The Price War May Be Over / Fisker: A Legit New EV Player? ⚡️

发布时间 2023-06-01 20:37:59    来源


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I would like to just very much congratulate you on the amazing work that you've done. It's been incredibly impressive how you have been able to overcome so many difficulties and so many challenges. And I just want to let you know, it's like, that's. It won't be my heart, you know. And I tell people throughout the world, the cars we produce here are not just the most efficient production, but also the highest quality. I just feel like there's so much that gets accomplished. There's so much positive energy getting things done that actually I think will be very important, not just for Tesla, but also for the world.

Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Lumis, quick shout out to my newest patrons, Kenneth S and Dean W. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. The Cybertruck guy on Twitter shared a recent Tesla service bulletin just in case you have him on a Y, wanted to make sure it's on your radar. If your car is still under warranty, this would be a free fix. So if your car has been leaking in the rear trunk area through the lift gate assembly, they can seal it for free. Yesterday, Rob mentioned that the new high-definition radar was actually being seen in the Tesla vehicles with hardware 4. Just wanted to add the distinction on the SNX, yes, but so far on the Model Y, the answer is no. This last night, Teslascope said there is no radar expected on any Model Y delivered with hardware 4 for the foreseeable future. This coming from their source. And right now, I'm actually hearing that the software for this new radar is not even active on the Model S or X, so even though those cars do have the radar, it's not really doing anything yet. I know many people in the market for a Model Y will really want a vehicle with radar being active, so will a retrofit be available? I haven't been able to find anything. My pure speculation guess would be yes. Meaning if the Model Y does have the hardware for a computer, then down the line there will be a retrofit available for this high-definition radar. But at least for now, no radar expected on the Model Y.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人Dylan Lumis,特别感谢最新的赞助人 Kenneth S 和 Dean W 为本频道的支持。Twitter 上的 Cybertruck 男孩分享了最近的特斯拉服务公告,以防你有 Model Y,希望确保你知道这个问题。如果你的车仍在保修期内,这将是一个免费维修。如果你的车在后备箱区域通过升降门组装漏水,他们可以免费进行密封。昨天,Rob 提到新的高清雷达实际上在硬件 4 的特斯拉车辆上被发现。只是想补充在 SNX 上的区别,是的,但到目前为止,在 Model Y 上的答案是否定的。昨晚,Teslascope 表示仍然不会有预期的任何带有硬件 4 的 Model Y 上的雷达,这是来自他们的信息来源。目前,我甚至在听到这个新雷达的软件在 Model S 或 X 上还没有激活,即使这些车已经安装了雷达,它们仍然没有实际作用。我知道市场上很多人会喜欢一辆能够启用雷达的 Model Y,那么将会有一个后期改装的解决方案吗?我没有找到相关的信息。我的猜测是,如果 Model Y 有计算机硬件,那么到未来将会有一个高清雷达后期改装的解决方案。但至少目前,我们不应该在 Model Y 上期待雷达的出现。

If you go to the Tesla Australia configurator, you will see the Model 3 and the Model Y, and that's it for vehicles. Clicking on the menu, you'll also see the Model SNX have been officially removed. Sad day for those of you down under. From yesterday's video, I mentioned this tweet from Sawyer. Apparently, Electric did confirm that the battery storage systems will be supplied by Tesla, which of course is a huge deal. One gigawatt hours for this one project, that's 1000 megawatt hours, for megawatt hours per Tesla megapack, so 250 Tesla megapacks in this deal alone. Times about $2 million each, that's $500 million, and slap on a 25% profit, and that's a cool $125 million in profit from this project alone. Don't forget, there's going to be a lag for these profits to hit Tesla's financials when it comes to the megapack.
如果你进入特斯拉澳大利亚的配置器,你会看到Model 3和Model Y,但除此之外就没有其他车辆了。在点击菜单后,你会发现Model S和Model X已经被官方移除了,对于澳大利亚的消费者来说,这是个悲伤的日子。在昨天的视频中,我提到了Sawyer的一条推特,据说Electric已经确认电池储能系统将由特斯拉提供,这当然是一个巨大的交易。有一千兆瓦时的电量,相当于一百万兆瓦时,即这项交易需要使用 250 个特斯拉Megapack。这一项目的总价值约 5 亿美元,其中还有 1.25 亿美元的利润。不要忘记,这些利润必须经过几个季度才会体现在特斯拉的财务报表上。

On Elon's trip to China, we have CNBC reporting that he actually met with China's vice premiere, one of the company's top officials. So, Elon shaking hands with the high higher ups in China. And at least so far, we have the South China Morning Post today reporting that no concrete deals or agreements were signed during this trip. Shanghai Communist Party boss said Tesla is welcome to bring new products, new technologies, and new services to Shanghai, and Elon expressed his thoughts on developing new, environmentally friendly products to tap the market in China. And a local government source said that Shanghai officials are determined to support Tesla's capacity expansion. Honestly though, this takeaway right here feels a little premature, could just be a case of Elon wanting a few days or weeks to decompress, taking in all of those conversations, and then make a decision from there.

In case you're in the market for a Model 3, be sure to check Tesla's new inventory listings. Some are now discounted up to $2,600, up from the previous discount of about $1,300. And yes, many people are saying this is to clear the inventory for the Project Island Model 3 refresh, but it could just be Tesla wanting to move some of its inventory vehicles. Either way, we'll find out soon enough.
如果你正在市场上寻找Model 3,一定要查看特斯拉的最新库存清单。有些车辆现在的折扣高达2600美元,比之前的约1300美元更高。是的,很多人都说这是为了清理库存以备Project Island Model 3的更新,但这也可能只是特斯拉想出售一些库存车辆。无论哪种情况,我们很快就会弄清楚。

Today's a big day for the Fisker Ocean. They got the official EPA range certification of 360 miles for the extreme variant on 20-inch wheels. Now, yes, this is going to be one of the longest range SUVs in the market as they say under $200,000. And this vehicle specifically will be right around $70,000 in this variant.
今天对Fisker Ocean来说是个重大的日子。他们已经获得了官方的EPA认证,证实了使用20英寸轮的极端版本可以行驶360英里。现在,是的,据他们所说,这将是市场上价格低于20万美元的最长续航SUV之一。而这款车在这个版本中的售价大约是70,000美元。

Now, when it comes to the battery pack, the Hyper Range, they're calling it, it's 113 kilowatt hours. So from an efficiency standpoint, doing the math, this works out to about 3.18 miles per kilowatt hour. Compare that to Tesla's Model Y long range vehicle, which comes in right around 4.1 miles per kilowatt hour. So not as efficient as the Model Y, but we really should not be expecting that.
现在说到电池组,也就是所谓的“极限续航”,它的容量达到了113千瓦时。从效率角度出发,做些简单的计算可以得知,它的续航里程大约是每千瓦时3.18英里。与特斯拉的Model Y长续航车型相比,后者每千瓦时可行驶约4.1英里。所以它的效率并不如Model Y,但我们也不应该抱有这样的期望。

At the end of the day, though, most normal consumers aren't going to be doing that math. They'll just see the 360 range number, compare it to Tesla's and say, hey, that's pretty good. And honestly, Hat Tip to Fisker, this is not just a prototype anymore. They had first customer deliveries in Denmark on May 5th.

As far as how normal people will drive the car, what a comfortable cruiser. The cabin's a bit small compared to like ID4's, a very open feeling cabin. I'm actually really pleased. I know it's going to be built really well. Other than that, though, is an electric SUV for what most people are driving electric SUVs for. It's going to be very competent, very quiet, very, very, very quiet, from an a motor standpoint, dead silent, almost EQS levels of silence, very impressive drive training there. And no motor cogging. I mean, you can tell the drive-trained team didn't an amazing job. Not to tune it for performance, but to tune it for everyday driving, which is how they'll be used.

And yes, this vehicle is now certified for the United States, which means deliveries are set to begin this month. The ocean will start around $38,000 and you can spec it all the way north of $70,000 and above. But so far, they're making this only in Austria, meaning no tax credits.

Of course, a big question will be the software there was plenty of reporting that the ocean was delayed because of some software bugs and glitches. So once these arrive in customers' hands, hopefully we get some real world reviews of production-level cars. But hopefully they make it having more EVs in the market is, of course, a great thing.

For you Canadians, just in case you missed it, the model Y will be imported from Giga Shanghai as well. And we're talking the long range all-wheel drive variant. According to Natural Resources Canada, they have a range of 497 kilometers, which is 308 miles. There's some speculation out there is this an LFP pack for a long range model Y. Maybe, but for me to early to tell, I'll keep my eyes open.
对于加拿大人而言,如果你错过了的话,Model Y也将从上海超级工厂进口。我们讨论的是长续航全轮驱动版本。根据加拿大自然资源部的说法,其续航里程为497公里,即308英里。有一些猜测认为这是长续航Model Y的LFP电池组。也许是,但对我来说现在还为时过早,我会持续关注。

Rivian has announced it has cancelled the tank-turned feature in the R1 vehicles because the four-wheel thrusts needed to rotate in a circle is potentially damaging to the trails. It was also mentioned in a few interviews that it was actually pretty scary to be in the car when it's doing this and that normal drivers may easily lose control of this feature, so that was another reason.

Something that I don't think is talked about enough earlier this month GM announced its Involve, which is mashing up energy and evolve. Really, it's just its fleet management software, which is meant to compete directly with Ford Pro, which is actually very lucrative for Ford. These services are mostly software driven.

So Tesla will most likely be able to do it much better. It's just so far, Tesla has been producing vehicles at a much smaller scale than these companies, and once they have a pickup in the market, maybe do more in the commercial space, Tesla's fleet management software should really disrupt a huge profitable market.

And from the South China Morning Post today, they're saying that the price for in China may be over. In May, BYD just sold 240,220 vehicles for the month. Yes, that still includes hybrid and pure B EVs. That's a 14% increase over April and year over year, that's up 109%. Li Ato, one of China's premium EV makers, sold 28,277 units in May, a sales record for the second straight month.

Many motorists who had been waiting on the sidelines in the expectation of further price cuts decided to swoop in when they realized the party was coming to an end. The sales figures added to evidence that the price war might come to an end very soon, and this price was started in China and then spread elsewhere globally, so we'll see the same in reverse.

Also note how the SCMP said Li Ato, X-Pang, and NIO are really Tesla's main rivals in China. Not BYD because BYD mainly plays in a lower price segment. And because so many people were waiting for more price cuts, the pent up demand remains high.

You can find me on Twitter at Dillonumus22, hope you guys have a wonderful day. If you liked the video, if you did, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.