X vehicles having the new matrix style headlights. There's still a lot of confusion. Are these really legal in the United States? If so, why isn't Tesla shipping them with the features turned on? We know they can turn on the matrix features with a software update, but what's the hold up in long story short, the United States is just now changing some of the lighting regulations, but they're still very different than the European Union where matrix is allowed, so I don't have all the answers, but wanted to pass this along for now.
上周末有一些图片显示Model X车型配备了新的矩阵式车灯。目前仍有很多人感到困惑。这些车灯在美国真的合法吗?如果是这样,为什么特斯拉没有将其功能开启呢?我们知道他们可以通过软件更新来开启矩阵式功能,但是为什么一直没有实施呢?长话短说,美国现在才开始改变部分照明规定,但是与允许使用矩阵式灯光的欧盟相比,仍有很大区别,因此我没有所有的答案,但目前想分享这些信息。
As we talked about FSD beta 11.4.4 is now rolling out to customers with some new release notes. So I won't read them to you, but go ahead and pause the screen here if you'd like to on your own. The Tesla fight against dealerships in Louisiana is our latest setback. Unfortunately, Tesla just won a similar case in Delaware, but no such luck to be had for direct Tesla sales in Louisiana. Not yet. The real translation here, the Louisiana Auto Dealers Association is heavily entrenched and possibly with deep pockets.
正如我们所说的,FSD beta 11.4.4现在已经推出,并带有一些新的发布说明。因此,我不会为你朗读这些说明,但请随意暂停屏幕,如果你想要看一下这些说明。特斯拉对路易斯安那州经销商的打官司是我们最新的挫败。不幸的是,特斯拉在特拉华州赢得了一个类似的案件,但是像路易斯安那州直接销售特斯拉汽车的幸运是没有的。目前还没有。这里真正的翻译是,路易斯安那汽车经销商协会有强大的立足之地,可能有深厚的资金。
Did you guys see this one? Intel planning to invest $33 billion in Germany, which yes, makes it the biggest foreign investment in Germany ever. And because I'm sure some of you are wondering, Dylan, how are you aggregating all these news sources talking about this topic, and also figuring out which ones are left leaning politically, which ones are right, and which ones are center. Well, I'm glad you asked. It's a new sponsor for you guys, Ground News, and I really think a lot of you will like this one, and more importantly, find it incredibly valuable.
你们看到这个消息了吗?英特尔计划在德国投资330亿美元,这让它成为有史以来在德国的最大外国投资项目。我相信一些人会好奇,Dylan,你是如何整合所有讨论这个话题的新闻来源,并确定哪些是左倾倾向、哪些是右倾倾向,哪些是中立的呢?好的,我很高兴你问到了。这是一个新的赞助商——Ground News,我真的认为你们中的很多人会喜欢它,更重要的是,会发现它非常有价值。
But if you scroll down, you can see Ground News will actually show us which articles have covered the story and what their political leaning is. In this case, no sources on the left were reporting on this story. And check this out. For every news story, Ground News breaks it down for you who actually owns these media outlets, which just gives you a better insight into where this reporting is coming from one of the biggest news stories over the last few days, Rogan RFK, Elon jumping into the conversation and the debate. But if you scroll down, you can see, and it's usually pretty interesting looking at all of the different headlines for the left leaning sources versus the right leaning sources.
但是如果你往下滚动,你会看到Ground News实际上会展示哪些文章已经报道了这个故事以及它们的政治倾向。在这种情况下,左翼媒体没有报道这个故事。而且你要看看这个。对于每个新闻故事,Ground News会为你解析哪些媒体机构实际上拥有这些媒体,这使你更好地了解这个报道来自哪里。在过去几天里最重要的新闻中,包括Rogan、RFK、Elon的跳跃以及辩论,但是,如果你往下滚动,你会看到,通常来说,看左翼媒体与右翼媒体的不同报道是很有趣的。
And what I found to be pretty useful, there's this filters option. So you can actually choose international to see how these same news stories are being reported around the world. And for all of you that love a good steelman, the blind spot feature is going to be your new favorite thing. You can scroll down for all news items and see stories that have little coverage from the left and the same on the right. So if you want to go read the opposite side and hear what some of the arguments are, this is definitely the easiest, fastest way to do that. Ground News was developed by a former NASA engineer, so they've covered the bases. There's a mobile app with all of the same features, as well as a browser extension that will give you the ground news data right at the top of your browser. Ground News also integrates seamlessly with Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. So if you'd like to stay informed with more clarity and an increasingly chaotic media landscape, you can go to ground.news slash electrified linked below to sign up for free. Or if you want to support the mission and find it useful like I do, you can also get 30% off for unlimited access. Thank you in advance. Enjoy.
我发现很有用的是,这个应用有一个选项可以选择过滤器。因此,你可以选择"国际",看看这些新闻故事在世界各地是如何报道的。对于那些喜欢分析论点的人来说,"盲点"功能将成为他们最喜欢的新功能。你可以向下滚动查看所有新闻条目,看看那些左翼媒体和右翼媒体没有多少报道的故事。因此,如果你想阅读相反的观点并听听一些论点,则这绝对是最容易、最快捷的方法。Ground News是由前NASA工程师开发的,因此他们考虑了各方面。他们推出了一个移动应用程序,拥有同样的功能,还有一个浏览器扩展程序,会在你的浏览器顶部提供地面新闻数据。Ground News还可以与Twitter、Facebook和Reddit轻松集成。因此,如果您希望在越来越混乱的媒体环境中获取更清晰的信息,请前往ground.news/electrified链接注册。或者,如果你觉得它很有用,想支持这个使命,你也可以获得30%的无限制使用折扣。提前感谢您。享受吧。
As expected today, Rivian announced they just signed an agreement with Tesla to adopt the North American charging standard. Access will start as soon as spring 2024. Rivian said adapters will be available whether your vehicle is built with a CCS charge port or NACS. So you can access the Rivian Adventure Network, Tesla Superchargers and other third party CCS networks. And yes, Rivian does still plan to continue building out its own adventure network. Most likely they will include the NACS connector at some point. And Rivian said NACS will be standard on the R1 line, which may be a bit of a surprise as soon as 2025. And of course on the R2 smaller line as well. So obviously a big win for the EV movement and to everybody that's looking at Lucid saying what in the world are they waiting for. I'm guessing it has something to do with the voltage situation. So Tesla V3 Superchargers really only go up in practice to about 500, whereas Lucid vehicles operate closer to 1000. Meaning Lucid charging at a Tesla Supercharger right now may only do what 50 kilowatts so they can do the same thing on the CCS network. But I would guess that Tesla does plan to modify all of the thousands of the V3 Superchargers, maybe with a new cable and some slight modifications to eventually allow up to 1000 volt charging. So if that step were to happen, I think Lucid would be much more likely to adopt the NACS, but either way I think they will eventually.
如预期的那样,Rivian今天宣布他们刚刚与特斯拉签订了一项协议,将采用北美充电标准。接入将于2024年春季开始。Rivian表示,无论您的车辆是否使用CCS充电口或NACS,适配器都将可用。这样您就可以访问Rivian Adventure Network、特斯拉超级充电站和其他第三方CCS网络。当然,Rivian仍然计划继续建设自己的冒险网络。最有可能的是,在某个时候他们将包括NACS接头。而且,Rivian表示NACS将成为R1系列的标准配置,这可能会让人们有些惊讶,因为它将在2025年出现。当然,小型的R2系列也会拥有NACS。显然,这对于EV运动以及每个正在观察卢西德的人都是一个巨大的胜利,他们在想问这个世界在等待什么。我猜这与电压情况有关。因此,特斯拉V3超级充电站实际上只能到达500,而Lucid车辆的运行电量更接近于1000。这意味着Lucid现在在特斯拉超级充电站上充电可能只能做到50千瓦,因此他们可以在CCS网络上做同样的事。但我猜测,特斯拉计划修改所有成千上万的V3超级充电站,也许会使用新电缆并稍作修改,最终允许1000伏特的充电。因此,如果这一步骤发生了,我认为Lucid更有可能采用NACS,但无论如何,他们最终都会这样做。
On that point from Reuters, now we have Hyundai saying they'll consider making its vehicles more readily compatible with Tesla's NACS. And the hold up is most likely the same situation Lucid is in they operate with that 800 volt architecture, Tesla's V3 network. That's all we have. We don't have any V4 yet, operates at a lower voltage. So Hyundai said they'll talk to Tesla to see if they have any plans to update that in the future, which I think they will. And a trend to keep an eye on for Hyundai, they plan to focus less on China where it's been struggling with competitiveness. They've now sold some plans there and have plans to do more. And they're looking to boost local production of EVs in the United States, Europe and South Korea, aiming for ED production to make up three quarters of total vehicle production for them in the United States by 2030.
Good morning. This is a big ticket meeting. Prime Minister Modi meeting 20, 30, New York and it includes Elon Musk, the Twitter Chairman and also the CEO of Tesla.
Last month we saw that he met with some government officials as well, because he's very much interested, as far as business is concerned, electric vehicle maker considers investing in the manufacturing, you know, in India, very important. And this is one event that, you know, the whole world will be watching.
So this meeting between the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Elon will apparently be with these other 20 high profile individuals sometime later this evening in New York. And Reuters is saying that Elon will directly brief Modi on plans to set up a manufacturing base in India.
This meetup being described as a high level meeting about India's economic potential and that Tesla has very strong plans for India, including looking at manufacturing. India and Tesla have gone back and forth now for years. Originally, the holdup was most likely the import taxes and tariffs to prohibitive for Tesla. They wanted to test the waters.
Then they really stopped talking for about a year and apparently now they're back at the table. I do want to make it clear though, this conversation will be about more than just Tesla. They'll undoubtedly be talking about Starlink and Twitter as well.
Auto trader is coming out with its vehicle awards for 2023 and it named the Model Y the best car for families. And they shared this quote, it's about the balance of speed, economy and quality with big handfuls of fun and practicality thrown in. Enough said well done Tesla.
Auto trader公布了2023年的车辆奖项,Model Y被评为最适合家庭的车辆。他们分享了以下引用:“速度、经济性和质量的平衡,再加上大量的乐趣和实用性。”特斯拉干得好,言简意赅。
While many of us in the community have known this to be true, it really is this type of thing that will be great for the general public to eventually see.
We get a press release from neoin. They've struck a new deal with Tesla. This time for a battery energy storage project in Australia that's been approved for up to four gigawatt hours, which is massive.
And they said the first phase, which is just short of one gigawatt hour will include 224 Tesla megapack to XL units said to be operational quarter four of next year. And this is neoin's first four hour long duration battery globally.
As I said on Twitter, doing some simple math, that's about $450 million in revenue at 25% profit. That's $112 million in profit that yes, will be paid in time when milestones are hit.
And just for context, the equivalent would be Tesla selling 8,960 cars at $50,000 a pot. Over the weekend, Elon did an interview with a French journalist I'll have the whole thing linked below.
The only one real takeaway I wanted to share about Tesla is that Elon said there's a very good chance Tesla does something significant in France in the years to come. And he went on to say how much he really likes President Macron and what he's trying to do for the country.
So that could just be corporate speak relationship building but worth noting and looking at the next adoption tracker, not only do we have Rivian today, but BTC power joining the party as well.
这可能只是企业间的言语恳谈建立关系,但值得注意的是,在接下来的采用追踪中,我们不仅有Rivian,还有BTC power加入了派对。
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别忘了查看下面链接的Ground News,我觉得你会喜欢的。如果你喜欢的话请点赞视频。祝你们有美好的一天,非常感谢所有赞助我的Patreon支持者。