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Meet Patient First.AI | 2023 Harvard President's Innovation Challenge

发布时间 2023-05-24 23:48:21    来源


Patient First.AI, the $75,000 winner in the Alumni & Affiliates Open Track, is a digital health card to store, analyze, and monitor a patient’s health records all in one place so they can be seamlessly shared with physicians, pharmacies, and labs. Learn more about Patient First.AI: https://pic2023.innovationlabs.harvard.edu/team/patient-first-ai The yearly President’s Innovation Challenge is an invitation to Harvard students and select alumni & affiliate-led ventures to propel their ideas forward. The PIC is also an opportunity to win a share of $515,000 in non-dilutive funding, made possible by a gift from the Bertarelli Foundation. Throughout the seven-month process, teams develop their ventures with robust support from the Harvard Innovation Labs. https://innovationlabs.harvard.edu/



92% of medical data is recorded via pen and paper in emerging markets. This paper is often lost, never updated, and leads to late diagnosis and irregular monitoring of patients' health. There are 50 million chronic disease patients who lose their life every single year.

I'm Fizza Shaka, the CEO and co-founder for Patient First AI. Our solution is a smart health card that digitizes and stores all your medical records in one place. And then provides personalized care through AI to these patients for physicians. We provide them with a digi-pen technology that allows them to capture data without any change in behavior.
我是Fizza Shaka,Patient First AI的CEO和联合创始人。我们的解决方案是一种智能健康卡,将您的所有医疗记录数字化并存储在一个地方,然后通过人工智能为这些患者提供个性化的医疗护理。我们为医生提供了一种数字笔技术,可以捕捉数据而不改变行为。

Our team of engineers, public health, and government leaders have faced this issue firsthand, which makes us passionate to solve the spot problem. Since our launch, we have thousands of patients that have been impacted by now carrying their health records on this smart digital health card.

No matter where they go, so join us in keeping patients first. Thank you.