Barra Admits to Tesla's EV Leadership / The TSLA AI Debate / VW ID Buzz ⚡️

发布时间 2023-06-02 21:01:44    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Lumis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Steve Boy. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Real quick, I haven't done this in a while, but it's been on my mind today. If any of you out there are maybe a little down and out, you just need somebody to talk to. Well, please feel free to shoot me an email. I'd be happy to go back and forth text, call, jump on a phone, zoom call, whatever we can talk about, whatever you'd like. Just know I'm a resource for you if need be. And I mean this sincerely, one of the coolest parts of this whole thing for me the past few years has been actually getting to know some of you and interacting with some of you. So honestly, don't ever hesitate to reach out. I may not get back to you right away, but I will get back to you.
欢迎来到“Electrified”,我是主持人Dylan Lumis,特别感谢我的最新赞助者Steve Boy选择支持本频道。今天我想和大家聊聊一件事情,虽然已经有一段时间没有聊过了。如果大家中有人觉得心情有些低落,需要一个人来聊聊天,那么请随时给我发送邮件。我们可以通过文字聊天、电话、手机或者Zoom等方式聊天,无论你想聊什么,我都会是你的资源。 我想真诚地告诉大家,这些年来我最享受的事情之一就是能够借此机会认识你们,并与你们互动。所以,如果您需要帮助,请不要犹豫,随时与我联系。虽然我可能不能立刻回复你,但我一定会尽快回复。

Monroe did upload a video today going over the cyber truck interior photo we already talked about. It's really one of those videos just have to watch to understand it to try to get into the minds of Monroe and Tesla and how they're thinking about certain design choices. But I'm sharing because my biggest takeaway is what I said when the picture came out, what we saw is most likely not going to be the final version. So withhold judgment.
Monroe今天上传了一个视频,介绍了我们已经谈论过的cyber truck内部照片。这是那种必须观看才能理解的视频,试图进入Monroe和Tesla的思维和他们对某些设计选择的看法。但我分享的原因是我最想要的东西,就是当图片出现时所说的,我们看到的最有可能不是最终版本。所以请不要立刻下定论。

We have the Edison Electric Institute event coming up June 11th through the 13th in Austin. And if you scroll down and look at the keynote speakers, you'll see Tuesday morning Elon Musk. I'd also love to hear from Coach Prime. He's the man. If you didn't know, I know at least a few of you are out there near Austin. So here's the registration info. If you're interested and the JW Marriott is a fancy hotel,

we just got an update from Panasonic after their annual strategic meeting on their plans for battery production. Before we dive into the update, I just want to make it clear this third battery plant has actually been known now for some time. So it's really not news. But the update is that Panasonic is planning to make that third battery site in North America, official by March of next year.

So number one will be gig and Nevada with Tesla. Number two is the Dysodocyt in Kansas under construction. Now drone pilots wanted if you're near Dysod by the way, email me if you're interested. That site is starting with 2170s, mostly for Tesla. And then the third site will be upcoming announced next March over the next eight years or so. We have Panasonic looking to go from 50 gigawatt hours of production and procurement capacity to 200 gigawatt hours. Not only more cells, but improved cells as well improvements will be applied to a next gen version of the 2170 cylindrical and the upcoming 4680.

There's no word on the location for this third site, but they did say it's set to be the same size as the Dysodocactory that's being built now, which will be 30 gigawatt hours.

We talked about the 2170s starting in Kansas and they currently have a pilot line of 4680s in Japan. They pause that actual commercial production until later next year, but they confirm those Japan made 4680 batteries will be shipped to a North American customer.

Panasonic also confirmed that 4680s might make their way to the Dysodocactory in Kansas as well.

I won't spend much time here, but City just updated their mind share tracker, which is essentially just tracking internet search traffic for electric vehicles. The takeaway Tesla has consistently experienced significant net inflows from all automakers, particularly after the price cuts in April. Among Tesla's total visits, the strongest net inflows came from Hyundai Kia, Volvo and GM.

Let's have a look at a few graphs from Victor at EV volumes. This one Tesla share of the global light vehicle market. Of course, steadily trending up over time, but I want you to keep in mind. This number Tesla's goal at least is to eventually hit around 20%.

Tesla says they want to do 20 million a year. Well, I have them at 15 million and maybe the overall auto sales annually shrinks from 80 or 90 million down to 70 million, which would put us around 20%. So just don't let it be lost on you that we're currently at 2%.

So if you're feeling like you missed a boat or it's too late to get into Tesla, I would just tell you just look at this chart alone.

Here we have the global EV adoption market share percentage, not just Tesla, but just cross that 10% mark quarter one of this year. Also of note, typically each quarter one you see a stark decline after quarter four, but not this year.

That trend was broken. So maybe it's the inflation reduction act tax credits. Maybe it's more EVs being available. Either way, it's a great sign for the rest of the year.

And I hesitate to share this one because this is the one Elon and team have said, we're not really thinking about that at all. It's Tesla's share of the global EV market. But I'm sharing because I think it's an awesome reminder over the last five, 10 years, people have been saying competition is coming.

Tesla's losing its EV market share, all of the headlines. Well, in all actuality zoomed out from a global perspective, Tesla's global EV market share is actually up from where it was back in 2019. So yeah, at the end of the day, this metric really doesn't matter that much, but it's not like you can't learn anything from it.

Here's the simple takeaway. One out of every five EV sold around the world is still a Tesla. One out of every 10 cars sold globally is now an electric vehicle. And one out of every 50 cars of any type sold globally is a Tesla.

Just in case you're not aware right now, a big reminder over the next year or so, one of the biggest points of contention for Tesla stock will be, is it an AI company?

And if so, how much valuation should be attributed to it now? Yes, it's impossible to answer, but you have people like Adam Jonas from Morgan Stanley saying that Tesla's valuation will be dominated only by the supply and demand of EVs over the next year, saying Tesla can be considered many things, but we think it's an auto company.

The reason I'm sharing this now is to remind you that there will most likely be a ton of volatility in Tesla stock over the next six to 12 months, not just macro factors, but now we have this huge conversation of nobody really knowing how much value to give Tesla stock from an AI standpoint. And right now that's all of the craze in the market.

And don't forget Tim Cook described autonomous cars as the mother of all AI projects. And this is the point Elon always tries to hammer home that from that perspective, autonomous driving, he cannot see second place with a telescope. And that doesn't even touch on Optimus or how Tesla uses AI in the car or in the factory or in every aspect of its business.
不要忘记蒂姆·库克曾将自动驾驶汽车描述为所有 AI 项目的母亲。这也是埃隆总是试图强调的一点,从这个角度来看,自动驾驶,他无法用望远镜看到第二名。而这甚至不涉及 Optimus 或特斯拉如何在汽车或工厂或商业的各个方面使用 AI。

And on top of that, we have Dojo and Tesla now hiring for an LLM engineer for a large language model, which is more generative type AI. So yeah, I don't know how much valuation it should be given, but I know the answer is not zero.

In case any of you have been waiting for the Model S plaid track mode, well, today June 2nd is your lucky day.
如果你们中有人一直在等待Model S Plaid赛道模式,那么今天6月2日就是你们的幸运日了。

Here we have a picture of some castings outside of Giga Texas from Joe Tett Myers drone fly over. Word on the internet right now is this could be a group of rear castings for the cyber truck. I can't confirm it. Just wanted to pass it along.

And real quick, if any of you plan to buy a cyber truck and you're thinking you may be one of the first ones to buy one and ultimately get one, please shoot me an email.
很快,如果你们中有人打算购买 Cyber Truck,并且你认为你可能会是第一批购买者并最终获得一台,请给我发送电子邮件。

I have a question for you. This isn't news, but it's a guide. I think you may want to have bookmarked just a list of Tesla shortcuts. And some you may not know about. It'll be linked below from drive Tesla Canada.

Tesla now has its second showroom on tribal lands in New Mexico. The first one they took over and existing casino. This one they're building from the ground up. And what's cool, Tesla is also partnering with it. The play below of Santa Ana to provide workforce training in science tech, engineering arts and math. Education outreach at local high schools.

Mary Barra spoke at a conference today and to everybody saying there's no profitable future in autonomous driving. She said you're wrong. Saying there's a giant growth opportunity and she predicted personal self driving cars would be on the market before the end of the decade. She also reiterated that crews will be generating $50 billion every year in annual revenue in the next seven years. Bear in mind right now it's losing about $2 billion every year. Dubai and Japan are among future markets for crews as well as expansion into goods delivery and personal autonomous vehicles. And what do we have here? Maybe the quote of the year. Mary Barra acknowledged that Tesla has the lead in EV technology profitability and scale. But said that lead is not permanent. So she finally admits to not being the leader in EVs. I wonder what Joey Biden has to say about this comment from Mary.

And for as much flag as we give GM and Mary Barra, they also announced this. They're saying their partnership with POSCO is now expected to exceed $1 billion, which is primarily for Altium's cathode active material production in North America. Now, sure, it's a joint venture with another company and mostly that other company will be doing most of the developing. While we have Tesla now setting up its own cathode facility in house at Austin, we can't expect that from GM. But what we can and should celebrate is more of the battery supply chain coming from Asia to North America.

Today really must be a special day because this is something that Tesla needs to copy from GM. This space may look like a showroom floor for GM's electric vehicles, but it's not. It is actually General Motors EV Live Studio, where an EV Live specialist seen here interacts over the internet with anyone curious about EV technology. The free live tour is a conversation driven by customers. This studio, which is in our secret location, was entirely built, purpose built, to educate people on those questions. Tell me if I'm crazy on this one, but I think it would be awesome for Tesla to copy GM here and have a little secret location where maybe on the website, people can go and schedule one of these free sessions to actually chat real time with a representative from Tesla, explaining and answering any questions they may have. You can ease customers' concerns, you can build relationships, it's a feature that friends would tell their friends about, oh, I just learned X, Y, and Z from Tesla's rep on this free call. I could go on and on, but I think it's great.
今天一定是个特殊的日子,因为这是特斯拉需要从通用汽车那里学习的东西。这个空间看起来像是GM电动汽车的展厅,但实际上不是。这是通用汽车EV Live Studio,一个EV Live专家在这里与对EV技术感到好奇的任何人进行互联网互动。这个免费的实时讲解是由客户推动的对话。这个位于我们保密地点的工作室是完全为了教育人们这些问题而建的。告诉我这件事情是否疯狂,但我认为特斯拉在这里可以效仿GM,有一个秘密的地方,也许在网站上,人们可以预约这样的免费会议,与特斯拉的代表实时聊天,解释并回答他们可能有的任何问题。你可以缓解客户的担忧,建立关系,这是朋友会告诉他们朋友的功能,哦,我从特斯拉的代表那里学到了X,Y和Z这些知识。我可以继续说下去,但我认为这是很棒的。

China is not yet confident its economy is on solid footing, and in response, they may extend and optimize NEV purchase tax exemptions. They're considering this for NEVs for another four years. One of the measures may be extending the purchase tax break for EVs and hybrids that cost less than $300,000 in E1, or about $42,000. New energy vehicles in China now have been avoiding that 10% purchase levy that other vehicles have seen for almost a decade now, but that is said to expire at the end of this year. So this is not official yet, but this of course would be great for Tesla.

Here we have a recall for the Jaguar I-Pace covering 6,300 vehicles, and they really have not been that many produced. The problem, battery fires, and the culprit sounds like LG. Dealers will have to, if necessary, replace the affected battery module or PEC.

Stellantis and GM have paid fines, totaling $363 million in penalties for failing to meet US fuel economy requirements. Of that amount, 128 million was from GM, covering cars from 2016 and 2017. Previously, GM had not paid a cafe penalty in the 40-year history of the program. GM had initially planned to use credits to meet its compliant shortfall, but instead opted to pay penalties. It's the first time in three years the agency NITSA has collected fuel economy penalties, because NITSA runs the cafe program.

Right now, there's a lot of buzz in the market about this one. Bad jokes aside, here we have the LWB Long Wheelbase version of the ID buzz coming to the United States market. No word yet on price, it'll have a 91kWh battery pack, no official EPA range, but the guess is around 260 miles. The word is, they may only have production capacity of about 100,000 of these per year, so the demand is going to be very high for this vehicle. Will there be huge dealer markups? How is VW going to handle this? They're still answering those questions. Would any of you guys ever consider buying an ID buzz? Let me know. You can find me on Twitter at DillonMumus22.
目前市场上有很多人在谈论这个。开个玩笑,这里有一款ID buzz LWB长轴版即将进入美国市场。价格尚未确定,它将搭载一块91 kWh的电池组,官方的EPA续航里程还没有公布,但猜测大约为260英里。据说它们每年只能生产约10万辆,因此对于这款车的需求将非常高。是否会有巨大的经销商涨价?大众将如何处理这个问题?他们还在回答这些问题。你们中有人会考虑购买ID buzz吗?请让我知道,你可以在Twitter上找到我@ DillonMumus22。

Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend.

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