Saeed Amidi -- Plug and Play
发布时间 2021-12-08 11:30:00 来源
Saeed Amidi is the CEO and founder of Plug and Play. Plug and Play connects startups with corporate partners and is one of the most active investors in the world with about 250 investments per year and over 2000 startups going through one of their programs every year.
Hello and welcome to the LA Venture podcast. This is Minnie Ingersoll, host to the podcast and partner at 10110. 10110 is a seed stage fund here in LA. All opinions expressed on this show by being my guest are Sully our own. If you are interested in LA Venture, go to slash podcast where I've made a sort of a list of all of the great LAVC's who've been on this show.
你好,欢迎来到LA Venture播客。我是米妮·英格索尔,主持人和10110的合伙人。10110是一个位于洛杉矶的种子阶段基金。本节目中所表达的所有观点都是我的嘉宾自己的。如果你对LA Venture感兴趣,请到,我已经制作了一个伟大的LAVC名单。
Sayyid Amiti is the CEO and founder of Plug & Play. Plug & Play connects startups with corporate partners and is one of the most active investors in the world in terms of number of deals done per year. Sayyid is also a partner at Amid Zod with prior guest, PageMondoZod. Sayyid has a portfolio that includes PayPal, Dropbox, Danger and many others. Sayyid, great to see you. Thanks for coming on the podcast.
赛义德·阿米提是Plug&Play的CEO和创始人。Plug&Play将初创企业与企业合作伙伴联系起来,并且每年完成的交易数量在世界上是最活跃的投资者之一。赛义德还是Amid Zod的合伙人,以前的嘉宾PageMondoZod。赛义德的投资组合包括PayPal,Dropbox,Danger和许多其他公司。赛义德,很高兴见到您。感谢您来参加我们的播客节目。
It is great to be here. Well, I thought let's start by establishing some of the scale of Plug & Play. Maybe I'm just going to fire a few questions at you. First, how many investments a year does Plug & Play do? About 250 per year these days. Wow.
And about how many companies are coming through the accelerator program every year? That's a great question. You know, we are nowadays running 17, what we call innovation platform and each platform also runs two batches per year. So in US, it's a little bit over a thousand startups per year and internationally in Europe and Asia, we have going through our platform. Another 1000 plus startups.
So I'm going to let you tell me more about how you manage run thousands of companies through your innovation platform. But one more question of how many corporate partners do you have? Wonderful. We have the over 500 and 40 corporate partner. But the interesting thing is if you take some of them like Cargel or Walmart or may it be McDonald's or Pepsi, they are some of the incredibly successful companies around the world that would like to use the platform to help them understand the future of commerce.
But the whole world is going through digital transformation so fast that all of these large companies may be Mercedes or Ford or Chrysler. They are all hunting startups that can help them electrify faster, you know, beat Tesla in the autonomous race. And you know, if you come to CES these days, instead of electronic show, it has become a car show. And like everybody says, the biggest electronic product you have these days is a car. And everybody says Tesla is an electronic device, sort of like your iPhone that actually has wheels and you can drive it versus all of the other car companies that are trying to become electrified.
Hmm. Yeah. How are they thinking about competing with Tesla? We've been working with the automotive or mobility industry now close to eight years. And we have for example, office in Stuttgart with Mercedes and Porsche and Bosch and you know, the legacy companies and I consider Mercedes one of the best companies in the world with over seven B 1000 engineers.
But they mentioned to me, Said, the whole industry is moving so fast that a lot of the CEO who is a friend of mine says, I have to look outside for the best entrepreneur for the best technology to bring it to Mercedes. That's really interesting.
So maybe let's use the automotive transportation sector as sort of a case study, if you will, about how you connect the startups with the corporations. And you know, how do they connect? And also how does it potential investment or pilot work? Excellent.
You know, we run this mobility platform first of all here in our headquarters in Silicon Valley, including Nissan Toyota, Chrysler Ford, etc. But then we figured out that the automotive industry asked us if you are closer to our headquarters, we first can identify our needs better. Then when we find the right startup to solve that need, they can do a pilot faster. But most importantly, they can implement the technology in the car.
Normally, there was a five year cycle from the time they would see it technology till they could implement it and produce car with that technology in it. And we've been able to reduce that to under two years. And if I can again use Mercedes as an example, they specify what they want. Then we searched the world for the best startups. And then the startup actually comes physically to Stuttgart for three months. And they do a pilot with Mercedes. We have done over 150 pilots with Mercedes in the past five years. 70 of the technologies are in production or going through production route. And about 30 of them have been already implemented in the car.
So, I mean, that's a fantastic number, just with one partner. What if I'm a startup and I don't want to relocate? Can I be part of this? Can I get exposure to the corporate partners without moving to Germany, say?
Absolutely. In fact, we highly recommend that if you're a great startup out of Toronto or Waterloo, you should remain there. But just send a couple of engineers to Stuttgart. Maybe a biz-deaf person for a short period of time. And then if you do land a huge contract, you may have a satellite location in Germany.
So we do not recommend just for one of our programs for the startup to totally relocate. But we tell them to come here for a few months to learn how the culture of entrepreneurship is in Silicon Valley. And then actually go back to their city or the country to develop their product and launch it.
Just to share something with you and the audience, we had a startup come to us from Brazil called Cloud Walk and they wanted to do something in payment and FinTech infrastructure. They only spent three to six months with us. And again, last month, they raised money at $2.1 billion valuation. And that's a pretty successful startup if you look at Brazil market. And the two founders which I had lunch with on Sunday, Bruno and Gail, they said, Said, what we learned in that six months in Silicon Valley, we could have never learned that in San Paulo, Brazil.
只是想和你和观众分享一件事,我们有一家来自巴西的初创公司叫做Cloud Walk,他们想在支付和金融科技基础设施方面做些事情。他们只和我们呆了三到六个月。而且,上个月他们以21亿美元的估值筹集了资金。如果你看巴西市场,这是一个相当成功的初创企业。我星期天和两位创始人Bruno和Gail一起吃午饭,他们说,Said,在硅谷的那六个月里,我们所学到的东西,在圣保罗巴西,我们永远也学不到。
Well, and we are going to talk about 1010, Will Sher, which is your LA location. But I have been to your Silicon Valley location. It's huge. I'm saying I'm my scale question. Can you give me a sense? I have no idea how many square feet it is or how many startups there, but it seemed vast. And Loharj. Yes. You know, it's we have about 180,000 square feet. Wow. Space here.
And you know, pre-COVID, we would have approximately 350 residents start up every year. And as I mentioned, we would have another 650 that would come here temporary to go through one of our batches. And the reason why they join is because if you have a technology that can help the insurance company process claim faster and cheaper, we could put the startup in front of 13 insurance company in 90 days. And we have about 50 corporations that have their innovation arm in our headquarter as well.
But they also bring the business unit of the company here quarterly. Yeah. I mean, I think that's a big value proposition. But correct me if I'm wrong. Another one is you are not initially charging anything. No, no, no, actually everything for the startup is free.
But it has to be a great team, great technology. And then if they get accepted in one of our programs together with meeting some of this corporate partner, they can pivot a little and solve a real problem that the insurance companies or the banks are willing to pay for. And again, some of the serial entrepreneur maybe could get through some of these corporate giants, but it's not easy to navigate these field. And we feel we kind of have a right connection and the right interested party to come and see the technologies.
Yeah, I'm really interested in that piece. Like how have you built this up and attracted so many corporates to work with you? And do you have a business dev team that goes and builds those connections? Yes, absolutely. You know, just you talked about scales. We have approximately 100 venture team, analyst and partner that continuously look for great startups.
Quite frankly, we get some startups coming to us, but we also have to look for great startups both in the US and around the world. But on the corporate side, we have roughly 200 people. In fact, we haven't announced it yet, but we were asked by Jack War Land Rover, can you please build the same thing as you have built in Stuttgart in UK? Because the UK government does not want to lose this industry, the auto industry. And we feel as we would build the platform next year, we would put through the platform, 100 startups that would help Jack War and Land Rover.
So I'm a startup. How do I know the timing of these cohorts and when to apply to join the program? Perfect. You know, let me pick on another industry supply chain. So we run supply chain or sustainability, which are two of my favorite verticals. We run them in California, like starting February, we select the companies and in June, they graduate.
But we also run supply chain in Benton's will, Northwest Arkansas. So we try to run that at a little bit of a different calendar time. So a startup could both attend our California program, then go to Benton's will to do a trial with JB Hans and Walmart. And then if they have to bandwidth, we'll invite them to Hamburg, which also runs a supply chain program to, you know, try their luck with Kun and Nagel or BD Shanker, which run the biggest freight companies in the world. You could really get your top five customers through us.
我们还在阿肯色州西北部的本顿斯威尔运营供应链业务。因此,我们试图在稍微不同的日历时间内运行。因此,一家初创公司可以参加我们加利福尼亚计划,然后前往本顿斯威尔与JB汉斯和沃尔玛试验。如果他们有带宽,我们将邀请他们前往汉堡,那里也运营供应链项目,让他们试试与Kun和Nagel或BD Shanker合作,这些公司是世界上最大的货运公司。你真的可以通过我们找到你的前五个客户。
And so you don't take, you don't take a payment and you don't take equity up front. When do you decide to invest? Great, great question. We feel like going back to early days, we consider ourselves a okay businessman, but we did not know technology deeply.
So we used to like when we met Dropbox, we took them to Sequoia to help us to do due diligence. And when Sequoia becomes excited, we become excited and we coinvest with them. So we have taken that concept to like a great lens that when we find a great entrepreneur team and technology, we generally show them to 10 VCs and 10 corporate partners and we capture their thoughts. What they think it's great, what they think the startup may need to improve on. And you could say collectively, we come up with the best decision, but everybody does their own final decision to invest or not to invest. As well as the corporate partners, make a final decision to license the technology or not license the technology.
我们曾经很喜欢 Dropbox,所以我们带他们到 Sequoia 帮助我们进行尽职调查。当 Sequoia 也变得兴奋时,我们也会变得兴奋,然后和他们共同投资。所以我们提出了一个伟大的观点,当我们找到一个伟大的创业者团队和技术时,通常会向 10 个 VC 和 10 个公司合作伙伴展示他们,并获取他们的想法。他们认为什么很棒,他们认为这个创业公司可能需要改进什么。我们可以说,我们集体做出了最好的决策,但每个人都会做出自己的最终投资决定。此外,公司合作伙伴也会做出最终决定,是否许可技术。
Right, well, you're making 250 investments a year, right? I made four today. We have Monday and Thursdays. We have investment committee, but I mean, normally it's not four, but today was actually four because I just came back from Canada and I was very excited that we are opening the office in Calgary and Edmonton. So I wanted to do a couple of investment from the people I met over there. Just for context for people who are listening to this later, it's 1 p.m. today.
Fantastic. So you referenced Dropbox. I told you I had PageMon on the show earlier. And he also talked some about the early days. Just bring these two stories together a little bit for me. Were you the owner of the buildings where PageMon got his start?
Yes, yes, we are the owner of Medallion, Rod Gallery on University Avenue. And then we purchased the lucky building where we met PayPal and then Google grow there from three, four people to 50 people. But they really like sometimes when you do real estate, they say location, location, location are the three most important things. I think in the technology world, location and timing and connections are the most important thing. So like many other business people, we were on University Avenue and the way to Stanford. So we just took advantage of being there, getting to know down entrepreneurs and making a lot of angel investing, which brought us to this plug and play platform right now. And in plug and play, these entrepreneurs built their dreams and they changed the world. And I'm really privileged to be part of their journey and make a little money along the way. Yeah, but it's amazing. I mean, that, you know, I was at Google early, but not that early. That was out of Susan's garage into your building, right? Exactly. If you remember, it was Larry Sergei, Salar who later on ran YouTube and then later on, Omit Kordistani joined them. And then the rest this history. Your friends with the meat, if I remember correctly. Yes, absolutely. He's semi-retired and he's trying to make me retired. He thinks two days of golf per week is not enough. And so Omit Zod, which I referenced, that was you, your brother, Pajemon coming together, hosting Sukhoj at your rug gallery, that sort of thing. Exactly. And I believe that we made around 65 investments over seven, eight year period. It was small investment, but the results were great. So that is why slowly, at least my hobby, became my main business. Hey, amazing.
是的,我们是在大学大道上的Medallion和Rod Gallery的所有者。然后,我们购买了那座幸运建筑,在那里我们遇见了PayPal和Google,他们从3到4个人发展到50个人。但有时候,房地产的关键是位置,位置和位置。在技术世界里,位置、时机和联系是最重要的。像其他商业人士一样,我们在大学大道上,通往斯坦福的路上。因此,我们利用了这个机会,认识了不少企业家,并进行了许多天使投资,这将我们带到了Plug and Play平台之中。在Plug and Play中,这些企业家实现了他们的梦想,改变了世界。而我很荣幸能够成为他们旅程中的一部分,并在其中赚取一些钱。确实令人惊奇,我在Google时期比较早,但不是那么早。那起初是从Susan的车库搬到你们的建筑里,对吧?没错。如果你记得的话,那时是Larry Sergei、Salar和后来管理YouTube的Omit Kordistani。然后就是历史了。如果我没记错,你和那个肉店老板是朋友吧。是的,完全正确。他半退休,正在努力让我退休。他认为每周两天高尔夫球不够。所以,我提到的Omit Zod,就是你、你的兄弟Pajemon在你们的地毯画廊一起接待了Sukhoj。确切地说,我相信我们在七八年的时期里进行了大约65项投资。虽然投资不大,但效果很好。所以,我的兴趣慢慢成为了我的主要业务。太棒了!
And so what did you just say? Location, timing and connection. And that kind of brings me to Los Angeles or the media industry. We are really planning and hoping that we'd our location in LA. We would have major content producers, major advertisers, join the platform. And so I believe every industry has to be quiet, agile, like the same way as, for example, Netflix has become one of the top valued media companies. We don't know what is next. How the media world will change, the sports world will change, but the one thing is 100% sure, there will be a change.
那么,你刚才说了什么?地点、时间和联系。这让我想到洛杉矶或媒体行业。我们真的在计划和希望我们的位置在洛杉矶。我们将有重要的内容制作人和重要的广告商加入平台。所以我相信每个行业都必须安静、灵活,就像 Netflix 成为顶级媒体公司之一的方式一样。我们不知道接下来会发生什么。媒体世界和体育世界将如何改变,但有一件事是100%肯定的,就是将会发生变化。
And do you have any trends that you're watching in the media world? Web three NFTs?
你有在观察媒体世界的任何趋势吗?比如Web 3.0的NFTs吗?
Yes, you know, like we ran the first Bitcoin meetup in the world. I think it was a roughly 10 years ago. And it's a new world. And I think it like every asset class, you have real estate, stock, bond, etc. Dewey will have a cryptocurrency or digital assets as part of their portfolio. And I think it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Great. So you're going to be or you have set up this innovation platform in LA at 1010 Wilshire. So we've got location. And tell me about connection and how you build that connection, that community in a new location.
好的,那么你要在洛杉矶1010 Wilshire建立创新平台,对吧?我们已经有了地点。告诉我关于联系的事情,以及你如何在新地点建立联系和社群。
So we are planning to have an event possibly every week, Friday at 12 o'clock, where we would like to feature around five start-ups from Southern California. And it will piggyback our Friday events in Northern California, where we have about 50 VCs and 50 corporate partner looking at about 20 start-ups per week.
So we love to add another five from Southern California. And interestingly enough, every week we have a special theme. We have a mobility and IoT theme one week. Then the following week we may have financial services. So I would very much welcome your audience and people from Southern California to join us and guide us for these weekly events.
For the people who haven't come and visited us, we have perhaps the best rooftop in LA with the 400 trees, swimming pool, etc. We have about two acres of rooftop. So we would love to hold this event and try to build again a community and connections.
It sounds like you just invited us all to come up parties on your roof on Friday afternoons. Absolutely. Great.
So you've built this international program with thousands of start-ups every year. What was your vision when you started and what is your vision for the future of plug-and-play?
I have to be transparent. Initially when I started plug-and-play, it was called plug-and-play real estate. And it was a co-working space. And I thought, you know, I purchased this building from Philips Electronics.
And then you know, when I filled it up with start-ups and some corporates, the value of the building went up by 5x. So I thought it was great. And then I, as I talk to everyone on my start-ups, I realize other than real estate, what they need is money and customers.
So I could say like plug-and-play kind of evolve, you know, starting with real estate and data center before ABWS. We actually offer the start-ups they could come in and run their servers in two hours. So then we kind of expanded the products that we offer to our start-ups, which by 4 is the corporate connections.
And then if a start-up is very successful in the financial industry here and they want to penetrate Japan, which is one of the biggest markets in the world, they could arrive in Tokyo or Osaka at our office and they will have 10 free-scheduled appointments with the biggest bank, MUFG or Somitomo or the biggest insurance company like Daiichi Life or Sample.
Yeah, and I also see it very differentiated in the other direction. I mean, this is sort of a marketplace, if you will, which is corporate partners. They could work with any VC and yet I don't really know that even Sequoia has built out the depth of corporate partnerships.
是的,我也看到在另一个方向上的区别非常大。我的意思是,这种情况有点像一个市场,那就是企业合作伙伴。他们可以与任何风投公司合作,但我并不确信连 Sequoia 都已完全建立企业合作伙伴关系的深度。
We know how did you get that going and how have you thought about really nurturing the corporate side of things? You know, again, it was not easy or it didn't happen overnight.
In the beginning, I remember J&J came to us and they asked us, can you run an accelerator for us? And we said absolutely yes. So that went incredibly well and that kind of jump started us in this vertical accelerator. Then Munich 3, which perhaps is the largest re-insurance company in the world and they have about 3,000 insurance companies as clients and they also asked us, the whole insurance industry is moving so fast, can be jointly open up an innovation platform in short-tech.
So I wish I was smart enough to tell you I had a grand plan and I execute on it really well. But it was not like that. It's like I had a lot of trial and error. And then when something worked, I just expanded on it. And, you know, in Southern California, I have a funny story. The two founders of Honey came to see us up here, the company that PayPal just purchased for Billion.
And we thought it was an incredible idea, you know, to serving coupon instead of cutting coupons from magazines or newspapers. But they really executed well. And again, I used to go to the business plan competition in Stanford, USC or UCLA. And I was like, my God, these people talk to each other. Every business plan competition had five of the same ideas. But you just have to say which team can execute better?
So say you're flying around the world, you're connecting people, your open new innovation platforms. You know, how do you think about where to spend your own time and to focus plug and play for what needs to be focused on to bring it into the future?
假设你正在环游世界,连接人们,开创新的创新平台。你知道,你应该如何考虑在哪里和如何花费自己的时间,以及如何将plug and play的重点放在未来需求上?
You know, first of all, like I am the audience cannot see me, but I'm pretty mature, elderly guy. So people will also tell me say, why do you work so hard or when is the retirement coming? I tell them, if I find something else to do that I will have more fun, I will do it.
But in general, what drives me is how many entrepreneurs or startups use the platform to build their dreams. And VR had around 2000 per year right now. And with or without me, I think this number will grow. You know, like last week, I was in Edmonton and Calgary and we're going to put through the program there for clean resources, digital health and AI, 100 companies per year.
It's really, I don't know what drives me, but I enjoy meeting the startups, I enjoy making a positive impact in their startups. And you ask me, what is the future like? You know, I think we have enough verticals. What I hope to do is to expand these verticals in different geographic cities or countries. Then what I'm doing is we are having a fund on top of each one of these verticals.
But I am, I believe incredibly content and happy where I am. So all I hope to do is to make plug and play a lasting innovation platform for everyone to benefit from. So keep going on this thought, which is more about you. I like to ask, how do friends describe you?
That's a very interesting question. I would hope they would say, you know, I am passionate. And what I do, I give it 100%. I am incredibly optimistic. And I, again, people talking about retirement, I play about 120 days of golf per year. So I don't know if I can play anymore. You know, I take at least a month vacation here. I'm sort of European style. And I really enjoy my family, my children, and even more my granddaughter. So I don't know. I think they would say I'm quite lucky guy. I love that.
So just positive for a second. Is there anything else I feel like we covered so much? Was there anything else you'd like to talk more about?
The only thing is again, as your audience is a very Southern California centric. I would love to ask you as well as your audience that if you have any advice for us, and if you do want to become connected to plug and play, please reach out to me personally. And I make sure the right people will follow up. But I am very much looking forward to making LA as one of our strongest offices and hubs in the world.
唯一需要注意的是,您的听众是来自南加州的。我想问问您和您的听众是否有什么建议可以分享,如果您想加入Plug and Play,请与我联系,我会确保让正确的人跟进。我非常期待让洛杉矶成为我们全球最强劲的办事处和中心之一。
Fantastic. Well, I look forward to crossing paths much more in the LA ecosystem with you, with your colleagues, with your rooftop. I'm really glad to have you in LA. And I look forward to all that we're going to hear about plug and play in the future. Thank you so much for having me in your podcast.
太好了。我很期待在洛杉矶的生态系统中更常与你、你的同事、你们的屋顶相遇。我非常高兴你在洛杉矶。我期待未来听到Plug and Play的所有消息。非常感谢你让我参与你的播客。