Car Dealers Are Out of Control / Giga Berlin Adjusts Production / Wall Street Waking Up to TSLA ⚡️
发布时间 2023-06-15 20:54:00 来源
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Tesla Backup Switch:
Ford Patent:
00:00 - Car Dealers Out of Control
2:48 - Giga Berlin Part 1
3:56 - What Changed on Wall St. for TSLA
5:38 - Do NOT Be THAT Guy (Surfshark)
7:07 - Elon Courted in Italy
7:57 - Tesla Backup Switch
9:09 - Nice Tesla Center in Vancouver, BC
9:24 - Model 3 Incentives
9:32 - JD Power 2023 EV Consideration
10:25 - Tesla FSD Beta Global Rollout
10:47 - Giga Berlin Part 2
11:19 - RBC on Robotaxis
11:43 - Tesla Wall Connector Price
11:49 - Rivian Spaces Coming
12:08 - Ford EV Patent
12:26 - Valuations
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#CarDealers #GigaBerlin #TeslaNews
Welcome to we lecture 5. It's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron Samuel S. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
We have to at least touch on this because car dealers, their associations and their donors are flat out lying. On Tuesday, Rhonda Sandis just signed off on a bill prohibiting car manufacturers from using the direct sales model in Florida. This would of course prevent most automakers from selling directly to the consumer. This is supposed to start on July 1st. Other provisions in the law limit the influence car manufacturers can exert over retailer inventories and prices while protecting dealers rights to ignore MSRP's and choose their own model mix. And no surprise, the FATA was heavily involved in writing and pushing the legislation through the state government. Luckily, there's a carve out and an exception in this bill that allows Tesla and the likes of Rivian, Lucid and Polestar to continue using a direct sales model.
We really do need to tip our hats to people like Taylor Beal and Jeff Sharkey who are part of the Capital Alliance group that were actually instrumental in hammering out a deal adding language in this bill that would keep Tesla galleries open. But the legacy OEMs, GM Ford, Honda and Toyota, not so fortunate with the signing of this bill. This part of the bill feels directly aimed at Ford refusing to provide a dealer with a supply of new vehicles by model, mix or color equitable to that of other dealers is forbidden.
So car manufacturers like Ford can't really choose what dealers get certain EVs and others don't. Arguably, more importantly, this bill actually forbids companies like Ford from setting required MSRP prices for the dealers, which just means the horrible negotiating process at traditional car dealers will continue in Florida. Here's where the nonsense and ultimately lying comes into play. This lobbyist for FATA said the attempt by auto manufacturers to cut out the dealer would only result in higher prices and less customer service to the public. The new car dealer is the customer's advocate when it comes to warranty work and service on a manufacturer's product and this bill will protect that.
因此,像福特汽车这样的汽车制造商实际上无法选择哪些经销商可以获得特定的电动汽车,而其他人则不能。可以说,更重要的是,这项法案实际上禁止像福特这样的公司为经销商设定必需的MSRP价格,这意味着传统汽车经销商可怕的谈判过程将在佛罗里达州继续。这就是荒唐和最终的谎言的来源。 FATA的游说者说,汽车制造商试图排除经销商将只会导致更高的价格和向公众提供更少的客户服务。新车经销商是客户的代言人,当涉及到制造商产品的保修工作和服务时,这项法案将保护他们。
To point one, this is just false. Cutting out the traditional dealer model actually saves consumers thousands of dollars by removing the middleman and all of that extra overhead and profit grabbing. And the translation of point two, we want to be the only place where customers can have their service done because that's where we make all of our money. Don't forget, the best service is no service.
So yes, Tesla is fine here and this bill will actually serve as a competitive advantage for Tesla because this will of course hurt the consumers of the traditional auto companies in Florida by handcuffing them to the dealership model. We got new comments from York Steinbach and some other officials in Grunhaida talking about the Tesla Gigafactory, basically putting to bed all of the FUD narrative that have continually been talked about. They said Elon remains a close observer of what is happening at the plant. This is certainly unusual.
At Tesla, there's a startup management style where nothing works without the boss. We learn more about the Tesla speed that we oftentimes hear about. It really has to do with Tesla actually beginning construction before they got the permits, which was very unique in the area. Pause if you'd like, but in response to some of the pollution instances that happened at Gigabirlin, they said demonstrably, none of those endangered people or the environment basically saying they were blown out of proportion. Here they said Tesla's been holding information events and doing guided tours, essentially really overhauling their communication strategy with the public in Berlin and a lot has improved on this front. They continued to claim that Tesla uses too much water, has not been proven, Tesla does not currently need the requested and approved amounts of water.
So just a few tidbits, but these German officials clearly defending Tesla and speaking very highly of them. No shade here, two Danives, I just think it's a little funny, he said, they think what's changed with Tesla stock in Wall Street is the recognition with the Ford NGM announcements that Tesla's sum of the parts valuation is now finally starting to get tapped into. To which I said and I'm sure many of you would agree, it's about time.
I just wanted to use that as a segue to yet another Morgan Stanley New Tesla stock note, just pointing out the slow, slow rate of understanding from some on Wall Street. They say, today's gas stations pay a market price for their petroleum supply. What if Tesla made its own electricity at a near zero marginal cost and a stable cost stored on site with stationary batteries? It's not hard to see the logic of achieving dominance in the filling station of the future. What we have there is Wall Street just waking up to the reality of the Tesla supercharger network, something we really could have seen coming dating back to 2012 when the first superchargers were installed. And in fairness, megapack and solar are in very different places now, but that's always been the plan producing low cost energy via renewable energy at these locations. We won't dive into this so pause if you'd like, but Jonas walked through a few different scenarios for the supercharging model. Just FYI, no-pat is net operating profit after tax.
我只是想把这个作为另一个摩根士丹利的新特斯拉股票研究笔记的引子,指出一些华尔街人对市场的理解缓慢缓慢。他们说,今天的加油站向市场支付其石油供应的价格。如果特斯拉以接近于零的边际成本和稳定成本现场存储能量,并自行生成电力,那会怎样呢?很容易看出,在未来的加油站中实现主导逻辑。在那里,我们看到华尔街刚刚开始认识到特斯拉超级充电网络的现实,这是从2012年安装第一批超级充电器就可以预见到的。公平地说,Megapack(特斯拉的新能源产品)和太阳能现在处于非常不同的位置,但是低成本能源的生产总是计划在这些地点提供可再生能源。如果你愿意,我们不会深入探讨这个问题,但乔纳斯(Morgan Stanley的分析师)进行了几种超级充电模式的情景分析。FYI,no-pat是税后净营运利润。
Just one, for example, we're using 20 30 miles traveled only in the United States. If you look at the dominant case, that would assume a 30% EV mile penetration in 2030, Tesla having 80% of the supercharging revenue and a 70% of the net operating profit after tax margin. How would the margin be so high? Megapack and solar. And this dominant case scenario would give Tesla a potential net present value of $33 per share.
这里只给出一个例子:仅在美国,我们行驶了20-30英里。如果你看主导的情况,那就意味着到2030年,30%的里程是通过电动车完成的,而特斯拉将获得80% 超级充电收益和70%的税后净营运利润。为什么利润率如此之高? 由于有Megapack和太阳能,因此这种主导情况的情境将使特斯拉股票的潜在净现值达到每股33美元。
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According to our of Elon Musk continues this time in Italy, Elon had a half hour interview with the deputy prime minister Antonio Tijani and then in the afternoon he returned to the palaces of the Italian power to meet Georgia Maloney. Georgia Maloney is the prime minister of Italy. She just tweeted, I welcomed Elon with great pleasure, a very fruitful meeting and a moment of great cordiality where we address some crucial issues, innovation opportunities and risks of AI, European market rules and birth rates, forward towards the future challenges that unite us. Heard the usual it sounds like they're talking about a little bit of everything and we don't get a ton of detail so we'll see what comes of it but every time I see Elon all over the world constantly in different meetings and I stop and think about what he's doing, that's beyond words.
And remember Elon speaks tomorrow Friday at Viva Tech over in France. Last night Tesla was tweeting about the backup switch for the Tesla power wall, just want to make it clear this isn't new, this has been around now for a few years but there is some news going on. Drew Baglino said thanks in advance to other utility companies currently working to approve the Tesla backup switch in their territories. Basically this is something that drastically reduces the installation time for the Tesla power wall.
请记得,埃隆明天周五在法国的Viva Tech发表演讲。昨晚,特斯拉在推特上谈论了特斯拉电池墙备用开关,只是想澄清这不是新的,已经存在了几年,但现在有一些新消息。Drew Baglino 在此感谢其他公用事业公司,他们正在努力批准特斯拉备用开关在他们的领域内使用。基本上这可以大大减少特斯拉电池墙的安装时间。
I will have this blog post below but in short this feature quickly and safely disconnects your home from the grid when a power outage is detected, it automatically shifts your home's energy use to backup power from your power wall. Tesla's backup switch which is placed right here actually replaces the Tesla gateway that was in innovation in its own right and I just have to point out what is this little ditty over here. Tesla bike foreshadowing?
Here's the actual backup switch, it's a meter socket adapter that provides the metering and the automatic grid disconnect functionality of the Tesla energy gateway. So as this feature is continually approved by the utilities in the United States, this will of course be great for the end consumer and Tesla with those shorter installation times. Along those lines, Drew also said that Tesla is working on a VPP program for this summer for customers in Puerto Rico.
Drive Tesla Canada reporting and showing us that Tesla's new service and delivery center in Vancouver, British Columbia is very close to opening. There was some confusion on this so to clarify that the chargers at this site will be only for Tesla not open to the public. If you're in North America and planning to buy a Model 3 for the next two weeks or so, you can get three months of free supercharging.
Drive Tesla Canada报道并向我们展示了特斯拉在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的新服务及交付中心即将开放。有些人混淆了事情的真相,所以需要澄清的是,这个地方的充电器只对特斯拉车开放,不对公众开放。如果你在北美地区计划在未来两周内购买Model 3,你可以享受三个月的免费超级充电。
We got a new press release from JD Power, won't spend much time here but there is something worth highlighting. Based on this year's EV consideration study, the percentage of shoppers who say they are overall likely to purchase any of the has increased 261% from 59% last year. But here's the takeaway, even if we disagree, this just is the sentiment of the general public.
我们收到了JD Power的新闻稿,不会在此花太多时间,但有一些值得强调的地方。根据今年的电动汽车考虑研究,表示他们整体上愿意购买任何一种电动汽车的购物者的比例,从去年的59%增加了261%。但是这里的重点是,即使我们不同意,这只是普通公众的情感。
The biggest friction point for consideration is the availability of public charging. A resounding effort to build out and improve the public charging infrastructure will emphatically increase the EV purchase consideration. Nearly half of the shoppers rejecting the idea of buying an electric car, say the primary reason is a lack of charging station availability. Which obviously just adds even more weight to the recent announcements from Ford, GM, and all of the other companies talking about the NAC standard, hopefully this wave going forward will roll out quickly.
Here's a quick check in to Tesla scope, just looking at Tesla's FSD beta tracking. If you look at these countries over here, you can see that the testing in employee vehicles is clearly rolling out across Europe and other locations. It's exciting because this is the very beginning of what's eventually going to be a massive paradigm shift for transportation globally.
Gigabrelin is planning to hire fewer temporary workers and it will frame from Saturday shifts, but they said it's still on track to achieve its production targets. So less workers, presumably less expensive, and hopefully the same or more production. Be careful with this one, it was from Business Insider, but they said Tesla's goal of 6000 cars per week at the plant is currently on hold.
That could mean 100 different things though, so personally I'm kind of throwing that one away. There could also be endless reasons for this, so I'm just not going to speculate. Speaking of Wall Street analysts waking up to the story years late, RBC Capital just said now, we believe Robotaxes could potentially transform society more than anything else in our lifetimes.
They could save millions of lives and trillions of hours. We believe this fact alone should motivate regulators to support their development as we anticipate private cars being banned in many cities around the world. It's coming.
The Tesla wall connector is now $475 up $50. Here we have Rivian looking to take a page out of Nio's book, planning a collection of retail and experiential centers coming to key locations across Canada and the United States. The first space is set to open in New York City tomorrow, Friday the 16th. Visitors will be able to drive Rivian vehicles, speak with experienced specialists, and shop Rivian gear.
We have a new patent filed by Ford for an electrified vehicle battery backup system, including a traction battery pack on an EV, and a backup battery assembly that's removably mounted to the electric vehicle. In layman's terms, a backup battery mounted to the roof of an EV.
This will be below. Don't forget check out Surfshark linked below if you haven't already. You can find me on Twitter at Dylan Noomis22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
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