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Tesla Italia? Model 3 Incentives, Berlin Productions, Dealership Laws

发布时间 2023-06-16 00:10:33    来源


➤ Elon Musk meets with Italian prime minister ➤ Analysts update price targets ➤ Tesla adds free Supercharging incentive to Model 3 ➤ Giga Berlin production reports ➤ Drew Baglino comments on VPP plans ➤ Florida establishes new dealership laws ➤ Tesla bumps price of wall connector Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Merritt here should be a pretty quick one today. We've got a couple of analyst updates, new model three purchase incentives, more European courtship updates on Gigabro Lynn, Florida dealerships and a couple other items as well.
大家好,这里是罗布·梅里特。今天的内容应该会很快。我们有一些分析师的更新,新的Model 3购车激励措施,还有更多有关Gigabro Lynn在欧洲的更新,佛罗里达经销商以及其他一些问题。

Tesla stock on the day to day underperforming finished down a third of a percent to close at $255.90 while the NASDAQ had a strong day up 1.1%.

We do have a couple of analyst updates first from RBC capital markets. They have increased their price target on Tesla to $305 per share from 212 previously. They've reiterated their outperform rating with analyst Tom Narayan saying in a note quote, We believe Robotaxes and autonomous vehicles in general could potentially transform society more than anything else in our lifetimes.
首先,我们有来自RBC资本市场的一些分析师更新。他们将特斯拉的目标股价从之前的212美元提高到305美元。他们重申了他们的超额表现评级,分析师Tom Narayan在一份声明中表示,我们认为自动驾驶出租车和自动驾驶汽车可能会比我们一生中的任何其他事物都更有可能改变社会。

They could save millions of lives and trillions of hours. We believe this fact alone should motivate regulators to support their development as we anticipate private cars being banned in many cities around the globe. Importantly, given how much value and convenience they offer in low pricing given the elimination of the driver, we see consumers switching away from private car ownership. We conservatively assume 25% Tesla Robotaxi penetration in the US, 8% in Western Europe, and 7% in China. We also max out our licensing penetration assumption at 20% of non-Tesla Robotaxis globally. So I don't know, feels like fairly intuitive or not really anything new there in terms of Robotaxis or autonomous vehicles, but presumably it's an expression of their confidence in Tesla's position in that market and a reflection on their thoughts of the progress for FSD beta.
他们可以拯救数百万人的生命和数以万亿计的时间。我们相信这个事实应该足以激励监管机构支持他们的发展,因为我们预计私人汽车将被禁止在全球许多城市行驶。重要的是,考虑到它们在消除驾驶员的情况下提供了多少价值和便利,我们预计消费者将转向放弃私人汽车所有权。我们谨慎地假设特斯拉机器人出租车在美国渗透率为25%,在西欧为8%,在中国为7%。我们还将其它品牌机器人出租车的授权渗透率最大化,假设全球为20%。因此,我不知道,这对于Robotaxis或自动驾驶车辆来说是否很直观或没有什么新意,但可能这反映了他们对特斯拉市场地位和有关FSD beta进展的想法表达了他们的信心。

And then the other update comes from Deiwa, this was actually yesterday, but they increased their price target to $285 per share from $185 before.

Alright, getting into company news, we've got an update on the Model 3 sort of pricing, sort of incentives here. Tesla has added three months of free supercharging, four Model 3 purchases before the end of the quarter, so June 30th. But it looks like this only applies for vehicles that are inventory vehicles, not new custom orders. So a little bit of an incentive as we've talked about, time-based incentive to ensure people either take delivery or try to get more orders in before the end of the quarter. And of course this is on top of some of the tweaks that we've talked about with the loot box and the referral program as Tesla looks for the best mix of incentives.
为公司新闻打开序幕,我们更新了Model 3价格和激励计划的情况。特斯拉为在季度结束前购买4辆Model 3的人增加了3个月的免费超级充电的优惠,即到6月30日止。但是看起来这个优惠只适用于现有车辆的库存,而不是新定制的订单。这是一个时间限制的激励措施,旨在确保人们在季度结束之前提车或尽量增加订单。当然,这也是特斯拉在寻找最佳激励组合方案中所承担的一些风险,同时也跟我们之前谈到的“战利品箱”和推荐计划息息相关。

Now at the same time they've done this, it seems like they have raised prices on the inventory vehicles by about $200 a piece. It's a little bit more difficult to track pricing there for those inventory vehicles, but it does seem like at least on some vehicles Tesla's kind of clawing back the cost of this incentive with a little bit of a price bump in the form of a smaller discount. So a lot of little things that Tesla is doing here to essentially try to optimize for maximum clearing price for their inventory, which as Tesla grows becomes a little bit more challenging to do. We've talked plenty of times about demand pockets across time, across region prices or incentives are the main levers that Tesla has to kind of smooth those things out, which can be a little bit tricky when you've got one price for the entire United States. I'd expect to continue to see these types of things going forward.

Alright next up we've got another update on Elon Musk and Europe, the Prime Minister of Italy Today tweeting, I welcome today Elon Musk with great pleasure, a very fruitful meeting and a moment of great cordiality where we address some crucial issues, innovation, opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence, European market rules and birth rates. Forward towards the future challenges that unite us.

Elon also met with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs in the morning and from this tweet and some other reports, it doesn't sound like Tesla was quite as much of a focus of these conversations as what we had heard about the possible meetings upcoming with France. Those seem to be a little bit more focused specifically on a Tesla factory, not to say that these conversations with Italy couldn't have included that, but the reports definitely feel a little bit different.

Whatever the topics I think it's a positive to see Elon having these meetings and even if Tesla isn't the primary focus, I do think that still puts pressure on factory negotiations with other countries and obviously Tesla's scope of business is quite wide so any political brownie points that Elon can win in these conversations can potentially yield some benefits for Tesla in other ways as well. From a couple video clips that were shared on the meeting it definitely looked like this was a positive interaction for Elon and the Prime Minister.

As we talked about, the Eurotrip continues for Elon tomorrow when he will meet with France. However in Germany there is some reporting on Gigabro Lynn, this seems to come from the German edition of Business Insider and then recapped a little bit here by Reuters because that article is paywalled. But it seems the original article suggested that Tesla would be not hiring as many workers, not working Saturday shifts at Gigabro Lynn, which obviously calls into question production rates. So Reuters here saying that, quote, Tesla will hire fewer temporary workers than it did in its ramp up phase and refrain from Saturday shifts but it is still on track to achieve its production targets the company said on Thursday, end quote.
正如我们之前所聊的,明天埃隆将继续欧洲之旅,他将在法国会晤。然而,在德国,有关Gigabro Lynn的报道引起了一些关注,这似乎来自《商业内幕》的德国版,然后由路透社在这里做了一些概述,因为该文章有付费墙。但似乎原始文章暗示特斯拉将不会雇用那么多工人,在Gigabro Lynn不会在周六轮班,这显然会对生产率产生疑问。因此,路透社在这里说:特斯拉将比在上升阶段中雇用更少的临时工,并避免周六轮班,但它仍然有望实现其生产目标,该公司周四表示,结束引言。

So again, unfortunately we can't see these supposed company comments. Usually Tesla doesn't really comment on stuff like this but it seems like maybe they replied to Business Insider. Reuters continues to say that, quote, the comments followed a report by Business Insider earlier on Thursday that Tesla's goal of producing 6,000 cars a week at the plant up from the 5,000 miles down reached in March was on hold, end quote. So maybe Tesla and Europe commented on it.

Sometimes we see a little bit different interaction internationally with the media as we have seen in China. But of course, Tesla has pretty consistently been updating on Twitter when they hit those 1,000 vehicle per week milestones and 5,000 was the last we heard for Gigabro Lynn. So it doesn't seem like they've hit 6,000 per week yet.
有时我们会在国际上看到与我们在中国所看到的媒体互动略有不同。但当然,特斯拉一直在推特上一致更新他们每周生产1,000辆汽车的里程碑,我们最后听到的是千兆布鲁克林(Gigabro Lynn)的5,000辆。因此,他们好像还没有达到每周6,000辆的目标。

But who knows what the actual plans are maybe Tesla now that they are at quote unquote volume production of 5,000 per week is focused on getting that to be as cost effective as possible before continuing to ramp on to hopefully 10,000 per week. Hopefully by the end of the year but maybe that'll slip a little bit.
但是谁知道实际的计划是什么,也许特斯拉现在已经实现了每周 5,000 辆的量产,他们正在专注于让成本尽可能地低,然后再继续提高产量,希望能够达到每周 10,000 辆。希望能在年底前实现,但也许会有些许延迟。

If that cost control is the focus right now which seems pretty plausible, it would make sense for them to be not hiring as quickly as during the ramp up phase, maybe reducing a shift while hopefully still as they are saying here being able to meet their production targets which obviously we don't know exactly what their production targets are for this exact period. So a little bit of murkiness from that report but those are my thoughts on that for now.

Moving on we've got a couple of updates on Tesla Energy, Tesla's SVP of Powertrain and Energy Engineering, Jupy Guino, on Twitter responding to a couple of questions. First about the possibility of Tesla setting up a virtual power plant in Puerto Rico like we have seen them do in other markets. Drew saying absolutely we have over 350 megawatts of power walls in Puerto Rico that could help the grid shortage in Puerto Rico overnight. We are working with Luma Energy to activate VPP for all power wall customers this summer. Stay tuned for more.
接下来,我们得到了有关特斯拉能源的一些更新。特斯拉动力总成和能源工程的高级副总裁朱比·吉诺在Twitter上回答了几个问题。首先是关于特斯拉是否有可能像我们在其他市场上看到的那样,在波多黎各建立虚拟电站。德鲁说,我们在波多黎各有超过350兆瓦的储能墙,可以在一夜之间解决波多黎各电力短缺问题。我们正在与Luma Energy合作,计划在今年夏天为所有储能墙客户启动虚拟电站。请继续关注。

So as usual Tesla are already working on it but great to see that, it's a significant amount of power walls there in Puerto Rico, Tesla has supported with natural disaster relief there in the past that may have helped increase those power wall numbers and hopefully an update like this can make them even more helpful. So we'll look out for that to become activated sometime in the next few months and then Drew was also asked about when there might be a virtual power plant set up in Texas for folks signed up with Tesla Electric.
像往常一样,特斯拉已经在解决这个问题,但很高兴能看到在波多黎各有大量的Power Walls,特斯拉曾在过去支持当地的自然灾害救援,这可能有助于增加这些Power Wall的数量,并希望像这样的更新能使它们更加有用。我们将关注在接下来的几个月中它何时开始运行,同时,Drew还被问及何时为已注册特斯拉电动车的人在得克萨斯建立一个虚拟电站。

I believe Tesla has already said that this would be coming but certainly no surprise if not. But Drew said that it would be coming to Texas Tesla Electric customers soon, their testing initial set of VPP services with Urkah this month and targeting to pay out the first virtual power plant credits to power wall customers in Tesla Electric next month. So great to hear that, always great to hear power wall updates, hopefully we continue to see more of those.

Alright, last couple of things here, we've got a report from Automotive News that earlier this week Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a measure into law that prevents direct to consumer vehicle sales but fortunately there is a carve out here that protects Tesla because this only applies to automakers that have a franchise agreement in place.

So a legacy OEM that already has an agreement with a dealership, they cannot sell direct but a company like Tesla that does not have a dealership franchise agreement in place can continue to sell directly in Florida. So of course a huge market for the auto industry for Tesla as well, so definitely glad to see that carve out.

And then finally Tesla has updated the price of their wall connector, in the Tesla shop it now increased by $50 up to $475 per item, which probably makes sense because in due time there's going to be some more demand for these from Ford EV owners, from GM EV owners and any others that may adopt NACS.

Alright, that's where we'll wrap it up for today, so as always, thank you for listening, make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications to also find me on Twitter at Tesla Podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday June 16th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
好了,今天的节目就到这里了,一如既往地感谢您的收听。请确保您订阅和开启通知,并在Twitter上关注我,帐号是“Tesla Podcast”。明天我们会再见,播出日期是6月16日星期五。谢谢。